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Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5)

Page 15

by Sapphire Knight

  She runs ahead of me, attempting to block my path. “Sir, please, family only!”

  “You got two seconds to get the fuck outta my way! That’s my woman back there and you’re a liability, fuckin’ choose wisely!” I growl and Avery pops her head out of a door, eyes wide.

  “Twist,” she calls, “hurry, she’s pushing! Get in here!”

  The other nurse opens the door waving me back to the room. “Let him back.”

  I cock my eyebrow at the nurse in front of me and she quickly moves out of the way so I can get to Sadie.

  “Come on, Twist!” Avery rushes me and I damn near run inside the delivery room, washing my hands and putting on a pair of gloves as fast as possible.

  “Aghhhhhhh!” I’m torn away from my task with Sadie howling, making me rush to her side. “Oh, Twist!” she mumbles breathily, her brow sweaty and pale.

  I turn to the doctor, “The fuck she look like this?”

  “She’s doing great, son; take her hand and show her some support.”

  It takes everything in me to hold myself back from threatening his life, but so help me, if anything happens to her, I’ll fuckin’ hang him next to that sign out front.

  “Ohhhhh!” she calls again, tears falling from her eyes, and it’s like a knife driving into me seeing her so uncomfortable.

  “You got this, Sunshine; don’t you worry, baby.” She grips my hand tightly as I rub her hair and stare into her eyes.

  “It hurts so bad!”

  “I know, Sadie. Just look at me, concentrate on my voice. I’m here baby, I made it.” My throat gets tight for some reason as I admit that I actually got here in time.

  The doctor looks up at Sadie. “You have to keep pushing with the contractions; one or two more and we should have this baby!”

  “Ouch.” She mumbles, “Out, out, ouuuuutttt!” she finishes on a yell, pushing. She breathes deeply then bears down again.

  “That’s it! Very good!” Dr. Marsh exclaims and Sadie pushes once more, crying.

  Kissing her brow, I wipe her tears for her. “So strong, Sunshine; I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, baby.”

  “I love you, Twist.” Her gaze meets mine and my walls crumble the rest of the way.

  “I love you.” I whisper back, kissing her lips chastely, falling a little more in love with her—if that’s even possible.

  We’re interrupted by a cry from the baby and a happy doctor. “Congrats, you have a son!” Dr. Marsh exclaims, and places the tiny infant wrapped in a thin blanket into my large hands. After I stare at him for a few beats I carefully hand him over to Sadie, not wanting to hurt the tiny guy.

  I did it. I kept my promise to her—to both of them. I made it in time and I’m going to be in their lives for whenever they need me. I’ll stay as long as they’ll have me and I’ll love them both with everything that I am.

  Avery comes over again, smiling at the baby. “What are you going to call him?”

  Sadie peers at me for a second before shyly asking, “What’s your name?”

  I swear I hear the doctor choke at her words and it makes me want to laugh.

  “Twist. You know that, Sunshine.”

  “No, umm, your other name.”

  I stare at her confused for a minute trying to think of what else the guys call me before it clicks what she’s asking me. She wants my birth name, the one my mother gave me.

  “Cyle Marks.”

  Sadie nods and turns back to Avery, “I’m going to name him Cyle Travis Marks.”

  My chest swells at her words. He may not be mine by blood, but she just gave me a son by name. A gift I didn’t think I’d ever have in my lifetime once again.

  “Thank you,” I mumble quietly, and kiss her forehead.

  She just gave me the best reason there is to live.

  Two weeks later…

  I wake up to Sadie’s perky round ass pushed into my groin, my neglected cock wishing it could have a morning treat.

  “Errrmmm.” I groan and start to kiss on her neck, nipping along the sensitive piece that meets her shoulder.

  It works; giving her goose bumps and making her push her ass into me more, driving my desire for her even higher. Her skin always tastes sweet to me. I don’t know if it’s her body wash, or just her, but I could run my tongue over her tempting body for hours if she’d let me. I can never seem to get enough no matter what I do.

  My hand crawls over her ribs, cupping her engorged tit, playing with the stiff nipple in between my fingers and kissing further behind her neck. Her breast starts leaking, the warm fluid running over my fingertips and fuck if it isn’t so goddamn sexy, knowing her body can make, carry and feed a child. I wonder if she’d let me suck on them?

  “Twist?” She mumbles groggily as my dick continues to get harder, thoroughly worked up for play time. Her sleepy voice is its own version of an aphrodisiac in the morning, so soft and innocent, making me want to ram my dick down her throat. The sadist in me craves hearing her choke a little. I’m fucked up like that though.

  “Yeah, Sunshine?” I rasp and the baby starts crying, effectively putting any hope of her hands going down my pants far, far away.

  “Sorry, I have to get Cyle. He probably needs his diaper changed.”

  “It’s all good.” But it’s not, my dick protests, throbbing in my body’s defense.

  I understand she needs to tend to him, I’ve gotten used to it over the past few weeks, but I’m frustrated. At this point I want to maul her ass, but I can’t, ‘cause we gotta fuckin’ wait for another two to four weeks. The doctor says if she’s feeling okay in two weeks we can have anal sex and in four more weeks she should be healed enough to have regular sex. Feels like an eternity to me though.

  She climbs out of bed, her ass clad in a small pair of black panties with the bottom of my T-shirt raising when she takes a step. I swear, I’ve never been so horny in my entire goddamn life, even deployed it wasn’t like this. I have this ache inside to have her repeatedly, branding her with my scent.

  I throw on some clothes, heading to the bathroom to try and tame this beast enough so I don’t pee all over the goddamn place.

  When I return to the room, she’s sitting with him quietly, nursing, and looking more incredible with each passing day. I can’t help but to stop and stare for a beat.

  “What?” she asks with a grin.

  “Just thinking about how lucky I am,” I shrug, and she smiles brightly. Always my fuckin’ light…I swear she reminds me of the sun somehow, pulling me toward her warmth. “I’ll be back later; Prez was supposed to be stoppin’ through this mornin’. You good?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “All right, I’ll be back later.”

  She nods and I’m out the door with one last look, taking in my own personal slice of heaven in the form of my Sadie baby. After blowing her a kiss and making her cheeks turn red, I’m off to the kitchen to get a drink, then to find out what the hell’s going on today. I know one things for certain, it’s time I tell the brothers she’s gonna be my ol’ lady, even if she doesn’t know it yet. I want her to have a cut with my name blasted across it so everyone who sees her knows that she belongs to the crazy one.

  “Twist?” 2 Piece calls as soon as he notices me on my way to the kitchen.

  He catches up to me, looking exhausted.

  “You guys finally made it back?” They’ve been in Cali this entire time, battling with the Iron Fists. I wanted to go back up there so badly, but Sadie needed me here to help her with the baby. Avery offered to step in so I could go, but I made a promise that they would always be my first priority and I’m sticking to that. It sucks not being there for my brothers through this, but I’ve needed this time I’ve gotten to spend with Sadie, just to give her my all and in return, I’ve been rewarded with a love like no other.

  “Yeah, last night,” he grumbles, pouring a cup of coffee on autopilot, scratching his chest.

  “So what’s up?”

  “Ares gave Prez the heads-u
p yesterday; that’s why there’s church in a few.”


  I grab some sweet tea with lemon, thanks to Sadie getting me hooked and head to the bar.

  “Prez.” I acknowledge as soon as I see him sitting on a stool looking just as tired as 2 Piece. “You straight?”

  “Ugh,” he lets out a sigh, “I was up at that damn hospital in Austin all night with Mona. She swears that she’s losing time and whenever she brings it up, all I can do is lie awake and watch her. Who needs sleep at this point, I want to remember every damn minute I get with her, if that’s the case. The doctors say to stay hopeful, but it’s hard enough for me, I can only imagine how it must be for her.”

  “She ain’t doin’ better with the medicine?”

  “Well they claim it’s working the course, but she’s dropped so much weight, and she was always a skinny thing anyhow. She’s lost all her color and hair, always hooked up to one machine or another, she constantly talks about wanting to give up. I swear if something happens to her, I won’t make it. I was so stupid and stubborn for all these years, and now the one person I’ve loved since I was a kid, is suffering, no matter what I do.”

  “I’m sorry, brother.” I stare at the floor, because I don’t really know what to say to make it any better for him. Not only is it Mona, but he lost his closest friend a few weeks ago, I feel horrible for the guy.

  “Listen to me, Twist, don’t ever let someone or something stand in your way when it comes to the woman you love. I remember when I first found you; I said to myself, this man is going to kill himself if I don’t do something. Now for the first time in years, it’s like you’ve finally woken up, whatever has given you that hope, hold onto it, and don’t fuck it up.”

  “I got you, boss. I don’t plan on lettin’ anything take them away from me,” I reply, referring to Sadie and Cyle.

  “You coming back for her was the first step, she’s a good woman, the way she looks after you and that new baby, she’ll love you with everything she has if you let her. I was so stupid and blind not to see it back in my time.”

  “I’mma tell her my shit, just not yet, she needs to concentrate on Cyle. I’ve told her a little already.”

  “No,” he shakes his head, peering at me, “no waiting. You get it out and let her help heal you, ‘cause a good woman will do that for you, they’ll take away the pain and replace it with love.”

  “All right, I’ll talk things over with her.”

  Prez is the one man in this place I respect enough to really listen and take his words seriously on shit. Even with him lying to the club awhile back and keeping Mona’s sickness from us, he still holds my admiration. The man’s shoulders are full, yet he always manages a way to figure it all out.

  “Let’s get to Church; I want to hear all about what Ares has for us.”

  “Bet.” I follow him, ready to find out as well.

  Broken crayons still color.



  The gavel slams and it’s kind of strange seeing Prez in his spot. I’ve grown used to Ares running things around here lately. It’s weird how you start expecting and trusting someone else without even realizing it.

  He takes a drink of his bottled water as everyone quiets.

  “Well, let’s have it, Ares,” Prez orders, giving Ares the floor to fill us all in on what happened in California.

  “Right. By the time we made it there, the Nomads had torched the entire fucking clubhouse,” Ares grumbles irritated.

  The Nomad, Viking, stands. “You told us to take care of it!” he angrily grits out. “No blow back on the Texas chapter I believe were your words, weren’t they? Cough up and admit, you’re glad you didn’t have to hear those men screaming as they fuckin’ burned!” His voice gets angrier as he stares the Prez down. “You call this an MC, you shouldn’t have left a pussy in charge while you were gone!”

  Ares thrashes his chair back suddenly, standing in a rush, ready to square off with the blond giant of a man, “The fuck you call me, boy?” he roars.

  “P.U.S.S.Y.” He spells out slowly so everyone can hear each consonant, “Motherfucker, you were happy to sit back when we handed the little bitches over to you, now you want to act like we were out of turn! Grow some fucking nuts and man up!”

  At that, Ares launches over the table in a rush toward the Nomad, everyone jumping out of the way quickly as he throws himself over the vast object, getting his hands around Viking’s throat. He grips tightly, applying pressure and attempting to strangle the big Viking to death.

  The men struggle to take each other to the ground; both evenly matched in size—the only thing that’s saving Viking from Ares’ wrath.

  Viking punches the back of Ares’ head and at the same time, his forehead flies forward, smashing into Ares’ nose, catching him off guard and sending blood down his face.

  “Arggggg!” Ares lets loose a roar of anger and slams Viking into the wall, driving his fist into his stomach a few times, on a mission to do some damage.

  Prez wolf whistles and yells, “Get them the fuck apart, now goddamn it! They’re going to fucking kill each other! Holy fuck!”

  The Nomads sit still, not making a move to break it up; it’s not their style to stop a fight. Hell, it’s not ours either but we’re a part of the same club and Ares fights to murder as does this Nomad he’s squaring off with.

  I know I’ll probably get hit, but jump into the middle like a dumbass regardless, Spin and 2 Piece doing their best to tear them apart as well. Prez hollers out the door and a few beats later, Shooter and Scratch run in to help us get Ares and Viking apart.

  The guys are like fuckin’ pissed off horses or some shit, making us normal men feel small. I’m actually six foot one and they make me feel like a damn dwarf. Cain keeps his distance, not getting involved since he’s so close to Ares.

  Prez slams his palms on the table, the noise echoing loudly in its wake. “You do not show your ass in church! Now both of you shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down, it’s not a time to be measuring cock size, for fuck’s sake!”

  Everyone scoots their chairs back, Ares panting and glowering at Viking, while Viking reties his hair in a bun, taking his seat against the wall. The prospects stand next to the door looking unsure what to do next.

  “We’ll come back to the Cali shit in a bit. Scratch, leave us.” Prez gestures to the door.

  Scratch nods, closing the door after he leaves.

  “Really quick, I wanna have a vote on Shooter. That way if he becomes a full member he can hear what we discuss. If not, I’ll send him out and we’ll continue.”

  Shooter’s eyebrows shoot up and he stands a little straighter, awaiting the outcome of his immediate future.

  “I’ve wanted nothing more since I started this club with my good friend Smiles, may he rest in peace, than for men to join in the ranks. I believe Shooter makes a good candidate to be a patched member based on what all Ares filled me in on. Shooter stood strong when the brothers needed him in this last run to fix shit in South Texas, I vote yay.”

  Prez goes around the table, not including the Nomads since they aren’t full-time members of our chapter. The brothers each vote yay, knowing Shooter deserves the patch, that he’s earned it by having our backs and never folding.

  “Good. Son, take a seat against the wall and sit in. I’ll have London get your patches, it may take a little while but eventually we’ll get them to ya. Smiles would be happy knowing we’ve gotten a new member.” Prez grins.

  Shooter nods and Prez turns back to us, “Now, let’s try this shit again.” He focuses on our Enforcer. “Cain, tell us what happened?”

  “Sure. We met with Ace and some of the other Death Chasers. They had already secured Blaze, the Fists VP, which we brought back with us. When we found the Nomads, everything was already gone. The clubhouse was burned down to the ground along with any men that were inside so we were unable to bring any others back with us.”

sign of the club’s Enforcer, Ghost?”

  “No. The Death Chasers hadn’t seen him and Blaze wouldn’t give up anything right away. We thought maybe with a little bit of time, he’d give in and share a location with us.”

  “Was Ghost with the others?” Prez looks over at Exterminator.

  “Nope, didn’t see that fucker anywhere.”


  At that my blood boils. I should have gone with them; maybe I could have gotten to him. Sadie’s no better off now than she was before, but now with a kid in tow. His kid. No, Cyle is mine, just as much as Sadie is.

  “Where’s Blaze?” Prez inquires.

  “He’s in the shed.” Cain nods toward the left, where the shed’s located out back.

  “Good, maybe we can get some information out of him then, leave him be for now, but eventually we’ll open him up from his belly to his head if we have to and tie his intestines into knots. I’m not above torture if it’ll find us Ghost. I want this club dealt with and the threats over with from them.” He takes another drink, not faced with the gruesome image he just spoke of and then looks around, “Anything else?”

  I rap my knuckles on the table, pushing my anxiety to the side. “Yeah. I have something to discuss with y’all,” I speak up.

  Everyone’s gaze turns to me and Prez cocks his eyebrow, “You’re not torturing Blaze right now.” He grumbles and I huff, irritated that everyone’s always telling me no at this table. It’s not what I wanted to talk about so I charge forward and get out what I want to say.

  “Sadie’s my bitch, I’m claimin’ her, I don’t give a fuck what any of you pricks gotta say ‘bout it, she’s mine, ain’t nothin’ to it.” I scowl down at the table as my fingertips tap away at a melody running through my head, ready for the brothers to start yelling and protesting.

  I’m surprised my daughter isn’t talking to me like crazy right now. She’s been pretty quiet and it’s throwing me for a loop.

  It’s silent for what feels like an eternity so I glance up, to find everyone looking at me intently.


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