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The Space Merchants

Page 14

by Wendie Nordgren

"Of course." Simon spoke into a small wall mounted vid-screen. A man appeared a few moments later with a tray. He placed it on a table. Another man entered with bed trays, placing one in front of both Yukihyo and me. The first man placed a cup of coffee on my tray and a glass of juice. He put down a bowl filled with pieces of fruit too. Yukihyo's tray had eggs, steak, and pancakes.

  "Well," I said. He had eaten four large fork fulls by the time I managed my first sip of coffee. Simon and Phillip sat and talked about spiders while we ate breakfast. Arachneans not only depended on the spiders for silk, but also they kept domesticated spiders as pets.

  Simon asked Phillip, "Would you like to see mine?"

  "Sure!" Phillip said. Simon left. I sipped my coffee. I couldn't run screaming from the room in my current condition. Simon returned. A blue and black spider with white lines on its blue abdomen clung to his chest. Simon stroked his hand down the creature's cephalothorax as one might stroke the back of a cat. It crawled down his body to the floor. Yukihyo started laughing.

  "What does it do?" I asked.

  "Oh, he keeps me company. Bugs don't last long in my home. He knows his name and comes when I call." Simon demonstrated. "Cass, come here, boy." I heard an unnerving skittering sound, and then Cass leaped from the floor to Simon's chest.

  "Don't be afraid, my love," said Yukihyo. The man came for my tray.

  "Thank you, sir."

  "You are welcome, my lady." He left.

  "If you pet Cass, you will no longer fear him," Yukihyo told me.

  "He won't hurt you, Teagan. Will you try? Surely, after what you have just survived, my little pet here should not worry you."

  Phillip joined in, "Pretend it's a puppy, Cupcake."

  "Fine," I said.

  Simon brought it over to me. My palms were sweating. I wiped my right palm on the sheet. Simon took my hand in his and moved my fingers over the spider's abdomen. It was soft. I petted it again. It crawled closer, and I stilled.

  "Cass likes you. It's okay," Simon encouraged. "You know, Teagan. There is a certain little guy who has been pining away for you these past two days," Simon told me while I petted Cass.


  "Do you remember the little guy who followed you in my forest?"

  "The spider?"

  "Yes, he followed you all the way here through the trees. He has been in the hall this entire time, refusing food, and trying to watch over you." Simon placed his hand on the bed for Cass who crawled up to his shoulder. Cass took up all of Simon's large shoulder. Simon asked, "Would you mind petting the poor little fellow, so his heart doesn't break?"

  "What if he bites me?" Simon assured me he wouldn't. "Is he telling me the truth?" I asked.

  Phillip said, "See for yourself." He pointed to a spot above the door out in the hall. I saw several eyes peeking at me.

  "It is why we have left the door open. It seems that I am not the only one to bond with you," Yukihyo said. Simon stood in the doorway and lifted his hand. The blue and black spider crawled to his hand and onto his arm. Simon stroked its back. Its eyes focused on me. Simon brought it closer.

  "I'll place him on the bed. Hold your hand out with your palm up." I laid my right hand down on the bed. The spider's feelers opened and closed. It inched closer to me moving its legs slowly. It reached my hand and touched its feelers to my palm. It made a soft chittering sound and came closer. It rubbed its mouth, or what Simon called chelicera, against my palm. It tickled, and I laughed at it. It chittered at me again. Slowly, I lifted my hand and petted it the way I had petted Cass. It blinked its eyes at me. It crawled onto my lap and pulled its legs under it. Simon returned to his chair. He, Phillip, and Yukihyo had a conversation. I stroked the soft hairs on the spider until I fell asleep.

  When I woke up, the spider was still in my lap. "It refused to leave you," Yukihyo said. He got up and went to the bathroom.

  "Yukihyo, my hair hurts. Will you please take it down?" He helped me sit against the pillows and began removing the bun braided against my head. Yukihyo ran his fingers through my hair to comb it and massaged my scalp.

  "Is that better?"

  "Oh, yes. Please don't stop."

  "Yukihyo, shame on you. Teagan is in no condition for your manly attentions," Phillip said as he walked in with Hiroshi behind him. I blushed.

  Yukihyo said, "I'm going to walk around inside the house a bit. I'll be close if you need me.” The spider chittered in my lap. It calmed when I stroked its back.

  "It looks as though you have made a new friend," Hiroshi said. He reached down and rubbed behind its eyes.

  "I guess so." Phillip asked me to move my spider. "Come here, boy," I said as I tapped the bed by my hip. He moved which surprised me. Phillip checked the bandaged skin on my stomach. It was still a little pink where the worst of the scratches had been, but healed. My feet were better, too, but still tender. Phillip said my back had healed, but would remain sore for a few days. I could open my left eye again. My face, knee, and hip ached. My arm actually hurt.

  The man, Stewart, brought me a tray with coffee, juice, and a plate with little bites of meat and vegetables. I put the saucer that had been under the coffee cup on the bed next to me. I put a piece of the meat on it to see if the spider would eat it. I drank the juice and had a bite. After I ate a bite, the spider ate a bite. I ate another bite and put another piece of meat on the saucer. He ate it too. He refused to eat any of the vegetables. After we finished, I drank my coffee. Stewart removed the saucer and the tray. Phillip gave me permission to soak in the tub on the conditions that I could stand with his help and walk to the bathroom with minimal help. I remained really sore, but I got up and made it there slowly, by myself with a little limping. Phillip filled the tub.

  "Try to keep your cast out of the water, Teagan. No, I will not close the door. We will be here in these chairs. Someone will help you out of the tub. Do not argue." When he stepped out, I got my arms out of the robe. It fell. I left it there and carefully stepped into the tub. I sank in, and it was bliss. I dipped my head under the water and scrubbed at my scalp with my right hand. When I surfaced the spider watched me from the sink. I couldn't figure out how to open the shampoo with one hand.

  "Phillip, is Yukihyo out there?"

  "Yes," answered Yukihyo in his deep monotone. He came into the bathroom. "Let me guess," he said as he knelt down, poured shampoo into his hand, and began washing my hair for me. After I was clean and rinsed, I drained the tub. Yukihyo dried me off and helped me out. "Stay here for a moment." He returned with undies and a gown.

  "Thank you. This is much better. I almost feel normal again. I got back into a bed that had been remade with clean sheets. I made a kissing noise. "Here, boy." The spider crawled up the bed and to my lap. Hiroshi raised an eyebrow and grunted.

  He said, "Teagan, we have business to conclude on Arachne. I want you to spend the day here with Simon. Our hope is that you will be well enough to return to Tora tomorrow. Okay?" I frowned.

  "I guess. Will you be back tonight?"

  "Yes," Yukihyo answered. Yukihyo kissed me on the forehead, Phillip put a fresh pain patch on my arm, and then they left. Simon came in with Cass.

  "Are you feeling better, Teagan?"

  "Much. Thank you for letting me stay here."

  "Of course, dear lady. You must promise to stay here whenever you visit Arachne. Have you decided what to name him?" I looked at the blue grey spider with his black legs.

  "No, he comes when I say 'here boy.' Do you want a name spider?" It chittered at me. "What are those blue flowers over there called?" I asked as I gestured toward a flower filled vase.

  "Those are salvia."

  "Do you like that boy? Salvia?" He looked at me. "What about Foggy?" He gave no reaction. It still rained outside, and thunder boomed making me jump. "You do look like a big fat raindrop. How about Thunderdrop?" He chittered. "Do you like that? Here, Thunderdrop." He came to me and rubbed his feelers against my hand.

  "I'll get Stewart to put cans of
food and a few dishes in crates for you," Simon said.

  "Why?" I asked. Simon smiled at me and turned his pale blue eyes to Thunderdrop.

  "You will be taking Thunderdrop with you, of course. He loves you. You will find him to be a devoted friend." Thunderdrop and I exchanged glances, and then he crawled into my lap. "He has imprinted on you, Teagan."

  Other than giving me an eight-eyed pet, Simon had sent Stewart off to select an entire new wardrobe for me made of Arachnean silk. Another surprise came in the form of two ladies who descended upon me. One of the ladies spent time on my hair, and once she had finished, it hung in an intricate single loose braid. The other lady managed to repair the damage to my finger and toe nails. Being pampered all day did improve my morale. Thunderdrop enjoyed his own form of pampering. He had begun to make a purring noise whenever I rubbed the spaces between his leg joints. He crawled up my arm and nestled between my braid and shoulder. I went to sleep and stayed that way until Simon woke me.

  "Teagan, you have visitors," Simon woke me by running his hand along my jaw. My eyelid slowly opened, followed more slowly by the still swollen one on the left. "May I help you sit up?" I pushed myself up to a sitting position, while Simon adjusted the pillows behind me. I scooted back against them. Simon carried a beautiful patterned robe with dark blue swirls on aqua silk to me. Simon helped me get my arms into it and then lifted me to straighten it out underneath before tying it in the front. Then, he adjusted my bedding.

  "Thank you, Simon. You are very kind," I said.

  Simon patted Thunderdrop and said, "I'll see your visitors up." Moments later Simon returned with the Galaxic Militia doctor and officer who had been here the day of the attack. Another officer who I didn't recognize accompanied them. Stewart brought coffee in on a tray for everyone and placed it on a table.

  "Lady Teagan, we came to see how you are recovering. I trust Lord Montgomery treats you well?" the doctor asked.

  "Yes, sir. Thank you. Lord Montgomery has been very nice to me. In fact, he spent the entire morning spoiling me." I showed him my braid. He laughed.

  "That is good. Gentle young ladies should be spoiled." Simon welcomed the officers to enjoy some refreshments. They accepted while the doctor, who told me to call him Victor, asked, "May I see how your arm is mending, Teagan?"

  "Sure." Victor came to the side of the bed and scanned my arm.

  "It is coming along nicely. In another week or two, you will be as good as new." My pet spider chittered at the scanner. "Who is this?" Victor asked.

  I said, "His name is Thunderdrop. Simon gave him to me, but I haven't asked Hiroshi if I can keep him, yet."

  Victor said, "Arachnean spiders are very loyal friends to those whom they choose. You are a fortunate young lady." Simon spoke to the new officer.

  "I hope that you might be able to grant Teagan an official permit allowing her to keep her pet with her at any ports she may visit. He is a non-egg producing male of the best breeding." The officer smiled at Simon and pulled out a small device from an inner breast pocket of his uniform. Then, with Simon's input he entered information into it. Victor lifted my chin with a finger and looked at the healed gash above my eye and the swelling. He patted my right hand and turned to the table. Victor poured cups of coffee for both me and him. I heard the lieutenant say that the eight Parvac soldiers who had attacked would never again threaten me or my crew.

  "Eight? I thought there were five," I said.

  The lieutenant said, "Three Parvacs remained out of sensor range to attack any of you who managed to survive both the tree they shot down across your path and the five Parvac soldiers who had entered the debris to kill any survivors. Those Parvacs didn't have a chance even with their numbers against Yukihyo and Hiroshi, not that Phillip is a slouch." He chuckled, "I've bet on them both and won."

  Wrinkling my brow, I asked, "Bet on them how?"

  "In the fights on Malta...." Simon loudly cleared his throat, interrupting the lieutenant.

  "More coffee, Teagan?" Simon asked.

  "No, thank you." I frowned and took a sip. The other man introduced himself as Captain Flint. He led the enforcers on Arachne. Captain Flint lifted a box from a chair.

  "On behalf of the Enforcers of Arachne, I would like to present you with a future means of self-protection. Though, may that day never come." Captain Flint brought the box to me and opened the lid. Inside of the box was a small blaster of a rich chocolate brown color complete with a matching braided silk holster and belt.

  "Yikes! Thank you!"

  Captain Flint said, "It is made of a light weight plasti-glass and is small enough to fit into your hand. In the case's lid are instructions, but you may pull up a manual on any vid-screen. I have provided you with the authorization to own and carry it."

  Dr. Victor said, "No practicing until that arm is healed."

  "Yes, sir," I said. Captain Flint closed the box and placed it back on the chair. "Phillip will probably create a month's worth of materials for me to learn, tests for me to pass, and simulation hours for me to complete before he lets Yukihyo teach me how to shoot it."

  "That sounds about right," Dr. Victor smiled. "Has he done that before?" he asked.

  "Yes, Phillip taught me how to drive his land transport. I got to drive it twice. It's crushed though. Isn't it?"

  Simon smiled, "I'm afraid so Teagan." I shook my head in disappointment. Thunderdrop climbed into my lap, and I rubbed his leg joints. Simon said, "I hope you gentlemen will join us for lunch. The rain prevents us from enjoying the courtyard, but there are other views to be admired." They accepted. Stewart escorted them to the floor below. "You have been here for days and confined to this one room. I regret that. Allow me to help you dress and take you down to lunch." My stomach growled loudly.

  I looked down at it and said, "We accept." Simon laughed.

  "I felt bad that your dress was damaged beyond repair, so I hope you like your replacements." Simon opened a door and pulled out a beautiful deep blue floor length dress with a flowing skirt. The sleeveless dress had a neckline that became v-shaped in the back. From the v in the back, additional folds of fabric ran and crossed, falling in spirals to the floor on each side. The fabric was so soft that it floated. My hands had flown to my mouth when I saw it. I had almost busted my lip with my cast. "Do you like it?" Simon asked.

  "Oh, Simon! It's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen." Simon helped me change, wincing at the colorful bruises he saw on my back and hip. He didn't peek at my front though. "Thank you for not looking."

  "I am a strong man, Teagan." Simon winked at me. He went back to the closet and returned with soft matching slippers that couldn't be worn outside. He made sure that they didn't hurt me. Then, Simon picked me up and carried me to the lift. Simon's house was made of huge logs, stone, and massive rectangular windows. Many of the windows opened onto an interior courtyard within the center of the expansive two story mansion. From windows on the outer walls, I could see the tall trees swaying in the wind while the rain created ponds in the grass.

  Stewart had laid a table that rested in front of one of the large windows. The men rose when Simon carried me toward the table. He allowed me to stand while he pulled out a small high backed padded chair for me. I sat, careful of my hip. The soldiers commented on the view.

  "It really is beautiful," I agreed.

  "Stunning," Captain Flint said, raising his glass. Stewart brought numerous dishes of tiny appetizers, soup, breads, salad, meats, vegetables, and dessert.

  "My goodness, Stewart! This is the most amazing lunch I've ever had," I said. He bowed.

  "You are gracious, my lady." Simon seemed pleased. I heard a chittering behind me. Thunderdrop clung to the back of my chair. I laughed.

  "What are you doing, silly baby?" He crawled over the back of the chair and nestled against my neck and braid. Simon smiled at us.

  "Gentlemen, please join us in the other room. We can enjoy the view from there," Simon suggested.

  "How could it be be
tter than this one?" I asked. Simon pulled out my chair. He gave me his arm and walked slowly with me into the next open space.

  Flames danced in a stone fireplace with dimensions so large that I thought I could easily stand inside of it. Long couches were arranged facing each other in front of the fire. The walls of the room framed windows that afforded views of trees for as far as I could see.

  "Oh, this is even more beautiful." I had stopped walking, entranced by the view. Simon encouraged me to sit at an end of a couch close to the warm fire. Dr. Victor suggested resting my left arm on the actual arm rest, which I did. Simon pulled a cushion from some place and lifted my feet onto it. They talked about silk production and the Galaxic Militia. Thunderdrop sat on the beautiful blue silk covering my lap and blinked up at me with his eyes. The food, quiet talk, fire, rain, and swaying trees put me back to sleep. The crackle of burning wood and movement of Thunderdrop woke me. Simon was thanking the men for coming and shaking hands. My cheeks turned to flames to rival the fire.

  "Please forgive me. I'm so sorry," I said. They turned to me.

  Dr. Victor said, "You are charming and delightful. Watching you sleep was a balm for a weary heart." He kissed my cheek. "I hope to see you again, my dear. Until then," Dr. Victor said offering me a small salute and a lopsided smile. The officers smiled, bowed to me, and followed him out.

  "I'm sorry, Simon. I wasn't strong enough to fight my eyelids." Simon sat down beside me.

  "Please do not apologize for paying us all such a compliment," he said.

  "It was rude of me."

  "No, after what you have been through, it was a compliment. You showed everyone complete trust without intending to do so. It endeared you to them."

  "So, you don't think I made them mad?"

  "No, never."

  Simon lifted my hand in his and again gave me his arm to steady me and walked me carefully through the rooms on the first floor. In his office, he seated me at a small table where he had a board with stones.

  "Would you care to play?" he asked.

  "Yes, Yukihyo taught me how." We played a few times. I won once. Simon showed me to a small bathroom and then continued the tour. We ended up in an area overlooking the inner courtyard. Stewart brought us tea. Thunderdrop skittered away with Cass to climb a wall. The spiders made webs and used them to swing back and forth while upside down. I laughed at them, but it hurt my side. In the courtyard rain fell into a massive stone pool that was surrounded by the blue salvia flowers, some of which graced a vase in my room. It was here that Phillip, Yukihyo, and Hiroshi found us.


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