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The Space Merchants

Page 36

by Wendie Nordgren

  "Chitter chirp!"

  "Not at all. I'll see who is winning that card game," he said.

  Thunderdrop jumped down from me and used a waste disposal unit as well. I checked to make sure he had pressed the button and then washed my hands and checked my teeth. "Okay. Are you ready?"

  "Chirp." He climbed to my shoulder.

  "You are being a very good boy today."


  Eric introduced us to the officers who were playing cards. It made me blush when they stood to greet me. Then, Eric took me to see through the windows of science laboratories, let me watch cosmonautical charts being constructed, and showed me a room full of vid-screens where people worked on celestial cartography. Eric showed me a large central medical bay full of advanced healing and surgical units. I saw a doctor and two nurses inside. Every time we passed a crew member, the person moved to the side and saluted until Eric had passed. Overall, the crew seemed extremely smart and efficient. I saw a few crew members who were from the Laconian sector. I concluded that Commander Bosh was Laconian as well. I decided to ask my husband about those almost black eyes.

  Eric tapped into a device. "Your friend Mary appears to have entered the lounge area on her assigned deck. Shall we surprise her?"

  "Yes, I would like that." We took the lift down a few decks. The corridor was much longer.

  Eric said, "Without the bridge and other command centers, there is more room for crew quarters." There appeared to be twenty crew quarters on each side. A few off duty soldiers saluted as Eric passed them, and ladies curtsied. I tried to keep a calm smile on my face and my hand on Eric's arm. All talking and laughter ceased upon the sight of Eric in the lounge, and at least eight soldiers rushed to stand. Eric gave a sharp, "As you were." Then, they resumed their previous pursuits, while trying not to look like they were watching us. Thunderdrop jumped to Eric. When Mary and I saw each other, we rushed forward and hugged.

  "Teagan, it is so wonderful to see you here! I regretted not telling you earlier how beautiful you look," Mary said. Mary clasped my hand in hers. "Come and meet two of my new friends. Their husbands serve on board the Hadrian, too." Her new friends were sitting together in a quiet corner. One of Mary's friends held a tiny baby in her arms. "We have been taking turns holding him," Mary said in a hushed voice. I could hear soft little sounds coming from within a soft looking blanket. I moved closer when Mary pulled at me. A tiny little nose and mouth were above the blanket. I saw the baby's hand. It had tiny little fingers with itty bitty little finger nails.

  "Would you like to hold him, my lady?" His mother asked in a voice that sounded as soft as the blanket looked. I must have had a shocked expression on my face.

  "No, that's okay," I said.

  She asked, "Have you ever held a baby before?"

  "Me? No," I said. Eric walked over to us and smiled at the baby.

  "He is a strong and handsome boy," Eric said.

  "Thank you, Captain Alaric," the mother said. The woman who sat beside her moved over and motioned for me to sit down. Mary made me. The mother started moving the baby toward me.

  "What do I do?"

  "Just hold your arms the way I have mine, and I'll lay him in them. I'll be right here, and Mary will be right in front of you." Mary kneeled down on the floor in front of me which made me feel a little less freaked out. She placed the warm solid bundle in my arms. I could feel him moving his arms. I could hear him breathing and looked at his tiny fingers. I lowered my face toward his neck and breathed in his scent. My heart completely melted. I whispered to him.

  "You are the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Look at you." He made little noises with his mouth, and I gave a very soft little laugh at the sight of his little tongue as it pushed through his lips and made a tiny spit bubble. He started to move a bit and seemed like he might be getting tired of me. He made a little whimpering noise. His mother had begun to unbutton the top of her dress. Eric turned and walked toward the crew members. She took her baby back and placed him against her breast where he began to suck hungrily. I looked away, and Mary rose and pulled me to my feet. "It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for letting me hold your baby," I said. Mary and I hugged goodbye. Thunderdrop was standing in the middle of a table with his front legs up doing his fancy footwork.

  "Teagan, what is he doing?" Eric asked.

  "Thunderdrop is showing you all how to fight." Two of the soldiers got up, mimed Thunderdrop's actions, laughed, and told him how smart he was.

  "Chirp chirp chirp."

  "He says thank you."


  Eric took me to one of the lower decks. Soldiers, both men and women, sparred on mats, ran on treadmills, used exercise machines, and hit bags with gloved fists. He led me to a side room. A soldier stood behind a counter and on the wall at his back were all manner of hand held weapons.

  Eric said, "One set of protective gear in a size small." The man placed a jacket, helmet, and pair of glasses on the counter. Eric held the jacket for me to put on. "Eliot tells me you asked Simon for blaster lessons. I'm much better, and I have weapons that are more fun than blasters." Eric put the helmet and glasses on me. The soldier behind the counter started laughing hard. He tried to say something and held his hand up because he couldn't stop. I gave him a quizzical look.

  "Chirp." Eric looked at me and gave me a huge grin.

  "What?" I asked.

  The soldier said, "I've never seen a petite little princess with a poufy dress and jewels in combat gear." He started laughing again.

  "The princess would like a blaster," Eric said. Still laughing he handed one to Eric.

  "Do I look that silly?"

  "You look absolutely adorable," Eric said. In the next room, a couple of soldiers practicing with shoulder pulse cannons elbowed each other when we entered. The place had different designated areas for practicing with the different kinds of weapons. Eric took me to a blaster targeting section. "Show me what you have learned." I checked the blaster, powered it up, and aimed at the target. I depressed the button and hit the bottom of the target. "Good job, Teagan." Thunderdrop sat on Eric's shoulder. Eric spent several minutes teaching me how to aim. Now, I was actually able to hit inside of the target. I wasn't close to the center, but I was inside of the rings. I powered down the blaster.

  "How do I keep a man from knocking my blaster out of my hand?"

  Eric looked me dead in the eyes and said, "If he's that close, kick him as hard as you can in the nuts and press that blaster button until he's no longer moving."


  "Are you worried about Malta?" Eric asked.

  "A little. It made me warier of every place I go. I won't have any more problems on Malta though."

  "Why is that?"

  "Well, Arthur Jr. and the enforcers have all insisted on escorting me everywhere I go, from the second I leave Tora until after the ramp closes me up inside. I know with absolute confidence that Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip will encourage them, too."

  Eric looked thoughtful, and said, "Good."

  We took my blaster and protective gear back to the man behind the counter. I had an audience as Eric helped me out of the jacket and helmet. I removed the glasses. The soldiers just stood around grinning. Thunderdrop jumped to my head. "Teagan, these soldiers, though you may not believe it by looking at them, are members of one of my elite squads." Elite soldiers. I thought about the elite Parvac soldier I had met on Arachne. I nodded at them, but I felt afraid of them.

  "Ma'am," one of them said. I took Eric's arm. He exchanged a few words with the men, who appeared to be his friends, and took me to the lift.

  "Why did you become afraid just now?" I answered with silence. Eric stopped the lift. He turned to face me. "Tell me," Eric demanded.

  "Eric, you remind me more of Gina than you do of Sydney." Eric crossed his arms and waited. I let out a breath. "Fine. That Parvac soldier on Arachne, who tried to kill me, was referred to by someone as being an elite soldier. I just thought of how
bad it would be to get hit by one of those men." I looked at my shoes and shrugged. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it on purpose."

  "Well, you are correct." I looked up at him. "However, those men hit harder, run faster, fight dirtier, and shoot better than the soldier who came after you. Another difference is that each soldier under my command will use their strength and skill to protect and defend you. Not one of them would ever do anything to hurt you." I worried I had offended Eric and I didn't know what to say.

  "Eric, I'm sorry. Please...."

  Eric interrupted me, "Wait, are you feeling sad now, thinking you have angered me?"

  "Well, yes. You've been so nice to me all day. I wish I could have hidden what I was feeling. I shouldn't have told you."

  "Chitter," Thunderdrop disagreed.

  "Teagan, if you hide things from me, how am I supposed to fix them?" I didn't say anything. We ended up back in the dining room. "Grandmother told me to give you coffee if you became silent and withdrawn. She also suggested covering your face with kisses and tickling you." Thunderdrop jumped to a chair. I turned to Eric in alarm looking at some of the officers at the tables.

  "Eric, you wouldn't dare." Eric gave me a predatory grin.

  "Have you forgotten? I am the daring and dashing captain of the Hadrian." Eric grabbed me, lifted me up into his arms, and kissed me loudly on the center of my forehead.

  "Eric, put me down! People are looking." He smirked and kissed my nose. "Eric!" He put his lips against my neck and blew hard making a horrible farting noise. I shrieked and giggled. "Stop or I'm telling your mom!" That got laughs from the onlookers. Eric spun me around in circles first and then put me on my feet. Dizzy, I sat when he pulled out a chair for me. Commander Bosh approached the table and handed a large box to Eric.

  "Very good," Eric said. Eric placed the box at my feet. "Please, open that," Eric said. I lifted the lid off of the box. Something white and fluffy was inside. I pulled it out. It was a large stuffed toy ice bear in a Galaxic Militia captain's uniform.

  "Oh, my goodness! How cute!" I hugged the bear.

  "Chirp!" The waiter came and brought coffee for me, Eric, and Commander Bosh.

  "Thank you, Eric. He's adorable." I knew I had a stupid grin on my face. "I've never had one of these. Well, Yukihyo keeps giving me ice bear for dinner, but I much prefer ice bear in this form."

  "Chitter chirp."

  "Thunderdrop disagrees with me. He likes eating ice bear."

  "Chirp." I pulled out the fourth chair and let my bear sit in it which made me laugh.

  "What's so funny?" Eric asked.

  "I think it's funny that the brave captain of the Hadrian and his fearless first officer are having coffee with a big stuffed bear." Eric gave me a warning look.

  "There is no need for Eliot to know this." I bestowed my sweetest smile on Eric.

  "He's the first person I plan to tell." Commander Bosh hid behind his cup. "Not really, Eric. Gram will probably be the first to know. I call her every night after dinner and end up telling her everything, even really boring stuff."

  "It is good you call her. She misses you."

  "I miss her, too. What do you think my chances are of getting her to go with us to Malta?"

  Eric leaned back in his chair and said, "They are nonexistent. I can't even get her to come upon the Hadrian for a tour."

  Surprised, I said, "Seriously, being here is a dream come true for me. I never thought I would ever get to see inside a Galaxic ship. All I ever dreamed about was getting to be up in the stars. I would have thought everyone would want to visit you here anytime you landed on Arachne."

  Eric gave me a look of complete understanding and said, "Gram can be a little claustrophobic and just the thought of being in a ship with no oxygen outside of the hull panics her." I frowned and shook my head.

  "Well, that's a shame. The only time I feel completely safe and at home is when I'm looking up at the stars in my quarters. I have a big view port above my bed. I watch the stars until I fall asleep. Maybe I can convince her to give it just one try." Eric gave me a searching look.

  "Teagan, that is what we have in common. I love Arachne and our family, but I had to get into space. I had to see other planetary systems and experience other cultures. When I'm out there, I feel truly alive and like I make a difference." I couldn't help the look of adoration I gave my cousin.

  "You do make a difference, and I am very proud to be related to a Galaxic Militia captain. Also, I completely understand. My heart pounds with excitement every time Hiroshi tells us his flight plan."

  "Even when he tells you you're going to Malta?" I drew in a breath and raised my left eyebrow.

  "I can't blame everyone for a couple of horrible men. There are many good people on Malta. I even came up with a way to make the planet less boring. You even helped today." A wrinkle formed between Eric's eyebrows.


  "You loaded up all of the things I intend to sell to Mr. Gregory for a nice little profit."

  "He owns the general store on Malta, correct?" Commander Bosh asked.

  "Yes, sir. His son, Arthur Jr., built a dress shop for me in the back of their store. It really is beautiful and just as nice as any of the stores I've been to here on Scipio."

  Incredulously, Eric asked, "The man built you a dress shop?"

  "Yes, the things I brought were a huge success and made the ladies there so happy. Mr. Gregory even treats me like I am a professional merchant." It made me feel good about myself that I had earned Mr. Gregory's business respect.

  "The next time I am on Malta, I will go and see this shop for myself," Commander Bosh said. I smiled.

  "Thank you, sir. I hope you like it." Eric became pensive. "Eric, what are you thinking about?" His ice blue eyes met mine from across the table.

  "I'm thinking about you. I understand you need to travel the stars and be with your crew, but I believe both you and our family need for you to spend some time on Arachne." I looked down at my cup.

  "You're right. Hiroshi and I have talked about that. He's trying to figure out some kind of compromising solution, so we can all be happy. I hope he can, because I can't be two places at once and my heart feels torn in half over it. Do you know what your dad and Sherman did?"

  Eric gave me an unreadable expression, "What?"

  "They gave us some land."

  "Chirp chirp chirp chirp." I patted Thunderdrop. "Thunderdrop loves the trees. I have a real place where I can be that I don't ever have to leave, and your dad even gave me my own room at your house."

  "Arachne is your home, and the land is your birthright. You could harvest your own silk and sell it through the family business, if you wanted to do so."

  "Would my other family members be content to stay on the ground?" I asked.

  "Everything will work out. Promise me you will not be troubled by being wanted and loved by two families." His words stunned me.

  "I hadn't thought of it like that." Eric showed me his dimples along with his charming smile.

  "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

  "That depends on Yukihyo's schedule. He has promised to spend a day with me while we are here. I just don't know which day."

  "I should get you back to Tora. If you should need anything, or just want to talk, will you call me?"

  "I will. I know you must be very busy though."

  "I will never be too busy for you, Teagan. I hope to have you all to myself for the day you are free." Eric stood and pulled out my chair. Thunderdrop chirped when I picked up my bear.

  "Would you like to put your bear in the box?" Commander Bosh asked.

  "No, sir. He would be afraid in the box, even though he's a captain. Anyway, no one can see him if he's trapped in there." Looking at the box, I said, "If you show me where to go, I'll recycle it."

  The waiter stood nearby and said, "Leave it to me, Lady Alaric."

  "Thank you," I replied. Commander Bosh walked with us as far as the lift. "Eric, thank you for showing me your ship,
giving me my bear, the blaster lessons, lunch, and everything. I had so much fun."

  Flashing his grin at me, he said, "I'm glad you had a nice time. I want to get to know you, and I want you to learn to trust and depend on me."

  "Will you tell me something?" I asked. Eric stood close to me by the door of his transport. I could see all of the decorations on his uniform.


  "Did they really come back for me? Mary and Paul said they tried to find me," I said in a quiet voice. Eric opened the transport door for me, and Thunderdrop jumped into the back. I sat down, and he closed the door and got in on the other side. Then, Eric spoke.

  "Ensign Paul Lunders searched the citizen data bases, the city work logs, and transportation logs of Union Port City searching for Teagan Green as soon as he qualified for his security clearance. He didn't suspect marriage or off world travel, but he's young. He'll learn." I made myself take a deep breath so I wouldn't cry again.

  "They didn't just leave and forget about me."

  "No, his search for you is why he and his wife are on my ship. I know everything there is to know about the Lunders. Mary was your main human contact on Earth."

  I looked over at Eric and stated, "It wasn't chance that they were at Felicia's shop."

  "I wanted to see what you look like happy. Ensign Lunders happened to win a gift certificate to Felicia's store, and his shore leave conveniently coincided with your arrival on Scipio. He figured it all out when he saw you." My forehead felt all scrunched up and all hope of fighting off my tears was gone.

  "Let me get this straight. You discovered someone trying to find me. When you found out it was my friend's husband, you had him transferred to your ship. It probably takes years of service to get on your ship. Then, you arranged for Mary and me to run into each other." Eric clenched his jaw.

  "Are you angry with me?"

  "Angry with you? Other than my wedding band, what you did is the nicest, most thoughtful and considerate thing anyone has ever done for me. They came back for me. Just knowing that means so much. Now, you have them with you, and Mary is happier than I've ever seen her." A sob escaped me. "You did all of this for me?" My door opened, and Eric kneeled next to me on the docking bay floor. He patted at my face with his silk square.


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