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Cameron's Quest

Page 6

by Cameron's Quest [Evernight] (mobi)

  Cam couldn’t resist her upturned lips, so full, so inviting. He leaned down for a kiss, just a quick brushing of lips. It wasn’t enough, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “Good night, Lacey. Sleep well.”

  One hand snaked behind his head to pull him closer as she returned the kiss, this time a gentle meeting of mouths, a promise.

  “Good night, Cam.”

  He watched as she turned and headed up the curving staircase. At the top, he was rewarded as she stopped and blew him another kiss before she entered the bedroom and closed the door.

  Hope filled his heart near to bursting. It was going to be a long, lonely night, but he took comfort in knowing that his family was under his roof…maybe for a good long time. He found himself humming a few bars of “I Feel Good” as he closed the house up for the night, almost dancing his way to the den.


  Sunlight sparkled through the frost on the windowpane, waking Lacey to a new day in a new land. She stretched luxuriously in the king-sized bed, feeling slightly decadent to be sleeping in the nude in Cam’s bed. Last night she’d gone to bed thinking she wouldn’t sleep a wink because it was a strange place, but to her surprise, she snuggled under the covers, hugged the second pillow to her chest, and slept the best sleep she’d ever had.

  Was it the jet lag catching up to her? Or was it because she was in Cam’s house…in his bed? Probably the jet lag. Thoughts of Cam would’ve just kept her awake and wanting, yearning for his touch as she’d done all these years.

  She tossed the covers aside and swung her legs out over the edge of the bed. The floor was ice cold. She slipped her feet into her slippers, which Lynne had thoughtfully placed next to the bed, and crossed the room to don her robe before heading to the shower.

  Refreshed and dressed, she ventured downstairs. No one else was up and the house was so quiet. No traffic, nothing to mar the peacefulness. She went into the kitchen and made herself at home, started a pot of coffee, and then rummaged through the fridge and cupboards searching for breakfast fixings. What she found was a very well-stocked larder. Sweets were a weakness of hers, so when she found the cookie tins, she had to sample a couple.

  When the girls were little, she used to playfully swat their behinds for doing the same thing. It had always been breakfast first, a hard and fast rule to make sure they ate something nourishing to start their day. She giggled softly as she poured herself a cup of coffee and took it to the table. The Venetian blinds were open on the patio doors, and she saw a huge field bordered by trees, all covered with a pristine layer of snow. It was a breathtaking landscape. So clean. So beautiful. No wonder Cam loved it here.

  Would she? Would the girls? Or would they grow tired of the snow, the cold, the isolation? Lost in thought, she was surprised when Rena entered the kitchen.

  “Hi, Mama.”

  “Good morning, Rena. What has you up so early?”

  “Bad dream. I was wide awake, so I figured I might as well stay up.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “No, I’ve forgotten most of it, just that it was bad.” Rena poured herself a coffee and joined Lacey at the table.

  “Abby always used to be the one to suffer through nightmares. Never you. Any idea what brought it on?”

  Rena shrugged her shoulders and stared out the patio doors. “Just being in a strange place maybe. I don’t know what’s expected of me here.”

  Lacey smiled, even though Rena couldn’t see it. “That’s easy. Be yourself. Your father loves you just the way you are.”

  Rena shifted to gaze at her, and Lacey saw worry in her daughter’s sea green eyes.

  “But what if his family and friends don’t? I mean, we’re from a different country. What if we say or do something wrong and it offends people?”

  “Then to hell with them,” boomed Cam’s voice from the den doorway. “I’ve been blessed to have three of the most gracious and beautiful daughters a man could have. How could they not love you as I do?”

  As he talked, he walked toward Rena and now pulled her to her feet. “No more nonsense. Ya hear?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said, smiling as he gave her a big bear hug.

  “Feel better?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do, and I’m so glad to be here. Let me go and I’ll snag you a coffee before the other girls come down.”

  Cam chuckled. “Seems like we all love our coffee.”

  “A good morning and good coffee go together,” Lacey said.

  “Did you sleep well, my dear?”

  “Yes, Cam. I certainly did. I’ve never had so much room to move around and stretch out. You’ve spoiled me for smaller beds.”

  He wiggled an eyebrow in lascivious fashion. “Ah, so my plan is working.”

  Lacey giggled. “I’m not sure what your plan is, but I did sleep comfortably.”

  He lowered his voice, the husky tone heard only by Lacey. “I was hoping you’d find it too big for one and want to share.”

  She felt the heat of a blush rush into her cheeks, and she laughed. “Not a chance! I’m enjoying the space.”

  He smiled and all was right in her world.

  “Darn, struck out again.” Rena set his coffee in front of him, and he nodded his thanks.

  “So what’s on the agenda for today?” Rena asked.

  “The family is coming over en masse to meet my ladies,” Cam said proudly. “I put them off until after lunch, but if I know my brother, he’ll show up sooner. They’re all looking forward to meeting my fair Irish lassies.”

  “That makes us sound like Irish setters,” said Lacey with a smile.

  Cam laughed uproariously. “Hadn’t thought of that, but never fear, they’ll definitely know the difference.”

  “Should I go wake the others?” asked Rena, barely containing her grin.

  “Nah, let ’em sleep. The day’s still young yet,” he answered.

  “Well, I’m hungry, and if I know my girls, they will be starving. Do you mind if I start breakfast?” Lacey asked.

  “Not at all, but I didn’t expect you to come here and wait on yourselves. I’ll help.”

  “You sit and relax. I’ll help, Mama,” offered Rena.

  “Okay by me. If I remember correctly, you’re all excellent cooks. I’ll probably gain weight like crazy.”

  “Don’t you have morning chores to do or something?” asked Lacey as she stood. “This is a ranch.”

  “Yes, it is, but I’ve taken a few days off to spend with my family and show you around. Not to worry, they’ll get done without me.”

  He smiled at her and Lacey’s knees turned to jelly where she stood. The man still had an overwhelming effect on her. This could prove to be the most exciting vacation she’d had in years. Well, in over twenty years anyway. She smiled back and joined Rena at the counter.

  French toast and sausage were the order of the day, and they had a plate piled high when Abby and Lynne graced them with their presences. Lacey had brewed a fresh pot of coffee when she heard them stirring, and they made a beeline for it before sitting down to eat.

  Abby’s cheerful “Good morning” earned a grunt from Lynne.

  “What’s the matter, darlin’? Didn’t you sleep well?” Cam asked, concern evident in his expression.

  “Not with Rena thrashing around above me all night.” She speared her sister with a glare. “Tonight I’ll take the top bunk.”

  “No problem. Maybe the ceiling will absorb your raucous snores,” Rena retorted.

  “Girls, that’s enough,” admonished Lacey as Cam’s puzzled glance swung to Rena.

  “You didn’t sleep well, sweetheart?” he asked her.

  Rena shrugged. “Nightmares from being in a strange place, I think.”

  Cam nodded. “I used to have the strangest dreams when I traveled, so I know what you’re talking about. Hope they don’t plague you constantly.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Rena assured him.

  Breakfast over, she stood and stacked the pla

  “You cooked. Abby and I will clean up,” said Lynne.

  “Gee, sis. Thanks for volunteering my services,” Abby commented dryly as she pushed away from the table.

  “Anytime.” Lynne grinned and crossed to the sink to rinse the dishes.

  “Maybe I wanted another coffee,” she said as she followed with the empty mugs and silverware.

  “You already had two. Don’t you want to explore?” asked Lynne.

  “Explore?” Abby was the picture of excitement.

  “Yeah. Dad, are you going to show us the ranch today?”

  “Sure thing. We’ll go in my truck. I’ll send Cal, our foreman, ahead of us to clear any drifts. Even with a four-wheel drive, a person can get stranded out there on the range.” He rubbed his chin, seemingly deep in thought. “Unless you know how to drive a snowmobile.”

  “No way! You’ve got sleds here?” asked Lynne.

  “Yes,” Cam answered laughing. “We have sleds. Have you driven one before?”

  “No, but I’ve seen them on TV. I think they’re awesome. How difficult can it be?”

  “Not too difficult. If you’re game, we’ll take the snowmobiles. The ranch owns six of them, and they’re kept in good repair.”

  “Awesome! When do we leave?”

  A hard knock at the front entrance preceded his brother’s yell. “Cam, we’re here! Where are those gals of your’n?”

  Chapter Six

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Cam hollered back. To the women, he said, “Prepare to be invaded.”

  Lucas Senior marched into the kitchen with his wife, Winnie, and her son, Michael, not far behind. Before Cam could introduce everybody, Michael let out a shrill whistle.

  “Ladies, you’ve stolen my heart. I’m your man. Anything you want, come to me.” Michael stood with one hand over his heart and an endearing smile on his face.

  All three girls giggled at Michael’s antics as Cam made introductions.

  Lucas gave each woman his customary bear hug, swinging them off their feet and filling the kitchen with laughter.

  Winnie placed a covered casserole dish on the counter. Her greeting was more sedate as she gave each woman a gentle hug and the warmest of welcomes.

  Michael went forward to give all four ladies a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Welcome to Thunder Creek. Thank you for gracing us with your beauty.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy,” Rena said in a flirtatious manner.

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, my son is a born flirt,” said Winnie.

  “So is Rena,” Lacey said. She nodded toward her youngest, already in earnest conversation with Michael.

  “Shall we adjourn to the living room where it’s a little less crowded?” Cam said.

  “What? No offer of coffee for a thirsty man?” asked Lucas.

  Winnie gave him a look that said it all. “You’ve already had your quota for the morning, and if it’s sweet treats you’re after, forget it.” She turned to face Lacey. “He’s on a strict diet for his heart, but it’s difficult to keep him in check sometimes.”

  “Darned tootin’. I’m not a gall-darned rabbit. A man needs real food.”

  “Come on, dear. Let’s hop along behind the others and find a nice, comfy seat in the living room.”

  “Funny, Winnie. Real funny. Hardy-har-har.” Lucas glanced longingly toward the coffee pot, but Winnie took his arm and steered him out of the kitchen.

  “I’ll have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind, Cam,” said Michael.

  “Help yourself, but better drink it in here or that brother of mine will be livid. Ladies?”

  “I’ll stay and keep Michael company,” said Rena, earning a raised eyebrow from her mother.

  “I reckon he’s harmless enough,” said Cam. “Let’s go join our guests.” He took Lacey’s arm in his and guided her down the hall with Abby and Lynne following.

  Lucas had a million questions about the girls, Ireland, their trip, and anything else he could think of. When he wound down, talk turned toward the other members of the family. Eventually, the subject of Winnie’s oldest son came up.

  “Roy’s sentencing is next week. You comin’ with us?” Lucas asked.

  Cam shook his head. “I didn’t bring the girls all this way to sit in a stuffy courtroom. Sorry, Winnie. My thoughts will be with you and all you’re going through, but I’ll be playing tour guide.”

  “That’s all right, Cam. I understand. Wish I had good reason not to be there,” Winnie said, her features downcast.

  Cam saw Lacey’s puzzled glance and filled her in. “Winnie’s oldest son, Roy, was responsible for some trouble within the family last year. He’s been tried and convicted on several charges, including murder.”

  “Oh, how awful for you, Winnie.”

  “Thank you, dear, but it’s his turn to pay the piper. He got hooked up with a nasty crew and did some unthinkable things. His stalking and kidnapping of Zakia, Luke’s wife, is what started it all.”

  “Cam, if you want to attend the proceedings, the girls and I can entertain ourselves,” Lacey offered.

  “Nope, I don’t intend to miss one minute of your company,” he said, smiling at her and the girls as Rena and Michael joined them.

  “Speakin’ of company, I just heard a vehicle pull in. Sounded like Cal’s truck,” Lucas said.

  Cam stood and crossed the room to open the door. Cal and Leah stood outside, and Zakia’s sporty little Sunfire was just coming around the turn in the driveway. He waited until everyone was inside and divested of coats and boots before making introductions.

  Luke and Zakia’s twins were suitably impressed.

  “Wow! There are three of you,” said Cammy.

  “Almost four,” Casey noted.

  Lacey laughed. “The girls do look a lot like me, but I suppose that’s better than looking like your Uncle Cam.”

  “Way better,” Michael agreed with a wink directed at the boys.

  “We brought food to help feed this crew for lunch. Where do you want it?” asked Zakia.

  “I’ll take it to the kitchen. You and Leah sit and take a load off,” said Cam. He grabbed Leah’s dish and as Luke still held the other, they carried them out to the kitchen.

  “There’s more in the car,” Luke said.

  Cam grinned. “That wife of yours never does anything halfway.”

  “Nope, she never does. I set the tray of sweets in the trunk so the boys wouldn’t topple or get into them. I’ll go get it now.”

  “Need a hand?”

  “Yeah, I could use one. She made dinner rolls to go with lunch too.”

  “God, I love that woman, but I’d hate to see your grocery bill. She supplies me with enough goodies as it is.”

  Luke smiled. “I try to get her to take it easy, but she likes to keep busy.”

  They delivered the rest of the goodies to the kitchen and rejoined the family. As usual, the twins had obtained center stage. The boys sat on the floor in front of the triplets, their faces aglow with animation as they listened to the answers to their questions. Had they ever changed places to fool people? What kind of trouble did they get into because of it? What was school like for them? Cheeky little buggers!

  Cam also noticed that Michael sat as close to the girls as he could possibly get, perched on the arm of the sofa next to Rena. He might just have to keep an eye on that boy, but for now, he’d allow them to become acquainted. A young man’s attention would certainly help his daughters feel better about fitting in here. And if they decided to stay, he hoped Lacey would too.


  Lacey stood and excused herself to the group. “Since you ladies were kind enough to bring lunch, the girls and I will adjourn to the kitchen and get everything ready.” She motioned to the girls to follow her.

  “You just sit yourselves back down,” said Winnie. “You are the guests of honor. We’ll get lunch set out.”

  Zakia and Leah nodded, getting to their feet.

  “I rem
ember what it was like to be pregnant,” Lacey said, shaking her head. “And we don’t mind.”

  “Then our pregnant ladies can relax, and I’ll give you a hand in the kitchen.” Winnie’s tone brooked no argument as she led the way from the room.

  “We’re already on our feet, so we’ll come along and keep you company,” Zakia said, hooking her arm in Leah’s and following the other women.

  Lacey thought it a good thing that Cam’s kitchen was a large one as the seven of them filed in. Still, she was used to being in control in a kitchen and today proved no different. “Do any of the dishes need to be reheated?”

  “Mine does,” said Winnie. “It’s a ham and potato scallop casserole.”

  “I brought salad,” Leah said, “so it’s okay.”

  “And I brought a mixture. The baked beans are in the Crock-Pot so we just need to plug it in to heat up. We could warm the dinner rolls if you like, and the tray of sweets is for dessert.”

  “My word, girl! You’ve been busy,” Lacey said as she plugged in the Crock-Pot. “Where do you find the energy? You look as if you’re due any day.”

  Zakia shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “I like to keep busy. I’m not due for another two months.”

  Lacey considered the size of the woman’s protruding girth. “Twins again?”

  “Lord, I hope not. The ultrasound only showed one, but the technician thought she heard two heartbeats.”

  “And Leah? When is your baby arriving?” Lacey asked as she turned to face her.

  “Sometime in June, I think. My ultrasound is next week. I already know I’m having a girl,” Leah said as she rubbed a loving hand over her stomach.

  “I hope we’re still here when the babies arrive,” Abby said, a look of longing on her face.

  “Wouldn’t that be great?” said Rena.

  “Yeah,” said Lynne. “I’d love to see the ranch in summer.”

  “It’s not uncommon to have an early spring around here,” Winnie commented. “One good Chinook and the snow melts pretty quick.”

  “What’s a Chinook?” asked Lynne.

  Winnie smiled at Lynne’s question. “It’s a warm wind that swoops in and can melt a foot of snow in one day. I’ve seen temperatures go from minus twenty degrees Celsius to twenty degrees Celsius and stay with us for several days before plummeting again. Doesn’t take much of that for the snow to disappear.”


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