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Cameron's Quest

Page 8

by Cameron's Quest [Evernight] (mobi)

  “Aw, babe. I’m so sorry you went through that alone, but if it’s not that, then what’s bothering you?”

  She heaved a restless sigh and rolled over onto her back. “I haven’t been with anyone in years, and I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  He rose on one elbow and looked at her, wearing a puzzled expression. “How many years?”

  Oh, how his ego was going to inflate. Should she lie to him? Make something up? No, she’d always told the truth and wasn’t going to start lying now. “It’s been over twenty-three years, Cam.”

  Surprise had him arching an eyebrow. “What? You’ve never? No one?”

  Lacey shook her head as she watched for his reaction. “There’s been nobody since you.”

  “But you are so beautiful, so loving and giving. I find that hard to believe.”

  Her body stiffened at his words, and she went on the offensive. “Well, what do you expect? I had three girls to raise and a business to run. It’s not as if I had plenty of free time on my hands.”

  His fingers were gentle as they caressed her cheek. “It’s not that I don’t believe you. Bad choice of words on my part. I’m just surprised—and glad—that the men in Ireland are so stupid that they didn’t make a play for you.”

  “Really? You don’t mind that I’m inexperienced?”

  “Lacey, my love, you couldn’t have given me a better gift. No woman could ever compare to you.”

  He kissed her then and her body relaxed, melted into his as they came skin-to-skin and passion flared again. No further words were spoken as he reacquainted her with the intimacies they’d once shared. When he spread her legs and positioned himself above her, she nodded her consent. Slow and steady, inch by glorious inch, he slipped inside her. It felt as if she were a virgin all over again. The pain was sharp, yet short-lived, and she moved against him, thrust for thrust, glorying in his loving as he rode her to completion. She could have sworn she saw fireworks as the climax washed over her, through her, leaving her weak, yet energized and wanting more.

  “Wow! I don’t remember us being this good together.”

  “That’s because we no longer need to sneak around and hide our love. And I do love you, Lacey. I never stopped.” He rolled off and held her against his side, his breath warm on her face as he spoke.

  “Except for the girls.”

  “I think our daughters know we still love each other, so this should come as no surprise.”

  She eased herself away from him and sat up. “I can’t just blurt out that I’m screwing you. What on earth would they think of me?”

  “They’d think you’re a woman in love…a woman who has needs.”

  She shook her head violently, felt her hair flying every which way. She must look a mess. “No, I’m not ready for them to know. Can you understand that?”

  He sighed heavily. “Yes, I can. One step at a time. Okay?”

  Lacey let out the breath she hadn’t been aware of holding. “Thank you, Cam.”

  “Race you to the shower.”

  “Together?” she asked.

  “Yes, together. Save water and have more fun at the same time.”

  Visions of them in the shower with warm water sluicing over their bodies had her insides tingling anew. “All right.” She scrambled out of bed but stopped dead in her tracks as footsteps sounded in the hall. “Darn! They’re back already. They can’t find you in here.”

  “What do you suggest I do? I’m too big to hide under the bed.”

  “Cam, do something. Get dressed. Go. Get out of here.” She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. By the time she got back to the bedroom, he was gone and she breathed a sigh of relief. Or was it regret for the rushed end of their time together? She hoped no one had seen him leave. Coward. Yes, she was a coward, but what else could she do?

  She made the bed and then opened the bedroom door and stepped into the hall, immediately hearing sobs coming from the next room. Lacey knocked on the girls’ door, but when there was no answer, she turned the knob and walked in. Rena was lying on the bottom bunk, crying her heart out.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” she asked as she sat and gathered her daughter into her arms.

  “My dream, Mama,” she hiccupped through a sob.

  “What about your dream, dear?”

  “Tonight I met the dead man from my dream.”

  “Oh my God! Rena, who is he? Where did he die in your dream?”

  “His name is Walt Carson. He died on Daddy’s back deck. Mama, I’m scared. What’s happening to me?”

  “It was only a dream, honey.”

  “Just like I knew where everything was in the kitchen? No, Mama. He’s going to die…here, on the ranch.”

  “But why, Rena? This doesn’t make any sense.”

  Rena sat up and brushed the tears from her eyes. “When I saw him, I knew right away he was the man from my dream. He was drunk, Mama. He asked me to dance, and I said no and backed away from him. Then Michael took my arm and steered me toward the dance floor. We danced, but he kept watching me and I felt so weird, like he could see through me or something. I had to leave.”

  “Did your sisters come home with you?”

  “Yes, but they went back out with Michael. I told them I had a headache.”

  Rena was subject to migraines when there was a lot of noise, so Lynne and Abby would have believed her easily enough.

  “I didn’t see you when I got home. Where were you?”

  “In the shower.”

  “And Dad?”

  “Probably in his room or the kitchen. I don’t know.”

  “You two fighting?” Rena asked.

  “No, why do you ask?”

  “Geesh, Mama. If I was alone with a handsome man that I’d loved forever, I’d be jumping his bones.”

  Lacey giggled, feeling her cheeks heat up. “You would, huh?”

  “Darn tootin’.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for next time. Now, if you’re all right, I’ll go downstairs and see what Cam is up to.”

  “Go ahead. I’m okay now. It was just such a shock, seeing him.”

  “Try not to think about him. Want to come with me and raid the refrigerator?”

  “No thanks, but I could use a hot cocoa. It’s cold out there.”

  “Want me to bring one up to you?”

  “No, I’ll be down in a few. Just want to get my jammies on first.”

  “Okay. I’ll put the milk on to heat.”

  “You don’t have to. Dad has instant in the pantry cupboard.”

  “He does?”

  “See, I told you. I know things. It’s scary sometimes. You know?”

  “Yes,” she said thoughtfully. “I can see where it would be. I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Don’t be long.”

  Lacey worried about Rena and her premonitions. She’d never experienced anything like it before. Why now? On reaching the kitchen, she put the kettle on and found the instant cocoa right where Rena said it would be. Then she went searching for Cam, finding him in the den.

  “Rena thinks I should have jumped your bones.”

  Cam chuckled. “Smart girl. What brought her home so early? I’d have thought she’d be the last one wanting to leave.”

  “She met a walking, talking dead man.”


  “Cam, do you know a Walt Carson?”

  “Yep, fired his ass years ago for stealing stock. Why?”

  “Rena’s dreamed of him since arriving here, and it weirded her out to actually meet him tonight.”

  “He’s a weird one all right. If he hurt her… You say she dreamed of him?” he asked, just now seeming to clue in.

  Lacey nodded. “She dreamed he died, here, at the house.”

  Cam shook his head. “He knows better than to set foot on Manning land. Walt wouldn’t come here.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have that dream come true. She’s psyched out enough just knowing where you have everything, as if she�
�d been here before.”

  Cam rubbed his chin as if deep in thought. “Maybe she has been.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lacey perched on the edge of a Queen Anne chair directly across from him. “I think you’d better explain.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Lacey. I love all three of our girls, but Rena is the apple of my eye. She’s so full of life and vitality. I could see her fitting in here so easily and I thought of her often. Maybe, somehow, some way, my thoughts traveled the distance, drawing her into my home, my life, in the only way possible at the time.”

  “That’s nonsense.”

  “Is it? Leah claims to have talked to my father, her grandfather. Says he welcomed her home. She felt his presence, his calming touch, and knew everything would work out. Why would this be any more difficult to believe?”

  Lacey stood and paced the room. “This is Rena we’re talking about. She’s never had these visions before. I’m worried about her, Cam.”

  He stood. A gentle hand on her arm stopped her pacing. She turned to him, immediately enveloped in his warm embrace. “Nothing’s going to happen to any of you on my watch. She’ll be fine.”


  He kissed her. “No buts. Now quit worrying.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Good girl.”

  “I’m making hot chocolate. Want some?” she asked.

  “Sure. I’ll grab the marshmallows.”

  However, when they arrived in the kitchen, Rena was there already stirring the sweet treat into her cocoa.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I raided the pantry. Grabbed your cookie stash too.” She grinned at her father, and Lacey could hardly believe she’d been crying a few minutes ago.

  “Help yourself. I’ve told you to make yourself at home and I meant it.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. Mind if I take this to the living room and watch TV?”

  “Go ahead. We’ll join you as soon as your mother makes ours.”

  “Is that right?” Lacey asked, hands on hips.

  “Well, you did offer.”

  Lacey laughed. “So I did. I’ll let you off the hook this time.” She busied herself at the counter as Rena left the room with her mug and a cookie jar.

  “She seems fine now,” Cam whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, I know. Rena’s prone to her moods but always did spring back pretty quick.”

  They arrived in the living room to see that Rena was watching a favorite sitcom, a good choice to lift her mood. Lacey sat beside Cam on the sofa and earned a smirk from her daughter in exchange. Lacey just smiled and relaxed against him, prepared to enjoy the show in comfort. His arm came around her shoulder, holding her close, and Lacey couldn’t remember ever feeling so loved.


  Cam caught the smirk directed toward Lacey and figured it was something to do with their earlier conversation about her jumping his bones. Which she had done. Beautifully. He couldn’t help wearing a smirk of his own. He’d almost given up on them being a couple and resigned himself to just being a father to the girls. Today had changed all that. Now that he knew she still wanted him, he’d move heaven and earth to keep her by his side. True, she hadn’t exactly said she loved him, but saving herself for him all these years spoke for itself. He’d been awed by that, humbled in a way that would’ve brought him to his knees if he’d been standing.

  The rumble of an engine signaled that the partygoers had returned. Michael escorted Lynne and Abby into the house.

  “Hi, Rena. Feeling better?” he asked as he helped Lynne and Abby off with their coats.

  “Yes, much better. Sorry to cut out on you the way I did.”

  “No problem. There’ll be other times. I guarantee it.”

  The smile he directed at Rena seemed filled with sexual innuendo, and Cam wasn’t sure he liked that one little bit. “Thanks for seeing the girls home safely. Would you care for a drink?’

  “Not tonight. It’s starting to snow, and the weatherman is forecasting a blizzard. I’d better get home and make sure there’s enough wood in, or Lucas will be out there overdoing it.”

  Cam chuckled. “Yep, and then your mother would hang you out to dry. Drive careful then.”

  “Always do. Good night, ladies. Thank you for coming out with me. I enjoyed being the envy of every man there.”

  Lynne stepped forward and gave him a hug. “And all the single women there darted jealous looks at us, but it was fun. Thanks, Michael.”

  “Yes, thank you, Michael.”

  “My pleasure. See you soon.”

  With those parting words, he left and Lynne closed the door behind him. Cam heard the snick of the lock as it clicked into place and he frowned. Had something happened tonight to make the girls nervous? Why would Lynne lock up so fast? Maybe it was just a habit she’d gotten used to.

  “Did you have a good time? Still worried about fitting in?” he asked.

  “We had a marvelous time and met a lot of the locals,” Lynne replied, grinning as she came in to join them. “It would seem that we fit in just fine.”

  “Uh-huh. Plenty of handsome cowboys to choose from,” said Abby.

  Cam searched her face. “Why do I feel there’s a ‘but’ in there somewhere?”

  Lynne and Abby exchanged glances.

  “Because there is. A few of the cowboys and a couple of the women were downright rude,” said Abby.

  Lynne screwed her beautiful face up in disgust. “They were pretty liquored up, and the cowboys didn’t want to take no for an answer. Their dates took offense, but Michael handled it all without much fuss.”

  Cam nodded his head. “I expect that he would, being the law around these parts. There’s bound to be a few like that. When the wranglers get a chance to party, they go all out. I hope it didn’t sour you on the nightlife around here.”

  “Not at all. Michael is an excellent dancer and his buddies doted on us. We really did have a great time.” Lynne speared a suspicious glance toward Rena. “Too bad you had to come home. You missed out on a lot of fun.”

  “Yeah, well, like Michael said, there’ll be other times.” Rena rose to her feet. “I’m for bed. See you in the morning.”

  They chorused their good nights, but Cam couldn’t help worrying about Rena. That dream had really disturbed her. Hopefully, she’d sleep well tonight.

  “I’m heading to bed too. I intend to dream of hunky cowboys all night.” Lynne laughed as she went up the stairs.

  Abby giggled. “Some of them sure were handsome, and so polite. I can see why Daddy appealed to you, Mama. He’s the best of them all.” She leaned over to give Cam and Lacey each hugs. “Good night.”

  Cam sat in silence, watching as she climbed the stairs to her room. Her words really touched him. “That girl sure knows how to turn a man to mush.”

  “Her mother, too.”

  A quick glance caught Lacey wiping moisture from her eyes. “I think we have their approval to proceed.”

  Lacey laughed, tears streaming down her face as she did so. “You think?”

  He knew she was trying to make light of it, but having the girls approve of their daddy meant a lot to him. Cam hugged her close and, with one finger, tipped her chin up and searched her eyes. “Are those happy tears, love?”

  “Oh, Cam! I’ve never been so happy.”

  He kissed her then, starting with her forehead and working his way to her luscious lips. “Nor I,” he said before claiming her mouth for a passion-filled kiss that rocked him to his socks. Her tongue dueled with his and her arms came around him, holding him tight. His heart swelled to bursting, and he was afraid his zipper would split apart at the seams. He broke off the kiss and took in deep lungfuls of air. “Will you come to my room with me?”

  She nodded and he rose to his feet, holding her hand to bring her with him.

  Lacey glanced up toward the loft. “What if one of the girls comes back down?”

  Cam looked up and smiled. “Well, your bedroom door is closed, so as
long as we don’t make too much noise, they’ll never know.”

  A slow, sexy smile graced her features as she wiped away the last of her tears. Cam led her to his room, turning off the downstairs lights as they went. He couldn’t believe she’d given in so easily. She was always trying to set a good example for their daughters. But they were both adults, and it wasn’t like the girls didn’t know where babies came from. They’d obviously done the deed before in order to have three such lovely daughters.

  They had both worked hard in the intervening years—her to establish a business and bring up the girls, and him helping to run the ranch and make it the most profitable cattle ranch in the province. They deserved this time together. He found respite from the world in Lacey’s arms and hoped she felt the same.

  Cam closed the door behind them as they entered the den, secretly glad he’d had the foresight to install a lock on it. He locked it now to ensure their privacy and turned to Lacey.

  This room faced the back of the property, the only light coming from the full moon as it made its ascent. Her body immersed in the silvery rays, Lacey appeared almost incandescent, as if lit by an inner glow.

  She reached to pull her sweater over her head, but he stalled her with a hand on her arm. “Allow me.”

  He cradled her in his arms for a moment, relishing in the delight of having her near. Then he kissed her again, reawakening the passion that was forever lurking beneath the surface. As they kissed, he worked his hands up under her sweater, locating her breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze before cupping them lightly and running his thumbs over the turgid tips. She thrust out her chest, pushing against his hands, wanting more, and he gave it to her.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into position in front of him. Then he pushed her sweater up and over her head. “So beautiful,” he mouthed against her skin as he lavished kisses all over. He suckled one nipple while massaging the other, squeezing and rubbing it between thumb and forefinger before switching sides. Her hands tangled in his hair as she held him tight and arched against him.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. She tasted like creamed honey, so sweet that he had to taste his fill even as one hand wandered down to cup her delicate mound through her jeans. Lacey reached to undo the snap and zip, pushing the material down over her hips. He stood and laid her down on the bed to pull them off and hurriedly divested himself of his own clothes. Down on his knees, he kissed her belly and then parted her curls to delve into her warmth.


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