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Cameron's Quest

Page 14

by Cameron's Quest [Evernight] (mobi)

  “No headache, Rena?” she asked in concern.

  “Not this time, Mama. They seem to be coming easier now. Or at least this one did.”

  “Glad to hear it. You’ll have to fill us in later.”

  Rena nodded and stayed by Michael’s side as they entered Luke’s house. Blake was there along with a perky little blonde who Lacey assumed was Zakia’s friend Samantha. Introductions were made as they all settled around the oversized kitchen table, but her girls got up again to help Zakia bring the plates of food over. She was proud to see them pitching in, becoming a real part of this wonderful family. Lacey couldn’t help wonder what their lives would’ve been like had Cam located them sooner. Thunder Creek seemed as if it was a great place to raise a family.

  Halfway through dinner, Michael received a call and excused himself to go outside, but he was back within minutes.

  “Luke, just to let you know, I have men scouring the path that leads from the barn to the creek.”

  “What for?” he asked, his expression creased in concern.

  “Evidence. We think your stalker left on foot the other day and went in that direction.”

  Luke nodded in an absent manner, obviously deep in thought. “That would make sense. To come and go via the driveway, someone would be bound to spot him. Good call, Michael.”

  Michael shared a smile with Rena. “Thanks, Luke.”

  “Let us know if your men find anything.”

  “Will do.”


  “This is getting to be like a second home,” Michael said as they gathered in Cam’s living room later that evening.

  Cam was busy lighting a fire in the fireplace, but he replied, “You’re more than welcome anytime, Michael. You should know that by now.”

  “Yeah, well, given the circumstances lately, I wouldn’t blame you if you hated to see my ugly mug at the door.”

  “Never that. You have a beautiful mug,” said Rena, causing Michael to turn several shades of red as everyone chuckled.

  Cam straightened up and took his usual seat in the recliner by the window. “Now, what’s happened to have you searching the woods?”

  “Rena saw a man carrying a backpack through the woods, but she didn’t know which section of woods until the sleigh stopped in front of the barn, and we were facing the trail to the creek.”

  “Awesome,” said Lynne, duly impressed if her expression was anything to go by.

  “Did it seem kind of eerie…seeing him?” Abby asked.

  “No, just frustrating because I still couldn’t see his face.”

  “Oh. I’d be freaking out big time,” Abby replied.

  “Seeing a dead man did that. Everything that’s come since has been rather mild in comparison.”

  “I suppose it would be. So could you see his hair? What he was wearing?”

  “He had on a black parka with the hood pulled up, so I couldn’t see his hair either.”

  “He had to have a vehicle stashed nearby,” said Michael. “My men are searching for snowmobile tracks or car tracks, although the plow would have obliterated those, most likely. Who knows? We may get lucky.”

  “Harumph,” said Cam. “Luck doesn’t seem to be playing a part in this for us. So far it’s all on his side.”

  “Don’t get discouraged, Cam. We’ll get him. It’s just taking longer because of the snow.”

  Cam ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I know, but it’s hard to take—the fact that someone hates me this much.”

  “Just keep your chin up and keep a smile on. It’ll make him wonder what you’re up to.”

  Cam snorted a laugh. “Good one, Michael.”

  “He has to be wondering why we haven’t made an arrest yet. Maybe he’ll get nervous and slip up. If he does, we’ll have him.” Michael stood and zipped up his jacket. “I’m going to check with my men, see if they’ve found anything. Lock up and keep in touch.”

  “Good night, Michael, and thanks,” said Cam.

  “All part of the job. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  Cam locked up and went back to the living room to find the women were still excited about the sleigh ride.

  “Can we do it again before the snow is gone?” asked Abby.

  “Sure, but there’s another storm forecast for later this week, so I don’t think we’re in danger of losing the snow too soon.”

  “You sure do get a lot of snow around here,” Lynne said.

  Cam nodded. “We get the best of both worlds as we have beautiful summers here, too.”

  “I hope we’re still here.”

  “Me too, Lynne. Okay, my lovelies. Let’s put our troubles aside and watch a movie. What do you think?”

  “Sure! I’ll make the popcorn,” said Rena. “Don’t start without me.”

  She rushed from the room and Lynne stood.

  “I’ll go help her. It takes a lot of popcorn to feed this crew.”

  But before she’d taken two steps toward the door, Rena’s scream pierced the silence.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lynne took off. Lacey went running, everyone else on her heels. The pop, pop, pop of the corn in the microwave seemed incongruous in the light of Rena’s terror. She was hunched down on all fours and trembling, hiding behind the dubious protection of the kitchen cupboards.

  “Rena, are you all right? What happened?” Lacey asked.

  “He was here. Looking in the window. The door rattled and I glanced over. It was him.”

  “I’m calling Michael,” said Cam.

  “Did you see his face?” Abby asked.

  “No.” She glanced up at her father. “He wore a ski mask.”

  “Hello, Michael? This is Cameron. Can you come back over? He’s been here. Rena saw him…Okay.” He hung up the phone. “Michael’s on his way.”

  “How does this guy come and go without anyone seeing him?” Lynne asked.

  “It’s a big property. Anyone who knows the area can follow one of the trails to get to where he wants to go. He must’ve seen you in here, Rena. But why would he attempt to open the door and alert you to his presence?” Cam scratched his head, his handsome face lined with worry.

  “At least this will take some of the heat off you, Cam,” said Lacey.

  “Do you think the news has leaked out…about my visions?”

  “Oh, honey, no.” Lacey hugged her tight to her bosom, cuddling her as if she were a little girl again. “Michael was keeping that part of the investigation very hush-hush. He wouldn’t do anything to endanger you.”

  “We’ll ask when he arrives just to make sure,” said Cam. “If you girls are okay, I’ll go watch for him and let him in.”

  “Sure, go. We’ll head back to the living room and wait.” Lacey steered her daughters away from the kitchen, but not before checking the lock on the patio door. Thank goodness it was locked or that killer might have had her baby. She shuddered at the thought, vowing not to let her out of her sight. “From now on, we’ll do everything in twos. No one moves from room to room alone until this killer is caught.”

  The girls nodded their acquiescence as they trooped into the living room to join Cam. Lights from several vehicles pierced the darkness beyond as Michael arrived with backup. High-powered flashlights bobbed through the darkness as police surrounded the house. Flashes of metal verified that the officers were armed and ready.

  Lacey had seen enough. She moved to close the drapes, effectively shutting out the search efforts and putting a stop to anyone being able to see inside. The thought of someone out there in the dark, spying on them, had her nerves on edge. She looked over at Cam and he must’ve sensed what she was feeling, as he opened his arms wide. She went to him, glad that she didn’t have to face this terror alone, yet afraid for him and the unknown.

  “Do you think he was here to plant more fake evidence?” Lynne asked from her perch on the sofa.

  “I didn’t get that feeling,” said Rena. “It’s more like he’s angry, as if this is a personal vende
tta of sorts.”

  “But why? Good God! Other than firing one or two ranch hands, for which I had good reason, I’ve never hurt anyone that I’m aware of.”

  Michael knocked and walked in, stomping the snow off his boots. “It’s wild out there. The wind has picked up again and it’s downright nasty trying to see with snow blowing in your eyes.”

  “Hi, Michael. Welcome back,” said Rena, her attempt at sarcasm came out in a husky voice, making it sound a little flirty.

  He chuckled as he glanced her way. “You call and I come running. I get it.”

  “Well, technically, Daddy called, but I would have.”

  Michael’s devilish grin lightened the tension in the room by a huge degree.

  “The perp got away, but tell me what you saw.”

  “It wasn’t a vision, Michael. He was here, standing on the back deck and trying to open the door.”

  His interest perked up. “Did you see his face?”

  Rena’s shoulders slumped, all signs of flirtation gone as she answered, “No, he wore a ski mask, one of those full-face ones.”

  “What else?”

  “I don’t know. I screamed and ducked out of sight. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. That was your best move.”

  “How did he get away?” asked Cam.

  “On skis. We tracked him as far as we could, but it’s tough going with all the snow. We’ll come back at first light and try again on snowshoes.”

  “There’s probably no point. If the snow is blowing as hard as you say, his tracks will be covered by morning.”

  “Chin up, Cam. There’s always a chance. I have a good team of trackers. Let them do their job.”

  “I wonder what he was doing here?” said Lynne. “More phony evidence?”

  “None that we saw. My concern is that he tried to get in while you were all home. What made you go to the kitchen, Rena?”

  “Popcorn for the movie we intended to watch.”

  “Okay. Cam, I think it’s time you had round-the-clock protection. Any objection?”

  “Well, I can’t be everywhere, so that’s probably a good idea. You volunteering?”

  Michael shook his head. “I can’t. I have to stay on top of the investigation, but you know Scott Baker? Will he do?”

  “Sure, Scotty will do fine.”

  “He’ll be living here twenty-four, seven until we catch this guy. Do you have a spare bed or sofa?”

  Cam’s glance at Lacey held a question and she nodded. “Yeah, he can sleep in the den. There’s a pull-out couch in there.”

  Michael got to his feet. “Good. I’ll send him home to pack a bag. Then I’ll come in to keep you company until he gets back.”

  “Thanks, Michael.”

  “Hey, I look out for my friends. Back in a sec.”

  “Girls, let’s help your father move his things up to my room. We’re a family now and we may as well sleep in comfort,” Lacey said.

  The girls rolled their eyes and gave knowing looks but readily got to their feet.

  “And besides, it’s best to have the law on the ground floor,” Cam said as they headed for the den.

  Michael came back, saw what they were doing and immediately pitched in to help. Cam’s personal belongings were moved, and they were sitting in the living room when Scott arrived.


  “Maybe I should sleep in the living room so we have both entrances guarded.”

  “Nonsense. Scott will hear if anything goes bump in the night,” Lacey said as she closed and locked the bedroom door. “Besides, you made an offer our first day here, and I’m holding you to it.”

  “Yeah? What offer was that?”

  “You promised to help me get the bed bouncing.” Lacey unsnapped his shirt and pushed it down over his shoulders.

  “Happy to oblige, my dear.” He pulled her sweater over her head, surprised to find she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He scowled. “I told you to dress warm for the outing.”

  “I did…too warm. When we got back, I removed the extra layers to cool off.”

  Cam chuckled and kissed her. “Now here I am, making you hot again.”

  “Yes, but it’s a good heat. Don’t stop now.”

  He reached for her then, his hands gently massaging her breasts as his lips found hers. Their tongues danced and dueled as they clung to each other. Cam walked backwards until his legs hit the bed and he sat, pulling her forward into the V of his thighs. He released her lips and burrowed his head between her breasts, holding her close, enjoying the comfort of having her near. When he took one of her rosy nipples into his mouth, she moaned and pressed her upper body closer. He ran his hands along her sides, up and down her spine, and cupped her butt cheeks to hold her still closer.

  “I will never get enough of you, my love,” he said as he glanced up in total rapture.

  “Och, my man. Yer full o’ the blarney, ye are.”

  “I love it when you talk Irish. And it’s not blarney. It’s the simple truth.”

  “Then make love to me, Cam. We’ll forget the world and all its problems and rejoice in love renewed.”

  She pushed him backwards onto the bed, undid his jeans, and pulled them off. Then she kicked off her own before joining him. As she straddled him, he hauled her forward, her breasts brushing against his chest as he kissed her with the deepest passion he’d ever felt in his life. The touch of skin against skin had his body reacting, his erection pulsing against her belly as they kissed. He reached to cup her mound, testing her readiness, and then rolled her over and positioned himself above her. He wanted to see her face as he entered her, but they’d neglected to turn on a light. Only the meager glow from the nightlight in the connecting bathroom broke the darkness.

  “I…love…you…Lacey,” he said, punctuating each word with a slight push as he entered her warmth a little at a time. She couldn’t seem to stand his teasing, tormenting, and pushed up to engulf the rest of him all at once.

  He chuckled as he heard her satisfied “Ah.” Then all humor swept away as her inner warmth embraced him. Hot and aching for more, he pumped in and out, deeper, harder, faster, until the world spun, and it was only the two of them, clinging to each other in the rapturous aftermath.

  “I love the way you make this bed bounce, Mr. Manning.”

  Cam rolled to the side and withdrew, holding her tight against his side. “I love the way you make my world spin. You and the girls are the only light in a life turned suddenly cold and gray.”

  “We’ll worry about that tomorrow, but if you’re cold…” She let the sentence trail off as if a question.

  “Woman, you’re going to kill me.” Her suggestive remark already had his shaft rising to attention. “But at least I’ll die a happy and satisfied man.”

  “Don’t you dare die on me! We have several lost years to make up for. This is only the beginning for us, Cam. The start of a new and wonderful life filled with love.”

  “But what if…”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “No buts. This is here and now and I love you, cowboy.”

  He gasped in surprise when her hand grasped his cock, sliding up and down the length of it. He was so hard for her. “This time, you ride,” he said as he shifted her on top of him. And what a wild ride it was.


  Cam woke at dawn, made love to his woman one more time, then showered and dressed. “I’ll have coffee ready for ya, love,” he said as she headed for the shower.

  “You better. I’m both energized and fatigued this morn. I need my coffee.”

  He smiled as he silently traversed the winding staircase. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see the girls, but he needed more alone time with Lacey. Darn! He’d forgotten about Scott. The man was already up and making coffee.

  “Good morning. Sleep well?”

  Scott turned to him with a smile as he leaned back against the cupboard. “I sure did. This is a cushy assignment compared to some I’ve been on. Quiet night, too.
Nothing to report.”

  “Good. Let’s hope it stays that way.” Cam crossed the room to see additional crime scene tape securing the area out back. “Do you think we can dispense with the yellow ribbons today? We’re not likely to go back there anyway, except to keep a path open in case of emergency. Even that is doubtful after what we found the last time.”

  Scott’s smile disappeared as he spoke. “Cam, no one in their right mind would ever accuse you of murder. Hell, I’ve known you since grade school. Even way back then you took up for the underdog and kept the bullies in line without ever throwing a punch.” He chuckled wryly. “Of course, I think the sheer size of you was enough to put most of them off. You are one big mother…”

  Cam heard footsteps in the hall. “Shh, I hear one of the ladies coming.”

  “Sorry, man. I’m probably not supposed to be talking about the case, but I wanted to let you know just how hard everyone is working to prove your innocence.”

  “Thanks, Scott. I appreciate your faith in me.”

  “No problem. Now, where are the mugs?” he asked as Lacey came strolling in.

  Cam reached up and grabbed mugs for the three of them. The sugar container and spoons came next. Lacey retrieved a container of cream from the fridge on her way to the table.

  “Once I get my fill of coffee, I’ll start breakfast,” she said. “I think I heard the girls surfacing as I came downstairs.”

  “We should duck into town and pick up some groceries later. I think the larder is bordering on empty.”

  “There’s still plenty of meat in the freezer, but we could do with some fresh fruit, veggies, and dairy. I’ll make a list before we leave.” She took a sip of coffee and then frowned. “Should we take the girls with us?”

  “We can, but they’ll be safe enough here with Scotty, and I’m certain he won’t mind their company.”

  “Wouldn’t mind a bit. Pretty young ladies they are. How do you tell them apart?”

  “Rena’s flirty, Abby’s a serious one, and Lynne is the most practical of the three. You’ll soon get used to them,” Lacey said.

  “If only I was twenty years younger,” Scott said with a heavy sigh.


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