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Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Brian Dorsey

  Jackson’s booming voice yelling instructions and insults at his upstart platoon filled the massive confines of the vacuous gym, but they were not alone. A few soldiers were working out in the gravity room to improve their stamina, while others ran laps around the gigantic indoor field.

  And there was Captain Emily Martin.

  Standing outside the virtual combat course, Martin secured her sword inside its scabbard and pulled down the edges of the tight, high-performance shirt that hugged her toned body like a second skin. It was great for workouts but rode up a little, exposing a portion of a set of abs any Humani male would be proud to display.

  She usually ran the course at night, as there were fewer distractions. When she worked the course during normal hours, she tended to draw a crowd. There were the random males that made a sport of watching attractive women work up a sweat—and then there were the competitors and the admirers of her skill.

  Martin had mastered the virtual combat course as a cadet under Stone’s tutelage. By the time she was a junior lieutenant she had set the course record—for males as well as females. Now it was her therapy and a way to continue to challenge herself. She had broken her own record four times.

  “Ready, Captain?” asked the course master. “Same as usual?”

  “Yep, Master-Guns. Remove all the safeties and go live fire.”

  Normally the course, which included randomly generated and fully automated AI combatants with full sensors to rate their survival status, was set so that the AIs would provide a laser-generated signal for hits and a small electrical charge with each one to remind the competitor they had taken a hit. With the safeties removed, some carried edged weapons and the laser markers were replaced with rubber cased bullets.

  “Going for a record today, Captain Martin?” asked the old Fleet Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant.

  “Every day, Guns.”

  Martin rechecked her sword and put her audio clip to her ears. As the powerful beat of the fast-paced music began to pulse through her body she looked over toward the course master, rubbed the palms of her taped hands together, and nodded.

  As the light above her head shifted to green, she sprang into action. At a full sprint in a flash, she dove over an obstacle, drawing her sword while airborne. Landing into a roll, she rose and landed a kill shot on the first AI. A second target immediately sprung up behind her, swinging a sword. Martin dropped to the ground in a split, landing a fist to the inner knee of the AI. As the AI buckled, she brought her sword upward.

  “Kill,” registered from the AI’s voice communicator.

  Martin continued her rush across the course as rubber bullets impacted all around her. Jumping over and sliding under obstacles, she was a blur as the powerful music filled her head and her sword flashed like lightning. Reaching the last few meters of the course she was mid-stride over an obstacle when an AI sprung up immediately in her path. Without hesitation, she pressed off the obstacle with her right foot and threw her left on top of the AI’s shoulder. Stepping over the AI, she spun mid-air, landing a strike across the back of the AI.


  Hitting the deck at a full run, she sprinted the remaining few paces to the end of the course and past the electronic tag signaling the end of her run.

  Martin stood at the end of the course glistening with sweat. Panting slightly from the exertion but recovering quickly, she removed the audio clip, started to pull the tape from her hands, and waited on her score.

  “Not too bad, Captain,” said the Gunnery Sergeant.

  “What’s the total?”

  “807. Another record.”

  “Damn,” said Martin. “I thought it would be a little higher.”

  “That’s two points higher than your best record and thirty-five more than the highest ranking mortal.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she conceded. “810 sounds a lot better than 807 though.”

  “Maybe next time.”

  “Definitely next time. Set me up for same time tomorrow, Guns.”

  “Aye, Ma’am.”

  In the background Martin could hear Jackson tormenting his trainees, drawing her attention to her ex-husband as he worked with his men. After returning a salute from the Marine course master she walked over to watch the training.


  “Corporal Hansen, you’re next,” said Jackson as he waved for the young man to enter the training ring.

  The corporal stepped forward. No more than twenty-one, he was a mountain of a man.

  “Okay, meat,” taunted Jackson, “take me out.”

  The corporal lunged at Jackson, who quickly tied the large man up in a knot.

  Jackson tightened his grip and the massive corporal grunted as he tried in vain to break free. “Come on, Corporal,” joked Jackson. “You all fight like women. Maybe we should ask some girl from Nero Street to come down and challenge me.”

  “What about me, Lieutenant?” asked Martin. “Will I do?”

  “Oh, Captain Martin,” said Jackson. He released the corporal from his grip and rose to greet his ex-wife.

  “Captain Martin, I did not realize we were in the company of a senior officer.” Looking over toward his trainees he bellowed the order, “Attention!”

  As the trainees stood tall and erect, Jackson saluted with a smile. “Of course when I speak of a woman, I did not mean you, ma’am.”

  Martin leered at Jackson. “Of course not, Lieutenant, I am well aware of what you call a woman.”

  “Well, Ma’am, there are women and then there are women,” replied Jackson.

  “You are definitely right. How about an advanced lesson for your trainees?”

  Jackson looked over toward his men. There was no way out. He was unsure of the outcome but didn’t want the others to see it. He leaned in to Martin. “If you had wanted to get close to me, I can think of many better ways to…”

  Before he could finish, Jackson felt his leg moving upward as Martin swept his leg out from under him and pushed him onto his back. As he fell, she spun him on his side and locked her arms through his. Jackson’s men gathered around them in a circle.

  “Nice, Emily,” said Jackson. “Let’s tussle.”

  Jackson kicked his legs in the air and spun free of Martin’s hold. Jumping back to his feet, the two former Elite Guard officers circled each other. They came together again and Jackson caught Martin’s right leg as she kicked at his ribcage. As he did, Martin grabbed his free hand.

  “A little spent from the course?” asked Jackson as he strengthened his grip on Martin’s leg.

  “Maybe, but it shouldn’t keep me from kicking your ass…again.”

  Jackson felt Martin’s weight shift as she went airborne, swinging her other foot into the air and crashing against his head.

  Jackson stumbled backwards as Martin completed her spin and landed facing him.

  “Nice,” chuckled Jackson as he spit out one of his teeth. “I guess we’re really gonna do this?”

  “Come on!” demanded Martin as the mesmerized trainees watched the show.

  The two collided once more.

  After rolling on the ground, Jackson felt Martin’s arms locked around his neck and her legs tightened around his torso. Jackson’s arms were free, however, and he landed several powerful blows with his elbow to her ribs. The last of the blows inflicted enough damage to cause Martin to loosen her grip with her legs. Jackson capitalized and grabbed Martin’s ankle in a submission hold. Struggling for his breath, Jackson gave Martin a warning.

  “If you don’t let go…” He fought for more air. “…I will break your ankle.”

  “Break it, then,” she grumbled in his ear. “If you have the balls.”

  Jackson increased the pressure to show Martin he could do it. As he did, he could hear her groan against the pain in her ankle but she only squeezed more tightly around Jackson’s neck.

  His head begin to grow heavy.

  ‘Captain Martin, your presence is requested at regimental headquarters,’ e
choed through the gymnasium over the ship’s announcing circuit.

  Seeing his opportunity to save face, Jackson gave a light tap to Martin’s calf in quiet submission so that his men would not see.

  A rush of blood flowed to his head as Martin released her hold.

  Jackson slowly stood, but remained bent over with his hands on his knees. After taking a few precious breaths he looked over toward Martin, who stepped toward him with an obvious limp. “We will have to continue this training later, Lieutenant,” said Martin, still working her ankle in small circles as she stood next to him.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” replied Jackson, slowly standing erect and giving her a slight smile as he saluted. Returning the salute, Martin quickly turned to report to headquarters.

  Jackson returned his attention to his men and stated in a thundering voice, “That was an example of how to combat a skilled warrior. Remember, no matter how good you think you are, someone else is probably better…” He gave a quick glance toward Martin, who was almost at the exit. He knew she had heard his compliment and wanted to see her response.

  Martin paused for a second, as if she was going to turn around. But she continued on, the limp now gone, and her red ponytail bouncing.


  While Martin and Jackson were working out their tensions, Stone slept soundly with Astra curled up next him. Astra had acquired the suite of rooms next to his quarters, allowing her to spend nights with him and then return to her room through an adjoining door she had ordered constructed during the renovation of Stone’s quarters. This way she would have a place to prepare herself each day without having her servants and their gossip-hungry ears traipsing through Stone’s quarters.

  The high-pitched tone of his door opening awakened Stone. As he was gathering his senses, Captain Martin burst into room.

  “Colonel Stone, I…excuse me,” she paused as she saw Astra sitting up next to him, pulling the covers over her body to protect her modesty.

  “What are you doing in here, Captain?” demanded Astra.

  “Forgive me, Sir and aahh…Lady Astra. I have urgent news concerning the regiment. I did not expect you to have…company.”

  “Whatever it is, Captain, I am sure it can wait until morning,” replied Astra coldly. “And I would remind you that you should address your commanding officer as Colonel Lucius…not Stone.”

  “I am sorry, Lady Varus, but it cannot wait. I must speak to Colonel Lucius. Now,” replied Martin, allowing her feelings toward Astra to show a little.

  Stone could see Astra preparing to release a torrent upon Martin.

  “It’s okay, Captain,” he said, turning back toward Astra. “It is obviously an important military matter.”

  He was trying to hint at their earlier conversation. Astra apparently understood.

  “Very well then,” she pouted, as her eyes shot flames at Martin.

  Stone rose to get dressed, quickly jumping into the dress trousers that were lying on a chair nearby. He soon found a shirt and began to pull it over his head.

  Used to seeing Stone’s body due to the close quarters of Guard service, Martin failed to avert her gaze as Stone pulled the shirt over his very developed chest and toned stomach.

  “Perhaps in the future your, uh…staff could show a little more discretion and contact you via comms link first.” Astra shot another hateful glance toward Martin. “We can not just let anyone come and go as they please,” she declared coldly.

  “You are correct, Lady Astra,” replied Martin returning a glare. “It was my mistake for not thinking of the colonel’s new…situation.”

  “We can talk in my office, Captain,” he said quickly, wanting to separate the two.

  Stone escorted Martin out of the bedroom, leaving Astra to stew about their uninvited guest.

  “What is it, Emily?” he asked as they walked into his office. “It’s a little odd to be calling at this hour.”

  “We have been activated, Sir. Intelligence has shown evidence that the former renegade Nero has been negotiating with the Terillians.”

  “The same Navarus Nero that masterminded an attempted assassination of former Proconsul Aurelius Maximillus?” asked a surprised Stone.

  “Yes, Sir. Nero and his followers are believed to have conquered a group of small villages on Juliet 3 where he set himself up as dictator.”

  “I know about that, Captain,” replied Stone. “When I was a captain, we did some work in the area and there had even been talk of a punitive mission. But it was deemed that the forces it would have taken to pursue him were not worth the effort and he was allowed to become just another Dark Zone warlord.”

  “He has done quite well for himself since then,” added Martin. “Over the last ten years he has consolidated power on Juliet 3. With close to five thousand men under arms and a small fleet of combat aircraft, Nero has created a formidable little empire on Juliet 3.”

  The new tactical importance of Juliet 3 suddenly hit Stone. Its relative proximity to important supply lines of planets trading with Alpha Humana and its suitability as a possible base of operations for the Terillians made the planet a valuable target for both sides.

  “What are the details?” asked Stone.

  “We don’t have a lot, Sir. High Command received word from agents operating on the planet that Terillian emissaries have been seen dining with Nero in recent weeks. They have decided that they cannot allow Juliet 3 to fall into Terillian hands.”

  “I agree. That would significantly impact our trade in the Dark Zone at the very least.”

  “Yes, Sir. High Command has recalled all of 2nd Brigade. We’re to have the regiment standing by at 1200 in two days to meet transports from the Pantelus Varuk. Once onboard, General Tacitus will to have more information but it seems clear we will finally be entering the Dark Zone in force.”

  “It seems so, Captain,” Stone replied. “Draft the necessary orders and ensure all field grade officers are contacted immediately with the recall order.”

  “Yes, Sir,” replied Martin before she hustled out of Stone’s quarters to prepare the regiment for deployment.

  Stone had hoped to get to know his officers and work with the regiment a little more before they went into combat, especially since he had absolutely no faith in his own superior.

  But it looked like that would not happen.

  Chapter 7

  On the 3rd day of the 11th lunar cycle, 4785 Alpha Humana years, two Humani battle groups entered the Neutral Quadrant for the first time in over 150 years. The force, under command of Admiral Bruti Plutarch, included the battle cruisers Pantelus Varuk and Gaes Prime; orbital destroyers Redoubt, Intrepid, Courageous, and Defiant; five fast cruisers; and several Tiger class battle frigates. It was this group of warships that would fire the opening salvos of a Second Tero-Xennite war.

  Colonels Stone, Vatarus, and Neo sat in General Tacitus’s stateroom waiting for him to enter. As the door swung open Cataline’s aide, a little weasel of a man, called attention to the group. They had barely begun to rise when the general entered. Most flag officers would have the room take their seats immediately as they entered. But not Cataline Tacitus. He arrogantly strode across the room to the front of the group. After a brief pause to savor the power that came with flag rank, he spoke.

  “Please, at ease, men. Have a seat,” he said, trying to pretend he did not love having the entire room stand for him.

  He turned on a data screen and continued. “We’re currently bringing auxiliary reactors online to support our jump to the Juliet system. We should plan on beginning offensive operations in less than seventy-two hours.”

  “Sir, I have reviewed the terrain and have some recommendations for landing zones,” added Stone as he started to rise to show his proposed sites.

  “Recommendations will not be necessary, Mr. Stone,” interrupted Cataline, motioning for Stone to return to his seat. “I have conferred with High Command and we have agreed on the landing zones.”

  Stone looked over
at Vatarus, who was visibly surprised at Cataline’s rebuff of Stone.

  “General Tacitus,” spoke Vatarus. “Perhaps Colonel Lucius’s experience in these—”

  “Silence!” shouted Cataline. “I am in command of this brigade and once a decision is made it will be your duty to follow my orders. Is that understood?”

  Cataline was looking at Vatarus, but everyone understood the explosion was probably meant for Stone.

  “Yes, Sir,” replied Vatarus as he leaned back into his chair, still openly annoyed.

  “As I was saying,” continued Cataline, “the first brigade, consisting of the 5th Air Assault, 52nd Heavy Infantry, and 158th Mt. Castra Reserve Militia, will land in the plains to the west of Nero Two. They will be commanded by General Casius Brakus, but I will maintain tactical command of the overall expedition.”

  Cataline shifted the screen to a new location. “Colonel Vatarus, you will deploy in the mountains about halfway between Nero Two and Narus City. Your mission will be to prevent reinforcement of any forces General Brakus encounters. To facilitate this, you will receive additional hawk attack ships from the 25th and will have tactical control of 2nd and 3rd squadrons from the compliment onboard Pantelus Varuk.”

  Stone’s anger boiled just under the surface. Cataline was already depleting his force and he did not yet know what mission he would be given.

  “The plan is to have Vatarus hold the mountains and then have General Brakus move eastward to link up with Vatarus’s troops and move on Narus City. It is believed this will be an adequate display of power to sway many of Nero’s lieutenants. Once outside Narus City, I will join the force and commence negotiations with Nero to sign a treaty of amicability and support.”

  “You will not be commanding from the planet?” asked Vatarus.

  “No, Colonel, I believe the operation can best be monitored and directed from a central location.”

  Stone’s face grew red. He knew Cataline to be arrogant and incompetent; now he knew he was a coward as well.

  “Colonel Neo.”

  “Yes, Sir,” squeaked the young colonel.

  “Your regiment will remain onboard to support General Brakus if needed or to assist in holding the mountains as the situation develops.”


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