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Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)

Page 12

by Liz Adams

  Would she ever get her hands on a cock this long again? She felt its heat, its softness in her hands. She stroked his dick.

  "Hey, that tickles," Charlie said in a sweet voice. Alice stopped stroking.

  Time to play croquet. She lifted his dick back, and swung it against her ball. No good. His soft cock just dragged over the crab.

  Alice looked around again to see how the others did it. Then she noticed they were stroking the cock first to get it hard, then they swung it against their ball. Her instincts had been correct.

  She noticed their rhythm. Stroke, stroke, stroke, swing. Stroke, stroke, stroke, swing.

  Alice grabbed hold of his cock again and stroked it. She slid her hands down and up, down and up. She felt like she was running her hands along a warm rope. But it wasn’t doing much. His cock just wasn’t getting stiff enough to function as a mallet.

  She thought for a moment. She knew what to do!

  “My hands are like vibrating pads,” Alice said.

  That did it! Alice’s fingers webbed together and her hands buzzed. As she guided her now transformed hands along the underside of Charlie’s shaft, Charlie moaned. His cock hardened into a fine staff. She felt her heart quicken.

  Now to swing it.

  “My hands are just like they normally are,” Alice said.

  Her fingers separated. She grabbed hold of Charlie, ready to swing. But the ball had walked several inches away.

  Alice repositioned Charlie to the ball. Standing behind him, she bent over his butt and back, pressed herself against him to reach his cock again. She quickly set out to pump him to his full length. With her hands back on his hard, hot tool, she found it didn’t take much to get him back to full length. He didn’t need vibrating pads now.

  Charlie moaned louder. “It’s never felt this good before.”

  “Yeah?” Alice said. “You like that?”

  “Oh, yes!”

  So do I, she thought.

  Alice wondered if this was her mission. Her calling. To help others who had never before experienced an orgasm. Alice squeezed herself closer to his body, pressing her breasts into his back, her nipples as hard as marbles. Her hands shuttled back and forth on his lovely cock. Charlie gasped, held his breath before exhaling and gasped again. She rubbed faster, his dick so long, so hard, so good.

  She could feel herself getting wet. She rested her head against his back. She could hear the pounding of his heart. She warmed more between her legs.

  This was her doing. She was causing him to grow so big, his heart to beat this rapidly, his breaths to become uneven. But was she really attractive enough to make men feel this way? Or could any pair of hands have this effect? After all, Charlie wasn’t even looking at her face. But the sounds he made sure were having an effect on her!

  “Alice,” he cried. “What are you doing to me?”

  His body shook. And oh, how Alice’s panties felt soaked. She rubbed her chest up and down his back, her waist thrusting into his. She felt his cock throbbing in her hands. He was close. Up and down that full length, as fast as she could go. Knowing she was giving Charlie a pleasure he had never before known made her feel so hot. She pushed her hips into him, rubbing her nipples on his back. Why did she feel like she might be able to orgasm from this?

  “Yes!” Charlie cried. Ropes of white seed shot into the grass. She twisted her hands as she stroked him, wringing out his cock intent on getting all his cum out of him, wanting him to feel the full extent of his pleasure.

  Alice could feel his whole body tighten, tense up, shudder, and shake. With spurt after spurt, Charlie cried out his pleasure. Alice pulsed hot deep within herself. Holding hard onto his cock, she saw the stripes of white she painted along the grass, proof of her power over his ecstasy.

  But not proof enough. Time to test what her face could do.

  Alice guided him to stand upright. She squatted in front of his long, dangling mallet and gazed up at him with a smile. He smiled back. Lord, those dimples!

  In one hand, she held the tip up and out so his length came straight out from his body. It hung from his waist to her hand like a thick jump rope. With her other hand, she ran a finger along the underside, following the path she imagined his seed took. From the base, her finger started that long journey, drawing the path.

  She watched his face.

  His eyes closed.

  Her finger passed the middle of his length.

  His mouth fell open.

  She drew towards the tip.

  His breaths quickened.

  Alice’s own breaths become uneven. The tip rewarded her journey with a final drop of white. She dabbed it onto her finger and made sure he was looking at her face as she brought the salty drop to her lips.

  He gave a moan that confirmed it! Alice had a face that could make men moan. She was attractive enough…at least to Charlie.

  That would have to be good enough, for now.

  She let his cock fall and stood up to kiss him. His lips were sweet. She brought his hands to her breasts, showing him to press circles onto them. He rubbed her nipples with his palms. It was Alice’s turn to moan.

  “So!” A voice startled Alice.

  She spun around. It was the Cheshire cat in a tree. Alice realized where she was. Several croquet players were looking at her. Her ears got hot. Her neck itched. Alice laughed.

  How could she have completely forgotten she was at a croquet game? She put her hands over face. How embarrassing!

  “So!” the cat said again. “How are you getting off?”

  As she turned back to the cat, she felt some relief that the other players returned to their game. She scowled. “Don’t you mean ‘how am I getting on?’ ”

  “That too.” The cat smiled its toothy smile.

  “I’m afraid I’m not doing very well,” Alice said. “I haven’t been able to hit the ball once.”

  “Not what you’re used to?”

  “Not at all.”

  “And how do you like the mallets?” The cat’s smile had a mischievous flavor to it.

  Alice saw right through his game, but had an idea. She whispered to the cat in a husky voice, “I just love the mallets. Holding that hot, long rod in my hands. Stroking that cock good and hard. Rubbing it from root to tip, watching the man’s face tighten with delight. His legs go weak.”

  The cat grinned wider.

  “I never thought they could be so long. And just imagining that thing inside of me. Oh my Lord!” Alice closed her eyes and held herself as if she were picturing the erotic scene. “But you know what I like even more than the mallets?”

  “Tell me!”

  “The croquet balls,” Alice said. “They’re the cat’s pajamas!”

  Flannel pajamas appeared on the back half of the Cheshire cat’s body. Crab legs stuck out from the side of the pajamas, their claws snapping blindly at the air.

  The cat’s expression changed into a tired look of exasperation. “Ha.” He paused. “Ha.”

  Alice laughed at how ridiculous he looked. “So much for your hindsight.”

  “No, no,” the cat said. “I had some memory of the pajama moment.”

  “So why did you let me say it?”

  “Because I also have the memory of using it as a reason to say how it looks like your dream of having a mallet inside you is coming true.”

  Strong arms embraced Alice from behind.

  “You feel so good, Alice.” She felt Charlie’s voice of desire at her ear. He leaned her over. She heard her skirt rustling as Charlie lifted the hem behind her.

  “Let me show you what you did to me,” he whispered.

  She got hot with anticipation.

  Her underwear was whisked down. She felt him guide his tip past her entrance.

  She sighed with delight.

  Considering what playing with Charlie’s mallet did to her, that cock was just what she needed.

  He pushed in further, a gentle never-ending push. She was so wet for him, it hardly matter
ed how quickly he entered her. In. And in. Lord, he was so big! He reached the depth of her.

  “Like a snake!” She cried. “It’s like a snake!” Charlie’s length coiled inside her, allowing more of him to enter. Alice felt his hands knead her nipples as he continued filling her, opening her. In. And in. Charlie pushed until finally, Alice felt his waist connect with hers. She was full of Charlie.

  She gasped at the sensation of this hot, massive cock coiled inside of her. But something was missing. Wasn’t a cock this big supposed to get her to climax? Or did she really need one in her rear to get there? Alice decided to try something daring.

  “It feels as hard and stiff as it was before,” Alice breathed.

  Alice cried out as Charlie’s cock stretched her more. It tried to unwind itself inside of her and fought to push open her walls. Charlie sucked in his breath through clenched teeth. It must have been incredibly uncomfortable having a hard cock twisted so.

  The queen’s voice shouted in the distance, “The tarts! Someone stole the tarts!”

  Alice and Charlie stilled, and glanced in the queen’s direction. She seemed to be glaring straight at them. Her majesty stepped at a good clip towards them.

  “You better stop,” Alice sighed to Charlie. Charlie grit his teeth and began to pull out. Alice held her breath, and pressed Charlie’s hands against her breasts, making sure he didn’t put his hands down just yet. Lord, the length of that thing. He pulled out. And out. It stretched her folds, feeling hard between them. It felt so good. She didn’t really want to stop.

  Alice found she could no longer keep his hands on her chest, not if he needed to pull completely out of her. Charlie stepped back from Alice. She stepped forward. Out. And out.

  Why didn’t that do it for her? Alice wondered. Why did she feel closer to orgasm handling Charlie’s mallet in her hands than having it inside her? It didn’t make sense.

  The queen was closer, just a few yards away. Charlie’s last few inches slipped out of Alice. Alice adjusted her dress to cover her legs.

  “Who is that?!” the queen demanded, pointing behind Alice. Alice followed the line of her finger to the Cheshire cat who was still grinning at the show he just watched.

  “That’s a Cheshire cat,” Alice said.

  “I hate this part,” the cat said.

  “Well,” the queen said. “Wipe that smile off his face!”

  Alice suddenly found she had no control. Her hand brushed across the cat’s face. His smile drifted completely off his whiskers and floated away.

  The cat grabbed his smile with a paw and placed it back on his face. Only it was less of a smile and more of a grin-and-bear-it look.

  The queen said, “He looks suspicious!”

  “I best be going, now,” the cat said and vanished.

  “Where did he go?” The queen said to no one in particular. Then she turned to Alice. “Where did he go?”

  “How should I know?” Alice said. “He’s not my cat.”

  “Then whose cat is he?”

  “He belongs to the duke,” Alice said.

  “Fetch the duke!” the queen shouted. “And find out who stole my tarts!”

  The flat soldiers stepped out of their positions as arches and scrambled off to heed the queen’s commands.

  “As usual,” the queen said, “no winner in croquet. Everyone must return for the pre-late-afternoon game!” The queen scuttled away.

  Alice stepped close to Charlie, putting her hands on his chest as she looked up into his eyes. “I suppose I should bring you back to the other mallets.” Her pussy clenched and she growled as she gave his cock one last squeeze. So hard to let go.

  She kissed his cheek and took him by the hand, leading him to the row of naked men, their cocks dangling close to the ground. Only Charlie’s glistened in the afternoon sun.

  Chapter 20

  Alice walked back towards the area where the other players stood. Suddenly an oozing arm wrapped around her waist, a stench violating her nose.

  “Time to deal with you.” Bad breath smacked her face.

  Alice paled. It was the duke.

  “I have to thank you,” he said with malice, “for getting me out of prison. Now I can’t wait to shove my cock so deep into you, your eyes will be bleeding.”

  Alice’s body tensed for a fight. Her gut churned heavy.

  “Do you know why I don’t take you right here?” he said. “It’s because the queen is near. Now, where shall we complete our unfinished business?”

  She could turn him into a mouse as the Cheshire cat suggested, but was that too cruel? Think! Alice told herself. Think! What could she do? How could she escape?

  “Ahem!” the queen interrupted their conversation. Never had Alice thought she’d be so relieved to see the queen. Could she convince the queen to send the duke back to prison for his head to be chopped off? Alice wasn’t sure she could convince the queen of anything. No. The best solution for the moment was to get the duke to go away.

  “I know just the place,” Alice whispered quickly to the duke. “Meet me at that shed over there,” she pointed with her eyes, “sneak in and I’ll be there soon.”

  The queen said at the duke, “Either you or your head must be off! Which will it be?”

  “A pl-pl-pleasure to see you, your m-m-majesty,” and off the duke ran.

  “Now.” The queen turned to Alice. “Are you coming to the trial or not?”


  “Yes. We’ve found the thief who stole the tarts. Come along!”

  Alice followed the queen. As she quickened her pace to keep up, she thought about the strange way the queen governed this Wonderland. The restrictions against clichés, similes and metaphors were understandable. Alice witnessed firsthand the dangers of and the power of words. But why cut off all the tips of men’s penises?

  “Your majesty,” Alice started.

  “What is it?” the queen said.

  “Why do you…that is, I’ve noticed how you tend to…what I mean is—”

  “Spit it out, woman!”

  “How come so many men are having their…heads cut off?”

  The queen took in a deep breath, sighed, and then stopped walking. Alice watched the queen open her mouth to say something, and stop herself. The queen did this several times, gazing at the sky, searching, opening her mouth to say something, and then shutting her mouth, apparently changing her mind.

  “When I was a princess,” the queen said at last, “I looked forward to the day I would meet my prince. I pictured our courtship. Would he take me to dance in ballrooms? Would he sing to me in a bower? Would he take me upon his stallion to a secluded beautiful place in the forest?”

  For the first time Alice saw the queen smile with the sweetness of love.

  “I used to take walks along these fields, practicing my likes.”

  “Your likes?” Alice asked.

  “Yes, ‘the clouds above me are like cotton candy,’ ‘the wind is like an ocean breeze,’ that kind of ‘like’.”

  Alice stared at the pink puffs in the sky. She breathed deep and tasted the fresh, salty air.

  “All the while, I was wondering who my prince would be and how we would spend our time together.”

  The queen’s eyes drifted to the ground. She frowned.

  “I was saving myself—” The queen stopped. She gave Alice a troubled expression. “I had a special rose. I was planning to give it to my prince.”

  Alice nodded. She understood the queen’s meaning.

  “And it was taken,” the queen said quietly. “Against my will.” She whispered with anger.

  Alice said nothing. She didn’t know what to say.

  “I know it’s ridiculous.” The queen pursed her lips. “To surround myself with red roses as if somehow, that would bring back my own. Bring back a prince. But still, I let my foolishness of having all these flowers…”

  The queen let the silence linger.

  “Who took it?” Alice asked.

; “I don’t know. I…my back was turned. All I remember was his foul breath. Like chili pepper.”

  Alice gasped.

  “Come now,” the queen said in an imperious tone, intimate girl talk seemingly forgotten. “The trial is about to begin.”

  Chapter 21

  Alice followed the queen across the grassy field to a courtroom laid out on the green grass. There were two rows of chairs for the jury, a seating arrangement for onlookers, and there sat the queen in her throne across from the suspect. The suspect was a flat man with a hood over his head. His normal-looking hands and feet were wrapped in chains spiked to the ground.

  “Delicious!” A voice said by way of greeting. Among the arriving onlookers, Alice saw it was Caterpillar! He wore a big, welcoming smile.

  “I don’t understand,” Alice said. “Last I saw you, you were becoming a cocoon. But you look the same as before.”

  “I was in that cocoon to realize my full potential. Inside I had time to think. If I wanted to get to the best I could be, I needed to first know where I was starting from. The more I dwelled on who I already was, the more I realized how I didn’t want to be any different. I am Caterpillar. Smoking gun and all.”

  Alice ran into his arms to give him the hug he so deserved, and took comfort in feeling all of his hands enfold her. Caterpillar’s words and confidence warmed her chest. She wondered if it would do her well to follow his example.

  “Come to order!” the queen announced.

  It was time to sit down. Alice bid Caterpillar a quiet farewell. She looked for a place to sit, but all of the onlookers’ seats were taken. Alice saw Rabbit in one of the seats. Without asking, she sat on his lap. He frowned, but said nothing and didn’t move her off his lap.

  “Jury,” the queen said, “what is your verdict?”

  “Uh, not yet, your majesty,” said a courtroom orderly standing beside the queen. “First we must hear the evidence against the Jack of Hearts.”


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