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The Dangerous Delaneys and Me

Page 4

by Anne Brooke

  I could see someone I didn’t know sitting on one of the cream leather armchairs…a tall man in his late forties, I reckoned, with receding brown hair and long, elegant fingers. He was dressed in a suit and looking hopeful but wary. I couldn’t really blame him. Next to him, Mark had his back to me and was busy mixing drinks—whisky and soda I thought.

  The moment I saw him with his brother, the effect of both of them together made my cock twitch into action. It was Pavlov’s dogs all over again, except I was taller and trying not to pant. If I had been a dog, I would have been yelping, rubbing his ankles and rolling over for a tickle. Not a good look all around really.

  Mark turned and nodded when he saw me. “Liam, good you could come quickly. We were in need of your company.”

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, my eyes fixed on him as Johnny took one of the drinks from his brother and handed it to me. The touch of his hand on mine made me feel warm inside and less out of place. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Because what we need more than anything is an evening’s entertainment,” Mark continued. “Our business associate here, Mr. Buchanan, is keen to see what we can offer to interest him, and we thought of you at once. Do you think you can do that, Liam? Can you entertain us?”

  Well, I was no Jude Law, but I could probably out-drama-queen Graham Norton on a good day. I stretched out so everyone could get a good view of the shape of me, especially what I kept in my trousers, and gave them a slow smile. “Oh, yes, Mr. Delaney, sir. I’ve got an A-star in entertainment and I’ve had no complaints up until now. What would you like?”

  His eyes clouded over, and I saw him swallow. “We’d like you to undress.”

  As before, when he’d last given me this command, I obeyed. This time, Johnny took each of my discarded items and placed them with care on a nearby table. When I handed him my briefs, he smiled, let them fall onto the table and ran one finger down my chest. I gasped as he tweaked my nipple, and my cock stiffened in response. I hoped whatever happened and whatever sort of entertainment they wanted for their guest tonight, it would end with Johnny and Mark both fucking me. It’s what I wanted more than anything. It was why I’d come. I didn’t much mind right now who else joined in, but that’s how I wanted to end the evening. Then again, class and me had never really mixed. I never knew how to do stylish.

  When Johnny stepped away, I missed his touch like crazy, but blinked and stared at Mark. Was he going to touch me, too? God, I hoped so, as I knew I needed it. Having Johnny without Mark, or Mark without Johnny just didn’t seem right, which probably only showed what a confused moralist I was turning out to be. They didn’t teach you this kind of thing in citizenship lessons at school. Perhaps they should.

  Keeping my gaze on Mark, I stroked my cock slowly and watched a droplet of sweat ease down his face.

  “God, that feels good,” I whispered. “Wish it was you doing it, though, Mr. Delaney. Wouldn’t you like to touch me like your brother has?”

  To my surprise, Mark didn’t respond in the way I thought he would. Instead, he glanced at his visitor, who surely must have been getting an eyeful of my prized assets ’round about now, and strode again to the drinks cabinet. There he poured a whisky and downed it in one. I knew better than to comment on that and simply waited.

  “No, that isn’t the question. The actual question is this,” said Mark after he’d wiped his mouth dry. “Do you think you can keep us all entertained, Liam? Because none of us like to be bored.”

  “Oh, yes, sir, no question about it. Entertainment is my middle name, if I had one.”

  Johnny snorted and a flicker passed across Mark’s face that might have been amusement, or might have been wind. I couldn’t be sure, though, of course, all of us had passed beyond childhood. Way beyond.

  “All right, then turn ’round to the wall and spread your legs. As I’ve already said, Mr. Buchanan here would like to be entertained as part of the deal we’ve just shaken on. So, Liam, show us what you can do.”

  Then he winked at me, I could have sworn it, though the gesture had gone as soon as I thought I’d seen it. Whether it was real or not, it had the effect, strangely, of making me feel safe, God knows why. After all, the Delaneys were the most dangerous people I knew, but, when I mulled it over a little more, I hadn’t come to much harm whilst in their care, and had indeed had a hell of a lot of fun. If I was going to be part of their business package for this hotshot client, then so be it. More than anything, I liked the idea of the twins watching this Mr. Buchanan and me together. Hell, I loved the idea. Bring it on.

  I turned ’round, spread my arms and legs and leant against the wall as instructed. A moment later, I felt a finger ease down my back.

  “You were right,” Mr. Buchanan whispered. “He is very beautiful. And sparky, too, if I’m not mistaken. I like that. And I can do whatever I want with him?”

  “Use a condom and lube,” Johnny said with a growl. “And you can’t hurt him.”

  That was the most impassioned sentence I thought I’d ever heard from Johnny, and it made me smile.

  “My brother’s right,” Mark warned. “Injury is out of the question and if that happens, all bets are off. Liam belongs to us.”

  “Agreed,” said Mr. Buchanan. “Besides, punishment isn’t my thing.”

  After that, he didn’t do any more talking and had no need to. He massaged my shoulders and bit me, gently, on the back of my neck, sucking and nibbling at my skin there. One of the twins, I wasn’t sure which, gasped and I heard the distinct sound of a zipper being undone. Someone was keen to see Mr. Buchanan get his rocks off, or to see me fucked. One of the two, maybe both.

  Slowly Mr. Buchanan ran his fingers down my spine, and I found myself relaxing into his touch. My cock was at half-mast and my enthusiasm for group sex, and now voyeurism was starting to amaze me. I’d never realized I was, at heart, quite so modern and I thanked God I’d argued so publicly with my ex, the Delaneys’ cousin, if it ultimately brought me this much sheer fun.

  I closed my eyes as Mr. Buchanan followed up his massage of my back with the warmth of his tongue on my skin, and I spread my legs a little more widely to allow him access to all areas. He licked and nibbled his blissful way down my spine, pausing to pay attention to each vertebra. He felt like a lover rather than a one-night stand; it was nice. What felt even better was the fact I was letting him kiss and suck me in obedience to Mark’s command and not because I’d chosen to let him. I wasn’t sure what that made me, but now wasn’t the time to mull it over, particularly as ’round about then my brain disappeared entirely into my balls and I couldn’t have recited my two times table if someone had paid me to do it.

  After a while, he started to knead my buttocks and slip his fingers through to my balls, and I couldn’t help but groan. My eyes flashed open and I turned my head to catch sight of Mark sitting, legs wide, on the nearest cream leather chair. His zipper was open and his cock fully erect. He was stroking it whilst watching me and, for some reason, this was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen in my life. My cock lurched upward and a few drops of cum spilt from my tip. I began to pant.


  It was only a whisper, from the other side of me, but when I turned to the sound of my name, I saw Johnny, closer than I’d imagined him. He wasn’t undressed, but I could see through his cotton trousers how hard he was. I longed to touch him, but I was afraid of losing my balance and, besides, I didn’t want to touch one twin without touching the other, too. That felt wrong, as somehow I needed them both.

  “Liam,” Johnny said again in nothing more than a whisper, “you’re beautiful.”

  He trailed his hand down my face as he spoke, and I took his finger inside my mouth and kissed and licked it. Not wanting Mark to be left out, I turned my head so I could gaze at him as I wrapped my tongue round his brother’s finger, and I tried to show him with my eyes exactly how hot he was. It seemed to work, too, as he increased the speed of his strokes to his cock. God, I could be good sometimes, esp
ecially when thrown in at the deep end, as it were.

  Speaking of which, Mr. Buchanan had now reached the bottom of my spine, and I heard the soft thud of his knees as he landed on the carpet. I wasn’t quite sure what I’d anticipated him doing, but I felt my cheeks being opened and then the warmth and wetness of his tongue circling my hole.

  Crying out, I lost my balance and almost fell, but Johnny held me in his grip. I was shaking with the ripples of pleasure spreading out from my arse and all through my body. At the same time, my cock was so hard it actually hurt. It had been so long since anyone had done this to me and, in fact, it had only ever been twice. The first time was with my second boyfriend and it took me precisely three seconds to come, and the last time, I was so drunk I fell asleep and the boyfriend (the same one) dumped me. Really, I should be ashamed.

  Anyway, in the here and now, I was sure I was going to come at any moment, and Mr. Buchanan hadn’t even stuck his tongue inside; he was only licking my rim. If the Delaneys were hell-bent on making me into some kind of hooker for their favored business associates, I certainly wasn’t acting in any way near professional, but, thank God, they didn’t seem to mind.

  Johnny grabbed my chin and turned me to face him. By this time, I was gasping and moaning and couldn’t even speak, had I wanted to. Especially as Mr. Buchanan had just pushed his tongue inside me. Really, it was a miracle I was still conscious. The Delaneys certainly knew how to party.

  “You’re so sexy,” Johnny whispered, “when you’re out of control like this.”

  With that, he pushed me away from the wall a little and then, like Mr. Buchanan, he slid to his knees, but this time in front of me and took my cock slowly into his mouth. It felt beyond incredible. At the same time, from the side where I couldn’t see him, Mark cried out, and I felt the splatter of his cum at my waist. It wasn’t going to take me long to join him, I could see that.

  Just as I did, shooting my load between his twin’s lips, Mark stood up and twisted around so he was almost in front of me. Without a word, he kissed me, thrusting his tongue deep inside my mouth in much the same way as Mr. Buchanan was thrusting his tongue deep inside my arse. I’d always loved being filled up and being tongue-fucked twice was definitely going to be high on my list of Must-Do-Again positions. I hoped Mr. Buchanan would be suitably inspired to do more business with the twins, as often as possible. As long as they were there. I didn’t much fancy it without them.

  At last, when I’d finished, and the three men had stopped their delicious usage of my body, I sank to my knees, trembling. The Delaneys were nothing if not unpredictable, that was for sure.

  So was their guest. Mr. Buchanan recovered first and eased me onto all fours in front of the chair Mark had just vacated.

  “You taste wonderful,” he whispered, his voice throaty and low. “Now let’s see what the main course is like.”

  It was pretty damn good, all in all, and I was starting to think of myself as a type of connoisseur, at least in matters involving those tantalizing twins. Mr. Buchanan fucked me twice, the first time quick and rough, but not too rough, though I was glad Mark and Johnny were there to see fair play. Play being the operative word. The second time was longer and more enjoyable, for all of us. Mr. Buchanan filled up my arse, while I sucked at both the twins’ dicks as if I couldn’t get enough of them. Which really I couldn’t. It was just a shame that I couldn’t quite manage to suck both of them at the same time, but I made every effort trying, which they seemed to appreciate. Who wouldn’t have?

  Afterward, Johnny fetched more drinks, including a beer for me, which I thought was a nice touch especially as I hadn’t had a chance to taste the first drink and I preferred beer anyway. Then again the Delaneys didn’t seem to be men to forgo the little courtesies under any circumstances. Criminal masterminds or not. I noticed it was Finnegan’s, my favorite, and wondered how the hell he’d known and also how the hell he’d got hold of some.

  “Thank you, sir,” I said, and he smiled.

  While everyone else put their clothes back on—though, actually, Mr. Buchanan hadn’t removed many of his in the first place—I waited to see what the next instruction might be. Odd how that didn’t feel as strange as I thought it would.

  Finally, the Delaneys and their guest sat down in the leather chairs. I took up a standing position between Mark and Johnny, and gasped as Mark reached out and gave my cock a firm stroke.

  “You’re certainly entertaining, Liam,” he said. “I think our guest found that most satisfactory.”

  “Thank you,” I managed to stutter, as Mr. Buchanan nodded his approval.

  “Good,” Mark said, continuing to play with my cock, almost absently. “Then I think we can come to some sensible arrangement in terms of our business, don’t you? You supply us with what we want on a fortnightly basis and, if it’s top quality merchandise, you can have Liam to play with on a monthly basis for an evening, though he can’t stay overnight with you. However, Johnny, or one of our other close associates, will accompany him to ensure you treat our boy well and that he gets home safely. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” said Mr. Buchanan, licking his lips and casting me lascivious glances over his whisky and soda. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mark, and will, I anticipate, continue to be so.”

  “But, Mr. Delaney, sir…” I began to protest, letting my mouth run away with me before my brain was fully alert, as usual. I stopped at once when I saw Mark’s frown.

  “What is it?” he said with a growl, dropping my more-than-half-erect cock. “Did I give you permission to speak?”

  “No, sir,” I said, still holding his gaze, “but you didn’t give me orders not to, sir.”

  To my left, Johnny made a noise that might have been a chuckle, swiftly stifled, but I couldn’t be sure. “He’s right, Mark. Let him speak.”

  My eyes widened as I caught the look Mark gave his twin, but after a couple of heart-stopping moments, he shrugged. “All right, if that’s what you suggest. I’m not a cruel man, after all. Say what you want to, Liam, but make it quick.”

  I gave Johnny a grateful look. “Yes, sir, thank you, sir. You know I want to make you happy in any way I can, but if I’m going to be your whore, I want to be your whore and not just anyone’s. I-I really love being at your command, both of you, I mean, and that’s all I wanted to say, Mr. Delaney, sir.”

  Mark said nothing for a long moment. Too long really, as I wanted nothing more than to collapse to my knees and beg him to forgive me or run from the room entirely to avoid his evident displeasure. However, a light touch on my left leg and the feel of gentle fingers on my skin told me that Johnny, at least, might be minded to protect me. Up to a point, of course.

  Mr. Buchanan gave a sudden snort of laughter. “You certainly know how to pick your toys, Mark! I like a whore with attitude. It’s far more entertaining than one without.”

  Without warning, Mark shot to his feet and strode over to where his guest sat. He leant over the unfortunate Mr. Buchanan and, with a jerky movement, grabbed his whisky and soda and slammed it down on the table.

  “Liam is not a whore,” he said, his tone nothing but whispers and menace, “whatever he may say about himself. And, if you wish to have a long and healthy life, then you’ll never say that word about him again, in my hearing or outside it. Do you understand?”

  Sweat dripping down his face, Mr. Buchanan nodded. I saw he was trembling, but couldn’t in any way blame him. Frankly, so was I.

  “Good,” Mark spoke after a tense silence. “And, by the way, until we’ve known each other for a while and you’ve acted nice and polite as I’ve said, then it’s ‘Mr. Delaney’ to you. Understood?”

  Again, the unfortunate Mr. Buchanan nodded. Even I was almost feeling sorry for him by now…almost being the operative word. He’d had his fun, after all.

  Mr. Buchanan stayed for another half-hour or so while the Delaneys finished their business. Occasionally, he would risk the odd glance at me, but I didn’t
respond in any way. I simply stayed exactly where I was and kept my attention on the twins. I knew what was good for me. I was still mulling over their offer of me as entertainment to their new business associate and wondering where that left me.

  Finally, their guest departed and, as they were seeing him off the premises, I gathered the dirty glasses and slotted them into the dishwasher. I had no idea whether that was what the twins wanted, but I thought I might as well make myself useful while I waited.

  There was still something to say about my planned encounters with Mr. Buchanan. I just had to make some kind of sense out of it all. Funny how everything since I’d met the Delaneys seemed to be rushing ahead at the speed of sound, but I was, on the whole, enjoying the ride too much to want to get off or at least not for long. Never mind how entertaining I might be, the Delaneys were pretty entertaining all by themselves.

  A few moments later, the twins returned. Mark nodded approvingly when he saw what I was up to.

  “Nice work,” he said. “I’m sure your support helped seal us the deal, too, Liam. I knew you’d be the clincher.”

  This was it then; time for me to make my stand. I coughed. “Mr. Delaney, sir.”

  “Yes?” Mark ran his hand casually over my arse as he leaned across me to switch the kettle on. The fact the contact made my cock stiffen again wasn’t going to make the next few moments any easier, but, hell, it couldn’t be helped.

  “Like I said, I don’t want to be your man-whore, sir,” I said in double-quick time, the words spilling out of my mouth like I was spitting bullets. I hoped it wouldn’t actually come to that. “I mean, actually I do, if you’re asking. I want to be your man-whore, yours and the other Mr. Delaney’s, sir. I don’t want to be anyone else’s. Not even if it’s your best business associate ever because it just wouldn’t feel right, sir.

  “I don’t mind the odd one-off, like tonight, not if you stay in the same room, and someone else doing it to me gets you both going, too. That’s not what I mean. I just want to be your fuck-toy exclusively. I don’t like the thought of anyone else’s cocks but yours, not on a regular basis. Hope you don’t mind me saying so, but I thought you ought to know. Seeing as I belong to you, sirs.”


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