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Page 12

by Glenn Van Dyke

  Having made reservations for the private Admiral’s Quarters, Steven played the occasion for all it was worth. After they’d enjoyed a bottle of Pierre Gimonnet and Fils and eaten a light but fancy lobster dinner—the waiter returned, presenting Renee with a covered, silver-platter of what she expected to be her favorite dessert; strawberries, deep-fried bananas and ice cream.

  Instead, when he lifted the lid, she was surprised to see a decorative oyster shell with a starfish shaped napkin atop it. On the tip of the napkin, lay a diamond solitaire, engagement ring.

  Kneeling on the floor next to Renee, he gently took the ring and placed it on her finger. Renee looked up and with tears in her eyes that sparkled like the diamond in the ring, she softly whispered, “Yes.” She then picked up the napkin, looked Steven square in the face and threw it at him. “You could have at least said the words you big lug!”

  Her eyes suddenly lit up with understanding, “They gave you your own Sub Command! That’s why you picked this place!”

  Steven nodded, yes and shook his head, no. “Sort of—she’s a bit more than a sub. She’s a Class 9 Nautilus. The first of her kind,” he said proudly. “She’s not quite finished, but they want me to oversee the final stages of her construction. Her name is, Columbus.”

  “Columbus? An exploration vessel?—Space exploration?” said Renee, incredulously—putting the pieces together.

  Steven nodded. “You’re too smart for your own good.”

  Renee threw her arms around his neck.

  “President Tomlinson said that when she’s ready next month, he’ll be there to inaugurate her personally. He handpicked me to command her.

  In the meantime, we’ll be stationed at a base nearby. I’ll tell you more once we’re en route. I’m under orders not to share the location details until after we’ve set sail. And—”

  “And—” Ren repeated, with a sly gleam in her eyes.

  “I picked you to be one of my officers!” added Steven.

  “I see, and what if I would’ve said no to marrying you!” she said as she glanced at the ring.

  “Then I would’ve ordered you to marry me!”

  “Sooo, Captain? Every time you want your way, you’re just going to make it an official order?”

  “Absolutely! Admiral’s privilege,” said Steven as he began to unbutton her blouse.

  “Admiral? They promoted you to Admiral?”

  Steven nodded.

  “Wow! Sooo—what is my assigned position to be, sir?”

  “Hmm, how about we start on the table, then on the chair, then-”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she said poking him in the tummy.

  As he unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor, “Oh, you mean your assigned post?” said Steven with a chuckle. “You’ll head-up the Naval Science Department. You’ll have a full team under you, and you can go into your specialty, Biochemistry. That is what you’d always wanted, right?”

  He was happier for her than he was for himself. From the first day they had met four years ago, she had wanted to be a Biochemist, studying the chemical composition of living organisms on a molecular level. It had been her dream.

  Excited beyond words, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed him against the wall, the heat and softness of her bare breasts exciting him.

  “Congratulations, Captain,” said Steven.

  “Captain?” said Renee, taken aback.

  “It comes with the job description.”

  After a rib breaking hug, “And what are your orders for me now, sir?” asked Ren as she unzipped his pants and grabbed his swollen cock.

  “It seems you have a firm grasp on the situation, Captain! I defer to your judgment on how to solve the problem,” said Steven suggestively.

  “It’s a mighty big problem! I might need to work on this one all night!” said Ren as she knelt before him and circled the head of his shaft with her tongue. “By the way, I never did get dessert. I hope it’s still coming?” she said sensually, just before she engulfed him and began to slide up and down his length.

  “Oh, yeah—it’s coming!”

  A second later, “Ouch. You bit me,” said Steven looking down at her.

  “Just reminding you who’s really in charge, Admiral.”


  A soft tremor, an after-effect of the gravitational changes from the destroyed Moon, roused Renee. For Steven, the timing was impeccable. Seeing Steven seated in the swivel chair across from her, she rose and crossed the room to him. Standing sensually before him, she unfastened the thin string tie about her waist. The white negligee fell open and liquidly slid off her shoulders to the floor.

  Naked, she knelt before him and slowly unfastened the buttons of his uniform. Undoing his belt, she exposed him. Seeing his readiness, a raised eyebrow echoed her own need. Damned it’s so big—bigger than I’ve ever seen it before, Renee said to herself.

  His size inflamed her. Looking up at him, “You have no idea how badly I’ve been craving this,” she said while squeezing his cock tightly, the tip of his shaft resting against her lips.

  “I think I do!” answered Steven as his hands settled behind her head, ready to coax her ever deeper onto him.

  His absence had made Renee realize for the first time, that her desire to taste him was more than a want—it was a need, an addiction. The last two months had been far harder than she had expected they would be—she had never separated his physical presence from her being sexually satisfied. When she had one, she had the other.

  Now, though she had missed him terribly, her craving to taste him was unnaturally strong. Each day had become noticeably harder than the one before. Her need was consuming her, her extreme desperation controlling her every thought.

  Holding him, her fingers unable to wrap around his shaft, she knew he was bigger than she had ever seen him before. Her lips took intense delight in the heat radiating off him—her mouth watering in anticipation.

  “Happy fortieth birthday, Admiral, prepare to be boarded.”


  Morning had come all too soon for such a sleepless night, but what a night it was. Renee had ravaged him as never before.

  “You’ve got to get up, bum. You’re late,”

  Rising naked from the bed, Steven watched as she went to the closet and quietly proceeded to lay out his navy-blue dress formal, nice and tidy, right down to the black polished boots at the foot of the bed.

  Seating herself next to him on the edge of the bed. “Should I get you a wheelchair or do you still have some strength left in those legs?”

  Steven admired her, for to be a military wife was no easy task and for the single day that he was going to be home, he wished he could have spent every second of it with her and the family. As usual though, a number of items were demanding attention.

  “I guess you won’t be needing breakfast,” said Steven, teasing her. “You must be stuffed.”

  “Up to my tonsils—but don’t get too relaxed, it’s almost lunchtime,” said Renee suggestively as she ran a pair of walking fingers down his chest, stopping atop his hardening cock.

  “It certainly is!” said Steven friskily grabbing Ren’s wrists and pulling her down beside him. Rolling over atop her, he playfully tickled her ribs, making her scream out for mercy.

  Gently brushing back the hair from her face, he seductively traced her lips with his finger, “I could serve lunch now?” His brow raised expectant of an affirmative answer.

  “I know, I can feel you throbbing against my clit,” said Ren. She desperately wanted to say, yes. His size was immense, his hardness unimaginable—like never before. She felt a heart palpitating giddiness.

  She caught the tip of his finger between her teeth and began nibbling on it. “Damn, that cock of yours makes it hard to say, no. But somebody has to be the adult here—go get showered and get out of here. You’re already late. So stow it, sailor.”

  With a quick peck on her nose, Steven hopped up.

  Staring into
the mirror on his dresser, he saw just how much the stress of war had changed him. Though he had just turned forty, the K9 serum that he’d received on his 24th birthday had dramatically slowed his aging. On this day however; the cleft in his chin was sharper than he remembered; his silver-blue eyes deeper set; the line of his jaw more chiseled. Though he was six foot three in height and his physique was strong and muscled, he had grown leaner in the last years. Even with the serum, the years of struggling to survive had taken its toll.

  Though Steven had returned home wearing a mask of sallow weariness, inside he felt invigorated—the result of a long night of Renee’s wagging tongue.

  Renee came up behind him and applied the finishing touch to his uniform, straightening out the crinkles. Putting her hand atop his crotch, “Good, at least you won’t look like you’re hiding a cannon in there.”

  Steven grinned. At the same moment, he began to sense something. It had been there since he had stepped through the airlock at the base, but it had been so subtle that he had subconsciously chosen to ignore it. Now—it permeated the air with an intense ferocity.

  Spinning Steven round to face her, “I know I’ve told you a lot about Ashlyn, but now that you’re about to meet her for the first time …” she paused a moment, fastening the last button on the collar of his uniform, “I want to warn you that she dresses, well, ultra-provocatively!”

  “How provocatively?” said Steven, exaggeratedly widening his eyes.

  Ren punched him playfully in the arm. “Just be prepared! The concept of modesty isn’t in her genetic encoding. For her, being clothed is like putting on a bracelet, it’s merely an accessory, an optional fashion choice. So as you can imagine, her clothes tend to be scanty.

  I’m not complaining—I actually like it. There’s an honesty to her liberated behavior that everyone—including me, finds incredibly refreshing. In fact, if you want me to dress that way—I’d consider it. I just wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it. Anyway, just let me know.

  Just be warned, when you see her, don’t let your head get all f’d up.”

  “Someday, you’re going to say that word,” Steven teased. She’d never been one to use vulgarities and that was as close as he had ever seen her come. “You are insanely cute when you’re jealous,” added Steven as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and a quick playful slap on her bare butt. “And don’t worry, that mouth of yours f’d my head enough last night to last me a week.” He stuck his tongue out at her.

  Reaching the door, he turned to look at her once again.

  “I’ll never say it,” she jested back, sticking her tongue out at him. “I love you Steven Sherrah—hurry home,” she said as she playfully raised a knee and wrapped it around the doorway, hugging it like it were a dancer’s strip-pole.

  “You sure you don’t want lunch now?” he offered.

  With an exchange of smiles, he exited to the corridor outside his cabin.

  Though he had not let on, Renee’s words about Ashlyn’s lack of attire had stirred the fire. He could only assume it was an exaggeration. A flood of adrenaline was racing through him. His anxiousness to see Ashlyn was making him apprehensive of what the encounter might bring.

  Of good news, Renee had informed him that Sea Base’s regenerator had helped Ashlyn to regain her sight. She was a hero to the people at a time when heroes were needed. The story of the woman who had braved the debris of Earth’s exploded Moon would live for a thousand generations, if not to eternity.

  Yet, for Steven it held an infinitely, deeper meaning—for his family was still alive and for that alone, he would be forever indebted to her.

  Ordering Gena’s ever-listening ear to hold the next arriving shuttle, Steven tried to focus on the matters at hand. Fashionably late was one thing, but he was now stretching the bonds of social acceptability, especially considering that the surprise event to award Ashlyn a medal in recognition of her heroism had been scheduled at his request.

  For Ashlyn, the timing of the ceremony was perfect. Like Steven, it was also her birthday, though due to stasis, she had only physically aged but a few days in sixteen years.

  As he stepped into the shuttle, “Gena, proceed directly to Stop 20.”

  Swaying in harmony to the shuttle’s gentle motion as it made its way through the connecting tubes between domes, Steven mindlessly watched the running lights of vessels as they went about their assigned tasks outside.

  With each meter the shuttle traveled, the sweetness he’d noticed in the air grew thicker. It overwhelmed his senses and filled his mind with images of Ashlyn.

  The shuttle slowed with its smooth familiarity as Gena announced his arrival at Stop 20, the Conference Center. Stepping out into the brightly lit corridor, Steven found himself standing before two heavily armed security personnel. Regrettably, their presence had been required after the initial attack on Earth.

  Just after the first devastating blow, several people became psychotic, believing unequivocally that the genocidal attack was man’s recompense for his evil ways. Furthermore, by surviving, they somehow believed that God had been cheated out of his rightful due. The result had been a number of suicides and three acts of attempted sabotage, one of which came very close to destroying them all.

  Steven found it strange that people could base their faith upon a God that while powerful enough to create the entire universe—suddenly needed the help of a lone individual to destroy dissident humankind. The fallacy of their belief was evidenced by the simple fact that they, even as God’s so-called tool—repeatedly failed to complete his work. Such has been the proof through the millennia of man’s history—one more reason why Steven was now devoid of anything resembling faith.

  The guards greeted Steven with a formal salute, the clicking of heels and the thuds of L-96 pulse rifles dropping to their sides.

  “You’re relieved. As of now, sentry duty is officially at an end.” Steven believed it was time to look to the future with optimism and if it couldn’t be done, then what were they all fighting for anyway?

  Pausing one-step shy of the pressure sensitive flooring that would activate the opening of the doors, Steven stole a quick breath. He wished he knew of a way to control the desires that were stalking him, but he’d sooner be able to stop the flow of a river with his bare hands.

  Upon entering the auditorium, the guards behind him darted off to find seating. An unending round of applause, whistles and cheering of Steven’s name, showed the enthusiasm of all in attendance. Morale was through the roof after their recent victory.

  After squelching the cheers and asking everyone to be seated, Steven gave a few minutes commendation for the hard work that everyone had done to make the victory possible. He also said a few words in recognition of Ensign Jackson, for his sacrifice.

  After which, it was time for the honors to be given.

  Knowing he was about to meet Ashlyn, the ionized air around him thick and warm, he felt as though he were drowning in a pool of hot, maple syrup.

  “Wars aren’t won by the might of nations, they’re won upon the blood and courage of the common man—or woman, and it is because this woman was so unselfishly willing to risk her own life that we are able to be gathered here today. I am obviously speaking of Ashlyn Parker.

  Wherever you are out there, I ask that you please join me on the podium.”

  The moment had arrived. He stood transfixed, gazing into the audience, scanning for her face. “Don’t try hiding; I know Commander Stratton conjured up some lame excuse to get you here today.” Amid the chuckles from the audience, Steven’s attention was pulled to the upper, shadowed rows in the back of the auditorium. People were rising and it was with a thunderous applause that they honored their hero.

  “Wow, and she’s humble too! Come on down Seaman Parker, you’ve earned this.” The whistles and cheers rose to a deafening crescendo as she reluctantly made her way through the congratulatory crowd. When Steven finally caught sight of her, he froze. A shudder ran down his spine. His
mind balked. My God!

  When last he’d seen her, she was still badly bruised, much of her body bandaged, but now her perfection was so profoundly overwhelming that Steven had trouble accepting that she was even real. There was no doubt but that she was the most beautiful woman to have ever graced the planet. From the ground up, she was a masterpiece of erotic art.

  Renee’s warning about Ashlyn’s provocative attire had been an understatement of immeasurable proportions. Visually, Ashlyn was a temple—a shrine unto herself that didn’t need golden candelabras to inspire reverence. What little clothing there was—beautiful as it was—only detracted from her mesmerizing, womanly figure.

  Other than a floor-length, black cape that hung back of her shoulders and her knee-high, black stiletto boots, the only other clothing she wore was a two-piece, body-necklace. It consisted of a delicate chain of silver, interspersed with tiny aquamarine crystals.

  The top necklace circled her neck several times forming a tantalizing choker. From there, a single strand came forward on each side, crisscrossing over her breasts. Clasped to the point where the strands crossed, hung Tynabo’s silver locket. Its inlaid stone was pulsating with blue and white swirling energy.

  Where the necklace touched each areola, several scalloped strands coddled her breasts, tauntingly revealing her nipples.

  The bottom necklace was a single strand that rode atop her hips. It came forwards, swooping low below her belly button. At the point where the two ends met, hung a swath of swaying strands that gave a teasing visage of a thin layer of sculpted, black hair and titillating skin.

  His mouth watered. He was not and could not have prepared himself for this moment. He wished his first meeting with her had not been in public.

  With each step down the stairs, her body screamed for attention—and like himself, everyone in the room was hypnotized, if not by her face, then by any of the other sensually alluring, bobbing, jiggling and swaying views. The audience was her captive. He could have blasted a hole in the dome and drowned them all and they would not have noticed.


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