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Hot and Ready [Men for Hire: Firemen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  He rolled his eyes, then shrugged her hands off him. “Fine. I’ll behave, but it’s not going to be half as fun.”

  “Thank you.” She pulled one of the blinds up. The threesome was huddled together, and judging from their expressions, they weren’t happy to be there. She pointed her finger at Tyler, a silent warning to keep his promise, then opened the door.

  “Hi, everyone. I’m Beth Davidson and this is Tyler Dilson. I’m your photographer, although Tyler has more experience than I do. Plus, it’s his studio that he’s so generously letting us use, and he’ll be helping me out. Is that okay?”

  Michelle seemed doubtful, probably at the prospect of having another man in the room. “I guess that’s okay.” She waited for her men to nod. Once they had, she put on a tremulous smile. “Okay, I’ll give it a try. So, can we get started soon? I’d like to get it over with before I lose my nerve. That and I’m expected back at Hope House.”

  “That’s right. I remember Aaron telling me that you worked with the boys at Linkin’s Hope House. I bet that’s such a rewarding job.” Counseling boys in need made her position with Progressive Development seem so meaningless. Hopefully, she’d find more fulfilment as a nurse.

  “It is. Thanks.”

  “I’m with Michelle,” added Brody. “The faster we get this over with, the sooner we can get out of here.” He frowned as Tyler made a slow circle around him, then his brother. “No offense.”

  “None taken.” She motioned to one of the side rooms. “We’re set up to shoot in there.”

  She and Tyler followed the group into the largest of three separate rooms. Getting things prepared ahead of time, she’d set one of the benches borrowed from the station against the backdrop of a brick wall. A couple of yellow firefighter coats hung on a rack above the bench along with a whip, blindfold, and pair of handcuffs. An axe rested on a shelf above that and was tied so that there was no chance of it falling off.

  “I guess this is supposed to be the rack from the engine bay area, right?”

  At least Wiley had recognized her re-creation. Hopefully, people who bought the calendar would, too. “Exactly. So how about we get down to work?” She pointed at a large screen, much like those used in the dressing rooms of theaters. “Michelle, if you’d like to change back there, Tyler and I will step out while you three get ready. Guys, um, if you’ll get, um—”

  All at once, she lost her train of thought. Her vision of how they’d pose hit her, stunning her with the realization that it was really going to happen. She’d known before, of course, but now it felt really real.

  Can I do this? No. I don’t think I can. This isn’t me.

  “Undressed?” Brody had started to undo his jeans. “You want us in our firefighter pants, right? But no shirts. And the helmets, too?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  She’d planned on acting like it was nothing to ask people to disrobe, but her plan was going south fast. Could she go through with this? Would she be able to watch strangers get almost completely naked and then take their photos like they were posing for a family portrait? Without warning, she wasn’t sure she could go through with it.

  She took a step backward, then whirled around and fled out the door. Her heart beat so fast, she was certain she’d pass out.

  “Hon, are you all right? Do you want me to take over?”

  Tyler’s whisper jerked her back to life. If she turned the shoot over to him, who knew what might happen? Plus, she’d be disappointed in herself. She was in charge and she’d better start acting like it.

  But she needed help. She needed to hear Seth and Aaron tell her that it was all right. That, although she knew better, she wasn’t somehow cheating on them by watching other men in sexy positions with very little clothes on.

  “Give me a minute, Tyler.”

  “Are you sure? Do you want me to get started?”

  She waved him back into the room. “Go. Just make sure they don’t leave.”

  If only I can make sure I won’t leave.

  Once Tyler was back in the room, she pulled out her phone and dialed Seth’s number. He picked up on the second ring.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you at work.”

  “It’s okay. What’s wrong? You sound upset.”

  She closed her eyes. Just hearing his voice had her pulse dropping back into its normal rhythm.

  “Sweetheart, are you there? Hang on. I’m going to put this on speaker so Aaron can hear.”

  “Hey, baby, what’s up?”

  “It’s just that…” How did she explain it? It was more than a case of doubt and more than seeing other men in the buff. She tried again. “It’s just that I needed to hear your voices. I need to know that you’re okay with this. I mean, really okay with me seeing other men, especially your friends. Oh, I don’t know.” She held out a shaky hand. “I’m not sure I can go through with the photo shoot.”

  For a moment, she was afraid they’d hung up. “Seth? Aaron?”

  “Listen to me, little sub.”

  It was crazy. She was a strong, independent woman who’d never relied on any man. And yet, hearing Seth call her his “little sub” gave her a boost of confidence she’d badly needed. “I’m listening.”

  “You’re going to do just fine. We don’t have any doubt that you’re going to knock this photo thing right out of the park. You’ve got this, Beth.”

  “Are you sure? And you’re okay with me seeing…you know?” She gritted her teeth, determined not to sound like an inexperienced teen any longer. “With my seeing their cocks?”

  Seth’s laughter made her smile. “Beth, if we’d had any problem with this whole thing, we wouldn’t have helped you.”

  “Yeah, baby. We trust you. You’re our woman, right?”

  Had she ever said she was? Had they ever come out and asked her? And yet, it was the truth. “Yes.”

  “And you’re our sub, right?” added Seth.

  Was she? She’d fought against the idea from the start. And yet, every time he called her their “little sub,” she’d accepted it as fact. “Y-yes.”

  “We’re with you, baby. All the way. Remember that whenever you need reassurance. We’ve got your back even when we’re not right there beside you. Now obey your masters and get to it.”

  “Yes, sir.” She ended the call, turned to face the door, then pushed her way back inside.

  The men had on the insulated khaki pants with reflective strips with the suspenders pulled over their shoulders. Although many firefighters wore the pants with built-in boots that made dressing faster, the black boots the men wore weren’t connected to their pants. Their broad shoulders and arms were muscled and lean while the mountains of their six-pack abs made other men’s stomachs look like soft dough.

  Tyler nudged her, then put his mouth to her ear. “Hon, if I die today, you’ll have made me a very happy man. Thank you for letting me see this. They make me wish I was a woman.”

  She bumped her shoulder against his, took a deep breath, and did as her men had told her to do. She took charge.

  “Can I have your attention, everyone? I want to let you know what I’m trying to achieve. First of all, none of your faces will show. I’m going to place hands and bodies strategically so that at least half of your face is covered at all times. That’s half the fun and also alludes to purpose of the calendar.”

  She’d come up with the idea after she’d started reading more about BDSM online. Her sudden interest to learn more was sparked by the men’s insistence that she was their submissive. The more she thought about having a purpose for the calendar, the more excited she was to make it happen. She’d decided that, no matter how much money the calendar made, she’d donate a portion of the earnings to the local organization that supported public education and acceptance of BDSM.

  “Anyway, your faces are partly hidden so that the viewer can see themselves in the photo and imagine that they’re the ones having the fun. The other reason for hiding your faces is to show society’s views on B
DSM. Keeping at least part of your faces hidden will show how many people who enjoy this sort of sexual play still feel the need to keep their secret, to hide from the prejudices of others. At the same time, by showing part of your face—in a way that will keep your anonymity, of course—it’ll show that people who like to have sex in different ways are starting to come out of hiding. Get it? One part hidden and yet the other part daring to come out? Does that make sense?

  “And make sure the flaps on the pants are pulled open. No underwear underneath, either. I, I mean, we need it to look like they’re about to fall down and let your cocks spill out.”

  She smiled, pleased with herself. Why had she had such trouble saying that word before?

  “And me, Beth? What am I going to be wearing?” asked Michelle from behind the screen.

  “If you will, put on the pasties and panties. They’re very skimpy, but they’ll cover all the, uh, pertinent parts.” It was a girl thing, she knew, but she had to add, “And they’re new, by the way. Plus, they’re yours to keep, if you want them.”

  While the three pseudo-models were getting ready, she asked Tyler to check the lighting while she went over the camera. As she’d half expected, Tyler was ready to offer more in the way of help.

  “Would you like me to get them into position? I don’t mind at all.”

  “Gee, thanks, but I can handle it.” She could, too. With Seth and Aaron trusting and supporting her, she could do anything.

  “Michelle, you look terrific. Let’s have you get on your hands and knees on top of the bench. That’s good.”

  Once Michelle was in position, she strode over, determined to get them in the perfect position for a great shot. “Brody, take the whip and toss it so that it flows down your back.” She grabbed the middle of the whip and placed it so that it skimmed Brody’s spine. “Now put your boot on the edge of the bench and tug her panties down just enough to expose one butt cheek. If that’s okay with you, Michelle.”

  She remembered what her men had told her. “If you three, especially you, Michelle, aren’t comfortable with anything I ask you to do, just say so. I wouldn’t want you to do anything you weren’t okay with. Are we good? Is it green, everyone?”

  Michelle nodded as Brody eased the panties down her butt cheek. Her hair flowed over her far shoulder as she turned her head partially toward the camera.

  “You’re a natural, Michelle. Wiley, put the blindfold on her, then your palm along her cheek like you’re guiding her to take your cock in her mouth. And tug your pants down a little lower. I want to have the curve of your butt showing. Yeah, that’s great, everyone. Now hold it while I check the shot.”

  She strode back to the camera. A surge of power swept over her. Who knew she’d like it so much? Yet, the more directions she gave, the more confident she became. Thanks to the support her men had given her. She had a feeling that the men would give her even better new experiences. All she had to do was trust them.

  She adjusted the settings on the camera and clicked off the first shot. After giving them a few ideas of how to hold their arms or turn their heads, she took more photos. They weren’t professional models, but the pictures came out better than she’d hoped.

  “Let’s try a different position. If you’re up for it, I’d love to have Brody drop his pants. But don’t worry. I’ll keep your cock covered. Trust me.”

  They took a little longer than she’d have liked to say yes, but once they did, she got them into another pose fast. Michelle lay on her back while Brody cuffed her hands. Seth knelt at the end of the bench with his head between her legs. His pants had dropped so low that she figured the only thing holding them up was the stiffness of his cock.

  “Seth, try spreading the strips of the flogger over her stomach and even her breasts. Yeah. That’s perfect.” She studied them with a critical eye. “Michelle, stretch out your right leg. Great.”

  “Brody, drop your pants. Do you see those clamps on that table? Add those to Michelle’s nipples.”

  He did so, making Michelle moan. As soon as she was aware that she’d made a noise, Michelle slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

  “It’s okay, Michelle. You guys can make sounds. I mean, if you’re having fun, then it’s all good.”

  “I like the way you think,” quipped Brody.

  “Good. We’re going to get some amazing shots. Brody, cup her behind the neck, but make sure her hair is still loose and in a long, beautiful flowing stream. That’s good.” She cleared her throat, her insecurities and shyness roaring back at the sight of Brody’s long, curved cock. She averted her gaze, then took a second to remember how certain Seth’s and Aaron’s voices had sounded over the phone.

  I can do this. I am doing this.

  She lifted her head a little as she turned back to him. “Great. If you hold her head at the right angle, then her head will block our view of your cock. Yeah. Perfect.”

  She focused her shot, then gave directions to Wiley. “Wiley, lift your head so that you’re looking over the crease between her torso and her leg. But I only want to see your eyes, not your mouth. Let the viewer think you’ve just gone down on her and are letting them in on how sweet she tastes. Now, give me a really sultry, wicked gleam in your eyes. Brody, you do the same. Michelle, think of how good it feels to have your men pleasuring you.”

  As if I have to tell her. She’s turned on. Big time.

  “Super, everyone. Keep it going.”

  Wow. That’s the money shot.

  Their expressions told a story of lust, desire, and sinful nights. She drew in a breath to steady her hand, aimed, and took what she suspected would be the best picture of the day.

  She was so involved that she lost track of time until Tyler tugged on her arm. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall behind her and was stunned to realize how fast time had gone.

  “Hon, you’re going to run into the next photo shoot if you don’t wind this up.” Admiration filled his face. “You’re really, and, I mean, really good at this. Maybe you should give up the idea of becoming a nurse and work for me.”

  She beamed. Tyler didn’t give praise often. “Thanks. This is fun, but I’d rather work as a nurse. Okay, guys, that’s all I need. Thank you so much.”

  “Suit yourself, hon. Still, if you change your mind, let me know.” Tyler wagged a finger at her. “And no going it on your own. I don’t need the competition.”

  She and Tyler stepped outside while Michelle and her men got dressed. Tyler hurried to his office to make a few calls while she waved a greeting to the next couple of men and their girlfriend. “We ran a little over with the session before you, but we’ll get going as soon as we can.”

  They nodded their understanding, then wandered off to the far side of the studio to check out photographs of Tyler’s work that he had for sale.

  Beth’s mind went back to the first session. There was something about Michelle and her men that had struck her. They’d been more than comfortable with each other, as though they had a deep level of trust that her relationship with Aaron and Seth hadn’t reached. If they kept going with her learning more about how to please them as their submissive, would they reach that level, too?

  Brody and Wiley came out of the room, then passed by her. They looked like they were in a rush, so she didn’t say anything. Instead, she simply returned their wave. But by the time Michelle came out, she’d decided to ask her some questions.

  “Michelle, do you have a minute?”

  The pretty blonde spun around on her heel. “Sure. I came in my own car.” She patted her large purse. “I kept the underwear. That’s all right, isn’t it?”

  “Of course. That’s not why I’m stopping you.”

  “Oh, good. I thought I may have misunderstood.” She broadened her white smile. “I wouldn’t want you to think I was stealing them.”

  “No. You definitely earned them.”

  “Yeah, I think I did. I can’t tell you how many times I went over this in my head. Shou
ld I do it? Considering the place where I work, I have to take care that none of the boys, or the members of the board, will see it. See? I’m second-guessing myself again.”

  “If you don’t want me to include your photo, then I’ll understand. Maybe Brody and Wiley could reshoot with a real model. Don’t get me wrong. You were great and from the way I positioned their hands and how I had you turn your head, your face was never clearly seen in any of the pictures. Unless you tell them, I don’t think anyone will know it’s you.”

  “Thanks. That’s a great idea, by the way. To use the calendar to promote awareness. But I’ve already come out, for lack of a better way to say it, to my boss. At least in terms of the board of the school and my peers knowing that I live with two men. Seeing me like that, however, would be like shoving it in their faces. I’m surprised I haven’t already gotten a pink slip.”

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that. What people do in the privacy of their own homes and bedrooms should be nobody’s business.” She rushed on when Michelle pivoted to leave. “Listen, can I ask you a couple of questions?”

  “Sure.” Michelle followed her over to sit in a couple of nearby chairs. “Shoot.”

  “I hope I’m not getting too personal, but after letting me photograph you almost naked I figured I’d take a chance.”

  She laughed. “Well, you have seen more of me than most people. I don’t even wear bikinis in public. Although, if I’m being honest, I’ve done a few other things in public. But don’t ask what or where.”

  “Don’t worry. I understand.” Her mind flitted back to the bar and she felt the rise of color to her cheeks. “I wanted to get your take on being a submissive. That’s what you are, right? You’re Brody’s and Wiley’s sub?”

  Michelle glanced around, worry once again clouding her eyes. “Yes, I am. At least as far as sexual things go. We decided to keep their control limited to the bedroom. I’m as independent as I was before I met them. And just as bullheaded, too.”


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