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Keys of This Blood

Page 92

by Malachi Martin

  Base Communities, 261, 263

  Basque, 498

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 130

  Baziak, Archbishop Eugeniusz, 546

  Bea, Augustin Cardinal, 258

  Beagle Channel, 69

  Bechtel Group, 314

  Beecham Group P.K.C., 328–29

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, 72

  Belken, Victor, 387

  Belknapp, U.S.S., 445

  Belloc, Hilaire, 500, 652

  Benedict XIV, Pope, 136

  Benelli, Giovanni Cardinal, 612, 613, 615

  Benin, 126, 161

  Beran, Archbishop Josef, 583

  Berdyayev, Nikolay, 365

  Beregsten, C. Fred, 323

  Berghoffer, Wolfgang, 646

  Berkov, Aleksandr, 439–40

  Berlin Wall, 430–31, 440, 490, 645

  Berlocco, Hiacintho, 375

  Bernardin, Joseph, 683

  Bettelheim, Bruno, 291

  Bible, 356, 519

  Bierut, Boleslaw, 552, 554, 555, 556, 557, 566, 567, 568, 570, 573, 577

  Bild, 397

  Birkenau, 105

  birth control, 144, 262, 263, 311, 339, 340, 345, 361, 364, 623, 632, 673–74

  Bishop, D. H., 299

  Black, Eugene, 336

  Black Monday, 318

  Blair & Company, 334

  blame, industry of, 187–88

  Blanshard, Paul, 376

  Bogin, Bogdan, 101

  Bogomolov, Oleg, 642

  Bohlen, Charles “Chip,” 334

  Boleslaw the Bold, King of Poland, 93

  Boleslaw the Pious, King of Poland, 504

  Bolivia, 166

  Bolshevik party, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 227, 231, 236, 245

  Bolweg, Jesus, 154

  Bonifacja, Elzbieta, 504

  Bonner, Yelena, 413

  Book of Charges, 521

  Bora, Katherine von, 135

  Borodin, Mikhail Markovich, 232, 246

  Borovy (Metropolitan Prelate), 583

  Bosch, Juan, 130

  Boyer, Ernest L., 330

  Brady, Nicholas F., 170

  Brady Plan, 170

  Brazanskas, Algirdas, 469

  Brazil, 130, 154, 166

  Bretton Woods Agreements, 318

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 197, 253, 259, 268, 270, 383, 420, 426, 621, 624

  détente and, 26, 255–56

  doctrine of, 180, 183, 255

  on John Paul II’s visit to Poland, 95, 109

  military buildup under, 28

  Poland and, 271

  Brezhnev, Viktoria, 421

  British Petroleum, 328

  Brittan, Sir Leon, 642

  Bronstein, Lev, 212

  Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 323

  Bryen, Stephen D., 392

  Buchenwald, 549

  Buck, Pearl, 298

  Buddhism, 139, 259, 289, 297, 302, 304, 331, 670

  Bukharin, Nikolai, 407, 408

  Bulgaria, 110, 191, 440, 468, 555

  Burkina Faso, 159, 189, 475, 476

  Burma, 37

  Bush, George, 369, 375, 424, 431, 441, 457, 648

  China and, 357, 404

  geopolitical framework of, 34

  Gorbachev and, 427–30, 432, 443, 445, 449–50, 465–66, 650

  Hungary visited by, 366

  at Malta Summit, 443, 445, 449–450, 465–66, 650

  Byelorussia, 231, 436, 442, 453

  Byzantine empire, 501

  Caamaño Deñó, Francisco, 130, 131

  cabalists, 520, 526, 527

  CACM (Central American Common Market), 323

  Caesar, Gaius Julius, 83

  caesaropapi, 25

  Calfa, Marian, 644

  Calvin, John, 362

  Calvinism, 507, 509

  Cambodia, 180, 421, 648

  Campaoré, Blaise, 159

  Canada, 320, 321, 323, 324

  canon law, 680

  Cape Verde, 475, 476

  Carberry, John Cardinal, 616

  Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), 323

  Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM), 323

  Carnegie Endowment Fund, 332

  Carnegie Foundation for

  Advancement of Teaching, 330

  Carter, Jimmy, 71

  Casaroli, Agostino Cardinal, 435, 447, 451, 457

  Cassidy, Archbishop Edward, 375, 451, 462–63

  Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 531

  Castro, Fidel, 441–42, 449, 457, 645

  Cathedral of Kazan, 461

  Catherine of Polish Star, 529

  Catherine of Siena, 134–35, 137, 518

  Caucasian race, 497–98, 499, 502

  CBI (Caribbean Basin Initiative), 323

  Ceauşescu, Elena, 440

  Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 186, 381, 440, 468

  Center for Defense Information, 388

  Central American Common Market (CACM), 323

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 314, 570

  CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), 334, 335, 337

  Chad, 159, 475, 476

  Chanturya, Georgi, 411

  Chapin, Schuyler G., 357

  Chase Manhattan Bank, 335, 336, 386

  CHEKA (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to Counteract Counter-Revolution and Sabotage), 217–22, 231, 236, 250

  Foreign Department (IND) of, 220–22

  CPU’s replacement of, 226, 230

  Intelligence Directorate (RU) and, 221–22

  Chekisty (Dziak), 219

  Chemical Bank, 386

  chemical warfare, 169

  Cheney, Richard, 649

  Chernenko, Konstantin, 27, 197, 242, 253, 383

  Chernobyl disaster, 400

  Chesterton, G. K., 656

  Chevron, 389

  CHG (Cravath, Henderson and Gersdorf), 334

  Chiang Kai-shek, 407

  Chicago World’s Fair (1893), 301

  Chicherin, Georgi G., 237

  Chile, 69, 337

  China, People’s Republic of, 233, 289, 384, 402–10, 420, 449, 492

  “apartness” of, 290–91, 643

  Cultural Revolution in, 406, 407

  East-West politics and, 25–26, 34, 454–55, 457

  as future global contender, 345–346, 349

  Gorbachev’s visit to, 409, 412

  under Mao, 405–7

  national symbols of, 353

  Nixon and, 407

  political oppression in, 37, 267, 360, 403

  population control measures in, 340

  Roman Catholic Church in, 583

  Soviet Union and, 26, 232, 242, 246, 409, 412–13, 454–55, 464, 567, 652

  student pro-democracy movement in, 37, 155, 267, 355, 360, 403–5, 407, 408–10, 413

  Tibet invaded by, 37, 184, 407

  Western business in, 404

  Western ignorance of, 403–5, 407, 410

  China/Tech, 328

  China Welfare Fund for Handicapped (CWFH), 408

  chlorofluorocarbons, 187, 364

  Chopin, Frédéric, 538


  Apostles commanded by, 132

  Church founded by, 52

  crucifixion of, 665, 675

  desertion of, 676

  establishing personal bond with, 510

  Judas’s betrayal of, 661, 662, 665, 674

  Judas trusted by, 663, 675

  Last Supper of, 674, 675

  mandate of, 22, 142, 484

  Peter confronted by, 53

  Peter given Keys by, 132, 157, 197, 374, 618

  Peter renamed by, 686

  sacrifice of, 155

  salvation through, 260

  as Savior, 156, 207, 670

  teachings of, 19, 20, 22, 33, 39, 62, 74, 100, 192, 378, 455, 466, 474–475, 492

  Christendom, 354, 359–60, 500

  Christenson, Reo M., 30

  Christianity, 293, 297

  “anonymous” followers of, 419

  in Gramsci’s social analysis, 224, 244�
��45, 247–48, 250–51, 266, 377, 398, 399, 417, 534

  Great Schism of, 518

  Humanist attack on, 26, 295

  1000-year anniversary of, in Poland, 574, 585

  1000-yr anniversary of, in Ukraine, 123–24

  secularization of, 260

  Western abandonment of, 266–67

  Christian Scientists, 141, 285, 286

  Christian X, King of Denmark, 523

  church and state, separation of, 365, 375, 508, 562, 564

  Churchill, Winston, 129, 131–32, 152, 176–77, 219, 234, 554, 599

  Church of God of Abrahamic Faith, 286

  Church of Good Humanist, 296

  Church Peace Union (CPU), 302

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 314, 570

  Cicognani, Archbishop Amleto, 128, 129–30, 131, 234

  Citibank, 386

  class struggle, 202–3, 204–5, 209, 214

  Clemenceau, Georges, 544

  Clement XII, Pope, 527, 528

  CN (poison gas), 411

  Coca-Cola, 330, 404

  Codevilla, Angelo M., 218

  Coggan, Archbishop Donald, 67

  Cojuangcos family, 154

  “Cold-Eyed, I Contemplate the World” (Mao), 406

  College of Cardinals, 599, 612

  Colloquium Caritativum, 507

  Columbia Pictures, 329

  Columbus, Christopher, 71, 331

  COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), 110, 324, 647

  Comintern (Communist International), 220, 233

  Committee for Defense of Workers (KOR), 270, 483, 597, 624, 635

  Committee for Social Self-Defense (KSS), 597

  Committee on Society, Development and Peace (SODEPAX), 304–5, 311

  Communist International (Comintern), 220, 233

  Communist Manifesto, The (Engels and Marx), 203, 209, 532

  Communist Party of China (CPC), 267, 353, 360, 404, 5, 408, 409, 410

  Communist Party of Hungary, 272, 438

  Communist Party of Italy, 243, 244, 246, 249–50, 267

  Communist Party of Poland (CPP), 93, 94, 96, 107, 269–70, 435, 576, 579

  Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU), 219, 254, 376, 411, 645

  birth of, 215, 222

  Central Committee of, 216–17, 223, 226–27, 232, 233, 235, 248, 250, 413, 419, 443, 464, 624

  Communist parties modeled on, 222, 237, 241, 251, 271

  dissident movements controlled by, 483

  as East bloc leader, 177

  Komsomol and, 418, 460

  monopoly lost by, 367, 369, 468, 469–70

  political power held by, 215, 216, 232

  Communist Party of the World (CPW), 31–32

  Compaoré, Blaise, 476

  computers, laptop, 153

  Conable, Barber, 643

  concentration camps:

  Nazi, 105, 546, 548, 549

  Soviet, 129–30, 183, 234

  Conciliar Church, 681–82

  Conciliar Mass, 667

  Concordat, 576, 597

  Confalonieri, Carlo Cardinal, 78, 616

  Conference for Workers’ Self-Government (KSR), 624, 635

  Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 256, 441, 467, 468, 650

  Confucianism, 139

  Congregation for Doctrine of Faith, 77

  Congress of Vienna, 528, 531–32, 533, 534

  Connery, Scan, 329

  Conquest, Robert, 234

  Consalvi, Ercole Cardinal, 532

  Constantine, 49

  Constantinople, 501

  Consitution, U.S., 505

  containment, doctrine of, 178–80, 183, 188, 190, 199, 241, 428, 429, 433

  contraception, see birth control

  Cooke, Terence Cardinal, 303–4

  Coolidge, Calvin, 152

  Copernicus, Nicholas, 509

  corporate culture, 339

  Costa Rica, 130

  Coste, Yves de la, 463

  Council for Interfront, 443

  Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon), 110, 324, 647

  Council of Constance, 507

  Council of Polish Bishops, 572

  Council of Trent, 667

  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), 334, 335, 337

  CPC (Communist Party of China), 267, 353, 360, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410

  CPP (Communist Party of Poland), 93, 94, 96, 107, 269–70, 435, 576, 579

  CPSU, see Communist Party of Soviet Union

  CPU (Church Peace Union), 302

  CPW (Communist Party of the World), 31–32

  Cravath, Henderson and Gersdorf (CHG), 334

  Cravath, Paul, 334, 335

  Credit Suisse, 328

  Critical Legal Studies Groups, 456

  Cromwell, Oliver, 525, 526

  CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe), 256, 441, 467, 468, 650

  CS First Boston, 328

  Cuba, 110, 130, 420, 449

  Soviet Union and, 161, 392, 428, 441, 457, 467, 471

  Cuban missile crisis, 130, 254, 336

  Cubillos, Hernan, 69

  Cuisinart, 153

  Curzon line, 540

  CWFH (China Welfare Fund for Handicapped), 408

  Cyrankiewicz, Jozef, 555, 568, 579, 581, 584, 588, 592

  Czartoryski, Prince Adam Jerzy, 531

  Czechoslovakia, 110, 182, 191

  air pollution in, 400

  fall of Communist government in, 440

  free elections in, 468

  John Paul II’s visit to, 33, 37, 52–53, 463

  Roman Catholic Church in, 557, 583

  Soviet invasion of (1968), 179

  Dacchau, 546

  Dalai Lama, 304, 490

  Dalbor, Edmund Cardinal, 542–43, 544, 547, 550, 621

  “Dallas,” 153, 190

  Daneels, Godfried Cardinal, 296, 683

  Darwin, Charles, 203, 204, 205, 207, 315, 316

  Dasuki, Ibraham, 284

  death penalty, 340

  death with dignity, 340

  Deconstructionists, 456

  Defense Department, U.S., 392

  de Gaulle, Charles, 162

  Delamuraz, Jean-Pascal, 317, 642

  De Mita, Ciriaco, 390

  democracy, parliamentary, 203

  democratic egalitarianism, 35–36, 37–38, 40, 42, 265, 380, 441

  Deng Pufong, 406, 408, 419, 420

  Deng Xiaoping, 353, 403, 404–10

  Mao’s imprisonment of, 406

  student demonstrations suppressed by, 404–5, 409–10, 412

  Western ignorance of, 404–5, 408, 409, 410

  Denmark, 265, 523, 525

  D’Ercole, Giovanni, 450

  d’Estaing, Philippe Gerard, 642

  détente, 255, 478

  Dewey, John, 294

  dialectical materialism, 202–3, 205, 267, 364

  dialectic process, 201–2

  Diderot, Denis, 357–58

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 206

  divorce, 263, 264, 311, 632

  Djilas, Milovan, 196, 271–72

  Dominican order, 261, 552

  Dominican Republic, 130–31, 132

  Dominik, Bishop Konstanty, 546

  d’Oresme, Nicholas, 505

  dos Santos, Lucia, 627, 628, 629–30, 633, 634–35, 636

  Dostoyevski, Fyodor, 396

  Dowd, Maureen, 369

  Dubcek, Alexander, 440, 483

  Dubrovka, Princess, 501

  Duchy of Warsaw, 531

  Dukla, 528

  Dulles, John Foster, 298, 303, 308

  Dzerzhinsky, Feliks Edmondovich, 218–19, 225, 226, 231, 236, 250

  Dziak, John, 219, 233, 253, 254

  Earp, Wyatt, 456

  Eastern hemisphere, 172–92

  arms race and, 179, 180

  East-West moral equivalence and, 173–74, 175, 181–89

  as empire, 172

  financial aid to, 73, 180

  industry of b
lame used by, 187–88

  mutual penetration of Western and, 481–82

  pawns in balance between Western and, 182, 183–87

  Western vs., 172–73, 181

  world conditions and, 189–91

  Eastern Orthodoxy, 43–44, 288–89, 643 see also Greek Orthodox Church; Russian Orthodox Church

  “East is Red, The,” 405, 406

  Eastman Kodak, 389

  East Timor, 37, 163

  Economist, 360, 645

  ecumenism, 85, 258–60, 305, 483, 671

  Eden, Anthony, 238

  education, globalist trends in, 330–332, 339, 391

  EEC, see European Economic Community

  egalitarian ecumenism, 85

  Eichmann, Adolf, 239

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 298, 369

  Eisenhower, Susan, 369

  electronics industry, 328

  Elf Gabon, 167

  Elias, 519

  Elijah, 519

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 298

  Ellis, Havelock, 239

  Ellul, Jacques, 362

  El Salvador, 184, 467

  Empire Trust, 335

  encyclopédistes, 358

  Engels, Friedrich, 195, 203, 204, 208, 235, 273, 396, 528, 532

  Enlightenment, 358, 362, 526–27

  environmental pollution, 160, 364, 379, 400

  Estonia, 30, 182, 272, 442, 468, 498, 499

  Etchegeray, Roger Cardinal, 683

  ethical systems, 139

  Ethiopia, 161, 337, 467

  in East-West struggle, 184, 478

  refugees in, 186

  Soviet aid to, 392

  Eucharist, 667–70, 674–75

  Enrocentrism, 331

  Europe, Central, 48, 392

  balance of power and, 22, 26, 27, 41, 614

  market economies needed in, 647

  Europe, Eastern, 161

  concession of, to Soviet Union, 176

  environmental pollution in, 400

  free elections in, 468

  liberation of, 29, 34, 44, 189–92, 272, 367, 368, 379, 433, 438, 440–41, 443, 456, 645

  market economies needed in, 647

  newly-elected leaders of, 644–45

  no-idea movement of, 191

  Roman Catholic Church in, 43, 44–45, 145, 146, 557, 561, 583

  secularism of, 360

  World War II betrayal of, 240–41

  Europe, Greater, 34, 457, 474, 482, 648–50, 657

  Europe, Western, 41, 153–54, 349

  economic power of, 28

  secularism of, 359–60

  European Conference of Bishops, 51

  European Economic Community (EEC), 334, 336, 379, 482

  in globalist framework, 34, 321, 323, 324

  Gorbachev and, 433

  European Parliament, 341, 482

  euthanasia, 340, 361, 364

  Evangelists, 285

  evolution, theory of, 203, 204–5

  “Falcon Crest,” 153

  “Family Feud,” 153

  Fang Lizhi, 357–58, 360

  Farren, Michael, 643

  Fatima, miracle of, 49, 627–33

  events of, 47, 27–29

  John Paul II and, 47, 48, 439, 476, 590–91, 631–33, 634, 636–37, 655, 656


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