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Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 8

by Paige Cameron

  “No. But do we have any control over the timing of when love comes into our lives?”

  “I have deliberately not dated. I’ve given my all to my career. I’ve seen too many of my friends marry in love and divorce in disgust.

  “Surely as a policeman you’ve seen it happen to your colleagues. One of my brother’s best-friends has been a policeman for ten years. He’s on his second wife, and their marriage is rocky.”

  “It still comes down to the people involved. Are your parents together?”

  “Oh yes. They meet each other’s needs. Mother loves being a well-known socialite in the city. Dad likes having her by his side at social events, and the compliments he gets for having such a sophisticated wife. At home, they bicker constantly about every little annoyance. I’m sure Dad has a mistress, and my mother doesn’t care.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she shut her mouth abruptly. “You took advantage of my relaxed mood to question me.”

  “No. We were talking like people do to get better acquainted.”

  But she hadn’t planned on sharing so much of her personal life with him. Once she’d started talking, it had spilled out, and she’d told Tor the reason for a large part of her problem with marriage.

  “I’m going to bed.”


  Amy didn’t answer. She strode out of the room while Chad continued to play.

  Tor took another sip of his brandy. He liked her feisty nature. She wouldn’t hold back from telling him what she thought, and she’d never sneak out and leave him a note. Inwardly, he smiled. She might leave him, but she’d clobber him with words first and maybe sock him in the chin. It was going to be so much fun teaching her to let go and love him and Chad.

  Chad stopped playing and came to stand by Tor’s chair. “Did you make any progress?”

  “Yes. And I agree with you. She’s the woman for us.”

  “She’ll fight the idea of coming to live here and marrying us. We don’t want to hurt her. She has to want us enough to change her plans.”

  “And we don’t have much time. As soon as we get our killer, she’ll rush back to the city,” Tor said.

  “Then we’ll make every minute count.” Chad put down his glass. “We’ll start tomorrow doubling up on her, but being careful to not push too hard.”

  They walked down the hall and Tor said good-night at his door. He stripped and got in bed naked. He didn’t think he’d sleep, but the quiet and soft mattress lulled him off until his door slammed open and a warm female body jumped in bed with him.

  Chapter Nine

  The soft female body trembled against him. Tears ran down Amy’s face. “I saw him.”

  “Who?” Tor asked gently. His hands rubbed her back as he held her close.

  “The killer, he had a gun in his hand pointed at my forehead.”

  “Is she all right?” Chad stood in the doorway.

  Amy raised her head and stared at Tor. “You!”

  “You missed Chad by one doorway. Did you see the man out your window?”

  She sat and covered her lovely body with part of his sheet. When she bent her head, her hair fell like a curtain beside her face.

  “I don’t know. No, I was dreaming. I’d gone to sleep thinking about him.” She jerked her head around and stared at Tor. “I remembered something about the trial. I’d gathered my papers and left a few minutes behind the crowd. Just as I got close to the elevators a young man stepped out from around the corner. He must have been around thirteen or fourteen, but tall for his age. By his expression I thought he hated me, which was strange since I’d never seen him before.”

  Chad had gone to his room and pulled on his jeans. He came back and sat on the bed by Amy and put his arm around her. “Are you sure that part of the dream was real?”

  Amy put her hands up to her face. “I think so. I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m all mixed up.”

  “I’ll take my rifle and check the outside.” Chad walked to the door. “Stay with Tor until I get back.”

  When he left, Amy jumped off the bed and hurried to Tor’s windows. She pulled the blinds down and the curtains shut.

  “Come here,” Tor said.

  “No. You’re naked.”

  “That’s how I usually sleep. Let me hold you. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want.”

  “Put on pajamas first.” She turned her head when he got out of bed and walked to his suitcase. He chuckled.

  “I’m decent,” he whispered in her ear. His hands rubbed across the warm skin of her shoulders. “You’re shaking. Let me hold you.” He didn’t wait for permission. Tor swept her into his arms and sank into a nearby chair. She snuggled into his body and her breath blew across his neck.

  His cock came to full attention quickly. He liked her soft skin, her particular scent, and the feel of her in his arms. Tor tipped her head back and his lips caressed hers.

  When she opened her mouth, his tongue slid into her delectable sweetness to taste and touch. Amy moaned and his heart jerked in awareness.

  He stroked her arm, and she relaxed, molding herself closer against him. He lifted her head and stared into her shining, golden eyes. Her lips were parted and moist. He had a deep desire to touch and explore further, but he held himself back.

  When she came to him because she wanted them to be together, he wouldn’t hesitate. But looking at her now, he knew anymore exploration would be taking advantage. He carried her to the bed and held her close. His body heat and the rubbing of her back had her eyes closing, and she fully relaxed. Gently, he put space between them. His body ached from denying the strong desire she’d aroused.

  Carefully, he got out of bed and covered her with the blanket. Seeing Chad at the door, he walked out in the hall to join him, closing the door behind.

  “You didn’t find anyone.”

  “No. And the grass wasn’t disturbed by her window.”

  “But the boy she remembered may have been real. I’ll check with Kel in the morning and find out where the nearest forensic artist is located. If we get a picture drawn, and then have the likeness redone to how he possibly looks now, we might catch him.”

  “I agree. Do you want a cup of coffee?” Chad asked.

  “Might as well. I doubt we’ll sleep much more tonight.”

  Tor looked at the kitchen clock. It was four o’clock in the morning. He took a deep breath. “I had a difficult time leaving her in bed by herself.”

  “She is the one for us. We’ve talked about slowing down and taking a different direction with our lives. I’m ready to settle here at the ranch. What do you want?”

  “I want to try it here. All the quiet and space may drive me crazy, but I don’t think so. Not with Amy by our side. But I have to find a job, preferably in police work.”

  “It shouldn’t be too difficult with your experience.”

  “Have you got a map?”

  “Sure.” Chad left and came back with one. “You’ll see there are two larger towns within a fifty-mile radius. The drive wouldn’t be bad except in the winter.”

  “I can handle snow. I grew up in Missouri.”

  “Willow Junction’s chief of police is older. He might be ready to retire in a few years. And you’d only have the thirty-mile drive, all paved roads.”

  Tor heard a sound and looked at the doorway. Amy stood there, pale, but calm and with a blanket wrapped around her to hide her delectable nightgown.

  “I didn’t know where you’d gone.” She bit the edge of her bottom lip. Tor’s body responded immediately.

  Chad walked to her side. “We wanted to let you sleep. No one was outside.” He took her hand. “Come and join us.”

  At the table, he pulled back a chair and she sat. “Would you like coffee or tea? I have herbal tea, no caffeine so it won’t keep you awake.”

  She smiled at him. “I doubt I’ll sleep anymore.” Amy studied Tor. “You put me to bed and left.”

  “I thought it was best. I only ha
ve so much control and being around you it gets thin.”

  When she looked puzzled, he added, “I wanted to make love to you, but not when you were in need of comfort and not thinking clearly.”

  Amy stiffened. “I was thinking perfectly clear.”

  Tor grinned.

  “You said that on purpose to rile me.”

  “Partly, but mostly it’s the truth.”

  Chad put a plate of homemade peanut-butter cookies on the table. “My cook baked these and froze them.”

  “Defrosting them in the oven makes the kitchen smell delicious. I love peanut butter.” Amy bit into one. “Hmmm, these are good.” She licked her lips and looked across at Tor.

  Tor met her gaze. His hands clenched tight to keep from picking her up, taking her to his room, and making love to her.

  * * * *

  His bold stare dropped from her face, to her neck, to her breasts. Her skin tingled everywhere his gaze touched. She didn’t want to be attracted to both of them and yet her body refused to obey her instructions. She loved the protective feel of Tor’s arms around her, his gentle comforting voice, and the heat of his body warming hers.

  She’d known almost immediately that she’d gone in the wrong room. Her body had molded to him and held tight, and she hadn’t pulled away. So she pretended to be surprised. Seeing the look in his blue eyes told her she hadn’t fooled him.

  Chad placed a cup of tea by her hand. “Thank you.” She smiled at him again.

  “Why don’t I ever get a smile?” Tor asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You frown at me or look at me suspiciously.”

  “I don’t know you, and you’re always asking questions.”

  “Do you know Chad?” They both looked at Chad where he’d sat to join them.

  “Don’t get me in the middle of this.”

  “Chad’s more open than you. You’re suspicious of everyone.”

  “Not with my friends.” Tor leaned his chair back on two legs.

  “See.” Amy pointed at him. “You are leaning away from me while we talk.”

  “That’s silly. Men frequently put their chairs in this position. It’s habit.”

  “Chad doesn’t.”

  Tor glanced at Chad and grinned. “You see what she’s trying to do. If she can get us annoyed with each other, then she can put up another wall of protection. We’re getting to her.”

  Amy stomped her foot. “I am not. There you go being the detective even in your private life. No wonder no woman has married you and…” She got up and started to run out of the room. But she heard his sharp intake of breath and saw the stricken look in his eyes.

  He recovered quickly, and she wondered if she’d imagined his expression. Then she glanced at Chad and saw the concern on his face. She’d touched a tender spot in the hard cop. The shock dried up any other words she had planned to hurl at him.

  She sat down. “I’m sorry. You make me angrier than anyone else I know. I don’t understand why.”

  “No problem. I’m going to see if I can get some sleep before dawn. Check out which is Chad’s room so you don’t wake me again.”

  Overcome with guilt, she watched him hurry out. Amy turned to Chad. “What did I do?”

  “It’s a long story. He should be the one to tell you.”

  “He won’t. He’ll hate me after this.”

  “Do you care how he feels about you?”

  Chad’s eyes were calm pools of soft gray. No condemnation shone in them.

  “I’m afraid I do.”

  “Then now might be the time to go and tell him.”

  “He doesn’t want me in his room.”

  “You’re wrong.” Chad smiled at her gently. “We both want you for our wife. We know you want a career. Many women have a family and career. There are choices. Be open. Give yourself a chance to see what you really want and how you feel about us when you aren’t pushing us away.”

  She didn’t respond. She ate another cookie and finished her tea. After kissing Chad good-night, she left the kitchen. Amy walked past Tor’s room and stood with her hand on the doorknob to her bedroom. Doubt and fear clouded her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder at his closed door.

  He’d be asleep and annoyed if she woke him. But her feet started moving toward his room. She raised her hand to knock, but decided to tiptoe in and see if he was sleeping. If so, she’d back out.

  Tor had opened the curtain and raised one blind. Moonlight cast a silver glow across the floor and part of the bed. Amy crept to his bedside. The moon shone across the rugged contours of his face, his angled features, and strong jaw. Separately they gave him a tough look, but together with his very blue eyes and the shaggy blond hair, he became much too intriguing.

  Suddenly a hand shot out, and he pulled her into the bed and under him. His mouth claimed hers with a fierce passion that both frightened her and exhilarated her. Her pulse beat erratically in her throat.

  When he’d finished ravishing her mouth, he raised his head. “You didn’t think you could creep up on a skilled policeman, did you?”

  “I didn’t want to wake you if you’d gone to sleep.”

  His silence and his fiery look made her think of a volcano about to explode. When his fingers brushed across her throat, she was hyperaware of the strength in his body covering hers. His rapid pulse beat against her chest, and his hard cock lay snug between their abdomens. His long legs had wrapped around hers. She couldn’t move.

  Amy tried to remain still and absorb the clashing emotions his body aroused while curved into hers. With every breath, she breathed in his seductive scent of sandalwood and spice.

  His hands cupped the sides of her face. “Why did you come to my room?”

  She tried to look away from his demanding scrutiny. She couldn’t. “I hurt you. I’m really sorry.”

  “I don’t want or need your sympathy. Tell me the truth.”

  Amy closed her eyes and whispered. “You fascinate me, and my conflicted feelings have me wanting to reach out and then run away.”


  She glared at him. “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do.” His head bent and he nuzzled her neck. She had no control of the shiver running down her body. He felt it and grinned. “I know what you want. I want it, too. But you have to ask, and then you can’t say I seduced you.”

  “Your body seduces mine by coming into the room.”

  “Good to know.” His lips trailed from where her pulse pounded in her neck, to her shoulders. When her gown got in the way, he pushed it down to her waist. Then he straddled her and took a breast in each hand. “They’re lovely.”

  His lips caressed each one, and his tongue licked her rosy nipples. “Do you want me to make love to you?” His eyes had darkened to a midnight blue. Their intensity demanded an answer.

  “Yes.” The word floated between them. Her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Then I will.” His mouth closed over one nipple and he sucked. A thread of desire went straight to her core and the fire he’d kindled rose into a flaming inferno.

  Her hand reached for his cock and clasped around his hardness. When she ran her finger across the top, he groaned deeply.

  He kissed her midriff and her soft, sweet abdomen. With a swift pull the nightgown was off. Then he spread her legs and licked her nectar from her jewel to the opening of her pussy. Amy’s body arched closer to his mouth. His tempting tongue licked and teased her lower lips and around her nub.

  She shook as though caught in a strong wind. When he flicked his tongue inside her pussy opening, her orgasm rolled up and over her. She screamed his name, and he moved upward and held her tight.

  Then he reached out and grabbed a condom from the table by the bed. He sheathed his hard cock and plunged into her sensitive, undulating pussy. Her ecstasy spiked higher. She bit his shoulder as the waves of passion swept her completely under.

  Briefly, she was aware of his continued thrusting and the small
er orgasms rolling through her. He whispered her name as he stiffened and reached his climax.

  Afterward he rolled to the side with her in his arms. “Lovin’ you, darlin’, is not difficult.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Amy cuddled into his side. His musky scent and his strong protective grasp soon had her asleep.

  * * * *

  Tor studied her heart-shaped face. Her creamy skin was a perfect foil for the gorgeous red hair. His gaze slid down her body. Perspiration glowed like dewdrops on her skin, her breasts were soft, and her rosy nipples sat like a cherry on top of a vanilla sundae. If it wasn’t for not wanting to wake her, he’d take a nip.

  Her hips were curvy and her legs long enough to wrap around his. She was perfect for him and Chad. They’d been in the service together. He, Chad, and Kel had become close friends as you only can when you’re in the middle of a war zone and your life depended on your skills and those around you.

  He and Chad had kept their close friendship after returning stateside. He understood Kel pulling away for a while. Kel’s memories had haunted him, and Tor and Chad had reminded him of them. They’d been resolved recently.

  Amy stirred in his arms. He glanced down, and she smiled. “My first real smile from you,” he teased.

  She stretched and ran her hand down his chest to his hardening dick.

  “Don’t play around. You might get burned.”

  “I find I like to play with danger.” Her delicious lips curved into a grin. “Are you up to it?” she asked.

  “Look at him. He is.” His cock had come to full attention.

  She rose and seeing the condoms on the table she reached for one and sheathed his dick. Then she straddled his body, and her wet, hot pussy sank down on him.

  Leaning forward, she kissed his mouth. Then she straightened and her hip movements caressed the length of his cock.

  “Dang, you feel good.”

  “I aim to please.” Her sweet smile warmed him through and through.

  Her pussy clenched him tight, and his heart throbbed. He hadn’t wanted to love again. Love was one of the few things in life he feared. But he was confronting it head-on, him and Chad.


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