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Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 14

by Paige Cameron

  “Can you walk off and leave them? My husbands and I only knew each other six weeks when we got married. I fell fast and hard and so did they.”

  “You never regretted having such a different lifestyle?”

  “Not for one second. They loved me, and I loved them. Our only disappointment was that I couldn’t have children.” Aunt Janie looked out her kitchen window. “The first miscarriage caught us by surprise. We were upset, but kept a positive attitude. After the second and tests, the doctors concluded I had a problem, and we’d have no children.”

  “How did your husbands take the news?” Amy asked.

  Aunt Janie sat across from her. Her hands held onto her tea cup. “I offered to divorce them.” She smiled. “It’s the only time they ever got mad at me. They said their love for me was larger than the disappointment of no children. We’d travel, work, have fun, and enjoy our friend’s families.”

  “I know you all traveled the world.”

  “We did, and when we were home we babysat for tired friends who needed a night or day off from the kids. We became uncles and aunt to all of their children. They still keep in touch and come see me when they’re in town. A few live here, but all of them, here and in other places, came to both funerals. So life has a way of working out if you know what you want and look for a solution.”

  “My problem is I don’t know what I want. I think I’ve got to go back to work and visit my mother. Take my time and see where I want to be. Hopefully Chad and Tor will still want me if I decide to return.”

  “It’s a risk, but if you need to, then do it.”

  Amy had finished her tea and cake. She flipped open her cell and punched in the number for her mother. “Mom, I’d like to visit you for a day or two before returning to work. Yes, I’m fine. The two men protecting me and the sheriff freed me before the killer had a chance to hurt me.” There was no sense in mentioning her bruised and sore jaw and upset her mother. “It was a relief. Is it all right if I come see you the day after tomorrow? Yes, we need to talk, but no I don’t want to do it on the phone. See you then.” She hung up before her mother asked more questions. Mom had a way of getting information out of her, and telling her mother on the phone that her daughter was considering marriage to two men wasn’t a good idea.

  She called her boss next. “Hello. Yes, it’s all over. The detective, FBI man, and the sheriff rescued me before the killer took me out of the restaurant. All I got was a bruise on my face.

  “But my mom was hurt during all this. I want to spend a day or two with her. I’ll check in Friday morning. See what I need to do and be ready to go at full speed next Monday. Thanks for understanding.” Amy clicked off her phone and glanced across at her aunt. “I need reservations for tomorrow to Pittsburgh.”

  “I’ll call Holt,” Aunt Janie said. “Gray is probably in the city, but Holt has his pilot’s license, too. He’ll fly you to Minneapolis. You can get a flight to Pittsburgh from there.”

  Amy hugged her aunt. “Thank you. May I borrow your truck? I need to get my luggage from Chad’s house and tell them what I’m planning. I promised Tor I’d never just leave a note.”

  “Go ahead. They can bring the truck to me later tomorrow. They’re going to want you to stay the night. I think you should.”

  “I don’t think I can resist.” She took the keys her aunt handed her and waved as she drove off. Her stomach clenched tight and a flicker of apprehension ran across her nerves.

  She had no doubt how Tor would react. He was already angry at her. But she counted on Chad being the calm, clearheaded one about her need for time.

  * * * *

  Tor stormed into the house. He heard Chad playing the piano. He took long, fast strides into the room and slouched in one of the lounge chairs. Chad finished playing his piece before turning to face Tor.

  “I thought you were working on the ranch,” Tor snapped.

  “I was until about thirty minutes ago. I came in, showered, and decided to play some calming music. Obviously, your day didn’t go well.”

  “The first part did. I applied for the job, and I think I’ll get it. If the city council approves my application I can finish out Chief Percy’s term. Then I’ll run for the position when his time in office ends. I also liked the farm. I’ve put in an offer.”

  “Well, you had an eventful day and a promising one. My guess is Amy must be the problem.”

  “She’s not going to marry us. Chief Percy said she had a good chance of running for an open judgeship during the next election and winning.”

  “That’s great news.”

  “You’d think so. I was on a high. She’d liked the ranch, I almost have a job, and she appeared happy. I proposed.”

  “Did she say no?” Chad asked, and frowned.

  “She still wants to go back and take her time deciding. I told her to take all the time she wanted. I took back my proposal.”

  “Amy didn’t say no, Tor. I’m not giving up. We’ll work out our notice and come back here and get started on adding horses to your farm. We’ll settle in and wait.”

  Tor paced the floor. “Are you willing to wait forever? I’m not. I got a call from the realtor on my way from dropping off Amy and coming here. The couple took my offer.”

  Chad slapped Tor on the back. “That’s good news.”

  “I’m meeting the realtor in town to get the key and give him a check. Then I’ll spend tonight at my place. I suspect Amy will come to get her clothes. I don’t want to be here.”

  “She’ll be hurt.”

  “I doubt it. I’m already hurt, and I promised myself I wouldn’t get suckered in again. Then I met her.” Tor strode to the door. “Can I take the extra truck?”

  “Sure. But I wish you’d stay and talk with her.”

  “My talking’s done. See you tomorrow.”

  Chad watched Tor drive off. Tor’s temper flashed and seldom lasted. He’d be sorry tomorrow and ready to wait for Amy. Chad didn’t believe it would take her long to miss them and the quieter lifestyle. He hoped. He usually read people well, but when his emotions got involved some of his perception might be wishful thinking.

  * * * *

  Amy saw the truck coming down the driveway. She hugged her side of the road and he barreled past her. Tor didn’t look at her or acknowledge he’d seen her. Her heart sank. He’d become the expressionless, aggravated cop she’d first met. She pulled up in front of the house, which felt like home to her. She tried to shake the bad feelings she’d gotten from Tor ignoring her.

  Chad smiled from the doorway. “Come in.”

  When she got to him, he leaned across and kissed her lips. “I missed you. I was in the kitchen when I heard your truck. I didn’t eat lunch, so I’m hungry. Do you want a sandwich?”

  “No, I’m full, but I’ll sit with you while you eat.”

  She went with him to the large, country kitchen and watched as he built himself a stacked turkey-and-ham sandwich.

  Chad poured two glasses of iced tea and put one in front of Amy. Then he got his plate and joined her. “I’ve heard Tor’s version.” Chad’s warm voice and sweet smile unnerved her. “Tell me what happened.”

  Amy told him all of it. Her happiness mixed in with her uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. “I need time, not a lot, but enough to know whether I can make such a big change in my life.” Her lips curved into a wry smile.

  He’d given her his full attention as he ate. He didn’t interrupt or ask questions. When she finished, his smile was both warm and tender.

  “Tor can be a hothead, but he gets over it in a hurry. And he’s extra sensitive about women. Until you, he’d kept his guard up. Our feelings for you make us vulnerable and impatient.”

  “I understand. I really care about you both, and I think I love you. But we haven’t known each other long and most of that time I was stalked by the man killing all those innocent people.”

  “You are absolutely right. We all three need to take a step back and a breather. Marriage is
a serious commitment, and I want one like my parents had.”

  “On my way over, my aunt called. She said Holt Ramm will fly me to Minneapolis early tomorrow morning.”

  “Then spend the evening with me. You can pack and later I’ll play the piano for you. You can sleep in your own bed or mine, and I’ll drive you to meet Holt and see your aunt gets her truck back.” He glanced out the window. “We have time for a short horseback ride, if you’d like one.”

  “I would.”

  Chad handed her a hat and they headed to the barn. They rode across the wide-open prairie and Amy breathed deep of the fresh, cool late-afternoon air. The sun was setting amid colors of yellow, orange, and pink. They stopped and waited as darkness fell and all the colors gave way to the night.

  “We’ll head back. Mrs. Kestell planned to come and prepare supper. In addition, she’s doing some meals for Tor and me that she’ll freeze. She’ll have dinner ready soon.”

  At the barn they rubbed the horses down and walked to the house. They went in the front and Chad waved as he strode to his room to shower. Amy went to the bedroom she was using and showered, dressed, and started putting her clothes in her suitcases. She hadn’t removed everything so it wasn’t a big job.

  She heard a knock at her door. “Dinner’s ready,” Chad said.

  Amy opened the door. “Good, I’m hungry.” His eyes swept over her body, leaving a trail of heat behind.

  “You look good enough to eat. I like the bright-blue blouse with your jeans.”

  She walked beside him to the dining room. “I might say the same of you.” Chad wore a white shirt and gray pants. His gray eyes were more silver tonight.

  “Oh, how lovely,” Amy said and touched the lace tablecloth. Mrs. Kestell had set the table with fine china, white candles, and soft music played in the background.

  “What did you tell her?” Amy asked.

  “I said you were leaving us tomorrow, and I’d miss you, the truth, nothing more.” He pulled out her chair and kissed the side of her neck. Sizzling heat went to her core and radiated outward. She shivered from the intense feelings racing along her nerves.

  Chad sat across from her. He raised his wineglass. “A toast to a lovely lady. May she always find her way home.”

  The chilled Chablis slid down her throat. Their eyes stared into each other’s. When she lowered her head, she saw his hand clasped around his wineglass. In her mind’s eye, she felt his hand holding her breast and rubbing across her peaked nipple. Then he slid his finger along the condensation on his glass.

  Her breasts ached for his touch. He raised his glass and his tongue ran along the edge before he took a drink. Every nerve in her body tingled.

  Amy dragged her attention away from him as Mrs. Kestell placed full plates with roast beef, potatoes, gravy, and asparagus in front of her. Determined to ignore the temptation sitting across the table from her, she cut her meat and took a bite. “This is very good,” she mumbled with her head down.

  Chad chuckled. “You can look at me. I promise to behave.”

  Heat flushed her face. She threw her hair back over her shoulder and faced him.

  “I was being unfair. I forgot how responsive you are to me or Tor. I love it, but I want you to enjoy this meal.” He ate a few bites and started talking about the plans for Tor’s ranch.

  “Then he’s getting it?”

  “The owners accepted his offer. He’s gone into town to take care of the paperwork and plans to sleep in his own place tonight.”

  “He’s avoiding me.”

  “Yes, but don’t worry. If you decide you want to come back, he’ll be at the airport.”

  “I’m not so sure. I guess you both will be going to your respective cities soon to work out your notice.”

  “I’ll be at my office next Monday. Tor hasn’t said when he’ll be going.”

  “The papers will let me know. He’ll be the star again as the lawman that helped arrest the serial shooter.”

  Chad laughed. “He’ll hate that part.”

  When they’d finished the meal, Chad walked with her to the other room. She sat in her favorite chair and he went to the bar and poured them each a glass of cognac.

  “Sip it, and I’ll play.” He put his glass on the side table and sat at the piano.

  Amy sipped her drink and in between laid her head back and closed her eyes. The music lulled her to sleep.

  At some point, she was aware of strong arms carrying her to bed. Chad quickly undressed her, put her in his bed, and after he got undressed he joined her. He pulled her body into the curve of his and whispered. “Go to sleep.”

  But his warm arms wrapped around her had stirred the cool embers of her desire into blazing heat. “I’m awake and your body feels so good against mine,” she whispered.

  He rolled her on her back and gently kissed her lips. His fingers traced the outline of her face. Then his hand cupped her breast and his finger outlined her sensitive nipple.

  Her heart rate increased as his clean, fresh woodsy scent surrounded her. His mouth moved between each breast, kissing, and sucking on her nipples. Her pussy clenched and juice flowed out between her legs.

  Chad turned away for a second and got a condom package out of his bedside table drawer and sheathed this cock. Then he pulled her tight against his body. His hard cock pulsed against her soft abdomen and her nipples brushed across the black hair on his chest. Wherever his body touched, her skin was hypersensitive.

  His tongue slipped between her lips and ravished her mouth. She closed her eyes and let herself feel the warmth of his body and the pounding of his heart against hers. It was difficult to separate where one began and the other stopped.

  She trembled with delight as Chad slowly swept his hands down her back and pulled her hips tighter toward his. He raised her leg over his hip and positioned his cock at her opening. Slowly while watching her eyes, he moved inside her pussy.

  His large cock filled her. She clenched tight again and again. Chad’s silver eyes flashed, and she saw his hunger for her deep inside them. He began to move slowly in and out while his fingers brushed across her face.

  His gentle loving transported her to a place of wonder. She lost awareness of their surroundings and her world narrowed to the two of them.

  With each glide, his cock stroked her pussy. It was the most seductive loving she’d experienced. Her breath rose and fell with his and her heart fluttered in her chest.

  Cupping her chin and staring into her eyes, he said, “I love you. Remember me when you’re alone in the city and know that this house is waiting for you to make it a home.”

  Then he kissed her lightly, rolled her on her back, and thrust inside fast and hard. Her pussy rippled around his cock as a wave of joy swept across her body. Each time his dick thrust inside her pussy, her hips rose toward him, and her orgasm held her at the peak, until she felt his shudder and he yelled her name. Then they both slipped over the crest of euphoria.

  Chad held her tight against his side as their breathing returned to normal and their pulses slowed.

  * * * *

  He knew when she went to sleep. When her body relaxed completely, he stared at her beautiful face. How long would it be before he got to hold her like this again? Or would he ever?

  There was a real chance she might decide to stay in Pittsburgh and work toward the goals she’d envisioned for many years. But he hoped tonight he’d shown her how much he loved her and that she’d be happy and safe here.

  Tor would have to work out his own misunderstandings with her. They were a long way from getting her to marry them, and yet he’d swear he felt a bond between them during this last lovemaking. Hopefully, she won’t forget. Letting her go tomorrow would be one of the hardest things he’d done.

  * * * *

  Amy boarded the small jet. At the doorway, she waved good-bye to Chad. In the distance, she saw a man with sunshine lighting his blond hair. Was it Tor? She thought so, but wasn’t sure. She went inside the plane. He
r throat hurt, and her eyes burned with tears.

  Holt greeted her. He checked her seat belt and went to the front. The engines revved up. Amy waved at Chad until he became a tiny spot on the tarmac. Then she let the tears go.

  In Minneapolis, she thanked Holt and hurried to catch her connection. During this flight she tried to read the magazines in the holder behind the seat. Nothing helped. Wherever she looked she saw Chad and Tor’s faces, and she remembered that last kiss from Chad. When he had loosened his arms at the airport and let her go, the desire to run back to him was almost overpowering.

  Finally, the plane landed in Pittsburgh, and she was home. She unlocked her condo door and went in. She’d hoped to feel comforted, but she didn’t. Her home didn’t seem the same and yet it was. She had changed, not it.

  Amy scheduled an early morning flight for tomorrow. She’d arrive in Boston around nine-thirty. Then she’d grab a cab and visit her mother. She called her mom and left a message with the time she’d arrive and telling her she’d take a taxi to the house.

  When her cell rang right after she hung up, she saw Chad’s number and her heart jumped with joy. “Hello.”

  “I wanted to be sure you were home safe.” His deep, seductive tone warmed her body.

  “I just arrived, and tomorrow I go to Boston.”

  “Keep safe. If you don’t mind, I’ll check on you once in a while.”

  “I’d like that. You’ll be in New York soon.”

  “Yes, working out my time so I can get back home for good. I’ll let you go. Take care.” His phone clicked off.

  Perversely, she’d wanted him to talk longer, and to tell her he loved her. She walked around her condo, opening windows and the glass doors to her balcony to freshen the air. Then she went in her room to unpack.

  A few weeks ago if anyone had said she wouldn’t be happy to return to work, she’d have told them they were crazy. Hopefully, this lost feeling would disappear when she was busy again.


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