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Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 17

by Paige Cameron

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Thanks to Tor, I am. Mr. Collins had snapped. He fully intended to kill me. And yet I feel sorry for him and his wife.”

  “Don’t expect me or Tor to have the same feelings toward him.” Chad’s eyes shone hard as silver for a second. Then he smiled at her. “Are you really going to marry us?”

  “I guess I’ll have to work on convincing you two. Yes, I will marry you both.”

  He took a deep breath. “You’ve made me a happy man.”

  “I’ll make you happier. I’m going to stop at my office and resign. They gave me today off, but I want to start the two-week notice today.”

  “Are you anxious to get back to South Dakota?” Chad asked as they walked to her car.

  “I’m anxious to get home.” She glanced up at him. His eyes were filled with tenderness and passion.

  “I had hoped when you slipped up the other time and called my house home that it was a good sign. I can’t wait to take you there.”

  “But Tor and I will stay at his place occasionally. Will it bother you?”

  “No. I understand. There isn’t any jealousy between us.”

  She drove out of the airport and headed for downtown. “After I resign, we’ll go to my place.”

  “I know a great restaurant to go to for lunch. We’ll celebrate you accepting our proposal before we go to your condo. Then we’ll discuss how soon we can officially be married.”

  “Are you going to be the one to marry me officially?”

  “Tor and I decided I would be. I’m more established in the community, and I’m the oldest. If that’s not all right with you, it can be Tor.”

  “No, I’m glad I didn’t have to make the choice. I love you equally.”

  “Then after that wedding, we’d have the ritual for the three us.”

  “Who performs that one?” Amy asked.

  “Since she moved to the area, Holt’s grandmother does the second ceremony for Holt’s family and friends. He said she’d be glad to do ours.”

  “Oh, I’m glad. I can’t wait to have both services done.” Amy swung into a parking space. “Do you want to go up?”

  “I’d better walk you as far as your floor, but then I’ll wait for you at the elevator. See those reporters. We’ll have to run the gauntlet.”

  “Then let’s get it over with.” Amy got out and Chad hurried to her side. Reporters surrounded them. Chad had an air of authority about him, and they stepped back when he motioned to them.

  Inside the elevator, Amy asked, “How do you do that? Those reporters don’t usually back off for anyone.”

  “They knew I meant business. It’s a look I give them.” He shrugged. “I’m not sure where I learned it, but it works.”

  * * * *

  The elegant restaurant was just what she needed. Soft music played in the background and the quiet wrapped around Amy’s still taut nerves. She barely noticed the low voices in the background and the slight tingle of silverware.

  After they’d given their order and the waiter had brought them each a glass of wine, Chad raised his glass.

  “To us and Tor, may we have a happy and healthy life and a marriage that will last forever.”

  Amy touched her glass to his. “I hope for the same.”

  “When can we get married?” Chad asked.

  “My sister Marilyn’s wedding is in ten days. I’m her maid of honor. But I could be her matron of honor. We’d have a small wedding in my mother’s rose garden. Then I’ll still be in the area for Marilyn’s wedding. When our two-week notice is up, shortly afterward we can fly home.”

  “You don’t want a large ceremony with a long, white gown and all the trimmings?” Chad looked at her, concerned.

  “No, I never did see the sense in spending a fortune for a wedding. What a waste. But I will have a pretty gown for the threesome wedding and some flowers.”

  “I had wanted to suggest something similar, but I know how much most women would be disappointed without the big ceremony.”

  “I’m not most women.”

  “You are definitely unique.”

  The waiter brought their food. Amy was surprised at how hungry she was. She ate everything on her plate.

  Chad grinned. “I hope you aren’t going to lick it,” he teased. “Instead, I’ll order us a dessert to share. The ones here look enormous.”

  When the waiter brought a plate with a large piece of chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream, and raspberry sauce, Amy looked across at Chad. “You were right. We may have some left to take home for Tor.”

  When she took a big spoonful and sighed. Chad grinned. “I doubt there’ll be any left.”

  When they came out of the restaurant, he opened the car door for her. He started around to the other side, but she caught hold of his arm.

  “Why don’t we go by the City-County Building on Grant Street? We can apply for our marriage license. We both know all the information we’ll need and our drivers’ license can be our picture ID. Then we just have to wait three days for the license. We could be married this weekend.”

  “I love your ideas. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Chad wandered around her condo, and walked out on the balcony. “I like it.”

  “Tor says it’s too womanish and that there are no comfortable chairs for men. I reminded him I hadn’t been dating or looking for men, so I suited myself,” Amy said with emphasis.

  “It does reflect your personality through the colors you used and the way you arranged your furniture and your personal items.”

  “Thank you. I like your home, too.”

  “It’ll be your home, soon.”

  “The application process went smoothly. We can pick the license up late Friday and get married Saturday. I’d better check with Mom on that.” Amy pushed in the designated number for her mother and explained what they wanted to do.

  “This is sudden, but if that’s what you want, we’ll do it. I’ll have our cook bake a cake and have your siblings here. In fact, I’ll call Aunt Janie and have her fly to Boston for the ceremony.”

  “She may not want to fly off so soon after getting home. Tell her it’s fine if she wants to wait for the threesome ceremony.” Amy heard her mother take a deep breath. “And Mom, you all don’t need to come all that way for a second wedding. You’ll meet Chad and Tor on Saturday.”

  Amy almost visualized the relief on her mother’s face. She heard it in her voice.

  “I think your plans are excellent to suit all of us. I love you. Tell your men I said they are marrying a wonderful woman.”

  “I will, Mom, and I love you.” She put her cell phone down on the kitchen counter.

  “Was she difficult?”

  “No, she’s come a long way. She said to tell you and Tor you were getting a wonderful wife.”

  Chad pulled her close and hugged her tight. “We already knew that.” He cupped her buttocks in his hands. His hard shaft pulsed against her soft abdomen. “Do you mind if we visit your bedroom now?”

  She tipped her head back to look up at him. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  At her bedside, Chad kissed his way down her body as he slowly removed her clothing. When he pulled her panties down, he nuzzled her pussy, tantalizing her. A fire kindled in her core, sending heat outward.

  “Stand there just a moment.” He stepped away and threw off his suit and quickly removed his underclothes. Like Tor, he was a beautiful male specimen. Chad’s body was leaner than Tor’s but still well-muscled.

  Chad sheathed his cock and stepped into her space. His hand tipped her chin and he kissed her long and hard. His tongue tangled with hers as his hand moved to cover her breast. With her arms around his neck, she pushed her body tight against his.

  He stopped for a second and lifted her onto the bed. Then he spread her legs and starting at her ankles kissed his way up to her lower lips. Chad licked her clit and she moaned.

  “Maybe I’m going too fast in my desire t
o be inside your sweet pussy.”

  “No, don’t slow down.”

  He smiled and moved further up. His compelling gaze held her attention. “I love you,” he said and kissed the side of each eye. “I want you.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and then pulled on her bottom lip with his teeth. “I can’t wait for you to be my wife.” He nuzzled her neck and licked the spot where her heart pounded.

  When he got to her breast, he cupped them in his hands and gave a light tug to one nipple. Her body trembled. Heat and passion swirled in her veins.

  “Put your cock in me. I want you filling me.”

  “I’ll work my way there. No rush. This is all for you.”

  Chad moved back and forth between her breast and his teeth grazed across her pebbled nipples. Tempestuous passion sent her voracious hunger for this man skyrocketing.

  She grabbed hold of his cock and moved her hand up and down his length. He raised his head and his eyes looked dark and mysterious. Gently, he removed her hand and slid down her body to her pussy. His tongue teased her clit and he licked her juices all the way to her opening.

  “Your juices are like ambrosia.” He put his cock at her pussy opening and moved in gradually. When she tried to rush him, he held her hips still and took his time burying his cock inside her.

  “Hot, tight, sweet, you’re wonderful.” Then he moved faster and harder, keeping eye contact as his hard cock stroked her pussy walls. Heart pounding, Amy joined his movements. They were in tune with each other. His cock pulsed and her pussy rippled with delight. The gray in his eyes softened, and she saw the love he had for her in his gaze.

  Chad pushed hard and held his cock against her womb. “It will be forever and ever for the three of us.”

  Amy nodded and repeated his words, “Forever and ever.” A sweet, warm rush of pleasure rolled across her body and the bond they’d forged between them got stronger. She felt it and knew from his expression he had, too.

  He moved quicker and faster and kissed her as a wave of euphoria raised her up and over the cliff. When he shouted his relief, his cock jerked spasmodically, sending a jolt of ecstasy up her spine.

  Afterward he lay on her for a few minutes. He inhaled deeply to catch his breath, and their hearts pounded against each other. He rolled to the side, but held onto her hand.

  “When I get my strength, we’ll shower and dress. Tor and I will take you to pick out a ring when he gets here.”

  “Maybe for expediency we should shower separately,” Amy said with a gleam in her eyes.

  “What’s the fun in that? Give me a few minutes, and we’ll get up.”

  She cuddled in his arms and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky.

  * * * *

  Two weeks later

  Amy sat at Aunt Janie’s kitchen table. “I can’t believe so much has happened in less than three weeks. Between my sister’s wedding and mine in Boston, this will be the third wedding I’ve been involved in during that time.”

  “Your decision to have the first wedding at your mother’s house worked well. Your family’s much more accepting than I ever thought they’d be,” Aunt Janie said. She got up and pulled three cake pans out of her oven. “When I get through decorating the three layers you’ll have a beautiful and delicious cake for your wedding tomorrow. Were Chad and Tor upset with your idea to spend tonight at my place?

  “They weren’t happy, but agreed after I explained brides aren’t to be seen in their wedding finery by the grooms until the wedding. I had come to visit you. We’ve had little time together.”

  Aunt Janie sat back down and sipped on her tea. “How does it feel to be unemployed and running for judge?” Her eyes twinkled.

  “I feel like I’m dreaming, and I don’t want to wake up. Tor’s very happy about his new job. The council overwhelmingly accepted his application, and Chief Percy can’t wait for him to start week after next. We’re going to visit Tor’s parents before he begins his job. He’s talked with them, and they want to meet me. They already know Chad.”

  “I hoped you’d find happiness, but I wasn’t sure you’d ever see yourself married to two men and living here. I’ll enjoy having family nearby. I’ve missed that contact.” Auntie Janie glanced at the clock. “It’s time for the bride to go to bed. Tomorrow will be an exciting day.”

  “I probably won’t sleep a wink. See you in the morning.” Amy kissed her aunt and went to her bedroom. She stood at the window and looked out at the full moon shining across the wide prairie. The light glistened off the distant mountains.

  Her love for her men and this land grew more each day. She was happier than she’d ever thought possible. She lay down with her eyes open. Soon, they’d have the most important ritual, the one to bind her and Tor and Chad together. She’d heard Holt’s grandmother’s service was beautiful and would touch her heart. Now if the hours would only speed by.

  * * * *

  Just before noon, Amy walked toward the gazebo Chad’s mother had had built in her rose garden. They’d all three decided they liked the setting and the reception would be held right afterward. Mrs. Kestell had been cooking all week.

  Their guests sat in chairs on either side of an aisle created for Amy to walk down. Her mother and father had surprised her by arriving early today. Now her dad stood beside her.

  Her men looked so handsome. Tor had dressed in a blue suit and Chad in a gray one. They smiled encouragingly at her. Chad had made a disc of wedding music, and the wedding march began to play. The wind blew her lacy, white skirt around her legs as she walked toward the gazebo holding onto her dad’s arm.

  Nana was a small woman with a large presence. Amy had liked her immediately. Amy stopped by Chad and Tor. Her father put one of her hands in each of theirs.

  “Take good care of her,” her father said.

  “We will, sir,” Chad and Tor responded.

  Nana started her ritual. She invoked the spirits of the wind and the stars, of the sky, and all the goodness of the earth to bless their union. Some of her words were in her Native American language and sounded like a beautiful melody. The ceremony was longer than Amy’s previous one, and when Nana finished, Amy felt more married to both her husbands.

  Chad and Tor kissed her. Chad had added a ring of diamonds in front of her plainer wedding band and Tor had put a topaz ring on her right hand. After they’d kissed her, they each kissed her ringed fingers.

  The guests clapped and cheered as they walked back down the aisle. Chad reminded them to come inside and enjoy the reception.

  Everyone mingled between the living room, dining room, and the gardens. Several people had convinced Chad to play for them. Wherever Amy walked with Tor, they heard his beautiful music soaring in the air.

  She put her arm around Tor’s and he placed his hand over hers. “Are you happy?”

  “I expect to explode any moment and float into the sky.”

  He grinned. “Don’t do that. We need you right here by our sides.”

  “I’m home, at last. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”

  At the end of the day, her mom and dad said good-bye.

  “It was a lovely ceremony and I like the people you’ll have here as friends. I especially like your husbands. I’m satisfied that I don’t have to worry about you,” her mom said and leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

  Her dad added, “I second what your mother said. We’re happy and comfortable with your decisions.” He kissed her. “We have to go. Holt and his friend, Gray, are flying us to Minneapolis where we’ll get our flight to Boston. Be happy.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  Chad and Tor joined her to say their good-byes then they waved as her parents rode off with Holt, Gray, their wife, Nat, and Auntie Janie and Nana.

  “That’s the last of our guests. We can go inside and start our lives together,” Chad said.

  “This is the happiest day of my life. I hate for the day to end.”

  Tor and Chad put their arms around her. Tor kissed her neck and
Chad her lips. Tor whispered, “Don’t worry. This is only the beginning of many more happy days.”


  Three months later

  Amy, Tor, and Chad watched the results of the local elections with Auntie Janie, her mother and father, and many friends. They were clustered around the large television at the old, stately Willow Junction hotel. Amy had been ahead for the last hour. A television newsman put up new numbers. He turned to the face the TV. “Our new Triple Dare County resident has won the election for the available judge’s seat. It appears our residents want a younger lawyer on the court.”

  Cheers rang out around Amy. Tor grabbed her up and swung her around. Chad gave her a long kiss when he got her in his arms. Then her mom and dad and all their family and friends crowded around.

  “Congratulations, Amy.” Her dad’s eyes were shining. “I’m very proud of you.”

  Her mother pushed him aside and hugged her. “You’ve got it all. Enjoy. You worked hard for this.”

  By the time all the well-wishers had left, Amy’s head spun with joy and excitement. “I can’t believe it. I’m going to be a judge and much sooner than I’d hoped.”

  “See, I told you not to look for another job, but to campaign for judge. Now we can ride into work together,” Tor said.

  “Tor and I never doubted you’d win. The people in Willow Junction and Triple Creeks Township have accepted you as one of their own.” Chad put his arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go home, wife.”

  Amy grinned. “You and Tor love to call me wife instead of my name.”

  “We feel good when we remind ourselves how lucky we are,” Tor added.

  The thirty-minute drive went by quickly as the three of them discussed the election and when she’d be sworn in. Amy saw the house at the end of the drive highlighted by moonlight. She gave a deep sigh.

  “Happiness wraps around me every time I get home and you two are with me. I love when we can shut the doors and just be together.”

  “Being together is what I had on my mind.” Tor got out and lifted her into his arms. He carried her down the hall to the end where a new, larger master bedroom had just been finished. He sat her feet down in the doorway.


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