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Town of Chance: Fight for Freedom [The Dare Series 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The Dare Series 6

  Town of Chance: Fight for Freedom

  Shelby’s past comes back to haunt her. Two years in hiding wasn’t long enough and now she must fight for her freedom. The old Shelby wants to run and relocate, but the people of Chance, plus the three brothers she already desires, make her change her mind. They say they can protect her, but her greatest fear would be for them to get hurt because of her.

  Sam, Bender, and Kenneth want to show Shelby what true love is, and prove to her that they can be trusted to do whatever it takes to protect and love her. She wants it all. The happy ending, the perfect life, and ultimately to be safe once again.

  The decision to have the perfect life she dreamed about is ripped from her control. Can she muster the strength and determination to fight for love, or does her destiny lie in the hands of a killer?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 38,716 words



  The Dare Series 6

  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2016 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-058-6

  First E-book Publication: February 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Fight for Freedom.

  Shelby Ann has been a big support for her sister Caroline. She knows exactly what she went through and kept telling Caroline she was safest in the Town of Chance.

  When it comes to taking her own advice, it’s a completely different story. Shelby is being stubborn and living an unhappy life all because of the fears she hides. It’s not only a struggle and burden to hide the past, but also hide her love for three special men.

  As danger approaches her sister, Caroline challenges Shelby’s stubbornness. She tells her to fight for love. To fight for that perfect life and the happiness she deserves, and to fight for freedom.

  But can Shelby do it?

  I hope you enjoy Shelby’s story.

  Happy reading.



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  About the Author



  The Dare Series 6


  Copyright © 2016


  “Oh my God, they are so scary-looking,” Eliza Grace whispered to Shelby Ann. At first Shelby thought that Eliza was talking about her cousins, the Pace men. But one glance at Eliza’s line of sight and she saw exactly what caught her friend’s attention. Tazer and Lynch Hayes, two military buddies of Sam Pace and Hunter Mantle. Shelby and Eliza had only met them a couple of months ago at the hospital while C.J. was recovering from a gunshot wound. She couldn’t believe that had only been six weeks ago.

  “I feel like throwing up, they’re so intimidating,” Eliza added. Shelby chuckled.

  “You like them, huh?” Eliza Ann swung her head toward Shelby. Her eyes were wide and her mouth gaped open and she began to ramble. “I do not. What makes you say that? I mean, yes, they are very attractive but they’re my cousins’ friends and they’re older. Much older than me. Besides, they see me as a little sister or something.”

  Shelby looked Eliza over. She was wearing a pretty slim-fitting pale-green dress that brought out the green in her eyes and also complemented her tan complexion. She was close to Shelby’s height and had a great figure on her. She exercised all the time and even did a little modeling for a boutique a few towns over near the city.

  “One look at you, Eliza, and any man could see you’re all woman.”

  Eliza blushed. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. Besides, what about you? You’re drop-dead gorgeous and have an amazing personality besides body. How come you won’t give my cousins a whirl?” she countered and Shelby tightened up. It seemed a lot more people were trying to push her into a relationship with the Pace men, Caroline included.

  In fact, Shelby considered not coming to this celebration party for C.J.’s recovery. But she knew Caroline would have been upset. It had been such a tragic and dangerous experience Caroline and her men had gone through. Coming here tonight to celebrate C.J.’s recovery and just be happy to reside in the town of Chance and be grateful for all the help from the community members and friends said so m
uch about the town.

  It was just difficult to pretend that she was happy, too, and especially at a party meant to be uplifting and fun. She just couldn’t let her defenses down to even enjoy a few minutes of feeling safe. That was the craziest part. She did feel safe here. With all their friends and especially with the Pace brothers nearby. But she wasn’t stupid or selfish. She wouldn’t let the Pace brothers get hurt. Not over her and the stupid mistakes she’d made.

  “Hello? Earth to Shelby Ann?” Eliza teased.

  Shelby Ann shook her head and chuckled, covering up her lost train of thought. She was getting good at this. Too good to feel pride over it.

  “Haven’t we been over this before?” Shelby Ann asked.

  “Maybe if you explained in greater detail what specifically happened to make you not want to trust a man again, then we’d all would drop it and let you be?”

  Shelby exhaled and when she looked away from Eliza she locked gazes with Kenneth, who immediately squinted his eyes and seemed concerned. He glanced at his brother Sam and then placed his drink down by the bar. He was coming over.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back,” she said and grabbed her purse and headed down the hallway.

  She wouldn’t look over her shoulder until she got to the door to the ladies’ room. When she did she spotted Kenneth following her and then some guy stopped him to talk. She quickly headed out the back door, exhaling in relief as her blonde curls bounced around her shoulders.

  “Going somewhere?”

  She gasped and turned to the right to see Bender standing there.

  “Oh God, Bender. You scared me. What are you doing out here?” she asked him.

  “Getting some fresh air. How about you?”

  “Same,” she said and then looked around the back parking lot and the small bit of grass and trees.

  Bender was rough around the edges. Hard core and always looking ready for something bad to happen. Even his stance, the way he stood there looking so capable and ready to draw his gun, was intimidating.

  “It’s a nice party. I think C.J. appreciated the celebration.”

  “I think so, too. He needed some cheering up. The physical therapy has been brutal,” she replied.

  “Caroline was telling us about his stubborn attitude. But she seems to have a way of calming her men.”

  Shelby smiled. She couldn’t help it. The Mantle men loved her sister so much. They would do anything for her and she would do anything for them. Plus her sister still felt guilty for nearly getting C.J. killed. But Caroline wasn’t letting it get in the way of their relationship. Shelby Ann wondered how she did that.

  Bender stepped closer and she gripped her purse.

  He reached out and caressed his hand down her bare arm. The move sent goose bumps along her skin. “You look beautiful tonight, Shelby Ann,” he whispered and she felt her heart racing. Her belly quivered and her breasts swelled with need. He was so freaking gorgeous and intimidating and sexy. She hated to hide the attraction she felt, but after what happened to C.J., she knew she couldn’t place the Pace men in danger. Skip was even crazier than Cameron.

  She swallowed hard. “I should head back inside,” she said and turned but he grabbed her arm gently, stopping her. She kept her body turned from his and looked down at the ground.

  “Wait, let’s talk some more. I don’t bite,” he whispered next to her ear as he placed his hands on her hips from behind and stood so close to her she could feel his body heat. She closed her eyes and relished in it, and the scent of his cologne.

  “Talk?” she asked.

  He chuckled. His warm breath hit the top of her head. He towered over her, as did his brothers. She winced when she thought of them right at this moment. She knew the three of them were interested in her and they were getting more and more brazen, and trying to break down her resolve.

  “Yes, talk. I know you know how to. You and Eliza Grace have been talking all night.”

  She turned to pull away from him. “Oh God, Eliza! I should head back. She’s really shy.”

  He grabbed her hand and she froze. Bender stepped closer.

  He licked his lower lip as his eyes zeroed in on her mouth. God, what would it feel like to be kissed by him? Was he a forceful, sensual kisser like Kenneth? She wondered and her cheeks warmed.

  “Or we could just make out, and see what happens,” he suggested, shocking her. She went to move back but it was a lame attempt and he snagged her around the waist and pulled her close.

  “No running off this time. I’ve got to know, too,” he said and covered her mouth and kissed her. His move shocked her and so did his words. Obviously Kenneth told him about that night in the office.

  At first she grabbed onto his arms and applied a little pressure but it was a lame attempt. He kissed with vigor and depth. He drew her in and explored her mouth like a pro, like a man on a mission to infuse his desires into her from his kisses alone. She allowed him the moment. Or so she told herself as she didn’t resist, but then she knew what this would lead to. Him wanting more. Him wanting to take her home and his brothers wanting to all claim her as their woman. That couldn’t happen. Not with the scars on her body from Skip, and the fear that because of her sister’s high-profile abduction and the fact she killed a man in self-defense, someone who knew Skip could put it all together. They might realize that Caroline was Shelby’s sister and perhaps Shelby lived in Chance now, too.

  That realization and fear struck her hard. She pulled away from Bender and then covered her mouth a she stepped away.

  “Shelby. Goddamn it, please stop denying this. Talk to me. To us,” he said and she shook her head.

  “I told you I’m not interested.”

  “Your kisses say otherwise when you let go.”

  She shook her head.

  “I asked that you and your brothers leave me alone. Please abide by my request. I don’t want to go to the sheriff,” she said as the back door opened and Kenneth stood there.

  “What’s going on?” he asked. She stepped aside, not having much of a choice until Kenneth moved out from the doorway.

  Bender had his hands on his hips and then ran his hand along his jaw, looking upset and frustrated.

  “Nothing,” she said.

  Kenneth looked from her to Bender and then back to her again.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Me? I’m just fine, Kenneth,” she said and then glanced at Bender.

  “I’m going back inside.”

  “Wait. I wanted to talk to you,” Kenneth said to her.

  She pulled from him as he went to touch her arm. She stepped back. “Whatever it is, it can wait until Monday in the office,” she said, and she felt badly for being a bitch. But these men were too powerful. They had a way at pulling on her heart.

  “It isn’t about work. It’s personal, Shelby Ann,” he whispered, emphasizing the word personal.

  She stared at him, wondering what he meant.

  “Personal?” she asked.

  He stepped closer and placed his hands on her hips. He looked down into her eyes. Kenneth was all business and a firm man. Even now his casual wasn’t casual at all. He wore dress pants in black and a burgundy dress shirt with black dress shoes. His brother had on dark jeans and a nice button-down shirt with his cowboy boots. They were both damn sexy as hell. Now all she needed was for Sam to come outside. But last she saw, he was enthralled in a conversation about the Army with Mr. Phillips from the hardware store and that man could have your ear for hours.

  Kenneth cupped her cheek and tilted her chin up toward him. She locked gazes with his dark blue eyes.

  “I can’t take it. I watch you and I can see the fear in your eyes, can sense when you’re scared or thinking about something bad. I see it more and more and it concerns me. We’re not stupid, Shelby. It’s obvious that something has happened in your past, something with a man that is making you hold back from us.”

  She shook her head and he
firmed his grip on her chin.

  “God, baby, don’t fucking deny it,” he said so sternly she stiffened and felt that twinge of concern. But it wasn’t like when she was with Skip and he ordered her around. This was different. She felt aroused, attracted to Kenneth. This was a disaster in the making.

  “Please, Kenneth. I just want to be left alone.”

  He shook his head. “You’re never alone anymore. We’re always thinking of you, trying to remain nearby when we can. You’re not alone. Come take a chance on us.

  “No, Kenneth.”

  “Why not?” Bender pushed, coming up behind her. He placed his hands on her hips and now she was squeezed between the two men.

  She closed her eyes. God it felt so good, so right, but look what happened to C.J. Skip would have thought nothing of killing one of these men or all three of them to get to her. She wouldn’t have their blood on her hands.

  She felt lips touch hers. Her eyes popped opened but then Kenneth was drawing her in, cupping her head and kissing her. She was caught between what she really wanted and what she couldn’t really have. Not now. Perhaps not ever.

  She felt the hands on her hips squeeze, and then her hair being moved to the side and another set of lips on her neck. They were kissing her. Two men at once and she felt her pussy spasm and she came.

  She moaned so loudly it caused Kenneth to pull her tighter against him. He cupped her breast on one side and Bender cupped her breast on the other.

  It was too much, too wild as she pulled from his mouth and the tears filled her eyes. So badly she wanted to give in and feel more but she couldn’t. The scars, the fear of getting them killed pounded inside of her head. She slammed her hands against his chest and gripped Kenneth as Bender brushed fingers over her nipples as he pressed against her back. His cock felt so hard at her ass.


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