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Seduced by a Shifter

Page 14

by Jennifer Dellerman

  She’d hold her opinion in reserve, especially when Ben pulled into the spacious, but empty, parking lot next to a large one-story building. Saying nothing, she allowed herself to be drawn to a side door and watched as Ben used his key and tapped out the code. Inside, after he flipped on some switches, she gaped. “Wow.”

  Mirrors lined two sides of the open room while a third contained a second door and several blind-covered windows ending halfway down the wall. Beneath the windows sat several heavy plastic benches. Along the fourth wall, from where they’d entered, was another bench, huge cubbies for clothes, keys, or whatever, and a counter with a computer monitor and what looked to be audio equipment. Cabinets filled the space below the counter, and three wall-mounted flat-screen TVs filled the space above. Finally, situated over the industrial-grade linoleum were enough weights and gym equipment to make the center she worked at in Arizona green with envy.

  Ben locked up behind them. “Dean’s office is on the other side of those windows and there’s even a bedroom and bath beyond that.”

  Willow moved around the room, trailing her fingers over the hands of an elliptical machine. “Dean’s office?”

  “Yeah.” Ben set their bags on a bench by the door next to several cubbies, her white plastic one next to his black duffel. “The Haven was his idea. He’s co-owner and manager but I’m pretty sure he’s looking for someone to replace him.”

  “Oh?” Willow might not know anything about hunting, but she did know more than a little about community centers. Okay, maybe not enough to manage one, but she was a smart cookie. She could learn.

  What the hell am I thinking? Willow gave herself a mental smack. I’m not looking to stick around. Once this is all over, I’m going home to New York.

  She moved on to admire a leg press, studiously ignoring the whisper in her head telling her nothing was left in New York for her except her father, and he could visit anytime. “What else is here?”

  Ben’s nose scrunched in thought, the action so adorable she felt her heart flip-flop. A little cross at the betraying organ, she glowered at a pectoral fly machine. She hated those machines.

  “A kitchen, dining hall, two conference rooms, a rec room, a game room, three actual bedrooms other than Dean’s, and a common room, which is just a nice way of saying a large room with a bunch of bunk beds.”

  Willow raised a brow. “Bathrooms?”

  “Oh.” He grinned sheepishly. “As it really is just men that use the place, it’s a common bathroom, like in a high school.”

  Her brows creased. “Lovely.”

  “You can use Dean’s bathroom for anything while you’re here. It’s sort of the designated girls’ room.”

  “I’m sure he’s thrilled,” she muttered under her breath.

  “So what do you want to start with?”

  She made her way back to the elliptical and climbed on. “Here. It’s easier on my hip and knee.”

  “All right.” He showed her the unfamiliar display. “Music or TV?”

  “Music,” she replied promptly.

  He walked over to a counter. “Any particular genre?”

  When she didn’t answer right away, he looked over his shoulder. “Will?”

  She bit her lip. “Don’t suppose you have any trance?”

  After a surprised blink he chuckled. “A woman after my own heart. I was afraid you’d want opera or something.”

  She shook her head. “Not to work out with. You need a fast beat.”

  As the room filled with the sound of keyboards and the thrilling rush of a synthesizer, Willow began her warm-up.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Swimsuit in hand, the top part anyway, Willow cursed herself. She’d either forgotten her bottoms or else they’d fallen out in Ben’s truck. Hoping for the latter she went in search for him, stepping out into the hallway outside Dean’s office and following it down past several other doors and to the right, where Ben said the men’s facilities were located.

  She gave a tentative knock on the swinging door, calling his name. When she didn’t hear anything she pushed the door ajar and peeked inside. Not seeing anybody in the dimly lit room, she slipped through the narrow gap and rested her back against the wall, waiting for her eyes to adjust. When they did she saw a large room with toilets on one side, showers on the other, sinks at the back. Lockers towered in the middle. The same heavy plastic benches from the gym were scattered around the lockers. But no Ben.

  About to leave, she paused at the metallic click of a locker closing. She opened her mouth to call Ben’s name, but something came over her. Curiosity? Maybe. Mischief? Possibly. The almost feral desire to see him naked? Most definitely.

  Tiptoeing around the bank of lockers, she edged past the last one and froze, gasping at the sight of a gloriously naked Ben in profile. He must have heard her because he glanced her way, apparently unashamed or uncaring of his nakedness. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of. Far from it.

  Despite seeing him in swim trunks, Willow knew she gawked as if she’d never seen a naked man before. He stood tall, taut strength in his shoulders and arms leading to a hard chest with a light sprinkling of fine hair and rippled flat abs. Her mouth began watering before her gaze reached his narrow hips and the impressive erection springing from a thatch of dark blond hair. She could easily see the thick muscles in his thighs tighten and release, tighten and release, as if he were in flight-or-fight mode.

  She’d seen the naked male form before. It was difficult not to catch a glimpse or two in the industry, but she’d never reacted like this. Lust, as of late a steady presence, spiked higher, making her skin feel dry, tight, itchy. Yet she could feel beads of sweat break out between breasts that felt uncomfortably restricted in her bra. Her tummy actually hurt, a deep aching emptiness that swirled low in her gut. Lower, she was primed and ready, her body slick with welcome.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Will,” Ben growled, not meeting her eyes when Willow finally lifted them from the blatant sight of his arousal. He sounded angry, or in pain. Possibly both, if his thick, straining erection was anything to go by.

  Then again, the only thing she knew about that never went beyond high school petting. “Like what?” Geez. Was that her husky voice? She cleared her throat, watching his eyes squeeze tight.

  “Like you want to devour me.” His low whisper was a physical caress.

  She licked her lips, because oh, yeah. She wanted to swallow him whole. “And if I did?”

  He let out an agonized choke. “I’m trying to be a gentleman here, Willow.” He drew in a harsh breath. “You really need to leave. Now.”

  Somehow Willow didn’t think that was what Ben wanted, and it certainly wasn’t what she wanted. Pulling a page from Ben’s book, she inched closer, saying, “I think it’s time for Phase Four of Pleasing Willow.”

  Ben took a step back, his throat convulsing, his eyes bright with lust, longing, and something akin to desperation. “I mean it, Will.”

  Inhibitions died as she settled on the edge of the bench next to his discarded swim trunks, watching his internal struggle between taking what he wanted and remaining the so-called gentleman. Helpful lady that she was, she decided to assist him

  Curling a finger in the universal “come here” signal, she followed it with what she hoped was a seductive smile. “Come here.”

  “Willow, honey.” Though his tone sounded like a protest, he shifted toward her, slowly, as if being pulled by some invisible rope.

  Feminine power filled her, giving her a boldness beyond her wildest imagination. “I want to taste you, Ben,” she whispered, echoing his words to her from Monday night.

  His control seemed to snap because suddenly his fist was in her hair, dragging her head back to meet his demanding kiss. There was nothing gentle about the way his tongue thrust heavily into her mouth. It felt like he was claiming her, dominating her. She was helpless, her back bowing under the onslaught. She was also eager and greedy, reaching out to stroke his cock

  Swallowing his moan, she did it again, amazed at how something so hard could feel so soft.

  When air became a necessity she did the only thing she could think of. She bit his bottom lip, pushing at his chest until he stood straight. He ran an angry hand through his hair. “Shit! I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  Distracted by the feel of him in her hands, she murmured, “For what?” before leaning forward and placing a kiss on the head of his shaft. He froze at the contact. Tentatively, she opened her mouth, touching the hot flesh with her tongue. A shudder went through his big body, giving her the courage to glide her tongue over the pulsing vein that ran from root to tip.

  “Will.” Her name. That was all he said when he oh-so-carefully laid one hand on the side of her head.

  Opening her mouth again, she took him inside, her lips stretching to accommodate his girth. His taste was different here, stronger, headier. She tightened her hand on the base of his penis, stroking him as she suckled and laved him with her mouth. When her teeth accidentally grazed him, he jerked. She pulled back quickly and peered up at him. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  His eyes were half-closed, sleepy, but the burning fire that sparked his eyes told another story. “Only in the best possible way.” In a show of his masculine strength, he lifted her to her feet on the bench. It put her chest at his eye-level. “But I don’t want to come in your mouth, baby. Not this time.”

  He lifted the hem of herT-shirt and nuzzled her belly. Taking the hint, Willow yanked the top off as Ben reached around to undo her bra. Once that was flung to the side, he helped himself to her breasts, and she let out her own moan, gripping his hair as he played with her, flicking her nipple with his tongue before pressing it to the roof of his mouth and sucking hard enough that her knees wobbled at the pleasure coursing through her. Only the arm banded around her waist kept her upright.

  As his lips moved to her other breast, he nudged off her shoes with his free hand. Then he eased down her sweatpants and underwear, all in the same smooth motion. His hand traced over her thigh, her anticipation building as he moved closer to her sex with each stroke. Finally, just when she thought she might have to kill him, Ben brushed his thumb over the wet folds of her sex.

  “Fuck, yeah. You’re so wet, sweetheart.” He eased one long finger inside her. “So tight and wet. You make me feel like a god.”

  Her legs moved further apart on their own, simply because Willow had no brain power left to control anything. If she had, she might have been embarrassed at her body’s reaction, the way her arousal coated his stroking finger, how her hips bucked of their own accord from his erotic touch. “Please.”

  He kissed her ribs, her waist, over her belly were she felt teeth graze the quivering flesh. “Please what, Will?”

  Bastard. How quickly the tables turned. Two minutes ago she felt all-powerful at the way Ben shook under her touch, now she was the one shaking and begging. If he didn’t give her what she desperately needed, she might end up in jail. “I need...” Her whisper ended on a relieved gasp as he added another finger, plunging deep inside her, stretching delicate tissue. Her inner muscles tightened around him, holding him prisoner.

  “That’s it, baby. Squeeze my fingers as you ride. It’s so fucking hot.”

  A helpless groan escaped. She didn’t know if she was in hell or heaven, his naughty words only increasing the unrelenting tension burning her body from the inside out. Her breathing came in harsh pants, her lungs unable to fill as she struggled for a release that seemed just beyond her reach. She needed him to touch her—


  What might have started as a whimper of dismay turned into a choked sob of relief when Ben wrapped his lips around her clit and suckled her like his favorite hard candy. Her orgasm burst through her body in a glorious array of sparkling colors. Even as the waves gentled, she felt herself being moved, laid on her back on the bench.

  “Lift up.” Too sated to argue, she lifted up while Ben lay something soft under her body. She heard the crinkle of foil and knew he was putting on a condom. She knew with a mix of fear and excitement what was going to happen next.

  Ben straddled the bench, lifting her legs so they splayed out over his thighs. Then he was kissing her temple, whispering to her how sexy she was, how beautiful. His lips nuzzled her neck, her throat, before moving down to the soft swell of her breasts. She’d expected him to go right at her, not take the time to rekindle her desire. She began to relax, letting his mouth, the hand petting and stroking her thigh, his very busy yet gentle thumb on her sensitive clit, do their magic.

  It quickly became apparent that either her orgasm hadn’t satisfied her as much as she’d thought or her craving for this man knew no bounds. She was going with the latter as those long, liquid pulls of desire began to coil low in her belly. As if sensing the exact moment Willow was ready for more, she felt his erection prodding the entrance to her body. Instinctively she clenched.

  When Ben made no further movement, she peeked up at him and at the agonized look on his face. “Do you want this?” he asked.

  If Willow said no, she knew he would somehow find the strength to walk away from her, because that’s who he was. He was as noble as he was smart and sexy and gorgeous. And she so did not want him to walk away from her. The fierce need to have him so deep inside her body she wouldn’t know where she ended and he began was too powerful to ignore.

  Reaching up, she tunneled her fingers through his hair. She loved his hair, and his eyes. And his nobility. And his heart. “I do. Very much. It’s just...Ben...”

  Mistaking her use of his name for a verb, he kissed her, softly, sweetly. “Been awhile?”

  Willow didn’t correct him. “You have no idea.”

  His forearms rested on either side of her head and he continued to kiss her, his hips moving as he guided his cock through her wet folds, gliding over her sensitive clit with each pass. Soon her own hips started to rise.

  “I think I’m ready,” she gasped.

  A low chuckle tickled her ear. “You sure? ‘Cause I can do this all night.”

  Grasping a fistful of his hair, she yanked. “You’re messing with me.”

  “I’m playing with you.”

  Even as he said that she felt the broad tip of him part her folds. His mouth was back on hers, a deep, hungry kiss as he breached her body, then pulled back, but not out. Another soft thrust and he was in another inch. He pulled back and plunged in, the engorged head of his cock tunneling and gliding over the sensitive tissue until he was forced to stop by the tight clasp of her body.

  Willow could feel the sweat dripping from his body and knew he was holding onto his control by the skin of his teeth, trying not to hurt her. But he was so big, she didn’t know if that was possible. “You’re so tight, Will. So hot and tight. Shit.”

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. It didn’t feel pleasurable. At all. While it didn’t quite hurt, she was uncomfortable. She felt too stretched, too swollen, and Ben seemed to be in some kind of pain. “I’m sorry.”

  He bit her lightly on her shoulder. “Never be sorry with me. Let’s try this.”

  Sitting up, he spread her legs wider, holding them out and up over his arms causing her hips to tilt up. The new angle allowed each drive of his hips to inch him further inside the humid clasp of her sheath. With another powerful thrust he was lodged to the hilt. “Oh, Christ, Will.” Ben hissed, head back, the strong cords in his neck standing out in sharp relief in the dim lighting. “I’m in you. I’m in you.”

  She could feel that, could actually feel him pulsing in her body, amazed that not only had he fit, but that it no longer felt as uncomfortable. She felt full, tingly. And she needed something.

  Before she could figure out how to tell him what she wanted, Ben began to move, easing out in a tortuously slow withdrawal, only to slide back in the same way. He did it over and over until Willow dug her nails into his wrists, the only part of him she could reach. “Faster,” she demanded. />
  He bent his head to lay a kiss on the back of her hand, humming his approval. “Your wish, my command.” Then he began to move.

  Each heavy plunge dragged his cock over swollen tissue, the rapid pace creating a friction over delicate muscles that tightened around him. “That’s it, baby, squeeze my cock. Like that. Oh that’s so good.” He continued to praise her, filling her head with naughty ideas and ways to please him. The erotic images burned bright enough to singe her flesh pushing her ever closer to the edge of bliss. Every part of her strained for something she couldn’t quite touch.

  He shifted to stand, still straddling the bench, his arms locked around her thighs. Experienced fingers parted her outer folds wide giving him access to her throbbing clit. Before she needed a gentle touch; now she needed harder.

  She felt herself start to go under as his fingers busied themselves on the bundled knot of nerves, providing the firm pressure she craved in sure strokes while impaling himself again and again.

  “Oh God.” She was going to die. She was really, seriously going to die.

  Then Ben did something amazing with his hips, a circular grinding of his groin and she detonated. Every muscle tightened, taut to the point of snapping as her orgasm poured out, starting from deep within her body and jettisoning out to electrify her extremities. Bright lights winked behind her closed eyelids.

  From what sounded like underwater, she heard Ben’s guttural shout of pleasure as he thrust in deep, once, twice more before he collapsed back down on the bench and over her smaller body as if he no longer could support himself.

  If he felt anything like she did right now, she understood. She didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes.

  A million years later she felt his lips at her ear. “You okay?”

  She stretched, as much as she could with a two-hundred-plus-pound naked man on top of her. “Oh yeah.” She let out a happy sigh. “Now I know what all the fuss is about.”


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