Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)

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Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) Page 9

by KD Jones

  “It’s not a ‘what’ but a ‘who.’ You won’t be able to help with this. When the times come, I will send someone to get you with the same tattoo. Don’t argue with what they tell you, just follow orders.”

  “I don’t like taking orders from people I don’t know.”

  “Tough. If you want your freedom, you’ll do what you’re told.”

  “Fine.” HarvEY watched the guard leave, wanting to go with him. But he promised himself he would be out soon. This was the chance he was waiting for. He already had an escape route set up, he just need an opportunity to get out of the holding cell.


  The next morning Rose woke to the smell of something delicious. She moved to a sitting position, noting that JadEN was no longer in bed. But at that moment he walked into the bedroom carrying a tray of food. He saw her and smiled.

  “Good morning.”

  She couldn’t help it; she blushed. “Good morning. Looks like you’ve been busy.”

  “I had the staff from the meal room prepare you a special breakfast. I attempted to make you something myself, but I burned it. I’m not as domestic as I would like to be.”

  She laughed. “That’s okay, I appreciate the effort. This looks good.” She took a whiff of the food and her stomach growled. She laughed again. “Guess I built up an appetite.”

  He chuckled as he sat down on the bed across from her, holding the tray of food. “What do you want to start with first?”

  “Anything, I like it all. You have my favorites here.” She reached for the fork, but he picked it up first.

  “Let me.” He brought a forkful of something that looked like eggs up to her mouth.

  “I can feed myself, JadEN,” she protested, but opened her mouth and took the bite.

  He growled, watching her intensely. “I enjoy feeding you.”

  “What about you? Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’ll eat after I’m done feeding you.”

  She shook her head and reached for the spoon. “Nonsense. I can feed you while you feed me.” She spooned the egg-like stuff and brought it up to his mouth. She watched, mesmerized, as he took some the food into his mouth. Watching him eat was almost like watching porn. Damn him for having such kissable lips.

  “You need to eat more.” JadEN told her as he brought more food to her. They fed each other until every bit of food was gone.

  Rose rubbed her stomach as she laid back against the pillows. “I’m stuffed.”

  JadEN set the tray on the nightstand and crawled up on the bed next to her. “I promised we would talk this morning. I want to make sure we do that before I have to go to the medic wing.”

  She nodded her head and watched him. Was she supposed to go first?

  “When we were on the transport, did I do something that offended you? I thought I gave you pleasure, but you left and wouldn’t talk to me when I went to seek you out.”

  She frowned at him. “You didn’t so much offend me as forget I was there.”

  “What do you mean? I could never forget you.”

  “We’d just had the most amazing sex, and then you got a call from Prima Kat and completely forgot that I was still naked in your bed.” She crossed her arms over her chest, trying not to show how much that truly did hurt her.

  JadEN looked at her in shock. “You were asleep when I received the communication. I didn’t realize you had woken up. I wasn’t on the line for very long; she had good news to relay to me. I got off as quickly as I could, intending to return to you in bed.”

  “I won’t be second to another woman. Especially one you clearly still have feelings for.”

  “I…” JadEN seemed flummoxed. “Are you jealous over Kat?”

  When she nodded her head he reached out and gently caressed her cheek. “Don’t be. I care for Kat and always will, but I realize now that what I feel for her is mere friendship. It is nothing like what I feel for you.”

  Rose felt excitement inside. He cares for me more than he does for Kat. She knew she should get her emotions in check, but she wanted to throw herself in his arms. He hadn’t said that he loved her, but maybe if they spent time together he could come to love her like she was already falling for him.

  “What about you?” JadEN asked.

  “What about me?” She looked at him, confused.

  “I won’t be a substitute to Prime ConEL.” He told her, narrowing his eyes.

  Rose felt sucker-punched. How did he know about ConEL? Did this mean others knew how she felt? That was so embarrassing.

  “How did you know?”

  “I saw you at the festivities watching him and his mate dance. You had a look on your face of pain and longing, which was something I also knew quite a lot about. Do you still feel the same for him?”

  “Prime ConEL is happily mated. I’m his therapist, nothing else.”

  “You have feelings for him. Don’t deny that.” JadEN sounded like he was hurt.

  Rose pushed him to lay on his back and straddled him. She didn’t care that the blanket fell down, exposing her to him. “I care for him. At one point I did think I was in love with him. But that all changed.”

  “When? How?” To his credit, he kept eye contact instead of looking at her breasts.

  “The moment I met you, things began to change. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. We haven’t known each other for very long, but it doesn’t stop me from having feelings for you. Those feelings are much stronger than anything I ever felt for ConEL. There is no comparison.”

  “Do you think you could one day come to love me?” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

  She snorted. “I guess I will have to—after all, you already mated me.”

  Chapter 12

  Kitana! JadEN’s cheeks turned red. “I know I should apologize to you for that, for mating you without asking your permission first. But I can’t get myself to feel sorry for it. I knew I wanted you for all time, and I had to mark you.”

  “How am I to trust you if you don’t include me in decisions that affect both of us?” She narrowed her eyes at him to let him know that she was serious.

  “I will. I swear to you, from this day forward I will include you in decisions about our future. Do you think you could forgive me and eventually trust me?” He was concerned; his parents had had a relationship that was based on trust and mutual respect on top of their love. They did everything together and loved each other very much. There were times that they fought, but they always loved each other no matter what and worked out their differences. He wanted that with Rose.

  She ran her hands up and down his muscular chest. “Maybe I can forgive you eventually. But there’s a price to be paid.”

  “Name it.” He nodded his head. He would do whatever he had to prove he was the male for her.

  “Why are you so willing to pay?”

  “My parents had a relationship like you described. I want that with you.”

  “Are they still living?” she asked gently.

  He shook his head. “My mother died when I was fifteen years old trying to give birth to my younger brother. There were complications and we lost them both. My father raised me until I went to medical school, but the sadness and sorrow for the loss of his mate wasted him away until his heart finally gave out.” He missed his father and mother every day. He wanted nothing more than to make them proud of him. He had become consumed with being the best that he didn’t allow himself time for many relationships.

  “But the nanos…”

  “He refused any medical assistance. He wanted to be with my mother on the other side.”

  She leaned down, pressing her breasts against his chest. Her face hovered just above his. “I’m so sorry for your loss. But it sounds like you have wonderful memories of your family.” She kissed his lips softly.

  “I do.” He smiled, remembering his parents during their vacation trips. “What about you? What was your childhood like?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I
never met my father. He ran off after getting my mom pregnant. I...moved out of my mom’s house when I was sixteen and I’ve lived on my own ever since. I put myself through school.”

  “Why would your mother let you move out so young? You were still a child and unprotected.” JadEN would never allow his young to leave his home at such a young age.

  “It was for the best. I didn’t get along with her new husband.”

  “Was the male unkind to you?”

  “He liked me…a little too well.” She gave him a look.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He tried to force me to…” She looked away from him.

  It hit him what she was saying and he could not believe it. “What in Kitana! He was supposed to be a father figure for you, he had the honor to protect you. What kind of male was this?”

  “Not a very good one, which is why I needed to leave. I had to take care of myself while living on the streets. Thank goodness I didn’t have to live there too long. A very special woman helped me out and she steered me along the path that led me to my current profession. It worked out in the end.”

  “There’s more you’re not saying, but I’ll give you time to tell me when you’re ready.”

  She smiled as she licked his lips. “Are you sure you didn’t get training in how to be a therapist?”

  He chuckled, moving his hand over her curvy ass. “No, but every medic is taught to listen for what the patient doesn’t tell them.”

  She gazed at him then frowned. It looked like she was frustrated over something.

  “Why do you have that look on your face?”

  “What look?”

  “Like you’re worried or frustrated.”

  She giggled as she sat up, straddling him once more. “I was just thinking that I wish there was a way to mark you. It’s not fair that the women are marked but the men aren’t.”

  He laughed. “Your scent is all over me. It is easier for me to wash most of your scent off while you carry my scent inside of you, but everyone around me already knows that I’m yours.”

  “Except if they’re Earth women. We don’t have your sense of smell.”

  He cupped her breasts with his large hands and teased her nipples into tight points. “You have nothing to worry about. My body reacts only to yours. I need your scent, your taste, the feel of your skin; no other female will satisfy me now. You have ruined me for all others.”

  She lifted herself up and maneuvered it so that she had his cock right where she wanted it. “Good, because you are mine.” With that she lowered herself down and took him deep inside.

  “And what of the price I am to pay?” He asked roughly as he thrust into her.

  “You are taking care of the down payment for that right now.”


  The next morning Rose smiled as she walked next to Prima Lindsey in the secure garden outside. She had surprised JadEN when she rode him like she’d fantasized about. He told her he wanted her to ride him every night.

  She loved him. Right there and then, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she loved JadEN. It scared the shit out of her. Her emotions were so strong, but they couldn’t be denied. She loved him and wanted to keep him for all time. She wished she could mark him so other women would know to keep their distance.

  “Smell these flowers, Rose. They’re similar to Earth roses.” Lindsey pointed to a large white blooming flower.

  Dutifully Rose leaned down and smelled the flower. “You're right, it has the same scent. It’s lovely. What is it called?”

  “I can’t pronounce the actual name, but a rough translation would be ‘Goddess Lily.’”

  “You have a beautiful garden, and it’s so big.”

  “Thank you. It’s about the only outside area I’m allowed to go because it’s private and secure. It wraps around most of the building and has a high wall. The guards are right outside the only gate, so I can have some privacy here.”

  “Why aren’t you allowed in the city?”

  “The Morins attacked on the city streets. That is where Prima AriELa was taken. KadEN wants me safe at all times. But I long to walk the city sidewalks and talk to people. I miss being near the ocean, as well.”

  “I don’t know how you do it. I would go a little stir crazy if I had to stay in such confined areas.”

  Lindsey rubbed her extended belly. She had a smile on her face.

  “Is the baby was kicking?” Rose asked.

  “Yes and moving around. It’s a strange wonderful feeling. It reminds me that there is a precious life inside of me. It’s also a little scary because this small baby is completely dependent on me. I follow the security measures KadEN puts on me without complaint because I want to do whatever I have to keep my baby safe.”

  Rose nodded her head. “Yes, that’s true.” She wished her own mother had felt that way.

  “Will you and JadEN be having a formal ceremony?” Lindsey asked, taking a seat on one of the benches.

  “Um...we haven’t talked about that yet. Our claiming is kind of new, and spontaneous.”

  Lindsey laughed. “These males have a hard time controlling themselves when they find their true bond mate.”

  Bond mate. Rose hadn’t thought about that. JadEN said that he claimed her as his mate, but he’d never said that he loved her or thought of her as a bond mate. What if she wasn’t his bond mate? Would he leave her then when his true bond mate showed up? She shook away those thoughts. Even if she wasn’t his bond mate, JadEN had mated her. He wouldn’t give her up. Mating was for life. But could she force him to stay with her if his true bond mate did show up?

  “Is everything okay?” Lindsey asked.

  “Yes, of course. What’s going on over there?” She wanted to distract Lindsey so she pointed to some workers at the far end of the garden.

  “Oh, I’m having a fountain put in. I miss being able to go down to the beach, and water is very calming. So I asked KadEN if I could add several water fountains throughout the garden. The garden has its own water system that runs through tunnels underground. The fountain would feed into that and simply circulate the water already being used, so it wouldn’t be taking up more resources.”

  “That’s a brilliant idea. I think beautiful fountains are just what this garden needs.”


  JadEN looked at the medical records for Prima Lindsey. These were very private and secure records, and he was only allowed to see them while in the medical wing. “Her blood pressure is considerably elevated.”

  “Yes, she has been told to reduce her activity, drink lots of water and rest. The number has gone down by 10% so far. The nanos have been programmed to help as well. The swelling still persists,” Lead Medic TorIS told him.

  “I can ask Prima Medic Kat on Katiera whether the Earth people use any medications to lower the blood pressure. Something that is formulated specifically for her genetics would work much faster.”

  “Do you trust this female to have the knowledge needed?” the older medic asked.

  JadEN glared at the male. “Of course she does. She’s a medic from Earth and has helped deliver quite a few young including a young on the Colonial planet that was in danger of being lost. I trust her implicitly.”

  “Very well, you may inform her of the problem, but the records are closed and cannot be shared.”

  “I understand and would not ask for them.” JadEN wasn’t sure he liked the older medic’s attitude, especially when he mumbled something about strange alien anatomy. He didn’t say anything, but he would seek KadEN or TylOR out and inform them that there might be a security issue with the medic.

  “Was there anything else you needed to look at, Medic JadEN?”

  He shook his head. “No, I think I have everything that I need.”

  Chapter 13

  JadEN left the medic wing in search of Rose. She wasn’t in the meal room, and when he entered her suite she wasn’t there either. He’d requested access to her suite since he planned to
move his belongings there. He wanted to be with her all the time. No one denied him, because they were unofficial mates. He took out his digital tablet and hit the communications line. A Kiljorn lieutenant came online.

  “Is there something I can help you with, Medic JadEN?”

  “Yes, I would like to request permission to send a secure electronic message to Katiera.”

  “Who are you contacting and what is the reason for the request?”

  “I need to contact Prima Medic Kat regarding a confidential medical issue. Please have Commander TylOR and Lead Medic TorIS verify my request.”

  “We will contact you back once we have approval for the link.”

  “Thank you.” JadEN disconnected. He frowned, looking around an empty suite. He’d hoped to share sex with Rose, but she wasn’t there. He needed a physical outlet to release his built up energy. He took his comm link and left the suite, finding a pair of security guards. “Where is your training facility?”

  “We’re heading that way.” They motioned for him to follow them.

  “Do you know anyone who would be willing to spar with me?” JadEN asked.

  The lieutenants smiled. “You won’t have a problem, we’ll spar with you.”

  “Great, thanks.” This was what he need, a way to let out some of his frustrations. Then later he’d make love to Rose slowly, savoring her taste and the feel of her. He planned to take care of all her needs so that she would know just how good a mate he would be for her.


  StrykER looked at the prisoner HarvEY. “I don’t want to do what they have ordered me to do. Just answer the questions.”

  Harvey gave him a pleading look. “Look, I don’t know that much more, I swear. Even if I did, I would be a dead male if I gave you anything.”

  “I understand. We are both being put in difficult situations.”

  “Where are the others, RojAY and his sister MarjAY?” HarvEY still seemed suspicious of StrykER’s sudden turn of sympathy.

  “Prime Leader KadEN ordered them to executed.”

  “What?” HarvEY panicked and began pacing back and forth in his holding cell.

  “I don’t think any of you should be killed. You didn’t harm anyone.”


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