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Dragon's Song: Dragon's Queen

Page 4

by Cameo Brown

  Well, almost.

  Seventh floor. It was hard to tell how many people stared at their hypnotic writhing as Mojogan’s rhythm jostled her too much to get a clear view, but she figured at least five. One of them dropped the papers he held, the elevators doors capturing one of the wayward sheets as it closed. Oh well.

  Mojogan freed Emerson’s hair and grabbed her by the hips, holding her in place while he bucked wildly, his balls slapping her ass until he stiffened and yelled, his seed spraying into her as the first waves of her orgasm began.

  The next second, his hard cock made good on its promise of exquisite pleasure. Blinding ecstasy washed over her as the elevator doors opened on the fifth floor, where Emerson’s scream blended with that of one of the stunned onlookers. Only the closing of the doors muffled the shrill distraction.

  As her orgasm flowed through her and the overflow of Mojogan’s cum dribbled down her legs, she relaxed into the abandonment of the moment. Her senses heightened, she enjoyed the sight, sound, smell, taste, and feel of every minute detail. Emerson barely realized they’d become a sideshow, and, in any case, it didn’t matter. One of her fantasies was to have sex in front of a crowd anyway.

  By the third floor, Mojogan ceased any motion and cradled her in his arms, whispering words she didn’t understand and kissing her neck. When the elevator stopped at the second floor, a crowd had gathered and stared curiously into the tiny car. Emerson, even though she felt boneless, managed to reach the emergency stop button after the doors closed, and pressed it, giving them time to recover.

  Slowly, the world returned to normal and Mojogan released Emerson’s dress. It fell into place, and, if not for a tiny rip in the bodice, would have shown no remnants of Mojogan’s passion. In companionable silence, she grabbed her purse and adjusted her shoes while he pulled his jeans up and zipped them, leaving his T-shirt untucked. He leaned back, hugging Emerson to his chest with his muscular arms. He kissed the top of her head and sighed.

  If only she could feel this protected all the time. With great reluctance, Emerson leaned forward and pushed the emergency button again, then returned to her spot in Mojogan’s arms. The car lurched into action. When the doors opened on the first floor, about thirty people stood in front of them. Without hesitating, Mojogan, Emerson tightly ensconced in his embrace, strolled from the elevator as if nothing had happened. Emerson stumbled, her legs shaky, but he maneuvered her through the spinning doors of the lobby and they exited Grimsteel Publishing without any further incident.

  Until she heard the sirens.

  Chapter Seven

  After such a good fucking, Emerson would have rather made Mojogan lunch -- she made one hell of a pasta salad -- than be carried like a sack of potatoes several blocks. However, Mojogan immediately lifted her to his side and began running once they hit the sidewalk. He didn’t stop until they stood in front of Dong Wong’s. He didn’t even breathe hard.

  He sat her down in front of him and placed a finger under her chin. He lifted her gaze to meet his. His emerald eyes glittered. “Come back through the banner with me,” he proposed and Emerson’s heart flip-flopped.


  “To my time. The Time Before.”


  “It’s the time before this moment, as opposed to the time after this moment.” Emerson stood, confused, as he continued. He should have stopped there. “I’m not sure how to get you back, but I promise I will. I can’t go without you. The time portal will not open for me alone.”

  The words twisted Emerson’s heart. He needed her to get through the time portal, whatever the hell that was. She was a time portal pass, a ferryman. A fucking Disney World e-ticket in human form. Damn it!

  Tears threatened. “You dick!” she cried out, exasperation fighting anger. “You used me!”

  Mojogan placed his large hands on her shoulders and shook his shaggy head. “No, Emerson, I --”

  The shout of a police officer stopped him from continuing. “Hold it right there, buddy. Let the girl go,” an officer yelled, pointing his revolver in their direction. Was he crazy? If he shot at Mojogan, he could hit her! Or worse, she realized, he could hit Mojogan. Though she didn’t want it to, the thought made bile rise in her throat.

  Mojogan spun her around behind him, blocking her with his body. The next sound she heard made her blood run cold.

  A gunshot. Then another.

  The police were shooting at them. Mojogan stumbled backward, nearly toppling over on top of her. Together they staggered around the corner and into the alley behind the restaurant, where Mojogan slid down one of the walls until he sat, panting. Two large stains spread across his chest, and Emerson’s stomach churned. They’d shot him. He’d taken two bullets to protect her, two bullets right in his heart.

  She fell to her knees beside him, tears spilling down her cheeks. Emerson tore at his shirt, desperate to see his wounds. Maybe there was something she could do. She had to try. Mojogan caught her wrist in his hand, stopping her frantic movements. “I don’t need you, Emerson of the Time After,” Mojogan choked out, pulling her down to him. “I just… I just want you.”

  He kissed her and passed out. Emerson bawled. She didn’t even try to hide her fear or her sadness. She outright wailed. This was even worse than when she caught her best friend fucking her boyfriend. She felt that same powerlessness she had then, the same powerlessness she’d grown so accustomed to in her life before she woke up with Mojogan between her legs and everything changed. Where had he come from? Why had he come back for her?

  He’d called Camden a coward, but how did he know? How did he know about Camden leaving her for dragon kibble? How did he know she’d been fucking Camden, unless he’d been in the room?

  Unless he’d been the dragon.

  Suddenly, everything made sense. Mojogan must be a part of some dragon culture, and she had to get him back home. Dragons were much stronger than humans. They had to be. His kind could help him. Every dragon fantasy she’d ever read made the same claim. Even if she were wrong, she didn’t have a lot of options.

  She had to get him to the banner, but she didn’t know how. She laid her head on Mojogan’s muscular chest and closed her eyes. If he was a dragon, there had to be a way to change. There had to be some secret. If only she could figure it out, but time was running out.

  How she wished she could be a dragon right now.

  A cool wind blew and her body quivered violently. When she opened her eyes, she fully expected to see them surrounded by several angry police officers. Instead, she found herself staring into the upstairs window of someone’s apartment, twenty feet off the ground. What the…

  She glanced down. Her perspective wasn’t the only thing that had changed. Her body, once quite human and clothed in her favorite dress, now sported scales and talons and, if she wasn’t mistaken, a very large -- yet somehow feminine -- tail with a point on it.

  She’d transformed into a dragon. Poof! Finally, she’d gotten something she wanted out of life. She leaned over Mojogan and sniffed him, her heightened senses picking up his scent, a scent she recognized instantly as that of her mate. Yes, Mojogan was her mate. She could tell. She could also tell he still lived, but she didn’t know how long he could hold out with two large wounds in his sexy chest.

  She prepared to drag him to the banner, but first, she’d have to fend off the surge of police officers yelling and thundering their way. Only their fear of the large man, or maybe they feared he had a weapon, had probably kept them at bay so long. A dragon as large as she was should easily be able to handle them, but she had no idea what to do or how to fight them. Use her talons or her tail? Her teeth or her fire? Emerson glanced around for help, but only she and Mojogan occupied the narrow alley. And the police came closer with every second.

  Looks like she’d have to improvise.

  * * *

  Mojogan opened his eyes and immediately recognized the passageway he’d wandered into the first night of his mission. The wounds i
n his body had already started to heal, but he still didn’t feel one hundred percent. He could fight, though, and would do so to protect Emerson to his last breath. Emerson. The thought of her warm wet mouth on his fingertip sent a tingle up his spine.

  Emerson was gone. He considered she’d abandoned him and run to the blue officials, but the idea of it constricted his chest and brought an ache he didn’t care to suffer. He used his legs to push himself up the wall and stumbled to the corner of the passageway. He heard noises, like those in a great battle. One of the loudest sounded familiar. With great care, he leaned around the corner and peeked at the front of the Chinese food-serving place. He didn’t believe the sight greeting him.

  A dragon, its glorious scales sporting a flowered print extending from the top of its snout to the tip of its tail, stood tall and majestic as it beat the whey out of the blue officials rushing it with a matching glossy bag. The dragon bellowed, whapping any human within striking distance, but in a very feminine, elegant way. She knocked one man to the ground and continued to pound him until he stopped moving, then she turned on the others.

  Mojogan couldn’t believe it. Emerson had discovered the dragon secret on her own, and she fought the blue officials for him. She must have feelings for him, or she’d have simply left him there.

  He didn’t get to enjoy his discovery long. One of the blue officials’ guns went off just then, and Emerson bellowed even louder, holding up a chipped talon. Mojogan tensed. If this went on much longer, Emerson might be killed. They were still in danger until they could go back to the Time Before. Still too weak to transform, he searched for some way to get to Emerson before she fell victim to one of the blasts from the blue officials’ weapons.

  Lines. He saw the lines holding the banner in place. They zigzagged across the sky. Taking a deep breath, he limped to Emerson as fast as possible and fell on her tail, the exertion exhausting him. Her lovely flowered snout turned to him and she pulled her lips back to expose her jagged, bright white teeth. “Emerson,” he gasped. “Fire the lines. Fire. The. Lines.”

  The dragon’s eyebrows furrowed, as if in great thought, and the blue officials stopped where they were. Her magnificent snout tilted back and forth through the air, and just as she seemed to zero in on the rope holding the banner in place, one of the blue officials screamed at them, “Don’t move or I’ll shoot.”

  Emerson paid as much attention to his words as she had to Mojogan’s, and he feared the worst. Ignoring the man’s instructions and taking a deep breath instead of standing still, she blew a stream of fire across the line securing the banner, disintegrating it instantly. The sound of a blast reverberated through him as a cloud of red cloth descended upon him and Emerson, and a golden arm reached out. He rolled over and in the next instant…


  Chapter Eight

  She broke a nail.

  The last thing she remembered was a gun going off and her nail, or more accurately, her talon, shattering. It pissed her off.

  Emerson opened her eyes. She lay on her back, her legs in the air. Next to her, on one side, lay her favorite purse. On the other side, a golden dragon sat staring down at her with sparkling emerald eyes. The dragon snorted.

  She snorted back. A dragon. She was a dragon. Emerson examined her forearm closely, its floral patterned scales mesmerizing her. She’d become a flowered dragon.

  Well, how do you like that?

  The golden beast beside her nuzzled her sinewy neck, and she rolled over to face him. He licked her ear before lifting his head to the heavens and letting loose a stream of blue fire. She searched his chest for cracked scales but found none. She’d been right -- bringing him back healed him somehow.

  “Aah, Mojogan, I see you’ve found your queen.” Emerson recognized Joe’s voice from her many visits to Dong Wong’s, but she couldn’t imagine how he’d gotten here. He sat on a horse, dressed in linen pants and a long-sleeved gi, and behind him perched a beautiful woman with black silky hair and slanted brown eyes, her arms draped around his neck.

  “I owe you much, Keeper,” Mojogan acknowledged in his dragon’s tongue. A Keeper must be able to translate his grunts and snorts as needed, because as Mojogan bowed his head in their direction, Joe answered him.

  “It’s Ho Wong here in the Time Before, and this is my woman, Mei Li. And you owe me nothing. You’ve given us a great gift.” Ho Wong bowed in return.

  Mei Li leaned forward and pulled the front of her silky red dress open, exposing a smallish, perky breast, its dark nipple pebbled. A line of glittering emerald and gold flecks across the upper part of her bosom marked the otherwise smooth skin.

  “Your bite tagged Mei Li as my mate. Only the bite of a warrior dragon could do such a thing. Without it, I would have to travel this world alone, and I have much work to do.”

  As Mei Li closed her top, Emerson caught a whiff of feminine excitement, coupled with the musky fragrance of male arousal. She growled. Following the combined scents, she clambered over to the horse and sat in front of Ho Wong and Mei Li. They were the source of the passionate odor. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her small forearms. Tapping a sharp talon on her scales, she glared at each of them in turn, before focusing her displeasure on Mojogan.

  Ho Wong smiled. “You’ve chosen well, Mojogan,” he complimented, looking her in the eye and stroking her chin. His touch sent tiny sparks straight to her pussy and she leaned forward.

  Now Mojogan growled. “Emerson,” he warned, and she flicked her tail at him. Tra-la-la.

  Ho Wong laughed, a rich, full sound. “You’ve got your hands full, my friend. I envy you not. But she will serve you well on your many journeys.”

  Many journeys? What journeys?

  Mojogan ambled over to them, easing his large form into a sitting position beside Emerson. “You speak in riddles, Ho Wong,” Emerson agreed. Her whole life had suddenly become a riddle.

  Ho Wong shook his head. “There’s no riddle. Isyndre is the chosen dragon queen, the one from the Atrusian brood who will make the final decision. Hence she had to travel across time to meet those who will help determine the fate of the dragonkind. You are her uncle and mentor, and now your woman, the scribe, is her mentor as well. You are a warrior on many levels, and Emerson is your queen. Come find me in eight seasons. By then the new portal will be ready for the final battle. And, Emerson of the Time Before, don’t forget your flowered bag.”

  As if he’d explained nothing of importance, Ho Wong tapped his heels on the flanks of the magnificent black stallion. In a matter of seconds, he and Mei Li disappeared in a cloud of dust.

  Emerson sat back on her large haunches and let out the breath she’d been holding, a red flame shooting from her nose. She quickly covered her snout with her claw as Mojogan snickered.

  “You are the most uncoordinated female I’ve ever encountered,” he breathed into her flimsy ear, his tail sliding up and down hers seductively. Her aural membrane quivered in response to his husky vocal emanations. He wanted her, she could tell.

  “Oh, I’m sure Miss Mei Li isn’t so coordinated either, is she?” she huffed, fully intending to be indignant. Her resolve didn’t last long.

  Mojogan slowly let his body weight overtake her, and she eased to the ground. He crawled atop her, nibbling at the back of her neck. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Well, I don’t fuck dragons who don’t kiss and tell.” She snorted, wiggling her ass to encourage him. This dragon form wasn’t half bad. Her ass looked good even without squishing her feet into high heels, and she never had to worry about troublesome wet panties ever again. Of course, how to keep her scales shiny and bright would be another matter…

  “Yes, you do.”

  He grabbed her neck with his teeth, biting it just hard enough to sting, as his large velvety cock moved aside the bony plates protecting her pussy and penetrated her. He thrust slowly, his hard shaft promising ecstasy with every movement. Emerson lifted herself to him, enjoying the feel of him inside her,
enjoying his desire for her, but most of all, enjoying the freedom of being here, in the Time Before, with a male who truly knew what she needed and wanted to give it to her, even if he had to tie her up to do it.

  Finally, happy ever after would be more than a dragon fantasy.

  Cameo Brown

  Cameo Brown enjoys living in the world of stories, especially the erotic ones, whether reading or writing them. In real life, she lives somewhere just right of the middle of the United States with her totally delectable husband, who still doesn’t quite understand why she enjoys sitting at the computer so much, and a passel of temperamental felines who are plotting to take over the world. When not writing, cleaning up hairballs, or making up excuses to dance naked, she loves hearing from her readers and adding new features to her place in cyberspace, Visit her there for an occasional free story or contest opportunity, or drop her a line at to let her know what you would like to see next.




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