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Princess of Draga: a space fantasy romance (Draga Court Book 1)

Page 16

by Emma Dean

Adelina removed the hood from her head. “A tragedy is wrought by the will of the gods and goddesses, no human can control those events. The bombing was not a tragedy. It was a monstrosity of evil which only humans are capable of.”

  Giselle took his hand in hers. “You weren’t there Varan; you can’t know what it was like.”

  He glanced between the two of them for a moment with narrowed eyes. “And you two were?”

  “Unfortunately,” Giselle replied, breezing by him to Varan’s unofficial table.

  It looked over the entire tavern while still being tucked in a corner to keep private conversations private. She plopped in her usual spot, back to the door. Only Giselle would knowingly take the most vulnerable position, trusting her instincts to protect them all.

  Varan glared but didn’t argue further. He offered his hand to Nadyah who had been strangely silent as she took everything in. Her delicate hand went over Varan’s and Adelina watched the prince escort her courtesan to his table, seating her on his left.

  Once the four of them were seated, a familiar servant girl brought drinks and Varan murmured his request for food. The Prince of Thieves was one of the few who could afford humans as servers rather than bots, but it wasn’t for the prestige. Humans didn’t always have a recording device implanted, but they could steal from the unsuspecting rich who liked to visit such a place as a daring adventure. They could reason and understand inflections. They made excellent spies when flirted with for the night. Varan was a cunning bastard. He wasn’t the Prince of Thieves because he was pretty.

  Giselle took out a deck of cards and dealt the hand. Adelina shook her head. She was here for a reason. Her sister had balked when Adelina had first told her of the plan, but only because it made her nervous to go behind the king’s back – and now Raena’s. “Prince, are you ready to lose some of that stolen money tonight?” Giselle asked.

  He bared his teeth at her and took the cards. “Oh, Elle you know I love taking gold from you.”

  Adelina eyed Nadyah who looked paler than normal and quiet. She hadn’t spoken a word since they’d arrived. It would be all right. She would finish her task at the Ladrole and then they could go elsewhere to have fun.

  Something brushed against her back and Adelina whipped around. Nothing and no one was behind her. She turned back to the prince. Someone must have walked by too close, close enough to disturb the fabric of her cloak. It made Adelina uneasy. She refocused on Varan who watched her even as he played cards with Giselle.

  “Why are you here, Lina?”

  Adelina glanced at Nadyah. Her courtesan had been supportive of this endeavor, but didn’t have an opinion when she was asked for one directly. This was her risk to take since only she seemed to care about getting the answers. Giselle and Nadyah wouldn’t stop her, but they didn’t want to hang themselves either. Just being present was dangerous enough if Raena found out and didn’t appreciate what Adelina had done.

  A whipping would be only the beginning of her punishment.

  Was Prince Nash worth the risk? Was this really the right path; the only path? As third-born she had little of her own power. Nash did not have the time for her to formally request Raena or her father for permission to inquire. They would misunderstand why she was interested in the first place and tell her to be careful with her heart.

  Adelina slipped a finger into her other glove and took out the small disc. She set it on the wooden table and pushed it across slowly to Varan so he and anyone else watching could see it wasn’t a weapon.

  “This is what I need and as soon as you can manage it. Tomorrow even, if that were possible.”

  Varan picked it up, his eyes locked on hers and they never wavered. He slipped the disc into his shreve and read the lines of code. The prince had taught it to her after their second business deal when she expressed concern over doing more deals with him. His eyes widened and then narrowed. He threw his shreve so hard on the table she feared it would shatter.

  “What in Ladra’s name are you doing cavorting with the lost prince?” He leaned forward. Was that concern she saw in his eyes or fear? “What is on that disc could be considered treason.”

  Adelina crossed her arms over her chest, feeling vulnerable. He had a point, but without knowing her real connection to the prince this endeavor might fail. She had to convince him. “Your mischief goddess has nothing to do with this,” she snapped.

  “Don’t forget she’s the goddess of all us lowly thieves as well,” Varan said, meaning her. His voice was tight with barely restrained anger. “Ladra doesn’t just take eyes as her trophies. If I break an oath my soul is hers.”

  Adelina nodded. If he did as she asked he would be risking his life as well. Varan had always been loyal to the Draga royal family. “Prince Nash didn’t kill his family,” she whispered. There were too many listening ears. “I’m doing this as a favor to a friend. I don’t have the contacts you do, and you still owe me.” She shrugged. “Ladra doesn’t take kindly to unpaid debts either.”

  Oh, she had made him furious. His face flushed red and his hand snaked across the table, scattering cards to the floor. His fingers wrapped around the fabric of her cloak and yanked her forward. “Why should I risk my life for one of your little games, Princess,” he hissed.

  The Prince of Thieves had figured out the truth and in his court her life was forfeit.

  Chapter Eleven


  Stella di Draga – The Ladrole

  Planet Draga Terra

  The Prince of Thieves had her cloak in his vise-like grip, pulling Adelina forward and putting her in a vulnerable position. Giselle wrapped her hand around Varan’s wrist and squeezed. Adelina could practically hear his bones creak and still Varan wouldn’t let her go. She narrowed her eyes at him. Something tonight had given her away.

  Adelina slid her gaze to her courtesan and Nadyah dropped her eyes instantly. “It was my courtesan wasn’t it?” she asked.

  Varan looked from her to Giselle and back again. “Not exactly,” he said. Then he stood and dragged her through the crowd by her wrist, his fingers tight enough to bruise. He even managed to shake her sister off.

  “You’re hurting me,” Adelina stated as calmly as she could. She gave Giselle a quick hand signal to prepare for a fight. Perhaps she couldn’t trust Nadyah or Varan after all.

  Instantly the Prince of Thieves released her and ran his hand through his hair, mussing it with his stress. “Please follow me then, I need to get you out of here.”

  It was such a change in tact Adelina did as he said and gave Giselle a nod to stay close. Her sister was the dominant, but Adelina was the better judge of character. On this she led while her sister followed. They went through a back door and up a narrow set of stairs. Varan practically ran up them and she kept pace. They were in his office on the third floor before anyone noticed they’d left the tavern.

  Adelina looked around the familiar room. “I was really looking forward to some of your wonderful alcohol.”

  Giselle snorted with laughter and Varan glared at them both. He pointed an accusing finger at Nadyah. “You brought them here! What is wrong with you? You of all people know how dangerous it can be in the thieves’ court.”

  Giselle’s hand wrapped around Varan’s wrist and yanked it back. “That is my sister’s courtesan you are yelling at,” she said mildly.

  The prince met her eyes and then instantly dropped them. Varan flopped onto his chaise and dropped his head in his hands. “I knew there was some game I was missing, but this?” he looked at them and threw up his hands helplessly. “Never in a million cycles would I have guessed my little cat was the sweet princess Adelina.”

  “What gave us away?” Adelina asked.

  Varan looked between the three females and winced at the weight of their attention. “It was too much of a coincidence for Nadyah to be out of the palace with two females the same age as the princesses. Princesses who seemed rather put out about the bombing of the royal palace.” He shrugged. “
If it were just the two of you I don’t suppose I would have put it together, but Nadyah has been assigned to the palace. Why else would she leave? Gods, how could I have missed this?”

  Adelina sat next to him on the chaise and rested a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. “Just because you now know who I am doesn’t mean I’m any different. I’m still Lina, and Lina is closer to who I really am under all the sparkle of being a princess. You don’t need to treat us like royalty while we are dressed like this.” Her shoulder pressed into his again in support and reassurance. “That’s what I liked about our relationship.”

  “I could have killed you! You were only sixteen cycles old when you first traipsed in here!” he practically wailed. Everything was beginning to fall into place, both of her identities crashed together and it was too much for Varan.

  Adelina looked to Nadyah for help. She didn’t know what to do on her own.

  Nadyah instantly went behind the chaise and began to gently massage his shoulders. “You did not kill her, Varan. Gather your wits about you.” Nadyah’s strange mix of sass and honey seemed to soothe him, if only a little.

  He propped his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. “This is still your fault,” he mumbled, but this time there was less anger and more helpless resignation.

  Giselle propped one hip up on Varan’s desk. “I agree,” she said. Her fierce gaze made the courtesan tremble. “I’m curious how this never came up before we left the palace?”

  “How was I to know you would be taking me to the one place we shouldn’t go together?” Nadyah finally snapped, eyes still focused on Varan.

  Adelina shrugged and got up to pace. They never did tell her where they were headed. “It’s not her fault Giselle, it was simply poor timing.” What were the ramifications of the thief knowing her true identity as well as Giselle’s? She had invited him to the coming-of-age party; perhaps this would have happened regardless.

  “Are you the reason why I was invited to the Choosing Ball?” Varan demanded. His thoughts were on track with hers.

  Adelina grinned at him. “I thought it was high time you met the family.” She walked from one bookshelf to another, reading the titles and filing the information away for later. Eyeballs floated in glass jars on the shelf above and stared down at her. “I never did receive a reservation for my party or the ball. How rude.”

  Varan made a choking noise, or a laugh. She wasn’t sure which. “I’ll be attending both.”

  “Good, then you can escort Nadyah to the Choosing Ball.” Adelina had seen the way her gaze lingered on Varan, the gentle touch she had with him and the sass that told her the courtesan was familiar with him and his ways.

  “Did she share what I learned with you?”

  The room went so still and so quiet one could hear the formaldehyde splash as the eyes bobbed. Giselle and Adelina focused on Nadyah as one; attention sharp and predatory. Her knife was in her hand before she even realized what she was doing and Giselle had her army-issued pistol pointed between the courtesan’s eyes.

  Varan finding out about their true identity was a misfortune of fate. Passing on intel about the royal family and their private life? That was treason.

  “What did I promise you?” Giselle hissed.

  The prince froze as he realized he had said something wrong.

  “You will be the death of me, Varan,” Nadyah said, closing her eyes for a moment. “I also work for the Spider,” she confessed.

  Giselle and Adelina shared a look. The Spider was loyal to their family, but that didn’t explain why Nadyah wouldn’t tell them she was a spy. Giselle cocked her head in question, leaving the matter to her. Adelina gave an imperceptible nod and focused on her courtesan. Hers to punish if need be whether she wanted to or not.

  Adelina closed her eyes for a moment and slid back into the part of her that was Princess Adelina and turned to Nadyah with her shoulders back, chin up, and spine stiff with her rank fully claimed once more. As she studied her trembling courtesan she considered whether this should wait or if Varan could be trusted. “Prince, you swear fealty to the Draga House and all those in it?”

  Varan dropped to his knees from the chaise and bowed his head, fist over his heart. “I swear fealty to you Princess Adelina. I swear fealty to Princess Giselle, and I swear fealty to the House of Draga from now until the end of my life. May the three-faced goddess have mercy on me and witness this oath.”

  “Your life is mine.” Adelina invoked the ancient words. She may not be the dominant but she was royalty and no one outside her family outranked her.

  “My life is yours,” he whispered. The prince’s entire body responded to the words and the ancient call to arms. Their genetics built to ensure this oath and promise. “Mia vitae se tya.”

  “You may stay then. Rise and witness the courtesan’s punishment.” Adelina hated this part of her life. She was a royal and it was her burden to bear from birth, but she did not have to like it.

  Giselle had given her the responsibility. She would not shirk her duty. If Adelina couldn’t ensure the loyalty of those closest to her, how could she be confident they would be loyal to Raena and the Draga family?

  “Nadyah d’Lara. Your submission is demanded.”

  Her courtesan came swiftly around the chaise and dropped to her knees in front of Adelina. She bowed so low her forehead touched the floor. When she came up her hands went flat against her thighs and she kept her eyes down and head bowed.

  “I submit to your will,” she said, her entire body shaking, but so slightly one who hadn’t been trained by a courtesan wouldn’t notice.

  Adelina had felt that fear many times. She knew exactly what Nadyah was going through and it left a bad taste in her mouth. Still, protocol was what it was and the courtesan owed her an explanation.

  “Explain,” Adelina said simply. “I demand it.”

  Nadyah shuddered at the command as it rippled through her. Whatever her previous order was Adelina had just overridden it with her rank. If Nadyah were truly loyal she would answer truthfully.

  “I am the best courtesan in the House of Kismet,” Nadyah said. “Mistress Jael is the mistress of the House of Kismet. She is also the Spider; the Spymistress, the Mistress of the Spymaster’s Guild. She ordered me to keep the royal family safe and to bring back information from the palace. There have been rumors of an assassination scheme. I am supposed to find out why and where and for whom, and then eradicate the threat.” Finally, Nadyah met her eyes and they pleaded for understanding. “I am loyal to Draga. I am loyal to you, Princess.”

  Adelina didn’t miss the inflection. Her eyes narrowed. “That’s all well and good, but are you loyal to the Crown?”

  “Jael owns my life, but I am loyal to the Crown first, and then her.” Nadyah pressed her hands into her thighs harder and waited for the punishment.

  There was a glittering chain around her neck. Adelina stepped forward and slipped her finger under the white-gold, caressing Nadyah’s neck gently. The courtesan shivered, but from pleasure rather than fear. Slowly she lifted the gem out of Nadyah’s dress and recognized the sapphire she had acquired for Varan in a white-gold wire-cage.

  She looked up at the prince and quirked an eyebrow. He shrugged at her and the pained look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. This jewel was a love-gift whether Nadyah knew it or not and it had cost Varan much. He still owed Adelina for it.

  The pain in his face told her whatever had occurred between the two of them, it hadn’t been pleasant despite the gem hanging from her courtesan’s neck.

  The gem slid back into Nadyah’s dress and Adelina clasped her hands behind her back. She had to ensure all suspicions were cleared. “Why did you not inform me of your relationship with the thief prior to entering the tavern? Your misjudgment could have cost me my life after I trusted you with this secret. Regardless, someone now knows who I am without my permission.” Her sharp words made her courtesan flinch and Adelina felt terrible. She truly thought
Adelina was about to beat or whip her for the transgression.

  It was almost over, Adelina could slide out of her rank, relax as Lina before the night was through, and forget this all happened.

  “I was afraid,” Nadyah answered in Ilashyan so Varan wouldn’t understand. The language of the females rippled through the room. “He found out I was a spy the last time I visited the House to deliver information to Jael, after our sparring lessons. He threatened my life. I didn’t know how to tell you when Jael had me swear my silence.” Nadyah had tears in her eyes as she held Adelina’s. “Varan seduced me and convinced me to trust him with my information, but Varan might also be my mate.”

  Those words struck Adelina hard and she slowly let out a breath. Balls, this was cula’ting complicated. The library was a vast mountain of information if one were willing to look. The courtesan sub-race had always fascinated her and the mythical mate was rarely spoken of. It never happened. Or it was never declared and recorded, Adelina wasn’t sure which.

  If Varan was truly Nadyah’s mate she would lose her forever to the male. She looked sharply at the thief and he held well under pressure despite having no idea what they spoke of. The prince might love Nadyah and only her, but it was a risk Nadyah could not afford to take at the moment if Jael owned her life.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you how we knew each other because I would have had to tell you I was more than a simple courtesan. The Spider would not allow that and there was a very high chance Varan wouldn’t recognize you despite my presence. He shouldn’t have, but he did and that was my mistake. I gladly take my punishment. I only ask for your mercy.” Nadyah pressed her forehead to the carpet once more and placed her hands flat to the floor, waiting for Adelina to decide.

  If she forgave the punishment, the transgression could never be brought up again. Adelina looked at the prince once more and decided it didn’t matter. These two were loyal to their bones. “Swear to me on your goddess Amora the mistake will not be repeated. Swear to me you will be honest with me and keep me informed from here on out.”


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