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The Sex Trap

Page 9

by CK Ralston

  Slipping her right hand down under the elastic band of his pajama trousers, she found his half-hard cock and began to stroke it lightly. He sighed and whispered, “You don’t have to do that tonight, darling. I can certainly wait until…”

  “Shush!” she giggled. “I want to. I’d make real love to you if I could, but the doctor said to wait at least a week before I have intercourse again, and my poor mouth is so cut up…”

  Liam leaned back against the pillows and watched Miranda move over and retrieve a big tube of lubricant from out of the drawer. She peeled the covers back, baring his lower body and then eased his pajama bottoms down to his knees so that she could squeeze a big glob of the clear gel out into her hand.

  “This will be fun,” she said, smiling at him, rubbing her hands together, and then taking his hard prick between them. “I’ve never taken the time to give you a hand job before, have I, darling? You’re always so anxious to put this big, beautiful thing to work inside me that I never do this for you.”

  Liam moaned as she stroked him with both slippery hands, teasing his cockhead with her fingertips on the up-sweep. He’d been beaten off in his life, but he’d never felt anything as sensuous and sexy and fantastic as his little Randa’s practiced hands moving up and down his sensitive shaft. “Oh, Jesus, darling,” he gasped.

  “Mmmmm, just relax and enjoy, sweetheart.” She smiled at him, giving his throbbing prick the massage of a lifetime. “Come a lot for me, won’t you? Let me know that you enjoyed this, okay?”

  “Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” he sighed, his hips coming up off the bed involuntarily when she really got going. “I wouldn’t worry about that, darling! That feels so fabulous that I can barely stand it!”

  “That’s what I like to hear from by baby,” she whispered, working him slickly and easily, his rampant cock meat making an obscene “schlooping” sound in her gliding fist. “When I get all pretty again for you, we’ll do this again, only then I’ll jack you off all over my face and my bare titties. Would you like that, darling? Would you like to see your little Randa take a hot come bath for you?”

  Liam’s eyes opened wide at the thought of that. He made a gasping, strangling sound and shivered all over, his dick firing a geyser of white a foot or more above his well-stroked rod.

  “Oh, Jesus, Randa!” he groaned, coming hard. “You’re the sexiest little girl on earth! Even all beaten up, you’re in a class by yourself!”

  She smiled, jerking him off until there wasn’t another tiny gush of semen to be teased out of him. Then she leaned over his body and began to lick the come off his tummy and thighs from where it had spattered down onto them--like a mother cat cleaning a kitten with her tongue—and swallowing it as he watched.

  “Sweet God!” he murmured, his softening cock jerking in her gooey fist. “You drive me crazy, Randa!”

  * * * *

  The wedding that August went off without a hitch; Miranda’s face had healed with no scarring and her gown, the flowers, the venue in Jerry’s spacious, meticulously trimmed and clipped garden area, was perfect. Tess was Maid of Honor and Percy was Liam’s best man, with Julia and several of the other faculty wives Miranda had come to know well serving as additional bridesmaids.

  They had three weeks in between the end of the summer term and the start of the fall semester, and Liam and Miranda used them well, honeymooning for a week each in France, Spain, and Italy. She had never been abroad before and Liam saw to it that their itinerary, accommodations, travel arrangements, and meals were absolutely the finest available.

  Miranda thought her facial muscles might get sore from all the smiling she was doing on the trip. Liam was a lamb, and a lion in the bedroom, of course, and the perfect travel companion. She had never imagined herself touring such beautiful places, seeing such marvelous sights, and snuggling all the while with such a charming, sexy, fun-to-be-with man who was—miraculously—all hers! She realized that it was the honeymoon of a lifetime, the trip of a lifetime, and she enjoyed every second of it, feeling better with each passing day about what she’d had to do to ensure that a violent, psychotic lowlife like the unmourned, unmissed Aaron Marberry would not be around to ruin it for her.

  When they returned to campus that fall, Miranda tore into school once more. She was even more passionate about it, and about finishing her degree as soon as possible, than before her marriage. In what seemed like no time, she had received her bachelors, graduating cum laude, at the top of the Dean’s List, and had been accepted into graduate school.

  And then, she began to work on Liam. She played him subtly, deftly, knowing her sweetie’s complicated psyche like the back of her hand by now, her intelligence and con girl upbringing easily overcoming his reluctance in the end.

  “I still don’t know why this trip is necessary,” Liam complained, packing the last of his clothing into his travel bag. “Arthur didn’t seem at all happy about us coming and, God knows, I’m not exactly ecstatic at the thought of spending the better part of a week with him and his snobby, my-family’s-estates-are-more-impressive-than-yours wife of his either, dear.”

  “Now, darling, we’ve been all through this.” Miranda smiled at him patiently, snapping her own suitcase closed. “I have no family—none at all—so I think it’s important that you at least try to reconnect with yours before it’s too late. Besides, I’ve never been to England and this is the perfect excuse to go.”

  Liam grumbled, rolling the cases over to the stairwell and carrying both down to the ground floor, straining under their weight. Enough clothes for a week abroad, especially when one was travelling with Miranda Donnelly, was enough to challenge the capacity of any suitcase.

  * * * *

  “Well, I don’t mind telling you, Miranda, that you’re quite a pleasant surprise,” Arthur Donnelly said, smiling across the dinner table at her. “After that harridan, Ellen, we were certain that Liam had picked another shrew to walk down the aisle with.”

  He shook his head in wonder and went on, “Had we known that his new bride was a lovely and charming as you, we might have even attended the wedding.”

  Miranda smiled back. This was working out well so far. It was their first night in England and she was getting on with Liam’s somewhat pompous, pleased-with-himself brother, The Right Honourable Arthur Donnelly, Baron Chesterford, famously so far. Arthur’s wife, the patrician, somewhat distant Lady Elaine, was another matter. She seemed very aloof with both Liam and Miranda, and Miranda suspected that the older woman was, in addition to being naturally standoffish by nature, not at all comfortable with Liam having such a young, attractive wife.

  “We would have loved to have you at the ceremony, Arthur, but we understood that a man of your prominence in the business world has many obligations to attend to,” Miranda answered her host. “Besides, it was just a small wedding with friends and Liam’s coworkers from the university in attendance; it wasn’t exactly the society wedding of the season or anything. We actually had it outdoors, in one of the other professor’s garden.”

  “Well, it sounds festive, doesn’t it, Elaine?”

  “Undoubtedly,” the lady of the house said coolly, giving Miranda another of the frosty smiles she seemed to specialize in. “You did receive our gift, I trust?”

  “Oh, yes, and we loved it!” Miranda lied. The gift had been an inexpensive piece of sterling silver—a platter or something of the sort—that had vanished back into its box and up into the storage shelf out in the garage shortly after their return from the honeymoon.

  * * * *

  “I hope I can do this,” Miranda said doubtfully, taking the offered shotgun from Arthur.

  The four of them, Arthur, Elaine, Liam, and Miranda were all standing on the vast lawn behind the Donnelly’s country estate. A small electronic trap thrower that held over fifty clay discs sat on the lawn and one of Arthur’s servants was manning it.

  “I haven’t really touched a gun since…since that unfortunate incident at our home,” Miranda said quietly, eying
the small double-barreled gun which she held gingerly in her hands.

  “Incident?” Elaine asked, her perennially haughty, distant expression changing to something like interest.

  Miranda turned and looked at Liam questioningly. He immediately assumed a stiff, uncomfortable posture and looked away.

  “Arthur and I seldom speak to one another,” Liam finally admitted, still looking sheepish. “We mostly e-mail one another back and forth. What happened didn’t seem appropriate for an e-mail, darling.”

  “What, exactly, did happen?” Elaine demanded, definitely looking interested now, her curiosity clearly piqued.

  “Perhaps we should go back inside for a little while,” Liam suggested, taking the gun from Miranda and handing it to the hovering servant. “A spot of tea, I think. We can always come back out and pop off a few clays later, if we feel like it.”

  * * * *

  “Good God Almighty, Liam!” Arthur glared angrily at his brother, slamming his teacup and saucer back down onto the coffee table and reaching awkwardly over to pat the sobbing Miranda on the back. “You might have said something when I suggested a round of clays. I feel like an utter ass!”

  “Uh, well, I thought of it, of course, but I didn’t want to seem rude by making a huge fuss over Miranda not feeling exactly…comfortable around guns nowadays,” Liam offered weakly in his own defense.

  “There, there, dear!” Elaine patted her new sister in law on the shoulder. “It’s all right. Nothing to cry about, it sounds as if that horrid man got just what he deserved!”

  “Indeed, your actions were more than justified,” Arthur agreed.

  Miranda slowly turned off the waterworks. It had gone wonderfully. She could see from the way Elaine’s normally aloof face was now beaming at her, that she had won the older woman over completely with her harrowing tale of Aaron and the rape and his savage beating of her. Elaine now looked admiringly at Miranda as though she were in the presence of a true woman-warrior, some sort of later-day Joan of Arc.

  She glanced over at Arthur and saw that he too had been totally taken in by her recounting of the lurid end of Aaron Marberry. This was working out beautifully, even better than she’d hoped…

  * * * *

  “I wish you two could stay another week, my dear,” Arthur said, smiling warmly at Miranda as she prepared to get into the estate’s chauffeured Rolls for the ride back into London and Heathrow Airport. “I feel perfectly wretched, by the way, for sending that awful platter along as a wedding gift, now that we’ve gotten to know you. Is there anything I can do to make up for that rather large faux pas?”

  “Oh, that’s all right, Arthur, dear,” she smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

  She pretended that she had just thought of something, letting her smile turn uncertain. “There is one thing you might do for us, if you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Anything,” Arthur offered immediately, smiling hugely.

  “Well, I’m finishing up my master’s degree soon and for my doctorate…”

  * * * *

  “Oxford?” Liam said softly, shaking his head.

  “Well, I have to take my final degree somewhere, and Oxford would sort of be the icing on the cake, don’t you think, darling?” Miranda smiled at him, sipping some of the excellent champagne that they served in first class.

  “I could have gotten you into Harvard, you know,” Liam answered, grinning at his amazing, conniving little wife. “I still have some pull there.”

  “Yes, but then I’d have to be away from you, and I’d hate that and so would you,” she whispered softly, running her hand under the blanket he had across his lap, touching his soft cock through his trousers.

  “This way,” she continued, “you can take a sabbatical and finish that book you need to finish while I attend classes at Oxford. Plus, I can get to know Arthur and Elaine better while we’re living in England temporarily. It’s a win-win-win situation, darling.”

  “You scamp!” He sighed, giving in easily. “You’re going to get your way; I can see that as plain as anything. My brother will move heaven and earth to get you accepted into the English Literature program at his old alma mater, I could see it in his eyes.”

  “Of course he will.” Miranda smiled confidently at her husband. “He’s a dear man and I think Elaine and I are going to become great friends.”

  He laughed. “You’re amazing, Randa. Just amazing.”

  She unzipped his trousers under the blanket and a startled look replaced the smile on his face. Miranda motioned for the flight attendant to come over, whispering to Liam under breath, “You ain’t seen nothin, yet, dude!”

  “Excuse me, but I was wondering if you could give us just a few minutes alone?” Miranda asked the young flight attendant, nodding her head at the empty first class cabin. “Since we’re the only passengers in first class on this flight and we’re newlyweds…could we have some privacy for just five minutes or so?”

  She looked at Liam lovingly and went on, “I want to make out with my new hubby in private, is that okay?”

  The attendant, who was probably twenty-two or three, colored slightly and then giggled and said, “Sure. I’ve got some things to check on in the galley. I’ll be back in say…ten minutes?”

  Miranda grinned up at the girl, who winked at her and then disappeared back into the rear of the plane. Pushing the blanket down, Miranda fished Liam’s now hard dick out of his trouser’s zippered opening and bent her head quickly over his lap.

  “Ohhhhhh, Jeeeeeezus, Randa!” Liam sighed contentedly as her beautiful young face enveloped him and her lips began their gentle, expert suction…

  The harried-looking student approached the table at the back of the classroom, where the tall, gorgeous woman in the severe suit and the fashionable heels was conferring with the equally tall professor in the Savile Row suit. The young man stopped and cleared his throat nervously and said, “Excuse me, Doctor Donnelly?”

  Both of them looked up expectantly and answered at the same time, “Yes?”

  Miranda looked at Liam and he looked back at her, and then both of them burst out laughing.

  If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy other works by CK Ralston.

  Sex Games

  Paul and Ellen are a very attractive young couple who have been married for seven years. The sex life has gotten dull and predictable. Ed and Cassidy are close friends who had a similar problem. They solved it by becoming “swingers”. Will that work for Paul and Ellen as well?

  About the Author

  C.K. Ralston has written and published over forty erotic novels, both paperbacks and e-books. Currently a semi-retired consultant living in Northern California, the author enjoys traveling, cooking for friends and family, and enjoys both reading and writing good fiction.

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  The Sex Trap

  Copyright © 2010 Dee Dawning

  Cover art by Dee Dawning

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen or older.

  Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, New Dawning International Bookfair.

  ; CK Ralston, The Sex Trap




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