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Flame (Fireborn)

Page 18

by Arden, Mari

  "I figured that."

  "No," she shakes her head. "The Saguinox have a hierarchy. The guards are on the bottom. They do the job no one else wants to do."

  We're the job no one else wants to do? I'm angry.

  "There is no honor in watching prisoners," Chloris continues. "That's why there are so few guards. None of them want to be here, but none of them have a way out. It's kind of like a caste system. Once they've been identified as a guard, they will remain a guard forever. To the Saguinox there is only honor in fighting. They value their warriors above everyone else."


  "Killers," she clarifies.

  My stomach drops. "Where are the warriors?" Do they kill the people who get sent to the crystal?

  "None of them are here. At least I've never seen any. They're superior to this place- and to us."

  I don't know what to say to that. I don't know what to say about a lot of things in this place, so I bow my head, thinking. We get our food, and I slip on the handcuffs, as repulsed by the feel of the metal as I was yesterday.

  "Chloris," I force myself not to think about the cold restraint locked on my wrist. "There has to be at least thirty of us here, and less than a dozen of them," I nod toward the Saguinox. I want to ask why we can't do something to escape, but I remember what happened yesterday and how she ignored me. "Why aren't they afraid of us? Of the others like you?"

  "They've locked our powers," she answers sadly.

  Powers? I almost fall off my chair. My mind is racing with half finished thoughts, and disorganized ideas, so I take a deep breath before continuing, even though my head is humming with activity. "Does everyone here have powers?"

  I attempt to sound casual. We're whispering so low it's difficult to hear, but I don't care because I need answers. Possibilities. Anything.

  "Not humans." Not you.

  I look around. There are only a few non- humans, and they're heavily covered. One looks like Chloris, but she's blue. Another is small and dwarf -like, with earlobes reaching past her shoulders. One more looks human, but I passed by her yesterday and saw hooves where feet are supposed to be.

  "Why are they taking so many of us, and so little of you?" I muse out loud.

  "It's harder to catch us," she whispers. "And your blood tastes better. Sweeter."

  I stare at her in horror.

  "That's what I hear anyway," she finishes quickly, trying to assure me she wouldn't know firsthand.

  I swallow, my mouth dry as if someone has forced sand down my throat. "What the hell is going on?" I breathe, trying hard to take it all in.

  "The same that goes on everywhere," she answers bitterly. "Power. It's not just a human trait. It's an everything trait."

  "Does all of your kind know about the Saguinox and what they are doing?" I ask.

  She shakes her head. "There are things you know nothing about, Kenna. There are whole worlds hidden from you. The Saguinox aren't the only bad guys out there. Ever since the Elemental witches fell, our universe has been in chaos. No one is safe anymore."

  "We have to get out," I blurt out the thought before I can stop myself.

  She shakes her head, almost angry. "Impossible. He will find us."

  "Who is this 'he' person everyone is referring to? What does 'he' do that we're all so afraid of?" I snap back.

  "He kills."

  "We'll die if we stay here anyway!" I almost shriek.

  Her eyes widen in fear, and we both glance at the guards still marching around us. One glances our way, and Chloris's throat bobs from her nervous swallowing. We continue to sip the tasteless liquid for a few moments longer until he passes, the butt of his gun gently nudging my neck.

  "He doesn't just kill you, Kenna," she hisses. "He digs into your mind, and pulls out your darkest fears, then he makes them come to life. Your heart, your mind, your body, your soul, dies. Every part of you dies."

  I absorb her words, scared, but not so scared I ask, "What's your power?"

  "It won't help us anyway. Can't use it." She sounds sad again.

  "You're a shape shifter," I say, ignoring her comment. "What do you shift into?"

  Her lips are clenched tight. "This and that."

  "Chloris! This is important. What do you shift into?"

  She shakes her head, stubborn, refusing to tell me.

  "Chloris," I growl in warning, forcing her to look at me. "I will scream right now if you don't tell me. You know I will, too," I'm not sure if I would. She doesn't know me enough to call my bluff though. I can see her thinking, and her eyes are blinking rapidly as she decides.

  "Fine," she almost snarls. "It won't help us much anyway."

  "What do you shift into?" I ask for the third time.


  "What?" I jerk up.

  "Shh! Quiet down!" she cautions in an annoyed voice, bowing her head lower. "I can shift into plants okay?" She glowers at me from the corner of her eye.

  "Like flowers and stuff?" I ask in disbelief.

  She turns a full glare toward me. "I'm sorry I don't have these cool powers like your dumb spandex wearing superheroes do, but my powers definitely come in handy when the rest of you carnivorous creatures are half starved and dying!"

  Her voice ends in a shrill, and the two girls next to us look curious before glancing away. The small movement is enough to set Chloris off, and she's doing something funny with her head. She's glaring and avoiding my gaze at the same time. I can tell she's too mad to talk. I've hit a sore spot somewhere, but for the life of me I can't tell what it is.

  The guards make their usual rounds, unlocking the cuffs from our hands. When the bell rings, signaling the end of breakfast, we stand, and begin walking, almost marching to dispose of our silverware.

  The early sun is out in full force this morning, and it taunts us with a taste of freedom we can't have. I never considered myself a rebel before, but I'm having a really hard time keeping a low profile. Physically, it's painful, but mentally it's driving me crazy- literally. Involuntarily, my mind searches for the other voice in my head. I feel myself drifting around, but nothing's there. I'm relieved.

  I glance at Chloris again, but her eyes are downcast, and she personifies surrender. I don't want to, but a part of me is thinking I need to search for another ally- one who is less content with the state of her incarceration. My eyes move casually around. I don't dare look behind because that would stand out as an anomaly to our perfect lines. It takes a few minutes but I catch a fleeting glimpse of blue skin when a nasty blast of wind pushes the side of her robe back. It's quick, but it's enough, and I make up my mind to zero in on her. She has similar features to Chloris, with the exception of blue skin so dark it could be black. Please let her shift into something terrifying and poisonous, I pray silently. Then I sigh because with the way my luck is going, I wouldn't be surprised if she told me she shifts into water.

  The labor is as intense as it was yesterday, and though I'm better at feeling for the Braxi, it takes effort to dig, bend, crouch, and repeat. To keep myself sane- as sane as any crazy person can be- I play a game in my head. Any crystals found smaller than the nail on my pinky was worth fifty points, perfect Braxi were worth one hundred, and broken or smaller crystals were negative thirty five. By the time my day was done, I was down to negative eighty five.

  My math was fast, but my digging skills were lacking. I did, however, manage to hide another sledgehammer. It was a small victory, but it gave me a moment of happiness that I desperately needed.

  Everyday it's the same routine. I wake up in a red filthy dress, and fall asleep dirtier than before. I forget what pants feel like, and I can barely recall the motions of chewing.

  Every night I sleep with the depressing knowledge that every moment spent here is a moment living in hell.

  Chapter 15

  I get my chance to form a new alliance the ninth morning. Two more are chosen for the crystal, and those of us who are lucky -if you would call it that- enough to remain a day long
er are herded back for breakfast. There have been no new inmates since my arrival, and I'm curious as to why that is. Once the crystal takes all of us, there would be no workers left. Shouldn't they be out scouting for more potential slaves? Maybe their priorities lie elsewhere- like figuring out a way to kill off all the humans. My pessimistic thoughts both depress and anger me.

  My line has become two shorter today so I'm moved up away from Chloris and closer to "Mystique" as I've begun calling her in my mind. Her scaly skin reminds me of the azure X-men character. It makes me think of my old life before all of this. Everything here is strange, new, and cruel, and in an odd way, she comforts me.

  We sit at the table, and I go through the motions of cuffing myself with the old chains. Mystique is eating next to me. I sneak a glance in her direction. I sip the soup, but I'm too preoccupied on how to approach her that I barely taste it. What do I say? We don't have much time so it has to be something short and small, something to grab her attention and keep it. I frown. I don't want to grab anyone else's attention either so it has to be discreet. Maybe if I--


  … accidently spill some soup on her then I could help clean her up. That might--

  "Pshh! Hey."

  I almost dance with joy when Mystique catches my attention. Almost. I settle for a short glance instead. "Yes?"

  "You have soup all over your chin."

  I use my palm to wipe it off, but I notice she has a slight smile, and I realize this might be perfect.

  "Thanks," I murmur. "Can't catch a boyfriend this way, can I?"

  She smirks, pointing to a handsome guard who's in the process of picking his armpit for lice. "Don't think you want to."

  I wince. "You're right," I say. "All looks. No brains. I think I'd rather be imprisoned."

  She holds back a chuckle, and I'm relieved inside. I feel bad that two had to go to the crystal, but I know it was necessary or else I'd never get next to her.

  "I'm Kenna."

  "Nymphora," she introduces herself.

  "So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you?"

  She studies me for a moment before answering. "Shape shifter."

  Ka-ching! Score for the invisible human. "It must be nice to have a power," I continue with artificial wistfulness. I straighten my guns and aim for the kill. "To have a chance at getting out."

  I let the words linger. I almost expect her to look down in fright at the mere hint of escape the way Chloris usually does, but she doesn't, only staring at me curiously.

  "I have as much of a chance at getting out as you do," she begins slowly. "My powers are locked here."

  "How do they do that?"

  She smiles, and it's deadly. "I'd like to know that myself."

  Something dark emanates from her, and for a fraction of a second chills cover my body. I wipe away all doubts, and move forward, refusing to look back. "Have you ever been anywhere else besides our cell, this room, or the cave?" I ask. Something occurs to me. "Are we even on Earth anymore?"

  She smirks. "Oh, we're on Earth all right."

  "How can you know for sure?"

  "Other planets don't look like this and they don't smell like Earth either. Trust me, the aliens haven't taken us anywhere."

  "How did they take you?"

  She hesitates. "A raid. What about you?"

  I'm too embarrassed to tell her what really happened. "Kidnapped," I say instead. It's a half truth.

  My heart pounds with what I'm about to ask, but I know the bell will ring soon, and who knows how much time we each had here. She or I could be taken to the crystal tomorrow. Things need to happen and they need to happen now.

  "Nymphora," I say quietly, "have you ever thought about escaping this place?"

  I hold my breath for her answer, ready for anything, even for her to start screaming for the guards.

  What I don't expect is for her to look me square in the eye. "Every. Damn. Night."

  My sigh of relief is audible, and she's amused. "I wish everyone felt the same way," I mutter before I can stop myself.

  "Ah." She grins, and I wonder if she knows Chloris. "Just like humans, we're all different. Some of us are… more cautious than others." She smirks. "And then there are some of us who are destined to rule the stars."

  "Most of us are too reckless to rule anything but our own hands, let alone the stars." Chloris's cold voice surprises me so much I hit her, turning around. She's carrying her bowl with one hand, and I give her a puzzled look.

  "Guards are coming," she informs us coolly, nodding in the opposite direction. "You two might want to save your conspiracy talks for another time. Next time I might not be so nice to let you know."

  I'm surprised by her behavior, but also a little hurt. Of course, she would warn me, wouldn't she? There's something furious in her eyes, and I'm reminded yet again, how much I don't know about her, Nymphora, and this strange place. Another shiver ripples through my body as I catch Nymphora's gaze on Chloris's retreating back.

  I realize I'm playing a deadly game.

  Chapter 15

  I get my chance to form a new alliance the ninth morning. Two more are chosen for the crystal, and those of us who are lucky -if you would call it that- enough to remain a day longer are herded back for breakfast. There have been no new inmates since my arrival, and I'm curious as to why that is. Once the crystal takes all of us, there would be no workers left. Shouldn't they be out scouting for more potential slaves? Maybe their priorities lie elsewhere- like figuring out a way to kill off all the humans. My pessimistic thoughts both depress and anger me.

  My line has become two shorter today so I'm moved up away from Chloris and closer to "Mystique" as I've begun calling her in my mind. Her scaly skin reminds me of the azure X-men character. It makes me think of my old life before all of this. Everything here is strange, new, and cruel, and in an odd way, she comforts me.

  We sit at the table, and I go through the motions of cuffing myself with the old chains. Mystique is eating next to me. I sneak a glance in her direction. I sip the soup, but I'm too preoccupied on how to approach her that I barely taste it. What do I say? We don't have much time so it has to be something short and small, something to grab her attention and keep it. I frown. I don't want to grab anyone else's attention either so it has to be discreet. Maybe if I--


  … accidently spill some soup on her then I could help clean her up. That might--

  "Pshh! Hey."

  I almost dance with joy when Mystique catches my attention. Almost. I settle for a short glance instead. "Yes?"

  "You have soup all over your chin."

  I use my palm to wipe it off, but I notice she has a slight smile, and I realize this might be perfect.

  "Thanks," I murmur. "Can't catch a boyfriend this way, can I?"

  She smirks, pointing to a handsome guard who's in the process of picking his armpit for lice. "Don't think you want to."

  I wince. "You're right," I say. "All looks. No brains. I think I'd rather be imprisoned."

  She holds back a chuckle, and I'm relieved inside. I feel bad that two had to go to the crystal, but I know it was necessary or else I'd never get next to her.

  "I'm Kenna."

  "Nymphora," she introduces herself.

  "So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you?"

  She studies me for a moment before answering. "Shape shifter."

  Ka-ching! Score for the invisible human. "It must be nice to have a power," I continue with artificial wistfulness. I straighten my guns and aim for the kill. "To have a chance at getting out."

  I let the words linger. I almost expect her to look down in fright at the mere hint of escape the way Chloris usually does, but she doesn't, only staring at me curiously.

  "I have as much of a chance at getting out as you do," she begins slowly. "My powers are locked here."

  "How do they do that?"

  She smiles, and it's deadly. "I'd like to know that myself."

mething dark emanates from her, and for a fraction of a second chills cover my body. I wipe away all doubts, and move forward, refusing to look back. "Have you ever been anywhere else besides our cell, this room, or the cave?" I ask. Something occurs to me. "Are we even on Earth anymore?"

  She smirks. "Oh, we're on Earth all right."

  "How can you know for sure?"

  "Other planets don't look like this and they don't smell like Earth either. Trust me, the aliens haven't taken us anywhere."

  "How did they take you?"

  She hesitates. "A raid. What about you?"

  I'm too embarrassed to tell her what really happened. "Kidnapped," I say instead. It's a half truth.

  My heart pounds with what I'm about to ask, but I know the bell will ring soon, and who knows how much time we each had here. She or I could be taken to the crystal tomorrow. Things need to happen and they need to happen now.

  "Nymphora," I say quietly, "have you ever thought about escaping this place?"

  I hold my breath for her answer, ready for anything, even for her to start screaming for the guards.

  What I don't expect is for her to look me square in the eye. "Every. Damn. Night."

  My sigh of relief is audible, and she's amused. "I wish everyone felt the same way," I mutter before I can stop myself.

  "Ah." She grins, and I wonder if she knows Chloris. "Just like humans, we're all different. Some of us are… more cautious than others." She smirks. "And then there are some of us who are destined to rule the stars."

  "Most of us are too reckless to rule anything but our own hands, let alone the stars." Chloris's cold voice surprises me so much I hit her, turning around. She's carrying her bowl with one hand, and I give her a puzzled look.

  "Guards are coming," she informs us coolly, nodding in the opposite direction. "You two might want to save your conspiracy talks for another time. Next time I might not be so nice to let you know."

  I'm surprised by her behavior, but also a little hurt. Of course, she would warn me, wouldn't she? There's something furious in her eyes, and I'm reminded yet again, how much I don't know about her, Nymphora, and this strange place. Another shiver ripples through my body as I catch Nymphora's gaze on Chloris's retreating back.


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