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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m finished. I’m done. It’s over now,” Jeb whispered.

  Axel could see the defeat and the unshed tears in his eyes. Had he truly, finally seen that catching Michael’s killer was impossible for him? They were all tired of getting the runaround from people, even in the police department and through other connections.

  L.T. and the crew were still working for the government on a case by case basis as the four of them continued their family livestock business. Even with that, they didn’t have to do much because of all the employees. They worked on the ranch as a form of staying in shape. They had plenty of time for other activities, like training and trying to use their own resources to locate and identify Eduardo DeLacruz. With Sandman’s help, they’d recently made some potential progress. Another cop had been murdered. A detective left for dead after going missing for days. He was working a case. A case no higher-ups would give any details on. But Sandman found out that the Feds were in active mode. That basically meant that they were onto something. Maybe they knew who Eduardo DeLacruz was and what he looked like. But they weren’t sharing.

  “We told you to not worry about Eduardo. We said we were making progress. What the hell did you find out, that Eduardo sent one of his men to threaten you?” Quentin asked Jeb.

  Jeb’s eyes widened and then he lowered them.

  “It doesn’t matter. And I don’t want you men looking into catching him either. Just drop it. Drop the investigation, just like I’m going to do.”

  “What?” Axel asked, feeling his blood pressure rise. Why the hell would they do that? They wanted Michael’s killer just as badly as Jeb. If not more so. It angered Axel to see Jeb laying here in the hospital bed and so defeated. This was work cut out for soldiers, not civilian, old men.

  “Listen, Jeb, we know you’re done. We told you over a year ago to not get involved and to just move on with your life. We’ve just about done the same thing. But we’re keeping our eyes peeled. We’re using the resources we have to track this guy and bring him to justice,” L.T. stated.

  “No. No more bringing him to justice. Just drop it. Let the other departments and government worry about him. It’s over. You must promise me.”

  “No,” Axel said firmly.

  “That’s not going to happen. He killed Michael,” Quentin stated.

  “He’s a dead man. We’ll bring Michael justice and we’ll clear his name,” Deacon replied softly, but with determination in his hazel eyes.

  “No. No. It’s over.”

  “Just calm down, Jeb. You focus on getting better, and putting all of this behind you,” L.T. said in an attempt to calm Jeb down.

  “He knows about Mariah. Eduardo knows about her,” Jeb whispered and then covered his face with his hands.

  The room went completely silent.

  Axel felt the shock hit his system. Fear gripped his insides and immediately that possessive emotion ruled his being.

  “How does he know about Mariah? This guy said something?” L.T. asked.

  Jeb leaned back and closed his eyes.

  “He said that Eduardo knows about Mariah, and how beautiful she is. He saw her at the funeral. Somehow, Eduardo was there that day.”

  Axel shot a glance at L.T. who looked ready to kill. That was exactly how Axel felt.

  “We won’t let that happen. She’s in Europe. She’s safest there,” L.T. replied.

  Jeb shook his head.

  “She’s flying back. Mariah is coming home.”

  “When?” Deacon asked, taking a step forward toward the bed. Axel stared at his eyes. He could see the desire, the excitement in them. They all lusted for her. They’d tried unsuccessfully to get her out of their heads for the past two years. No other woman would ever do or could compare.

  “I don’t know. She just said that she had business here in the states. She said that she would be staying in Dallas with friends. I said that I would visit her, but she was insistent upon coming back to the house here. Now that I know Eduardo knows about her, I’m worried. I believe his threats. Hell, I’ve experienced his power and abilities. I was told that he wouldn’t hurt her if I stopped my investigation.”

  “You know that’s a lie,” Quentin stated.

  “He could go after her. If he somehow has his eyes on her, then she won’t stand a chance,” Deacon said.

  “Then we must protect her. You have to put her in touch with us. We’ll need to let her in on this,” L.T. told them.

  “You four have to protect her from harm. I know that you care about her.”

  “We do care. She’s Michael’s sister. We promised—”

  “No. I mean, I know that you really care for her. Now, I don’t want to get into the circumstances of the kinds of things that you four are into, but Michael told me that he trusted you with Mariah. He said that he hoped the four of you would build up enough courage to follow your hearts and tell her how you really feel,” Jeb stated to them.

  “I don’t think you know what you’re taking about. Michael wouldn’t have said that,” L.T. said.

  “Why do you think he planned those multiple camping trips out here and while Mariah was home from college? I think he was going to ask you that weekend about your feelings for her. He never got his chance,” Jeb said and then closed his eyes.

  Axel looked at the others. No one said a word, but he knew they were all thinking the same thing. But none of them were about ready to admit it yet. Including Axel.

  “I think you should rest. We’ll be back to check on you tomorrow,” L.T. said and then turned around and walked out of the room. Everyone said good-bye and then exited. Axel was the last to leave.

  “Axel?” Jeb said his name and Axel stopped by the door.

  “I know that you’re all so damn tough and determined to count on no one but each other. Mariah doesn’t have anyone she can trust. But she trusts the four of you. Please, Axel, don’t let Eduardo get his hands on her. Please.”

  Chapter 3

  He loved the fear that he saw on his victims’ faces. Another betrayer, another Federal agent trying to destroy him. Never.

  The lights flickered, as his main interrogator gave the agent another shot of electricity. Out here, in the middle of nowhere, his cries couldn’t be heard except from those who were closest to Eduardo. They learned quickly that betraying him would bring them death. A long, brutal, and painful death. Like this guy.

  Eduardo paced slowly in front of the agent.

  “Are there others?” he demanded to know. The agent was crying, his nose running, his face dirty, and he was bleeding from so many wounds that Eduardo knew he had very little time left. The agent shook his head.

  “Please. There’s no one else. No one.”

  He gripped the man’s throat and squeezed it tight as his eyes locked gazes with his. The agent’s eyes were wide and filled with fear. Eduardo stared at him, increasing the pressure, feeling so powerful, righteous, and unstoppable. He had the power and capability to rule the world, to take a life, and to place the fear of death into the heart and soul of all those he took.

  “I take your life, because you attempted to take mine. No one can stop me. No one is as powerful as Eduardo DeLacruz.”

  The gurgling sound fed his ego as he squeezed and he clenched his teeth. He saw the fear, the pain, and the uncertainty in the agent’s eyes, as his body shook and life left him. Eduardo released his hold. He felt so empowered and unstoppable. He turned toward the others as he reached for his dress shirt and pulled it on.

  “Get rid of him. Make it so that they never find his body. You two screwed up with the others. Perhaps this will send a message to the US government to stay out of my business. They’ll never find me. They’ll never destroy me. I’m unstoppable.”

  * * * *

  The music was so beautiful as the small group of musicians played on a makeshift stage on the veranda. Gustavo had finally taken a reprieve to seek out the friend he wanted her to meet so badly. Mariah looked out toward the ni
ght sky, the stars as bright as could be, and the air a little crisp. She felt the chill run over her skin and then she felt someone place their hands on her shoulders. Before she could turn she looked up behind her and into Gustavo’s eyes.

  “Are you cold, precious?” he asked her, his large, warm hands instantly heating her skin. She shivered again, and his eyebrows furrowed. Let’s head inside where it is warmer. Armando is ready for us.”

  “Armando?” she asked, as Gustavo turned her toward the doorway, keeping one hand over her shoulders as he escorted her across the busy room. There were people dancing, laughing, and enjoying the festivities. Considering that the place was so very large, she wondered exactly how many people were at the party. There seemed to be so many.

  The stonework throughout the home was impressive. It gave an appearance of old world charm but had had all the amenities and upgrades of modern day.

  “Now, don’t be intimidated by my friend. He is firm, he is very intelligent, and he has very particular tastes. I told him all about you, and your ability to make so much money in such a short period of time. He was impressed with your portfolio and successes here in Italy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he offered you a position.” She was stunned a moment. Sienna’s friends made it seem as if Gustavo was trying to set her up with this Armando character, and perhaps himself, too. It was odd, but when people saw her with Sienna and Sienna’s lover’s they automatically thought she was into ménage relationships. She sure hoped that Gustavo wasn’t expecting her to jump into bed with him and his friend. She was holding off for the safety and disguise of the masquerade.

  He paused before they reached a large, thick wooden door that had a brass ring as an opener.

  “If he wants to place you on his payroll, you accept,” he told her very seriously and then opened the door before she could argue.

  The moment she entered the room, all eyes fell upon her. She noticed immediately that there were about a dozen men in the room shaking hands and getting ready to leave. Two men immediately came into view. One was average height, medium complexion, and definitely looked like a man of action. Another man stood beside him, and he appeared quiet, and there was an air of arrogance in his body language and in his eyes.

  A few of the men looked her over, smiled, or winked as they left, but she remained straight-faced. Then the door closed.

  “Armando, Manchenso, I would like you both to meet Mariah Langcaster. Mariah, meet Armando Secca and Manchenso Gullato.” Gustavo made the introductions.

  She stepped closer with Gustavo pulling her along by her hand. Her eyes locked with both men, unsure who was who despite the introductions.

  “Ahh, the lovely financial goddess, Mariah. I’m Manchenso. It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” he said. He was the one she had first noticed. The one who seemed tough and quiet in the corner.

  “Nice to meet you too, sir,” she replied as he took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the top. She felt her cheeks warm, as his dark brown eyes locked with hers.

  “So very lovely indeed,” he whispered, and she instantly got a funny feeling in her gut. He released her hand and the other one, the one who was average height and seemed tough, yet friendly, gave her the once-over with a pleasant smile. As he reached his hand out, she took it. He squeezed it gently as he used his other hand to cup her elbow as he shook her hand. It was definitely a show of dominance and flirtation. Especially when he squeezed her elbow before he released it.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Armando.”

  “So, are you enjoying the party so far, Mariah?” Manchenso asked.

  “Oh, yes, sir, the estate is quite beautiful. The artwork and décor intriguing.”

  “Intriguing?” Armando questioned her as he approached the front of the desk and leaned against it. He was dressed in a designer dark-colored shirt, and designer pants. His cuff links were diamonds, definitely real, and his aura was arrogant as if he were a man of importance. He had her complete attention.

  He was a few feet in front of where she stood. She got a better look at him now, and the man was quite good looking. Dark black hair, deep almost gray eyes, and a hint of facial hair perfectly trimmed made him appear like some Arabian knight. The dark burgundy button-down shirt he wore was undone at the neck, revealing a gold chain. He watched her with interest and she looked away from him and toward Manchenso.

  Manchenso held her gaze with a slight smile on his lips. He watched her closely, and now she wondered why both men made her nervous.

  “Perhaps she has never seen some of the art I have on display. That is probably what she meant by intriguing,” Manchenso added.

  “Yes. The artwork selection is intriguing,” she whispered.

  “I handpicked each of the paintings on display around the main entrance,” Manchenso told her.

  “I’d like to know why you chose the word intriguing, Mariah. Do you think the paintings don’t fit in Manchenso’s fine estate and home?”

  The man was either a troublemaker or he was testing her in his own strange way. They may be filthy rich and business savvy, but she could hold her own. Perhaps this little game had something to do with Gustavo’s hint of a job opportunity.

  “Well, they are all quite beautiful works of art, and are obvious signs of Manchenso’s particular taste. But I find it intriguing because such beautiful, extravagant art should be displayed individually, under its own light or even in its own room, so that the viewer can truly appreciate it.”

  “Hmm,” Manchenso whispered as he began to pour some brandy from a large snifter into four small glasses.

  “I think she just insulted you, Manchenso,” Armando replied as he took one of the glasses Manchenso offered.

  She quickly looked toward Manchenso who seemed to disregard the entire conversation while handing a glass to Gustavo and then one to her. Manchenso smiled.

  “I don’t see it that way,” he added.

  “Perhaps Mariah thinks you throw around your money foolishly. She is a financial expert,” Armando stated as he looked at her over the rim of his glass. She couldn’t resist giving him the evil eye as she tried to ensure Manchenso knew she meant no harm in her comments.

  “Please, love, do not let Armando get under your skin. He enjoys playing games. He knows that you would not insult the host of this gathering.”

  He clinked his glass with hers and made a toast in Italian, blessing the evening, the stars in the sky, and the beauty surrounding them. She couldn’t help to feel as if she were on display and that he was making reference to her. It was probably best to let them know she was more than just a pretty face. However, Gustavo beat her to it.

  “Ahh, she is quite a lovely woman, but she is also highly intelligent. Has a mind for numbers.”

  “And a body for sin,” Armando added then chuckled. So did Manchenso and Gustavo.

  As Armando stared into her eyes, she could see that he was really trying to rattle her. But she could handle him. In fact, she could play at his little game, too.

  She turned from them and began to move toward the door.

  “Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both. I appreciate the invitation to your home, Manchenso. It is quite an impressive villa. But, I should be going. Sienna and her men were planning on leaving soon, and they’re my ride.”

  “Wait,” Gustavo told her as he placed his glass down onto the desk and headed toward her. She handed over her glass and held Gustavo’s gaze.

  “I don’t know what type of game the three of you are playing, but I’m not falling for it. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I can choose who to surround myself with. Good night, Gustavo,” she said and then walked out of the room. As she closed the door behind her she felt her entire body on edge. She was annoyed but also intimidated.

  In all honesty, she was kind of pissed off at Gustavo. He’d deceived her, or had some ulterior motive for introducing her to these men.

  She tried to remember which way Gustavo had brought her to get to this side
of the house. She could hear the music in the distance, but there were doorways and other exits leading out to the side of the villa, and the gardens. Giving up on finding the right door to head back to the main living area and not wanting to open up too many doors as a stranger in Manchenso’s home, she ventured outside. She would follow the walkway and hopefully it would lead to the front of the home.

  She had been pretty fired up and confused back there, but now as the cool air collided with her heated skin, she began to feel the cold air. She crossed her arms and tried to figure out the way when she heard the footsteps behind her. Turning toward them, she immediately saw Armando.

  Great. Now what would he harass her about? Walking somewhere guests weren’t permitted to be?

  “Are you lost, Mariah?” he asked. She turned her back toward him.

  “No. I was trying to get some fresh air,” she said, her teeth clattering along with each syllable that left her lips.

  She immediately felt the black jacket being placed over her shoulders. It was warm and it smelled really good. A unique cologne mixed with cigar smoke.

  She turned toward him. “Thank you for the jacket.”

  He gave her a soft smile and then he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Gustavo speaks very highly of you and your professionalism. I’m sorry if I insulted you back there.”

  “Insulted me? I just met you and you decided to play some sort of game with me. It really doesn’t matter. I’m going to head back to the party now.”

  She started to walk when his deep voice stopped her midstride.

  “It’s that way.”

  She turned around and he was pointing in the opposite direction than where she was headed. She wasn’t sure if she believed him and for a moment they stared at one another.

  “I promise, I am not playing games. I’ll walk with you. The other direction will lead you straight to the security team and the killer mastiffs Manchenso keeps around as added security.”

  She swallowed hard. That would have been a bad situation.


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