The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “How would you know what Michael would have wanted? He’s not here now, is he? Axel and the others are just protective of me.” She felt her temper rising. This little lunch date wasn’t exactly going well. Having Axel and the others here made her feel on edge. She was snapping at Randy and subconsciously trying to push him away because Axel and Quentin had her head spinning in confusion.

  “Let’s finish up, and then take a walk,” he suggested.

  She nodded her head and Debbi brought over their salads. By the time they finished, conversation steered toward her decision of leaving Texas or staying. By the time lunch was over and they exited the café, Randy was guiding her down the sidewalk with a hand against her lower back, and keeping close contact with her. She heard his phone buzz numerous times, and finally when they walked near the side street and where he was parked, he stopped her.

  His hand went to her waist and his other hand cupped her cheek.

  He was looking down into her eyes, and his expression unnerved her.

  “I really missed you. I’m hoping that we could get to know one another better. Maybe I can be a reason to stick around Texas.”

  “There’s other reasons to leave. It’s not the same.”

  He looked like he was about to kiss her, and suddenly she didn’t really want him to.

  “What other reasons?” he asked with a bit of attitude. She tried turning away, but he grasped her face a little snugger. It surprised her.

  “Is it because of them?”


  “I’m not stupid. I can tell that they want you. Their big brother act is bullshit. They all want you, but none of them are man enough, whole enough, to give you what you deserve.” She tried to step back, but his arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer.

  “Don’t fall for it. You deserve better. Michael wouldn’t have wanted you to be their little fuck toy.”

  “That’s enough,” she stated firmly and shoved from his embrace. His phone was beeping again, as he began to react to her shoving away from him.

  “Answer it. Our lunch date is over anyway.”

  “Mariah, this isn’t over. Listen to me. I’m only trying to save you from making a mistake. Your brother would be angry.”

  “Then I guess you didn’t know Michael at all.” She turned to walk away and he reached for her hand to stop her. She nearly stumbled.

  “Hey, let go of her.” Axel raised his voice and was between her and Randy in a second flat.

  “I wasn’t going to hurt her. She stumbled,” Randy said and Mariah just looked at him uncertain exactly what had happened. He didn’t want her to walk away from him. He seemed agitated and unlike the Randy she remembered.

  “I’m fine, Axel.”

  “What’s going on?” Deacon asked as Quentin approached, too. Axel was stepping toward Randy.

  “Axel, please. Nothing happened.” She grabbed on to his arm, and pressed herself in front of him.

  “I’m going, Mariah. I need to get back to work. I’ll call you about what time I’ll be picking you up tomorrow.”

  He walked away, but not without having to go around Quentin and Deacon. Axel grabbed her shoulders and then caressed her arms. He moved his hands up to her cheeks and held them between his palms. “Are you okay? Did he try something?”

  She was so frustrated right now. She was angry at Randy’s comments, but also annoyed that he could see she was attracted to the guys. She shoved Axel’s hands from her face and stepped back.

  “Stay away from me. Just keep your distance.” She turned around and started walking down the sidewalk. She realized that she really didn’t have a ride back to the house. Randy was going to drop her off on his way back to work. She should call someone for a ride. As she pulled out her phone, she gasped. Her face turned red, and her body tightened in frustration. The first person who came to mind was Quentin and the then the others. Any of them. They would be there for her. She reached out to them for support. Fuck me!

  “Mariah?” She felt the hands on her shoulders just as she heard her name whispered. She jerked around to see Deacon. Quiet, calm Deacon, and his beautiful hazel eyes. He was six feet three and gorgeous with dark hair, dark eyes, and even dark eyebrows that made his hazel eyes stand out. He was the calmest of the troop.

  “I can tell that you’re upset.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Deacon.”

  “How are you getting home?” he asked as the others walked closer. Quentin had his arms crossed in front of his chest and he looked pissed. Axel just stared at her. Even that made her nipples tight and hard.

  “Well, I was going to get a ride from Randy, but considering that Axel and Quentin pissed him off, I’m stranded.”

  Deacon placed his arm over her shoulder and started walking her away from Quentin and Axel.

  “We’ll give you a ride. We were supposed to get together later on anyway.”

  She walked along with him, absorbing his cologne and the feel of his big, muscular arm over her shoulder. He pulled her into the nook of his arm and chest. She snuggled against him.

  “I hope Randy hadn’t upset you. You seemed to be having a nice time,” he said, but she heard a hitch in Deacon’s voice. Was he jealous?

  * * * *

  Deacon hoped that Mariah couldn’t feel him shaking. He was angry, he was jealous, and he wanted to taste her just like Quentin had. It took seeing her with Randy and Randy caressing her hand, whispering to her, working on seducing her, to make Deacon wake up. As the one in the troop to calm everyone down and make them be rational, he knew he needed to step in and put out the fire. He hadn’t expected his own desires and wants to begin to instantly burn stronger. Mariah did that to him. He walked her toward the SUV.

  Quentin opened the door for her and tipped his Stetson before she climbed in with Deacon’s assistance. She glared at Quentin and then looked at Axel as he stepped into the driver’s seat. He pulled off the black Stetson as Deacon scooted into the front seat next to her.

  Her perfume filled the cabin of the SUV as Axel pulled out of the parking spot.

  “Is Jeb home?” Quentin asked her.

  “No. He had to go to the doctor’s and run some errands. Then I think he said something about his friend’s house for dinner. I was supposed to go out with a friend,” she told them. Deacon wondered what friend. Was it a woman or another guy? How were they going to stop her from dating, from seeing men? It suddenly became a necessity for him, and he understood Quentin’s motives in kissing her the other night.

  “Who is the friend?” Axel asked from the backseat.

  She swung around to face him.

  “Like I would tell you.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Quentin asked as he headed onto the long strip of roadway that connected the town to the outskirt of communities. Their place was five minutes from here and how Deacon wished they could bring her there. Some alone time would be perfect. Instead Quentin took the turn that led to Jeb’s house. They would be there in five minutes, by the speed Quentin was doing. The man was definitely nervous.

  She looked up at Quentin. “I don’t need my big brothers sabotaging another date,” she stated with attitude and Deacon could feel his own blood pressure rising. He’d known his buddies long enough and well enough to sense when they were on edge. Right now, the three of them were in a combustible state.

  “What went on back there with Randy?” Deacon asked as he adjusted his position in the front seat so he could see her eyes and her facial expression. “You seemed upset and as if you wanted to walk away from him.” When she looked down at her hands clasped on her lap he knew that Randy had said something to upset her.

  “What did that asshole do?” Axel asked from behind her as he leaned forward in the seat. Quentin pulled into the driveway, and Deacon noticed that Jeb’s old truck wasn’t there. Mariah mentioned that Jeb would be out.

  “It’s none of your business. Thanks for the ride,” she said and looked at Deacon to op
en the door and let her out. He waited a moment.

  “If he said something to upset you, don’t forget it. Follow your gut. Maybe he’s not right for you.” She gave him such a sad expression he felt like an asshole and he didn’t even know why.

  He found himself desperate to escape from the expression on her face. He opened the door and stepped out.

  Quentin turned off the engine and Axel got out, too. She turned to look at them.

  “Thank you for the ride.”

  Quentin approached her and gently moved a stray strand of hair away from her face.


  “No, Quentin. I don’t want to hear it.” She turned around, her high-heeled boots clicking and clacking on the walkway as she headed to the door. Quentin and Axel were on her heels as she unlocked the door and opened it up. Deacon followed as they all entered the house. She tossed her purse onto the couch and headed to the kitchen, but Quentin stopped her. He pulled her up against him.

  “What did he say to you?”

  She slapped her hands gently against his chest, and then pressed her forehead against it.

  “It doesn’t matter. Please, Quentin. I can’t do this with you again. I can’t take it.”

  Axel moved in behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “You can’t do what?” he asked, and Deacon watched as Axel closed his eyes and inhaled against her platinum blonde hair. Her eyes closed as she leaned back against Axel.

  “He’s all wrong for you,” Deacon stated, moving closer. She locked gazes with him. Seeing her pressed between Quentin and Axel turned him on.

  “That’s your opinion.”

  “It’s what you know is true, too. Why are you denying it?” Axel asked, as he caressed his hand under her hair and gripped a handful. She tilted her head back, her lips parted, and Axel stared down into her eyes. The sight of him holding her in such a dominant way made Deacon’s dick hard as a steel rod.

  Her lips parted and a small gasp escaped.

  “He can’t have you,” Axel whispered before his mouth descended upon Mariah’s. He kissed her deeply, and she turned in their arms and began kissing Axel back.

  * * * *

  Axel couldn’t believe how perfect Mariah felt between him and Quentin. He saw the excitement in his eyes and in Deacon’s and when he smelled Mariah’s hair he lost all self-control. He continued to kiss her, and then she moaned as Quentin pressed against her back. He jerked a second when he felt Mariah part her thighs. Knowing Quentin and his desire for Mariah, he probably already had his fingers inserted in her cunt. The thought made Axel kiss her deeper, and hold her firmly against him. Her perfume filled his nostrils and her taste filled him with a hunger he’d never felt before.

  * * * *

  Quentin maneuvered his hands under Mariah’s dress and lifted the material up. He damned the fucking stocking she wore right before he tore them in the crotch so he could feel her soft, wet cunt. She gasped, pulling from Axels’ lips, but Axel wouldn’t allow her a reprieve, as he continued to kiss her and Mariah moaned as Quentin pressed a finger to her pussy.

  In and out he thrust his finger and then added a second digit. Quentin pressed his mouth against her neck as he held her around the waist with one arm with his fingers buried in her cunt. Axel moved his mouth from her lips to her shoulder and neck. She tilted her head back, as she thrust her hips against his fingers.

  “You’re so responsive and damn sexy, Mariah. My God, I want to taste you. Let me taste you,” Deacon stated. Axel moved his lips from her as Quentin back stepped and then sat down on the arm of the couch.

  “Spread your thighs. Let Deacon have a taste of your cream,” Quentin demanded.

  * * * *

  Mariah was on fire and felt as if she were having an out of body experience. Quentin kept pressing his fingers in and out of her pussy, the sensation bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She wanted it. She craved it, never having had one before. The feel of the three of them touching her, kissing her, and caressing her was wild. She thought about L.T. and what he would do if he were here, too. Would he be angry? Would he stop them? Or would he join in?

  “Oh,” she moaned as Axel pinched her nipple over her clothing.

  She felt the cool air against her wet folds.

  She locked gazes with Deacon right before he swooped down and kissed her. His kiss was deep and sensual. She ran her fingers through his black hair and pulled him harder against her mouth. Quentin adjusted his body on the arm of the couch making her legs spread wider.

  Deacon released her lips.

  “Let me taste you?” he asked her and the look in his hazel eyes instantly made her pussy weep. She nodded her head and he winked at her. Slowly, he squatted down and used his hard, large hands to spread her thighs wider.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent. She felt a mix of emotions. Embarrassment, fear, and uncertainty. Why did men find a pussy so intriguing to taste when ultimately all they wanted was to fuck it? But as Quentin removed his fingers from her cunt, making her instantly feel the loss, she knew there was more to sex than just a man sticking his cock into her. How had she gone on this long thinking it was so simple? Her lack of experience shocked her. She felt so stupid. So unknowing. Was this why she wanted her first time to be with one of them? With one of the only four men she trusted?

  As she felt Deacon’s mouth collide against her wet pussy lips, she lost all train of thought. She moaned aloud, as she grabbed a hold of his head and tilted back against Quentin.

  That’s when Axel kissed her on the mouth. He played with her lips and nipped at them with his teeth. The kiss was as sensual as Deacon’s tongue devouring her pussy cream. When Quentin cupped her breasts and squeezed them before pulling the tips, she felt herself go. She nearly shot off the couch but Deacon held her thighs wide and sturdy while she exploded into his mouth. His warm breath, the vibrations of his moans against her clit added to the sensations.

  Axel moved out of the way as Deacon stood up and pulled Mariah up into his arms. He kissed her deeply, and she tasted herself in his mouth, on his lips. It aroused something carnal inside of her as she began kissing him wildly. Then the sound of a cell phone ringing killed the mood.

  “It’s L.T.,” Quentin stated as she pulled her mouth from Deacon’s. He was holding her firmly in his arms. He reached up, using only one arm to hold her, his strength apparent, and caressed her cheek.

  “Thank you. You taste better than I imagined.” So he did fantasize about me, or is it just a line a man says after he eats a woman out?

  She didn’t care right now. She would analyze this later when she was all alone in bed and wanting them just like every night since college.

  “I think I should be thanking you. That was incredible,” she said and he gave her a wink. Axel caressed her hair and she turned toward him. He kissed her softly on the lips. Deacon gently placed her feet down on the floor, as they all heard Quentin speaking with L.T. She felt the cool air collide with her very sensitive and wet pussy. The ripped stockings felt strange, but as she heard Quentin’s tone she came out of her fantasy.

  “Okay. We’ll be there in twenty minutes.” He closed up the phone and looked at Mariah. He curled his finger at her, and she immediately walked over to him. The triumphant expression in his eyes was apparent. He kissed her and then hugged her to him.

  “We need to get going. It’s work related,” he said as he looked over his shoulder to glance at Axel and Deacon. She saw their expressions change. She felt the atmosphere in the room change, too.

  “We’ll talk about this later,” he said, and he sounded regretful.

  “L.T. is going to be upset about this, isn’t he?” she asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. All three men stood in front of her.

  They looked concerned and defeated.

  “He can’t find out about this,” Axel told her.

  “Not yet. Not until we finished this job we’re working on,” Quentin added. She didn’t unde
rstand that statement.

  “What job?” she asked, as Deacon took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  He kissed the tips of her fingers.

  “We can’t entertain this attraction to you fully. There are things we need to work out,” Deacon said, making her instantly feel like shit.

  “You know we have trust issues. It’s us, Mariah. We care about you. The attraction is there, but we need time to work things out,” Quentin whispered, as he started for the door.

  She was disappointed and felt as if she had been used. In a moment’s heat of passion, they got a taste of her, got to make her orgasm for the very first time, and she couldn’t even tell them. She didn’t want to. She was embarrassed for giving into the sexual desire when they felt nothing more than just that. A sexual pull and a quick finger fuck.

  She watched them go and Randy’s words echoed in her head.

  They just want you as their little fuck toy. They’re wild and have crazy reputations. You’re better than that.

  She stormed upstairs and immediately stripped out of her clothing. She wanted to burn the stockings, now embarrassed that she’d allowed them to rip them open and have their way with her pussy. What if L.T. hadn’t called? Would she have let them fuck her, too?

  She hung her head under the hot water in the shower. Her thoughts made her pussy tingle.

  “Yes, I would. I’d let them do anything they wanted to me. Let them finger me, eat my cream, let them fuck me, because I love them already. I love four men who will never ever be able to love me.”

  She began to sob as the water drowned out her tears, and reality reared its ugly head one more time.

  Chapter 7

  Mariah stepped off the commuter bus and headed down the main street toward Armor Con. After speaking with Armando last night, his call a Godsend after what she’d let Quentin, Axel, and Deacon do to her, she was on her way to the meeting. Well, more like a tour of the facility and lunch with Armando afterward.


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