The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She smoothed out her slim fitting, Ann Taylor dress, minus the light button-down sweater she held in her bag. Her matching cream-colored platinum designer heels matched her dress perfectly, along with the light strip of cream-colored lace that fell below the hemline of her dress. When she walked, the lace stretched right above her knees. The look was very sophisticated, and she wanted to pull off maturity and class.

  Just being in a city made her feel more professional and in her realm. She wasn’t blind to the looks she was getting as she made her way toward the office buildings. One man held the door open for her and winked. He had very kind-looking eyes. They were brown, and there was something familiar about him. She didn’t give it a second thought as she scanned the front lobby and located the main desk and directory.

  “Miss Langcaster?” She heard her name and turned toward a tall man, dressed all in black. She felt her body tighten immediately and went on guard.

  “My name is Henrique. I work for Mr. Secca. He’s expecting you. Would you please follow me?” he asked.

  She nodded her head as he gave her body the once-over. Gripping the sweater tighter, she wondered if she should believe his word. She didn’t know him, nor did Armando mention sending someone to meet her.

  She paused. He turned around and stared at her.

  “Mr. Secca didn’t mention that you were going to meet me. Could you please call him and confirm this? I’d like to speak with him first,” she said. He just stared at her a moment and she wasn’t certain what he was thinking. Did he think that she was some pain in the ass woman? She didn’t give a shit. Her brother had always warned her to be in tune to her gut instincts and to always ask questions. People doing something wrong would screw up sooner or later.

  He pulled out his cell phone and hit a number.

  “Yes, sir. She is right here. But she will not follow me. She said you didn’t mention this. Yes, she would like to speak to you.”

  He handed the phone to her and she felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment. “Hello?”

  As she heard Armando’s voice and then he confirmed that Henrique was head of his personal security team, she felt foolish. She said thank you and then handed the phone to Henrique. He placed it onto his hip and as his jacket moved to the side, she noticed the gun. She swallowed hard. Armando did say head of his security team.

  As soon as she got into the elevator she cleared her throat.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you, Henrique. I was just being cautious. Too many bad stories on the news, I guess,” she said. He looked at her and then glanced at her body. She gave him a challenging expression that only seemed to agitate him, so she turned away. As the elevator stopped, the doors remained closed. Henrique opened up a security panel and pressed a series of buttons. He closed the panel and the elevator moved again. This time when it opened it opened to a small open area. “Please.” He gestured with his hand for her to step out first. She noticed a series of silver doors with nameplates on them, as they headed down the hallway. Once to the end she caught sight of a small desk and an older woman sitting behind it. She gave Mariah the once-over and then forced a smile.

  “Mr. Secca is waiting.”

  “Thank you,” Mariah said as Henrique stepped forward and opened the large double silver doors.

  The moment she entered, Armando’s financial position was quite obvious. The décor was modern, yet lavish in bold burgundy colors. The view behind his massive cherrywood desk was stunning, and there Armando was, talking on his cell phone and holding up a finger asking for them to give him a moment.

  Mariah looked around the room. There was a large assortment of books on the shelves, a wet bar in the corner, and a propane fireplace sitting in a small section surrounded by burgundy and black couches. The cream-colored rug in the center was gorgeous and it matched the custom drapes. A person could live in this office. She was utterly impressed.

  “Mariah, so nice to see you again. I’m sorry about the phone call. That was Manchenso. Something came up and he cannot meet with us. He’ll be available this evening for dinner though.”

  “Oh,” she began to say as Armando leaned forward and kissed her cheek hello. He held her arms as he pulled back and looked her over. “You look incredible. So sophisticated and businesslike.” She felt the warmth hit her cheeks and she shyly looked away.

  “I match your color theme here for the office,” she said and then turned to run her hand along the top of the cushioned chair. He chuckled, his laugh thick and powerful.

  “So how was the visit with your family and friends? Catch up on the last two years?”

  “Not exactly. It’s been very busy but it is nice to be back home.”

  “Are you still considering New York or Italy?”

  “Perhaps. I did love Tuscany, and those villas are so incredible. I miss it already.”

  “Well, villas can be visited at any time.”

  “I suppose that Sienna and her men wouldn’t mind me visiting there.”

  “I would think not. But you are always welcome at my villa.”

  “Oh, you have your own villa like Manchenso?”

  His expression changed a moment and then he recovered with a smile. She almost felt as if he were going to lie.

  “Yes, that’s right, you saw Manchenso’s villa. Mine is about fifteen minutes from there. Very secluded. Perhaps you’ll visit me there as well?” he asked and she smiled at him.

  She locked gazes with his gray eyes, as he began to explain about the tour of the company and the job Manchenso had available.

  He was a very sexy and charismatic man, in a Pierce Brosnan kind of way. He told her about the position, about what it entailed, and where the office was located.

  “Uhm, Armando, I’m not certain that I’m interested in taking this job. As I mentioned, I have been offered other positions elsewhere,” she said, as he moved closer. He was a bit taller than her, even with the heels on.

  “Mariah, a piece of advice, if a man like Manchenso offers you a job in his company, you take it. There won’t be any better offer than from him.”

  “I’ll be the one to determine that,” she said.

  Armando looked at her as if she were crazy. “I don’t think you’d find a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar starting salary anywhere. Never mind shares in the company stocks.”

  “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Is he out of his mind?” she asked, and Armando raised one eyebrow at her tone while Henrique chuckled. Armando gave him a look and Henrique excused himself from the room.

  She felt about to pass out. There was no way this job was legit. No freaking way.

  She placed her hands on her hips.

  “So you wouldn’t take a job at that salary?”

  “What does a woman have to do around here to gain such an obscene amount of money?”

  He looked her over and smiled.

  “It isn’t like that at all. Manchenso’s company is doing very well. He picks and chooses his employees very carefully. He likes you, and Gustavo spoke very highly of you.”

  She uncrossed her arms and took a deep breath and then released it.

  “Speaking of Gustavo, what exactly is your relationship with him?”

  “We’re friends.”

  “He thinks there is more there.”


  Armando moved closer and placed his hand against her cheek. The man was sexy, that was for sure.

  “You are a lovely young woman. You have options. Be sure to choose wisely, and that means in both the men you give your heart to and the job you decide to take.”

  She was shocked by his words. She totally read into them, as well as the seriousness of his tone. But he quickly released her cheek and stepped back. “Shall we begin the tour? I would hate for us to be late to lunch. There is a lot to see.”

  She nodded her head, and then followed him out of the office and back to the large open hall. Henrique was there waiting for them. She had a funny feeling in her belly the ent
ire walk down the hall to another set of doors. In that time, she thought about L.T., Quentin, Deacon, and Axel. Choose my men wisely as well as the position I accept? That wouldn’t be so difficult anymore. The decision has been made for me. Those guys don’t care. They just want to be in control. I’m officially available. The masquerade will be the best time to throw inhibition to the wind and release my inner goddess. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Almost as much as a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar yearly salary. Oh God, there has to be a catch. This couldn’t be that perfect.

  She glanced at Armando and he gave her a wink. Well, she sure could get used to being around Armando.

  “This is our main headquarters. It’s small, but Manchenso has found that fewer employees who are more than competent and hungry for success can be far better than double the employees and handling mistakes that could be made.”

  “Understandable. So how many employees are there in total for the company?”

  “As of this morning, forty-nine. Although I’m personally hoping you’ll be number fifty,” he said as he placed his hand on her lower back, and then winked at her. Armando definitely had a way about him. He flirted with confidence but also arrogance. Her feminine instincts devoured each of his lines, and she was truly imagining what it would be like to work here at Armor Con.

  “So, can you explain what it is exactly you do here? I mean, I understand that you create and manufacture weapons for the government, but to what extent is your involvement? Do you solely work with government agencies or are you a free enterprise?” she asked, hoping that if she decided to take this job, it might give her better insight into the entire arms dealing operations. Not that she thought Armor Con wasn’t legit. By all the information she could gather through her sources, it was very legit, and Manchenso was considered a patriot of the United States of America.

  However, there was an indication of some connection between Eduardo DeLacruz and a scientist who had worked with Armor Con years ago. Guilty by association? She didn’t think so, but that wasn’t her job. The government had people who investigated these things. She just wanted to find a way to identify DeLacruz and kill his fortune.

  “Well, we are a free enterprise because we are privately owned and operated. Although affiliated with the U.S. government, we do supply arms to other countries and organizations we deem fit.”

  She wasn’t quite expecting that answer. She stopped him as they exited the main area of workers and then stood in front of a glass room filled with scientists. This is where the bulk of their employees seemed to be.

  “What types of other countries and organizations do you mean?”

  He gave her a soft smile. “Manchenso is an entrepreneur. He creates and continues to produce new weaponry on a regular basis. With the changes in technologies, and the access to materials, chemicals, and scientific data unimaginable years ago, the sky is the limit. Our hope is to have Armor Con’s name on every bit of major weapon used and operated in all the major countries.”

  “That means that you’re willing to arm the enemy, does it not?” she asked.

  He stepped forward, reached up, and gently pressed a strand of hair away from her cheek.

  “You are young, beautiful, newly establishing yourself in a career of sorts. Believe me, someone with more experience and knowledge of the business world, knows that what we do is not illegal, or in any way a means of destroying the very country to which allowed us the opportunity to advance. Manchenso has great plans. He is looking for someone to help reestablish monies, income to be used accordingly with those plans while also gaining interest on that money. We are talking about billions of dollars, Mariah. Won’t you be part of making history along with us?” he asked, then moved his hand along her waist.

  She tilted her head up toward him. She felt somewhat aroused by his maturity, his sexy tone and sophistication. He was the total package for a woman bent on succeeding in a man’s business world. He was the right age, the right type, and was filled with charisma and charm.

  She relaxed a moment and absorbed all he shared and, of course, the look of want in his eyes.

  “I want you to work here with us. I want to teach you so many things. Since the moment I laid eyes on you, Mariah, I knew that our destinies were one.” She swallowed hard.

  “Is there a part of this job description where I’m supposed to be accessible to you in some other way than business related?” she asked, hoping to not insult him and come straight out and accuse him of work related sexual harassment. Truth was, the man was so damn fine he could continue being a flirt and she would eat it up. He was that interesting to her.

  A little voice in the back of her head begged her to heed caution. She was young and perhaps impressionable as L.T. and the others accused her of being so many times before.

  Fuck! Why did I have to think of L.T.? Why? Damn them.

  He licked his lower lip as he held her gaze with quite a superior and dark expression.

  “Mariah, I am a man of action, but also a gentleman. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want you to be as accessible as possible to me.”

  Oh, God, he is so sexy.

  “But I do not want you to misunderstand me. Manchenso requires competence, as well as control. Whether you take this job or not, I’m still very interested in getting to know you. All of you.”

  She was immediately caught in awe by his words and his actions. His hand remained on her hip and she felt his thumb caress against her hipbone. It didn’t feel like it felt when Axel touched her, or when Quentin and Deacon did. But she did find Armando attractive in so many ways.

  Uncertain of how to respond to his declaration, for lack of a better word, she turned away from him and toward the window overlooking the lab down below.

  He stepped up against her from behind. The palm of his hand moved up her lower back and straight to under her hair, against the nape of her neck. She felt him place his other hand over the railing in front of them, his arm snug against her hip. He was keeping her in place. She felt controlled, dominated, and damn it, sort of aroused, by his show of control. It was what she’d always wanted in a man. Well in men, but if they weren’t interested in the same thing, then her decision to move on and elsewhere stood directly behind her. If she wasn’t mistaken, that was his hard, thick cock against her ass, too.

  “Did I frazzle you, Mariah?”

  She closed her eyes as his warm breath collided against her skin.

  “No. Why would I be frazzled?” she asked. Her shaky voice would surely give away the lie she told. A man like Armando would easily identify her inexperience with men.

  He gripped the hair under the back of her head and neck a little snugger. She gasped because at the same time his arm wrapped around her waist, hoisting her back against his body. The man was hard and muscular beneath his designer clothing.

  His lips pressed against her skin on her neck and left ear.

  “Don’t lie to me. I can feel you shaking. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Your lack of experience with a man like me is part of your charm.” He licked her skin, and she had to bite her lip to stop from moaning.

  “You smell incredible, Mariah. I’m sure your cream is just as sweet as you are.”

  Oh! I can’t believe he just said that. I can’t believe I’m not running for the nearest exit. Running to what? I have no one. I’m a twenty-two-year-old virgin in the arms of a wealthy, young millionaire who just happens to work for a company I am looking for a job in to gain some experience. Looks like I’m going to gain a lot of personal experience, too. But I need to be strong here. Dominance I like, but control to the point of seeming weak cannot be accepted.

  She took a deep breath.

  “I think you should release me, Armando,” she said, as he massaged the back of her neck and gave her midsection a squeeze with his forearm wrapped around it, before he gently lessened his hold.

  “I don’t want to. You fit as perfectly as I had expected.”

  She turned in h
is arms.

  “As you expected?” He raised an eyebrow at her strong tone. She swallowed hard, feeling his dominance once again. After all, he was technically in charge of her too if she were to take this job. Maybe she shouldn’t?

  “As I expected,” he whispered as he held her gaze. She was transfixed by the color of his eyes and the determination she saw there. In a flash he pinned her wrists behind her back and then cupped her cheek with his right hand.

  His lips were over hers and she allowed him to kiss her. She was caught up in the moment, in the atmosphere Armando had created. In her mind she battled for some sort of understanding and acceptance of this man and his desire to have her. His hold was firm, and a total turn-on. His dominance as he stroked his tongue between her teeth and explored her mouth thoroughly, while he wedged his body against hers was enlightening.

  Her nipples hardened and she kissed him back. She wanted to let go. She wanted to see if she could put L.T., Quentin, Axel, and Deacon behind her, just for this kiss. It was a small step in what was to come this week at the masquerade. She could do this. She could give her virginity to a man in a mask, or to men in masks she didn’t know and would never see again.

  Armando slowly released her lips as well as her wrists.

  “Delicious.” He pressed a finger gently against her lips as he smiled down at her.

  “Let’s finish up the tour. I can’t wait to have dinner with you this evening, and to learn all about what makes you the woman you are. Come with me, Mariah. Oh, and don’t overthink this. Just go with it.” He kissed her cheek, then took her hand and led her from the secluded area and back toward the offices.

  Chapter 8

  “You’re an asshole. You were supposed to take the fucking meat out for dinner tonight,” Quentin yelled at Axel from the kitchen. Axel was laying on the couch with his leg over the arm of the chair as he flipped through the games on television.

  Deacon was sitting in the single sofa with his laptop open. L.T. was on the phone in the other room with Sandman.

  “I forgot. Who gives a shit? We’ll order something out or head into town,” Axel replied.


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