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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You won’t be charged. If you agree to assist us, then you’re considered an informant,” Clinton stated.

  “Wonderful. Just put a bull’s eye on my forehead.”

  “Your part in this is minimal, really. Just the eyes and ears. We’ll need you to remain by Secca’s side and Manchenso’s side, especially when they have the meeting next week. There are individuals coming there that we might not be aware of as being part of this,” Morris told her.

  “Can I get that in writing? The part about not being charged?” she asked with an attitude.

  “Believe me. Charging you when you’re our only hope of getting some legitimate lead isn’t going to happen,” the agent replied to her statement.

  She couldn’t believe that this was happening. How the hell did she wind up in the middle of this investigation? She’d met Armando and Manchenso through Gustavo. Could they be involved with this, too, or was he just trying to impress her to get her to bed as well? She felt so confused. But she also thought of Michael. These people had been responsible for his murder and the murder of other undercover agents trying to stop terrorists. If she could help, in a minimal way, of course, then so be it.

  Randy reached out and covered her hand with his own.

  “Mariah, you have to be part of that meeting next week. Important people are supposed to be there.”

  “You mentioned that already,” she said, staring at Randy. He seemed so unreadable. Was it because he was currently working? He seemed so on edge, and like he was holding back.

  “I didn’t mention whom. Eduardo DeLacruz. The man responsible for killing Michael and the others. He is going to be attending that meeting. You can identify him for us.”

  Her eyes widened and inside she felt all her emotions boil up into one great pit of anger.

  She looked at the agents.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  Chapter 9

  “Sandman, are you fucking serious?” L.T. asked as he and his team arrived at the private party. The masquerade had doubled in size over the last year, and they had just made it to secure a room at one of the hotels nearby. If all went as planned, they would be here to identify Eduardo DeLacruz, and the men responsible for Michael’s murder. Although not officially part of the investigation, their commander had pulled some strings for them to be part of the security detail. He needed his team to remain focused instead of pondering over Mariah, and what they all thought they wanted. He had to admit, he missed her since she’d left a few days ago. She hadn’t called to say where she was going or whom she was with, but Jeb knew. So she was safe.

  He listened to what L.T. was saying. When the call was complete, he gathered his team in one of the private hallways.

  “What’s going on?” Axel asked. The four of them were dressed identically. All black tuxedoes, black shirts, black ties, black masks that covered most of their faces so no one would recognize them. Everyone had to wear a mask before even entering the long roadway that led up to the estate.

  Deacon and Quentin joined them.

  “We have a major fucking situation on our hands. It seems that Mariah interviewed for a financial position at Armor Con. That’s the company Jax and Jameson mentioned was up and coming, and that Sandman said the Feds were investigating.”

  “What? Why would she go there?” Axel asked.

  “It must have been one of the interviews her friends from Italy set up for her,” Deacon whispered.

  “We need to find out more about them, but there’s more. Sandman went out on a limb and investigated Mariah.”

  “Mariah? Why? What for?” Quentin asked.

  “Well, after finding out that she stayed at a villa owned by one of the employees of Armor Con in Italy, he pressed for more answers. Mariah moved up very quickly as a financial analyst. Some of her friends are very wealthy, and their names are on watch lists,” L.T. explained.

  “Sandman doesn’t think that Mariah is getting involved with these people and ultimately with Armor Con and the illegal operations, does he?” Deacon asked.

  “He’s looking into it. But between him, Jax, and Jameson, they think that Mariah is up to something.”

  “Up to what? She’s a civilian,” Axel asked.

  “Maybe she’s seeking revenge?” Deacon asked, and they all looked at him.

  “I’ll place that woman over my knees and give her a spanking she’ll never forget. Is she out of her fucking mind?” Quentin asked, raising his voice.

  “We should go find her. We need to set her straight,” Axel exclaimed.

  “We have a job to do here, first. L.T. will contact us as soon as he has a location on Mariah. When he does, we’ll get to her pronto. We can’t let her accept the job in Armor Con. We’ll talk to her tomorrow. Tonight, keep your eyes peeled, and don’t be distracted by the beautiful women in the sexy gowns,” L.T. said.

  “There’s only one woman on my mind right now. Let’s get through this. As soon as the ones we need to watch are identified, get through on the radio,” Quentin stated as they adjusted their earpieces and the watches on their wrists disguising their communication devices before they all exited the hallway one at a time.

  * * * *

  “Oh, God, Sienna. I can’t believe that I am doing this. This dress is gorgeous, I feel like a princess.”

  Sienna smiled. “You look incredible in that dress. I knew it the moment the costume designer recommended it for you. She did mine as well, and I adore it. So do Marco, Giano, and Salvatore.” Sienna winked and Mariah smiled, feeling her own cheeks warm.

  Maria thought that Sienna’s dark midnight-blue gown was glamorous. It had a very tight-fitting bodice that accentuated her large breasts and hugged her belly and hips before flaring out with large layers of blue taffeta. Her jewelry was stunning and very real. Sienna’s lovers escorted them up the stairs and into the enormous estate.

  From outside the people working the event were dressed as old-time carriage drivers and butlers. They wore long-tailed jackets, frilly white blouses under them, and white wigs like many people wore out to attend events. It was very 1900s Victorian. She thought it may be a theme as she noticed numerous other people in the same type of clothing from a similar era. However, as the doors opened and they walked into the main entrance of the mansion, she was in awe.

  There was so much to take in. A huge marble entryway that could fit a small house stood before them, multilayer short rounded steps leading up to intricate winding railings and a grand upper level. There were people everywhere. Music was playing, waiters all dressed up in various styles from different eras. The masks were magnificent and everyone had one on, including the servers.

  “Welcome to the masquerade. Be sure to wear your masks at all times, and let yourself go. This is an evening of fantasy,” one man stated, and then bowed as he waved his hand forward for them to enter.

  It was like something from an amazing Broadway show or maybe even an opera. She had never attended an opera, but she had read about them and seen images of costumes and designs online. These decorations were unreal.

  “He has truly outdone himself this time. I don’t know how he does it,” Sienna stated with a smile as Marco took her hand and led her forward through the room.

  “How big is this place?” Mariah asked, as Salvatore placed his hand gently over her back to direct her toward the other areas.

  “It is very big. Worth over a hundred million. He has numerous rooms, and there is something here for everyone’s pleasure, Mariah. Do you know what it is that you are looking for to fulfill your fantasy tonight?” he asked, and she felt her body tighten. She hadn’t a clue, and had nearly decided to forget about tonight and just see where things led with Armando, but then she’d changed her mind. Sienna was persuasive.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Salvatore caressed her arm and stared down into her eyes as he spoke to her. She could hardly tell that it was him, his mask so snug and intricate against h
is face.

  “That’s the beauty of tonight, the weekend, the entire week if you want it to be. Use this as a time to explore what you want, Mariah. Perhaps fate will step in, and the one you seek will show you the way to ultimate pleasure.” He pulled her hand gently up to his lips and kissed the top of it. Sienna smiled.

  “Go on, Mariah. You don’t want to stick too close to us. Men might think that you belong to my men.” Sienna winked and Mariah felt her body tingle. She so wanted to be taken by four men. Well, not just any four, but that was why she was here. It’s time to move on.

  She straightened out her shoulders, and gave herself a mental pep talk.

  I am beautiful. I have so much to offer. I can’t hold back any longer. Tonight, I give all of me, and expect nothing in return but freedom. Freedom for my heart to open for another one day. For someone that cares.

  Mask in place, giving her the confidence of a sexual goddess on the hunt for her male prey, Mariah seductively made her way to the ballroom.

  * * * *

  “My God. Do you guys see her?” Deacon asked, speaking into his mic, trying not to make it look obvious. He’d sensed her from across the room. A stunning beauty in red. Like the color of a fine Cabernet, the dress accentuated her platinum blonde hair. Of course he would notice her. And by the numerous responses in his ear, so had the others.

  Her dress hugged her body like a glove. Strapless, accentuating her breasts, it had scattered silver beading along the trim, as well as matching appliques scattered perfectly on the dress. Her mask was done up in silver and wine, and covered most of her face. But he could still make out her features. She was stunning under that mask. Absolutely stunning.

  He felt a twinge of guilt. He had never reacted to any woman like he had to Mariah, yet here he was, mesmerized but some other woman.

  He watched in admiration as she turned, a man approaching her immediately. How could she be there alone? Who was she? What was she into that she’d come to a party like this offering every delicacy a man or woman wanted in the bedroom. He felt his chest tighten, and something so carnal and animalistic came over him.

  “She is special,” he whispered into the mic and the others agreed. He stood there watching her, as his team made comments, and L.T. told them to focus. But one look across the room, near the large, thick Roman-style column, and Deacon could see L.T. He was in a dead stare at the woman in red. He wasn’t resistant to her obvious beauty.

  * * * *

  “This dress is stunning. I know that we are not supposed to exchange names, however, I must know what lovely creature hides behind this mask,” the man in the black and white tuxedo asked. She was trying to be polite, however, there were three other men she had seen so far, dressed all in black who pulled her interest. The night was young, and neither man had approached, just this one.

  “Ahh, now that would be breaking the rules. I wouldn’t want to get thrown out of here.”

  “I’d leave with you. We can be alone, and get down to why we’re both really here.”

  She was completely shocked by his words. “I don’t even know you,” she said. The first words that came to her mind left her lips. Now he’d know that she’s a newbie.

  His arm snagged around her waist tighter, and he pressed his mouth to her ear.

  “A virgin to the fantasy world. Welcome, sweet woman, and allow me to introduce you to some people who can make this night the most memorable ever.” He pulled her along with him, and she tried to plant her feet into the ground. He was strong and persistent, and he headed right toward a private gathering of men. All men.

  They all looked up at her, and then at the man who’d brought her here.

  “Meet the lady in red. She loves to dance, and is very interested in learning about all there is to offer this evening. Knowing how each of you enjoy a newbie, I thought you may assist me in showing her the way to her fantasies.”

  “Uhm, that’s quite okay. I think they’re busy, and I have friends I need to catch up with.” She felt panicked as they all looked her body over like a bunch of savages. Suddenly an arm snaked around her center, and a strong familiar voice echoed above her head. Way above her head.

  “There you are. Playing the game already? Come with me. There is a spanking in order for flirting with these men. You belong to me,” the man all in black stated. Her heart raced, his words, his tone aroused her senses and activated her pussy. She was a moron for being here.

  “Wait, she is with you?” the guy who’d started dancing with her asked. She wasn’t sure whom this man in black was, but he sure did save her from God knows what. She’d use him and then ditch him.

  “She is. Isn’t that right?” he asked her.

  She bowed her head, and then pressed her hands down the sides of her ribs to her waist, as she gave him a coy expression. “Yes, sir, I am yours.”

  His eyes locked on to hers, and something strangely familiar hit her. But behind the mask, the eyes were black as if to enhance the effects of the disguise. She couldn’t tell.

  “Come with me. Now,” he stated firmly, then took her hand and led her from the men.

  As soon as they were on the dance floor again, he pressed his body up against hers, wrapped an arm around her waist, and held her close.

  “Little girls with misguided fantasies should not be so eager to attend such an event like this one,” he stated in some fancy, fake accent. She was immediately insulted by his tone and she tried to pull away. He wouldn’t allow it.

  “Don’t be so quick to leave me. Those men are staring at us, and believe you to be a willing partner in a gang banging orgy of sorts.”

  “What? No way,” she exclaimed, and when she did, he suddenly stopped dancing. He froze where he was. He stared down at her, then at her breasts pushed together and tight in the bodice. He appeared angry but then he gave a small smile.

  “The night is young, and you are quite beautiful. I am certain you could dance the night away if you wanted to.”

  “That’s not exactly why I am here.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “To meet someone. Same as you.”

  “Ahh, who said that I am here to meet someone?”

  “Isn’t that why people come here? To meet other people?”

  “You can meet people in a mall, at work, or on the streets. This is different. Did the person who brought you not explain things to you?”

  “Explain things? Do you mean about the sex?” she asked, trying to push off sounding flippant. She didn’t need this character to know she was a virgin. God knows what these men would do to her if they found out.

  “Excuse me, may I cut in?” another man asked. He was dressed in black and white and wore a white mask that covered most of his face. The man in black wasn’t too happy. He appeared as if he would say no, but then he released her to him and bowed his head.

  “I will see you shortly,” he promised and she bowed her head.

  * * * *

  “Did you just say that the man is Armando?” L.T. asked as he exited the dance floor. He had been watching the woman in red. There was something so familiar about her, and then he saw the guy bring her to that group of very rough, untamed men. He knew what they were into. This wasn’t the place for a newbie. Someone had brought her here and they didn’t share the rules. Perhaps it would be best to keep a closer eye on her and get her out of here when they left.

  “She is beautiful. What did she sound like?” Axel asked after Deacon identified Armando, Manchenso, and another man. There was a group of ten men standing around together and dressed nearly identically. Eduardo was among them. He had to be.

  “It’s her first time. She needs protection,” L.T. stated.

  “I’m in. I’ll dance with her next,” Quentin said as the music changed to something faster. The woman in red began dancing along with Armando and a few other men.

  When she raised her hands above her head and swayed her hips, Quentin whispered into the mic, “Mariah?”

  * *
* *

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” L.T. raised his voice, as he met Quentin, Axel, and Deacon by the side of the room. Mariah was still in their sights and she was dancing with Armando Secca, and it didn’t seem like she knew whom he was. The agents had identified more than half the men they were looking for in connection to the case. They still believed that Eduardo was here at the party, but now the concern was over Mariah.

  “Why is she here? Do you think that Secca and Manchenso invited her?” Quentin asked, with his teeth clenched.

  “I don’t think so. God, I mean, I hope not, but don’t you think she would know it was Secca she’s dancing with?” Axel asked as he looked toward the dance floor. Now two other men joined them. It was Manchenso and another man. L.T. spoke into his mic. “Any info on the third guy?”

  “Working on it,” was the response they all heard in their ear mics.

  “We need to find out why she’s here,” Quentin stated.

  “She’s here for the same reasons why others are. She wants to fulfill her fantasy,” Deacon whispered as he stared straight at her.

  “No way. Not Mariah. She’s so sweet and traditional. It’s why we decided not to pursue her,” L.T. added as he looked at her as well. He could tell that he and his team weren’t the only ones admiring her.

  “She’s pursuing a fantasy tonight. She’s in a mask, wearing that dress, and playing a role,” Deacon added.

  “You’re not making this any better. There must be more to it,” L.T. said.

  “I don’t care. She wants a fantasy then we’ll be her fantasy. If we weren’t working we would have attended this event in search of a replacement for Mariah, someone to take her off our minds. We were all drawn to her. Whether it was that platinum blonde hair or sexy body, we all reacted to her presence. This is an opportunity, and I’m not going to let her be taken away by some man she doesn’t even know to act out her ultimate fantasy with her. I want that job,” Quentin stated.


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