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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

Page 2

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Hey, young lady.”

  Claudia turned to Christopher Lee Rose, Jaden’s father. Christopher was a replica of all his sons combined. Despite his fifty-five years, at first glance, one would think Christopher was also a Rose brother. His height at 6’6 made him a giant over Claudia, and his weight was easily 275 pounds. Broad shoulders and a toned build weren’t dismissed in his suit and jacket. But most of all, Claudia loved his slick hair that sat in a short crop to his head. Christopher held his hand out. “May I have this dance?”

  The smile extended on her lips, and she put the bowl and champagne flute down on the table. “I would love that,” she said.

  Christopher led her to the dance floor, and they moved to the beat of the jazz band playing.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Christopher inquired.

  Claudia gave a short nod. “I am.”

  “Good, I enjoyed your toast.”

  Claudia giggled. “Thanks, I was serious, but everyone seems to think my words held a bit of humor.”

  They moved in circles around each other. “I believe you know it did.”

  Claudia shrugged. “Maybe.”

  They both laughed. “I couldn’t help but notice you caught the bouquet after the ceremony.”

  Claudia waved him off. “Never mind that, don’t look too deep into it.”

  “Then that would take all the fun out of things, wouldn’t it?”

  Claudia couldn’t deny Christopher had a sense of swagger. A bit of old school swagger, but swagger nonetheless. Now she saw where Jaden got it from.

  “That’s all it is, fun and games. If I started believing old wives’ tales, I just might lose my marbles,” Claudia said.

  Humor sat across his lips, “Ah, but there is something to be said about old wives’ tales.”

  “Well, you do know more than me,” Claudia admitted.

  Christopher’s broad smile lit up the room. “So you should listen to me, right?”

  Claudia dipped her head in agreement.

  “Are you dating someone currently, Claudia?”

  Where she shouldn’t have been surprised by his question, it had still taken her back.

  “Um, well,” she stumbled, “No, not really.”

  “Not really?” Christopher’s smile turned into a questionable frown.

  “Well I mean, no. I have a few prospects but nothing promising.”

  “I see.” Christopher twirled her out from him than back in. “If none of those prospects are a part of this family, then you should just forget ‘em.”

  Claudia openly gawked. “And why is that Mr. Rose?” Humor laced her voice.

  “There are plenty of single men raised well here. No need to waste time with anyone else.”

  “Would that please you, Mr. Rose?”

  Christopher’s smile returned. “It would indeed. More grandbabies.” He wiggled his brows and Claudia fell into a heap of laughter.

  When her chuckles resided, she said, “Well, we can pretend for now can’t we?”

  “There may not be a need to pretend when you’ve already caught my son’s eye.”

  Claudia’s brows shot up. “Wha-what’re you talking about?”

  Christopher twirled Claudia again stopping her mid twirl. From across the room, dark eyes met hers and that intense heat wave that always overcame her soaked Claudia. She was certain she shivered under his heavy observation.

  “Jesus,” she whispered.

  Octavia Davenport glided up to Jaden pulling his attention away. It was the escape Claudia needed. She turned quickly but was stuck with Christopher’s knowing look.

  “See, now someone else has his eye,” Claudia stated.

  “It’s okay,” Christopher said, “You can fight it for now, but if I know my son, and I think I do, it won’t be long.”

  What was with the men in this family? Claudia thought. What was this thing she was supposedly fighting? But, Claudia knew, even though she’d never admit it.

  Watching her from what felt like light years away, Jaden was a statue. Why he was so taken by Claudia Steven’s was yet to be determined, but it was his undertaking to find out. Since the moment they’d met at the March of Dimes gala, Jaden knew there was something there. But even then, he hadn’t understood it.

  The powerful attraction to her was much more than it had been with any other woman in his life. It was magnetic, unrestrained and destabilizing. The more times he saw her, the more intense those feelings became. There had been many nights of conversations about her mother’s care and the toll it had taken on Claudia to be deserted by her sister. Claudia never spoke about the rift between them, but he wanted her to release that when she was ready.

  Their conversations delved into her partnership with Samiyah Manhattan at S & M Financial Advisory, and how they’d started their small business. Jaden let her speak about anything she was willing to discuss, revealing little about himself.

  When Jaden asked her about her relationship with men, Claudia responded, “What would you like to know?”

  “Why are you single, Claudia?”

  She’d sighed. “I always found it interesting when men ask me that. How should I know? No one wants me I guess.” She’d chuckled it off, but Jaden hadn’t found the comment, whimsical. When his silence continued, Claudia spoke again. “Maybe I’m damaged goods, and at this time in my life, I don’t want someone unstable or only searching for a good time.”

  Jaden had laid on his back that night with an arm behind his head and the phone to his ear listening to her words. He’d decided to keep his distance after that, not wanting to rush anything with her. Mostly because he wasn’t sure which category he fell in. When it came to his business life, he was everything but unstable. But when it came to his personal life, Jaden was in no hurry to settle down. So in retrospect, Claudia was speaking directly to him, and Jaden knew she deserved better.

  That was four months ago, and now he couldn’t seem to stop the protuberant thoughts of her. His father twirled her as they moved on the dance floor. Jaden wondered about their conversation, but kept his eyes on Claudia’s movements. Her bodacious hips rotated with smooth conversion and the smile on her face widened at something his father said. The body hugging dress pushed her breasts forward just enough to tease but not spill over. Her brown legs stretched to the floor into a pair of ‘fuck me now’ heels. Jaden was becoming a furnace as he watched her move.

  Just when Jaden thought he could get away with undressing her with his eyes, his father twirled her again, and their eyes met. The moment was endless with a seductive gaze falling over Claudia’s face. Jaden reached to loosen his tie when he realized he wasn’t wearing one. Shit, she was flustering him. Their connection seemed to go on forever until Octavia Davenport called his name.

  “Jaden, right?”

  Jaden almost ignored her; unwilling to take his vision from Claudia. “Yes, and you’re Octavia, right?” Finally, he turned his attention to Octavia.

  “Yes, Claudia and Samiyah’s employee.”

  Jaden slightly frowned. “I don’t remember Claudia or Samiyah introducing you that way.”

  Octavia gave a soft smile. “It’s because they think of me more as a co-worker than an employee. But it’s one in the same I guess.”

  Jaden heard her, but his attention remained with Claudia. When he cast a glance back to Claudia, she was back in full swing with his father. The music changed, and Octavia lingered without as much as another word.

  Being a gentleman, Jaden asked, “Would you like to dance, Mrs. Davenport?”

  “Its Ms. Davenport, and you don’t have to be so formal with me, Jaden. Call me Octavia.”

  He offered her a half smile. “Okay, Octavia, would you like to dance?”

  “Sure, I thought you’d never ask.”

  Jaden was accustomed to women approaching him, but it never seemed to turn him on the way one would think. Jaden was a chaser, wanting to hunt his prey like the animal he was. But this proved to be difficult with his cel
ebrity status in Chicago, and for that reason, he rarely enjoyed the attention.

  Offering her his hand, Jaden and Octavia cruised to the dance floor. The upbeat tempo had everyone moving in a quick step. Jaden and Octavia were no different. As they moved, Jaden’s thoughts ventured back to Claudia. She’d seemed hesitant about being around him tonight which was different from the previous moments they’d shared in one another’s company.

  Jaden needed to know what it was about. Claudia said the wedding was doing strange things to her, but why would that involve the way she reacted to him? He’d never gotten a chance to ask because she fled so quickly. Jaden wanted to believe it was because Claudia felt the same strong desire and it ruffled her feathers, but he couldn’t be sure. Another part of him wondered if she was uninterested. That would be a first, but it wouldn’t surprise him that the woman he finally set his sights on exploring more than just a physical relationship with, didn’t want the same in return. Oh, the irony.

  The weight of his thoughts battered him down, and although it was Octavia that Jaden twirled and two stepped around, it was Claudia that he wanted. Desperately. When the music changed, and a slow tempo sailed from the band, Octavia smiled sheepishly. Jonathon, Jaden’s brother, approached them.

  “Hey bro,” Jonathon’s eyes were fixated on Octavia, but he spoke to Jaden. “Do you mind if I cut in?”

  Jaden smirked. “Do yah thing brother.” Jaden punched him softly in the arm stepping to the side and Jonathon took his place, giving Jaden the opportunity to seek out the one he wanted. It was a welcomed pardon since Jaden didn’t want to be rude to Octavia. But for this slow dance, Jaden wanted Claudia in his arms. He needed to feel the silkiness of her skin again. When he neared, Christopher twirled Claudia out releasing her at once and bringing her face to face with Jaden.

  Her mouth opened in surprise and her palms rested against his broad chest catching her balance. His arms circled her immediately. “You’re good,” Jaden’s thick vocals beat. “I’ve got you.”

  A faint smile crossed her lips. “It would seem so. I didn’t see you, where’d you come from?”

  “I’ve been with you this whole time. You didn’t feel me?”

  Claudia’s belly flopped, and a flush of heat warmed her. She chuckled, “You sure do have a way with words, Mr. Rose.”

  His grin was mischievous. “I want you to call me Mr. Rose when I have you…” Jaden paused he wanted to tell her everything he wanted to do to her, but Jaden wasn’t sure if that was the right move. Especially after her hesitation on the beach.

  Claudia swallowed the lump in her throat. “You were saying,” she asked seeking courage.

  Jaden’s grin spread into a suave smile. “I’ll tell you later.”



  “What makes you think there will be a later?”

  “I’m hopeful.”

  Claudia’s heart rate increased. She was hyperaware of his muscled chest pressed against her now hard nipples. His solid thighs laced between hers as if they were about to dance a dutty wine. More than anything, Claudia was attuned to his unyielding erection that seemed to extend past the standard length. Her body was screaming at this point, and Claudia was all set to immerse herself in the pleasure that he would most certainly provide.

  Chapter Three

  “You know your room comes with the wedding package.”

  Claudia turned around, and a smile spread across her face.

  “Nah, we’re going to do it right here on the dance floor,” Claudia joked.

  Samiyah threw her head back and laughed. But Jaden seemed to grow even harder. His eyes never left Claudia as she spoke to her best friend.

  “Besides, I didn’t think you’d notice, Mrs. Rose.”

  “Mmmm, sounds good, too,” Samiyah cajoled. “Baby, do you mind giving Claudia and me a moment?”

  “I do,” Jonas said, “I mind it very much.”

  The ladies guffawed.

  “I think Jaden minds it, too,” Jonas looked at Jaden. “Am I right, brother?”

  “Yes,” Jaden ground out, “more than you’ve ever been in your life.”

  The ladies laughed again.

  “We’ll you’ll have me forever, babe,” Samiyah said. “And Jaden, well… we’ll see.”

  Claudia pursed her lips. “You are too much!” Claudia waved at Samiyah and put her sight back on Jaden. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I’ve already answered that question woman.”

  “Awe, I’ll be back.” Her hand caressed his face, and a visible shudder fled through him. Claudia wiggled from his grasp. It was all she could do to keep from crushing her lips to his soft sexy mouth and saying to hell with all reason.

  Claudia slid her arm through Samiyah’s, removing her from Jonas’s grasp.

  “Men,” Claudia said. “So controlling” she joked.

  “Don’t act like you don’t love it,” Jonas retorted.

  “Maybe just a little,” Claudia said setting her sights back on Jaden.

  The ladies sashayed away with the men staring after them. Jonas spoke to Jaden, “Are you serious, bruh?”

  Jaden didn’t take his eyes off of Claudia. “Serious about what?”

  Jonas snapped a finger in his face effectively bringing Jaden’s gaze away from Claudia’s backside. “Are you serious about her?”

  “I still don’t know what you mean.”

  “I think you do.”

  Jaden waited a beat. “I don’t know what I am. Still trying to figure that out.”

  “You should probably do that before you go after her.”

  “What are you, Claudia’s big brother?”

  Jonas tapped him on his chest with the back of his hand. “I am now.”

  Jaden smirked. “I envy you.”

  “Don’t, your time is coming.”

  Jaden wasn’t so sure. He turned back to look for the girls but didn’t find them.

  “Look at you, I’ve never seen you go after someone like you’ve done tonight.”

  Jaden’s brows creased and he slid his hands into his pockets. “I don’t usually have to, and Claudia isn’t making it easy.”

  “Is that why you’re going after her, for the chase?”

  Jaden pondered on his brother’s words still unsure.

  “You should pump your brakes. When you know without a shadow of a doubt what you want, then you go hard.”

  Jaden rubbed his chin. “Spoken from experience?”

  “You know it.”

  “If this is the end result, then maybe I should just go hard.”

  “But is this what you want?”

  Jaden didn’t know if he wanted marriage. But he knew he wanted Claudia.

  Away from eyes and ears, Samiyah and Claudia exited the tent relieving themselves of the expensive shoes on their feet.

  “Are you having fun?” Claudia asked her.

  Samiyah beamed. “Girl, I’m having the time of my life.”

  “Oooh you lucky, lucky girl!” They laughed.

  “Seems like you may get a little lucky yourself.”

  “Hmmm,” Claudia said.

  Samiyah stopped walking and turned to her friend. “What’s that about? You’re usually excited to be around Jaden.”

  Claudia diverted her attention to the shore. “I still am.”

  Samiyah wasn’t convinced. “Spill it.”

  Claudia exhaled deeply, “I don’t know, I guess, I don’t really know Jaden. As much as we’ve spoken in the past, he hasn’t divulged much about himself. Besides that, I don’t know if whatever this is we’re doing has any legs. And,” she added, “If it does have legs, I’m not sure if we should be together.”

  “First, don’t take it too hard that he isn’t letting you right in. Jonas did that to me in the beginning, and I called him out on it.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yes, because I needed to know, but at that time we were both in agreement that trying a relationship was what we wan
ted to do. So my advice to you is, have a conversation with Jaden and see where this thing is going. Then call him out on his silence. Tell him to let you in.”

  “I don’t know,” Claudia waned.

  “Why don’t you know?”

  “I’m not his type.”

  Samiyah’s hands rested on her ample hips. “Excuse me.”

  Claudia smirked and rolled her eyes. “Let’s not get into this okay, it’s your wedding night. We should be talking about where you and that sexy man are going for the honeymoon. I know he wanted to keep it a surprise, but I also know he gives you what you want, so tell me so we can squeal together.”

  Samiyah regained her smile. “You don’t get off the hook that easy. I’ll tell you when you tell me what that last comment was all about.”

  Claudia sighed, “Oh come on, Samiyah!” Claudia twirled in the sand making herself dizzy before coming to a stop.

  “What is this nonsense you’re talking about?” Samiyah said.

  “You know I’m not his type. You’ve seen the women he’s been with.”

  “Tall, thin, supermodel features, is that what you mean?”

  “Exactly!” Claudia said it like she’d won something. “You catch my drift then.”

  Samiyah nodded. “I do, but I can also tell you, those women are never the ones that seal the deal, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh hush, you could be a supermodel if you applied yourself.”

  Samiyah’s eyes balked. “Says who?”

  “Says that fine ass man who didn’t want to let you off the dance floor girl and can you blame him, you’re killing it in this dress!”

  Claudia held her hands up motioning them down into a coke bottle shape for added effect.

  Samiyah laughed. “My guy’s pretty awesome.”

  “Yes, he is,” Claudia agreed. “And one day, so will mine.”

  The happiness in Claudia’s voice dipped, and Samiyah noticed.

  “Listen, girl, don’t you dare hold yourself back because you think you’re not his type. That is not the person you are. And if I have to remind you of this constantly? I will. Everyday!” Samiyah chimed. “Well, except while I’m on my honeymoon. You’ll have to remind your own self during that time.”


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