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Kaznachei’s Pain

Page 26

by Mason, V. F.

  “I’ll get to the gates and take care of the guards. We need to open them up. Dom, then you can drive off with Vitya,” I offered them, and Gleb grabbed my arm as we continued to fire. Had Aleksei brought his entire brotherhood here? The men just kept coming.

  “I’m going with you. Like old times?”


  Meaning I would run in front, killing any potential threat, while he would to the same from the back. “Come on,” I murmured, and we proceeded to sway in different directions, avoiding the bullets and firing our own.

  We finally reached the gate as a bullet nicked my shoulder, and I stifled a groan. Fuck, an injury I didn’t need in that moment. I killed two guards and got inside the gatehouse. Placing my palms on the counter, I studied various buttons and screens, searching for a way out as the blood dripped on it. “Fuck, are you all right?” Gleb asked, firing again.

  “Yeah, thinking how to open it.”

  “Well think faster, because around seven men are coming and I have ten bullets left,” he informed me, and I gave him a death glare. “Should have thought about bringing more guns.”

  “Yeah, well I thought we’d just kill Arden and Aiden, and everyone would submit.”

  I continued to scan things, but no matter what I pressed, it didn’t move the iron gate.

  Then I hunched down and noticed several wires, then quickly followed them up to a button. Slipping out a knife from a sheath strapped to my calf, I started to cut the wire and cursed as electricity rushed through me.

  “I hope you know what you are doing.”

  “It’s controlled through a computer. If we cut the wire, we can override the computer to open it manually.”

  “We don’t have time, Yuri,” he muttered but grabbed several guns from the dead bodyguards as I finally cut the wires and everything in the system went blank.

  “Cover me, I’ll open it.”

  “You cover me, Yuri. Your shoulder is injured.”

  Holding a gun in each hand, I proceeded to do just that as Gleb, huffing and puffing, finally opened the gates, but what greeted us stopped everyone in their tracks.

  Especially the men who were about to fire again.

  On the other side, motorcycles roared as around fifteen bikers, led by a bearded man who scowled at the Kuzmin men and spat, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Well, the president of the Siberian Tigers MC just came to the rescue.

  Also known as Lev Kuzmin.


  “Go through the headquarters and kill whoever you see,” Aiden ordered, and I prayed everyone managed to escape in time and the guys would take care of the rest.

  I managed to kill three men before the guards aimed for me, and as much as I tried to fight them off, it was impossible. They grabbed me from both sides and pushed me to my knees where I painfully landed on the cold marble. “Well, well, well,” Aiden spoke out, coming closer as his leather shoes slapped against the floor. He appeared to be going for the intimidating effect, but all I felt was hatred.

  Just seconds ago, he’d dropped Arden’s body next to me as blood seeped from his cut throat. “Quite pathetic, isn’t it?” he said, kicking Arden’s body as I shouted at him.

  “Don’t touch him!”

  He didn’t get to do vile things to his body. “Or what?” he asked, and laughed as I stayed silent. “Gotta praise him though. He managed to keep you alive and plotted behind my back for so long. It was entertaining while it lasted.” Then he fisted my hair, and I held back a groan as he pulled me slightly up to hold my stare. “But you… you deceived me for years. Escaped my radar and ruined my plans. Or should I say your daddy did?” Cold washed over me as he ran his nose over my cheek, and though I tried to turn to the side, he brought me back with a harsh pull. “Killing him was such a relief, for your information.”

  “If you think this news surprises me, it does not.” Sadistic asshole. “So much for all the loyalty he showed you.”

  A murderous expression crossed his face. He was never very kind, but this took it to another level. “Loyalty? Twice he took a woman from me.”

  Twice? I stilled as he continued. “Your mother, I loved her. She fell in love with him, but I forgave him because she was happy.” He leaned closer. “Especially when she gave birth to a girl. The older one was all him, but the minute you were born… with this red hair. I knew you’d be her carbon copy.” I wanted to vomit from his implications. “As you grew up, you were more and more like her, so I proposed you for Arden, but I never intended to give you to him.”

  “Sick, you are sick. How could you even say it?”

  “Easily. But you run away with my idiotic son, and I thought you were dead. But don’t worry, Edana,” he murmured, licking my chin. Repulsed, I spat in his face, but he just slapped me harshly. “I intend to catch up on all the lost time.”

  “I will never go willingly, and you’ll be dead soon.”

  “Really?” He took his phone from his pocket and showed me a video, and my heart stilled, because it showed the guys being attacked from all corners. “I just got the message from Aleksei. See, no one will come in time to save you. I will get my deal and the woman. And thank fuck my son is finally dead.”

  Shaking my head at him, I spat, “You will not get away with it. I won’t let you.”

  He laughed, covering his mouth with his palm as true amusement filled him. “Edana, a true warrior knows when to give up. You start to remind me of Jaroslaw.”

  “What?” I asked with a shaking breath, and he flung his gun.

  “I knew he was insane, but he was a good business partner. But then he became obsessed with you to punish his son. Yuri was also an ungrateful piece of shit, I gather.”

  “The only piece of shit is you and men like you,” I told him, and he exhaled heavily, but then smacked me in the cheek with the back of the gun. Instantly, pain shot through me, and I couldn’t move my jaw for a second. The skin throbbed and I tasted blood in my mouth.

  “Disrespect won’t be tolerated.” He waggled his finger. “I didn’t give a fuck until he showed me you. And I’d recognize you anywhere. Then came Arden with his stupid plan, but nevertheless, I appreciated having you here. You gave me this.” He motioned to the headquarters. “With the Konstantinov Bratva dead, I no longer have restrictions in the territory.”

  The man was so delusional. By his crazy gazes and puffed-up chest, it was clear he felt nothing but pride with his great plan.

  Aiden made one major mistake though.

  You do not fight an enemy in their territory, because loss is inevitable.

  “But you know what’s the most interesting part?” he asked as he tugged on my scalp so painfully I bit my lips not to cry out. He dragged me up so we faced each other. “You have no idea who you are playing with. Even if you destroy me, the problems will never be over. Because he is that powerful, and he knows about your plans.” He mussed as I fought the hold. “Maybe I should teach you a lesson of obedience right here in front of everyone.”

  Before I understood his intentions, he spun me around and pushed me onto the couch where I landed with a loud thud, right before he dropped on top of me, enclosing his hands around mine, restraining my movements. “Let go of me.”

  “Edana, finally.” Right as he said it, the lights went out. He loosened his hold in surprise, so I kicked him in the gut and pushed him away, quickly rushing to the bar just as the lights came back on for a second and a shot fired. His men started to panic, and Aidan barked, “There is a shooter; find him.” The lights went out again and another shot. This continued as I grabbed my gun and rushed toward the sound of the gunshots, where I found Kostya.

  “Great timing,” I said, firing at the men running from the other direction and then changing the magazine quickly.

  “Yeah, I figured you’d need help.”

  “Don’t kill him.” The fucker could rot in hell for all I cared, but he had to tell me where Arden’s daughter was first. I owed it to my friend
who’d saved my life twice.

  His daughter would be free of these nightmares.

  “Well, then let’s make the best of it, shall we?” he said, and despite the situation, I still managed to chuckle, because the never-ending nightmare I’d lived in for the last year was about to be over.


  The bikes’ tires screeched against the concrete as I stopped mine on the side, maneuvering right next to the door where several bodies lay on the ground.

  I hopped from it, not caring that it dropped loudly on the ground as someone whined, “For fuck’s sake, I just painted it yesterday!”

  My heart stilled at the sound of gunshots, and I entered without thinking as someone from the back fired and the lights came on. Quickly, I pressed my back against the wall. But then Kostya shouted, “Yuri? Eto ty?”

  “Da, ya. Prekrati strelyat.” I hoped he could stop shooting since he knew it was me; Kostya was legendary when it came to guns.

  I’d never want to be on the receiving end of his anger.

  “On vsee esio na svobode i ne obsesarujen.” He’d said Aiden was still free out there. We wouldn’t be able to do anything with him playing peekaboo with the lights.

  “Hvatit, ostonovis!” He finally listened to me, stopped, and immediately the lights came back on; probably Michael controlled them through a remote. Dominic installed the latest technology in the system in case we had an emergency like this.

  Most of the bodies lying on the floor had a bullet right between their eyes, but some of them, who were groaning, had injuries in the stomachs and arms, yet my gaze searched for one person only.

  And finally I spotted Aiden struggling to get up from behind the couch as he protected himself from the bullets. I rushed toward him, grabbing him by the lapels of his shirt, and punched him with all my might.

  I continued delivering blows to him through the haze and anger before Melissa’s melodic voice filled with worry broke through to me. “Yuri, no! Don’t kill him. We need to find Arden’s daughter.” Her words halted my movements and I let go of him, stepping away as Lev’s guys quickly tied him up.

  I hugged Melissa close for a moment but then leaned back, skimming my hands all over her, looking for any injuries. We shared a kiss that lacked any passion but only focused on comfort. Finally, I could allow all the fear to sink back, and I palmed her neck, breathing in her scent. “You all right?”

  She closed her hands around mine, nodding. “Yes.”


  “They are protected in Dom’s gun room.”

  Dom, Vitya, and Gleb rushed inside screaming, “Victoria.”



  “They are all over the house.” Just as Melissa said it, they emerged from the back of the room, running to the guys as we all basked in relief, but then Kostya’s cold voice echoed in the space. “Where is Konstanciya?”

  “She’s on the roof, remember?”

  “She would have killed them long ago. She should have been here.” He took off in the direction of the stairs that led to the roof. After sharing a look with the guys, we followed him, hot on his heels, and I prayed nothing had happened.

  Not Konstanciya.

  Breathing heavily, I leaned on the doorjamb, but then stilled at the picture greeting me.

  Kostya sat on the ground, holding Konstanciya in his arms, pressing his cheek to the top of her head while she stayed completely unmoving. “No,” Dom said from behind me, and I shook my head, hoping it was just a bad dream.

  We’d all fucking suffered enough; we deserved some happiness instead of this.

  “Kostya—” Kostya’s raised hand shut Gleb up. As he exhaled heavily and removed the hair from her face, blood smeared his hand.

  He picked her up, propped her on his shoulder, and then moved toward us with a stoic expression, but he’d probably lived through agony he had no idea how to express.

  As he came closer though, one of her eyes peeked open and she said, “Surprise.” At her cheery voice, relief slammed into me, and I rested against the door as she laughed, although it was weak. “My head hurts like hell from the blow and fight, but I’m alive. No need to plan a funeral.”

  “Wasn’t gonna,” Dom replied, but I could see the same emotions on his face that I experienced.

  “Good. And I want a steak. I’m starving! And no more soup.”

  “Soup?” I asked dumbly, and she nodded, trying to raise her finger but failing. “Tell your woman not to get obsessed with soups.” What? Her words made no sense, but I’d never been happier to hear her voice.

  “Don’t talk,” Kostya ordered, and to my fucking shock, she snuggled into his chest and he walked past us down the stairs.

  Oh my God.

  I laughed because the nightmare was finally over.


  Irkutsk, Russia

  October 2018


  Inhaling the rich smell of Baikal Lake, I drank in the beauty of the magnificent view in front of me that I would forever memorize.

  The glittering blue-green waves reflected the sun while showcasing the lake. I leaned over the side of the boat and scooped a little water into my hands and drank it, as it was the cleanest lake in the world. It held twenty percent preserved water, so this place was very precious.

  Splashing it a bit more, I turned around and lay on the deck, enjoying the sun heating up my pale skin, and a little bubble of laughter slipped past my lips because I couldn’t remember a time when I was this carefree.

  After the Bratva shut down the Irish mob, they managed to make a deal with the FBI to send Aidan to the States for trial so he could answer their questions regarding other rings. The fucker was stubborn at first, but when faced with the possibility of spending his final days in a prison where everyone would know he had a prostitution ring for kids, he took the deal and snitched on everyone else. Some of them managed to flee the country, but some rings were shut down.

  However, the mastermind behind all this, the main boss who wanted everyone attacked… still lurked somewhere, but it was no longer our concern.

  Dominic said from now on he’d be Cosa Nostra’s problem.

  Aiden gave the location for Arden’s daughter too. He never sent her to the rings. She lived with her maternal grandfather in one of the apartments Aleksei possessed, as he wanted to have her close in case he needed her as a bargaining chip with Arden. She was sent back to Ireland and the new Irish boss, who apparently hated Aiden with everything in him, promised to take good care of her. He seemed like a good guy, as much as a mafia man could be anyway, but I still checked on the girl once a month.

  And although it cost me to be apart from my loved ones, it was worth it if other kids were free from the nightmare that their lives could have turned into.

  Since the case was successfully closed and I was still alive, the FBI offered me my job back, and that was when Yuri snapped. He told everyone to fuck off, packed our stuff, and basically kidnapped us to Irkutsk for an unspecified amount of time. He owned a house and boat there, and for the last two months, we stayed there, making short trips to town for food or sightseeing.

  I didn’t even complain, because I had no desire to go back. I probably would have if it weren’t for this experience, but missing almost a year of my child’s life… I wanted to enjoy every minute with him. Children grew fast as it was. I would figure out what to do with my profession later.

  My mouth spread in a happy smile the minute my man entered my mind. I never expected Yuri to be such an amazing father. He always had patience, even if I was lacking it, showing and introducing Artur to everything. I glanced in their direction as Yuri stood next to the boat’s steering wheel, holding Artur in his arms and murmuring something in his ear while our boy listened carefully, munching on his fist. Their expressions were so alike I barely held back a laugh.

  Who would have thought I’d have this chance to enjoy my life?

  My phone vibrated next to me, and
without glancing at the caller ID, I answered on the third ring. “Hello?” God, even my voice sounded relaxed, and I thought that was impossible.

  “Hey.” My eyes widened at hearing Frankie’s voice and I sat up, adjusting the sunglasses as they slid down my nose. I caught Yuri’s raised brow but just shook my head.

  “Hey.” We had been working with Connor for eight years and not once had our paths crossed with Frankie. She knew we were friends, but that was about it. Having her call me was a bit strange, so I asked, “Is Connor all right?” Yuri glared at me, and I just rolled my eyes.

  Would he get over that kiss already? I told him the truth during our first month of dating.

  “What? Yes, he is fine. Actually, he is in Italy with Mirella.” So our agent finally decided to claim his woman after all? I’d like to see him try to go against the Cosa Nostra don, considering Vito put one huge veto on their relationship. Although I suspected it didn’t mean shit to either Connor or Mirella, but it might be hard for them to fight for their love.

  Well, good luck.

  “No, it’s about me.” My brows furrowed at her raspy, sad reply, and Yuri lifted his chin, silently asking me what was going on, and I put the phone on speaker so he’d hear everything.

  “Are you all right?”

  She hiccupped into the phone and my eyes widened, as I gripped the phone harder. Finally she replied, blowing her nose into a tissue by the sound of it. “I’d like to come to Russia and visit, if you don’t mind.”

  Frankie had been best friends with Rosa since forever, and likewise with Victoria. Why would she call me of all people to ask to stay with Yuri and me? “Well—”

  She interrupted me, guilt lacing her tone. “I’m sorry. I know it’s sudden and… but… he respects Yuri.”

  “Who?” I asked dumbly, but Yuri who stood nearby closed his eyes and then sighed, clearly figuring it out before me.

  I punched him lightly, but Frankie already supplied the information. “Lorenzo.”


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