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Twist of Fae (Vegas Fae Stories Book 3)

Page 10

by Tom Keller

  "What do you mean?" Nikki asked.

  "Knowing what I just told you, just imagine the reaction when I showed up to claim the throne. The Fae here knew my history and they couldn’t be sure of what I was. Then the followers of the other High Fae immediately protested and a battle ensued. One where Demons and other creatures also showed up. By the time it was over just being the winner wasn't enough. I still had to convince them that I wasn't the evil High Fae. Even Cacilia wouldn’t speak up for me at first, although she didn’t stand against me either."

  "So what did you do?" Jay asked.

  "I thought I was going to be on my own, although I did have a few cards up my sleeve. But then a Hamadryad by the name of Sylvana stepped in. You see, when Demeter ruled here, she felt she needed to protect her land as the war was still on. So she had Sylvana guard the hidden entrance to her temple. Remember how I told you that Hamadryads are bound to their tree?"

  They both nodded.

  "Well, get this. Instead of letting her move about like the others, she bound her with magic to the roots of her tree. That's where her back entrance to the temple was. Demeter wanted to make sure she would always guard it so she forced Sylvana to stay deep underground where the hidden entrance is. When I got there, she hadn’t seen the sun in thousands of years!"

  "Jeez, Dad. That's messed up," Nikki said. "What'd you do?"

  "I freed her, of course," I answered, shaking my head at the memory of it. "Goes to show you what kind of assholes the old Gods were. As soon as I realized what Demeter had done, I cut the magic bonds that trapped her there, setting her free. Even after I did it, she asked me how I could trust her to do her job. Can you believe it?"

  "What did you say?" Jay asked.

  "I told her the job was hers if she still wanted it and that her word was good enough for me. After that, she got up on the dais and told the other Fae what I'd done. Once the Fae saw that she was free, they knew I couldn’t be the bad guy. Of course, I still had to fight the other High Fae's followers. But once we won it was all good. Even Cacilia came around. Anyway, that's the nickel version of what happened."

  "Alright, Dad," Nikki asked. "So what does all that have to do with me?"

  "Well," I answered. "It's like this. I'd won the crown but when I was standing there looking at Demeter's empty throne there on the dais I just figured the Fae had been through enough. I mean, not just because I was a male, but also because of the battle and everything else. So rather than give them another shock by actually sitting on the throne. I told them that I wouldn’t break another tradition. So I made Cacilia the Steward of the realm and let them know that I had a daughter that could claim the throne when she was ready."

  "I didn't mean to throw it at you like this and wish I would have talked to the both of you when all that was going on. But, to be honest, I had so many things happening at once that I really didn’t think it through. I guess it was impulsive to do so without asking. But the fact remains, the throne is yours when you want it."

  "What if I don’t want it? And if I do take it, eventually," she added. "What do I have to do?"

  "Well, it's entirely up to you, of course," I replied. "The Fae might be disappointed if you refuse but you have to make your own decision. I'll stand by whatever you think is best. But if you do take it, you can be as involved here as you want. Cacilia runs things here in my absence just fine and that doesn't have to change. There's already a system in place for most things and you can also delegate some of the rest. So the reality is that aside from a few big decisions that only you can make, let's call them the policy kind, it's really not that bad of a gig. Sure, you'd have a lot of responsibility, but I know you can handle that. Besides, Jay and I will still be here when you're ready so you'll have advisors you can trust."

  "Or I could simply banish you both and run the place whatever the hell way I want," she said with a mischievous grin.

  "Ouch," Jay retorted.

  "Yeah, I guess you could do that, too," I agreed. Not that I was worried. Nikki was too much like me and had a soft spot for anything or anyone that needed help. I still remember her bringing over any friend that might need a meal or a just an ear to listen to when she was growing up. I waited as she pondered over what I'd just told her.

  "Ok, Dad," she finally said. "I get it. I kind of understand what you were going through so I'll give you a pass on this one. But from now on, no more surprises, ok?"

  "I'll do my best," I admitted.

  "So where do I fit in in all this?" Jay asked.

  "It sounds to me, little brother, that you get to reap the rewards, without the duties," Nikki quipped. "Being a guy that is. Come to think about it, you might have the best deal all around."

  "What makes you say that?" Jay queried.

  "Don’t tell me you didn’t catch how drop dead gorgeous that Sendy was," she replied with a laugh. "And after seeing all the little Faeries around here so far, I'm gonna bet that the big ones aren't any different. I have a feeling 'most eligible bachelor' is probably the best gig in town."

  Even I had to smile at that one.

  "Alright, Daddio. You've given me a lot to think about," Nikki said as she took each of us by the arm. "So let's check out this Faerie kingdom you're trying to stick me with. Charlie, lead the way. I'm a bit hungry and we've got a BBQ to get to."

  We followed Charlie down the trail until we reached the path of worlds, then continued on it towards the Wayward Elf.

  "Hey Dad," Nikki asked as we turned towards the inn. "Does this place have any beer?"

  "The Elves brew an ale that I think you might like," I replied.

  "Elf beer?" she said with a grin. "This I gotta see."

  Chapter 12


  Dad turned down a side road and Nikki and I followed, Charlie right behind us. I took a few steps and then, suddenly, there was a pinging in my head. Someone was waiting for us. No, not just someone… it was a crowd.

  "Dad, wait," I said as I tried to sort what I was feeling in my mind.

  Then Nikki spoke out as well.

  "Do you feel that, Dad?" she said. "It feels like there are people… I mean… Fae ahead of us."

  "Do you feel anything else?" I heard him ask.

  She stopped and cocked her head, as if she was listening for something. "Curiosity. Maybe some apprehension." Then she took a deep breath. "I think they're curious about me." she added, her eyes wide.

  Then he asked me and I held my breath, reaching out, searching.

  "I can feel some emotional output," I finally said. "But that's about it. I can tell that there are people, I mean, Fae, waiting for us. And I do get a feeling of curiosity, but I can't tell who, or what, they're curious about. At least not in that way. Of course I'm guessing Nikki is right, but that's based on my opinion, not something I can sense. Wait… now this is weird. I think I can sense some weapons out there. But I don’t feel any threat. At least none towards us."

  It was a very strange feeling, almost as if I was smelling them, but not exactly. I could only guess that whatever was happening to me had added new senses, but I was having a hard time separating them out. I suppose I should be freaking out over all this. But for some reason it didn’t feel… Well, it didn’t feel wrong, I guess I'm trying to say. Almost like my body knew what was going on but my brain was still trying to catch up.

  "What does it mean?" Nikki asked before I could.

  "It's too soon to tell," Dad replied. "I have no way to gauge how long it'll take for the magic to fully reveal itself, or how powerful either of you will become. For now it appears that you've both got, at the very least, heightened senses. Although neither of you sensed things in the same way. But what that means or how that'll play out in the long run, I don’t know. But you're both right, there are Fae waiting for us."

  "Very nice, little brother," Nikki said with a laugh as she took the lead and I followed them down the path.

  As we walked, I wondered what other surprises were in store for us as we contin
ued our trip through the looking glass.

  Chapter 13


  Both kids immediately sensed the Fae ahead as we turned onto the path to the Wayward Elf. I had known they were there quite a few minutes before, but maybe that was because I had expected them. I was still surprised at how fast and strong the magic was making itself known to them. Both had sensed the Fae at the Inn at the same time, even if their perceptions of who and what lay ahead differed.

  Jay and I followed as Nikki took the lead, and I wondered just exactly what it meant. Their powers were already manifesting themselves quicker than mine had when all this started. But whether that was because we were already in Fae, or for some other reason, it was too soon to tell.

  As we turned the corner, the inn came into view. Standing in front of the archway that led into the courtyard and stables were Cacilia and Handion, accompanied by his wife and several others, as well as Sophie. The small Faeries that Nikki had met were there as well. Behind them I could see the many other Fae that had also gathered there.

  "Cacilia, Handion," I said with a nod to all. "May I present my children, Nikki and Jay."

  "Welcome Princess, and you as well young Prince. As you can see, word of your arrival has preceded you here," she said with a sweep of her arm behind her. Then she bowed. "Many years it has been since we last met. It is good to see how you have grown."

  "Thank you," Nikki replied as Jay nodded. Then she leaned over and whispered. "Dad, do you always get this kind of reception?"

  "Hardly," I said with a laugh. "No, it seems like this is your party."

  "Please come in," Handion said before Nikki could reply. "The table is set. Food and drink await all who have come to see you."

  "Thanks for being here," I said to Cacilia as we followed Handion into the inn, Nikki's small Faeries abuzz about the kids' heads. "Sorry for the short notice. Things got a little bit crazy on the other side."

  "Why am I not surprised?" she asked, feigning astonishment.

  I almost laughed. Turns out she had a sense of humor after all.

  "But I would not have missed it," she continued. "And what of Nikki?"

  "She's ok. A little bit overwhelmed I would imagine. This all came as a pretty big surprise to both of them, but they appear to be taking it well," I said with a sigh. "Although I'm not sure what she wants to do just yet."

  "She will know what to do when the time is right, as you did."

  "True," I said, as Handion offered us seats at what appeared to be the head table. The place was packed with Fae. I saw many that I recognized from my previous visits. As soon as we sat down, Lotte, Handion's wife, had ale and wine brought to the table and put down large bowls for Charlie and Sophie.

  Nikki and Jay each took a deep drink and then looked around the room, their faces showing amazement at the throng that surrounded us. Not a single chair was empty and many Fae were just wandering about the room. They seemed enchanted by the kids' presence, and I noted many whispering among themselves as they looked over at Nikki.

  "Hey, why don’t you two mingle a bit?" I said. "You'll never get a better chance with so many of our Fae gathered here today." Then I turned to Handion. "Can you serve us last?"

  "As you wish," he replied.

  "Plataia," I called, spying the water Faerie standing by a nearby table. "Would you mind showing Nikki and Jay around? Maybe make a few introductions?"

  "Not at all, my Lord," she replied as she took Jay by the arm.

  They both stood, and although Nikki gave me a nasty look, she followed as Plataia led them away from the table, the train of small Faeries following along. Not surprisingly, they were both working the crowd like a couple of old time politicians after only a few minutes. Although I doubt the politicians of the human world had as many admirers bowing and kneeling before them. I also spent the next half hour or so visiting with well-wishers who stopped by the table before the food began to be served.

  "So what happened?" Cacilia asked when we were finally alone.

  I told her how my day had started and brought her up to speed with how the kids had taken everything. I didn't mention how their powers seemed to be manifesting themselves faster than I expected, because I still wasn't sure what it meant.

  "And your plans for the future?"

  "As always," I said. "I'll just have to see what crops up."

  "Ah, a fresh approach," Handion said with a laugh, as he sat down beside me with a pitcher of fresh ale.

  "What can I say? If I started planning, all hell would break loose, so it's easier to just maintain the status quo."

  "But what do you plan to do about her?" Cacilia asked.

  "Like I said, status quo for now," I replied. "There's no reason to rock the boat until she's ready. Besides, except for not knowing exactly what the Lilin are up to, things are pretty quiet. At least for the moment."

  "There is still the matter of the Dwarves," Handion added. "Valen appears safe, but there has still been no word from Bernd or Motgnir."

  "You've heard from him?" Cacilia asked.

  "Not directly," he replied. "But word has recently come from one of my brethren that he evaded capture and with some followers has returned to his hold in the deep. If true, he will be safe there."

  "That is good to hear," she said. "There have been rumors of clashes between them and Grerin's folk, and they have already been seen in neighboring lands. I expect a summons any time after they cross over here."

  "A summons?" Nikki repeated as she and Jay, still accompanied by Plataia, sat down. "What are we talking about here?"

  "Dwarves," I replied, sending a mental command for Sendy to return.

  "Yeah, some of the Fae asked me about them as I went around the room. What's the deal with them anyway?"

  I gave her the short version of what Alf had told me, then looked to Handion and Cacilia to fill in any gaps.

  "The Naiad report that Grerin's Dwarves are searching all of Fae for any word of them," Cacilia agreed. "Although they say it is only because the King wishes to speak to him. Yet, we know it is more than that. Still, we must be cautious. None here will betray Valen's folk but I would prefer they were not aware of that fact."

  "Why not," Nikki asked. "Seems to me they don’t deserve anything less. Abandoning the Fae when they needed help. Why should it matter?"

  "True," she replied. "But they are an ancient and powerful race and have always been revered by the Fae."

  "Indeed," Handion added. "They were very close to the Gods before The Fall, and almost as powerful. Who knows what was going through the Dwarf King's mind when the wars began."

  "I don’t think I care," Nikki said. "That's just wrong."

  Handion just smiled before excusing himself to go back into the kitchen.

  Sendy appeared at about the same time and I asked her to do a search of the surrounding lands for any Dwarves that might appear. Within a moment she was gone, and I made a note to give her some time off when all this was over.

  "What about you, Dad?" Jay asked. "What do you think about all this?"

  "I won’t betray our friends," I replied. "But as to the rest, I'm just going to have to see what happens. I'd like to know what they're really up to before I make any decisions."

  "Bullshit," Nikki said, pantomiming a cough. "I know you better than that. You've already made up your mind. You just don’t want to tell us."

  "Well, we'll see what happens when they get here," I said with a smile. A moment later Handion and Lotte returned with food and more drink. "For now, let's just enjoy the day." Then I stood and after a very short speech of thanks to all for coming, hoisted a cup of ale to our hosts and then sat down to feast on Nikki's boar.

  After everyone had eaten, several Fae walked up and Plataia stood and bent down to whisper to Jay. I watched as a slow smile came over his face and he got up from the table.

  "I guess we're going out to catch the sunset with some of her friends," he said. "Maybe we'll see you out there. Plataia says there's
also supposed to be a full moon tonight." He gave us a wink and then the two of them left the table and followed the others out the door.

  "Go little bro," Nikki whispered.

  "It's not exactly what you think," I whispered back. "Or maybe it is. It doesn't really matter, but watching the sun set and rise is a big deal here. Come on, I'll show you." As I stood, I turned to Cacilia. "Would you like to join us?"

  "I will see you out there," she replied.

  We stood, and after a quick word with Handion, we followed the others outside to the field adjacent to the inn. The sun was just setting and the grounds were peaceful as Fae milled about and enjoyed the moment. Soon the full moon was shining and I relaxed as Charlie and Sophie sat beside me, Nikki having wandered off with Jay to mingle with the many Fae that had gathered. A moment later, Sendy appeared at my side.

  "I have found them, my Lord," she said. "There is a group of strange Dwarves that I spied among the Meliae (the Nymphs of ash trees). They now travel toward the dead lands between the kingdoms."

  The dead lands were just that. A land between many of the Fae kingdoms that supported no life. Even the rivers and streams did not run on its surface, but instead, underneath it. It was said that once all of Fae was connected, but during the wars, those areas between the greatest concentrations of Fae withered and died as the battles raged and the magic was used up. Since then, one had to either travel by magic through tree, water, or air, otherwise, they would have to cross these dead areas to go from one Fae land to another. It was manageable, but not a pleasant trip.

  "How many and how far away are they?" I asked.

  "Ten Dwarves plus the leader. They are a few days away at most," she replied. "Sooner if they travel all night. They tried to cross via the trees but the Hamadryads refused, citing your commands. The Dwarves were angry but even they could not order the trees to comply and there are no Naiad close enough to make going back any faster. I would have come sooner but I wanted to make sure they were actually coming this way."


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