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Twist of Fae (Vegas Fae Stories Book 3)

Page 14

by Tom Keller

  "Don't be sorry," I replied. "But you are gonna have to tell me how you did that some time. But you did good. So now what?"

  "I have a few ideas," Nikki replied.

  "Good," I quipped. "I could use a little vacation."

  "Don't you wish," she said, then turned to address the Fae once again.

  "You honor me with your confidence and I thank you all for your encouragement and support," she began. "So there can be no doubt as to where we stand, my father shall forever maintain his title of King and I name him Regent to manage our affairs in the human world. Cacilia will continue as Steward of the realm and I task my brother to help our realm stay secure. He in the human realm, and Sylvana and the Hamadryad here. Along with those already in such a position, they will keep us safe and secure." She looked directly at Sophie before turning back to the audience. "But enough of ceremony. The past is the past and we will not let it deter us from our future. Go, rejoice, for tomorrow is a new day."

  "You want to tell me where all that came from," I asked a few minutes later as the Fae trickled out of the Temple.

  "Geez, Dad," she said with a laugh. "All those years of Star Wars and HBO and you have to ask?"

  "Cute," I replied.

  "I have something for you," Sylvana said as she appeared from Althaea's side. She unwrapped the package in her hand and placed it at Nikki's feet. Inside were a Fae sword and another bow, this one with an ornate design. "These belonged to the Goddess."

  "What about my brother?" Nikki asked.

  "Do not worry, my Queen. I have something for him as well," Sylvana replied with a nod.

  Nikki picked up the sword and examined it. It looked new, but that didn't surprise me with a Fae blade. It was highly polished with the perfectly detailed image of a hand holding what appeared to be an ear of some grain, probably wheat, on the pommel.

  As she held it I had a thought. Taking the sword from her, I took out my own again and handed it to her by the hilt. This time she accepted it and the blade extended, the blue flame travelling slowly up and down as she watched.

  "Dad," she said after a moment. "I can’t take this."

  "Sure you can," I replied, slipping Demeter's sword into my belt. "You're the Queen now, remember? Besides, it's easier to keep hidden than this thing. You're gonna need that back in the human world. All you have to do is think of what you want and the sword will obey."

  She stared at it for a moment and then I watched as the flame disappeared and only the hilt remained.

  "See," I said. "Piece of cake."

  "I know," she replied, holding it out and placing it back in my hand before curling my fingers over it. "But, trust me, you're going to need it a lot more than I will."

  The End

  About the Author

  Tom Keller is a retired cop and former computer forensic expert who's also spent time as a Federal Public Defender investigator. Back in the early days he was a busboy, a cook, and a shoe and real estate salesman. He's taught courses at the local Community College as well as lectured to others in his field on a variety of topics. These days he works as a P.I. in Las Vegas, Nevada. A place he's called home for over 40 years.

  He had a website design business back in the days when you still accessed the Internet by modem. He's sold model airplanes and electronics on the web and eBay. He even had his own TV show for a season or two (okay, it was really low budget, better call it no budget, and it was on UHF for those of you that remember those kinds of things. But, hey, it did snag a 2.0 share one episode). He collects toy space guns, lunch boxes, and coffee cups among other memorabilia. If he had a personal card it’d probably say something like ‘specialist in generalities,’ or as his brother would say, polymath.

  Tom is still married to his college sweetheart and spends his free time with his family and spare time writing. His other books in the series, Return of the High Fae, and Of Gods and Fae, are available on Amazon as well as other major Internet retailers. He is currently working on the next book in the Vegas Fae series.

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