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Page 19

by D. B. Reynolds

  She turned the key, her eyes on the rearview mirror, which she’d angled to reflect the front of the house. No one seemed to notice. The valets were still rushing around trying to park all the cars that had arrived with the big boss. Cyn eased the car into reverse, backed up as far as she could, then spun the wheel hard to the left and hit the accelerator.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  RAPHAEL STOOD IN his second-floor study and stared out at the dark night. Pushkin was stalling. Oh, he’d been the very picture of respect and courtesy, not too demanding, a trusted vampire petitioning his lord. But Raphael had seen early on that no matter what he proposed, the other vampire would not agree. He would consider. He would consult. But there would be no agreement tonight. Which left only one conclusion. Pushkin was stalling for time.

  Time for what? Raphael wondered. The easiest answer was that it was Pushkin who had suborned Albin and kidnapped Alexandra. All along he’d known the kidnapping was a feint, that Alexandra was nothing more than bait to pull him into a trap. But it was one thing to suspect and another to act on that suspicion. Even a vampire lord as powerful as Raphael could not lightly afford to alienate someone like Pushkin.

  And although Pushkin might aspire to rule the western territories, even if he succeeded in destroying Raphael, it would not be Pushkin who rose to the top. Powerful vampires from all over the country would contest the succession. Pushkin wouldn’t live long enough to enjoy the fruits of his betrayal. Not that there would be any fruits. Raphael had no intention of permitting this insurrection to succeed.

  The door opened behind him and he looked up, seeing Duncan in the reflection of the glass as he entered the room. He was hurrying, and Raphael turned around, watching him curiously.

  “My lord,” Duncan began. “Ms. Leighton has returned to her condo.”

  There was an underlying stress in Duncan’s voice and Raphael tensed. “Duncan?”

  “My lord, she is injured—”

  He never got a chance to finish as Raphael strode from the room, Duncan following. “What happened?” he snarled as they walked.

  “Twenty minutes, ago, Sire, maybe less. She was driving herself, erratically, the guards said. Their first thought was that she had been drinking, but then . . . She pulled into her garage, closing the door behind her almost immediately. It took the guards only moments to get inside, but she had already entered her residence.”

  He paused and Raphael looked at him sharply. “Blood, my lord. She is obviously badly injured. Blood filled the car and marked her path into the house. The guards called her through the intercom, pounded on doors and windows. There has been no response. My lord, they have disengaged her alarm. I could have human guards—”

  “No one touches her,” Raphael snapped. They were climbing into the big SUV by then, Raphael calling for the driver to move before the doors were even closed. Why had she run from him? And what had she run to?

  HER CONDO WAS dark when they arrived; the only light was from the garage where Cyn’s Land Rover stood, the driver’s door hanging open. He smelled the blood before he saw it. So much blood. Could a human survive such a loss?

  “Get me inside.” He didn’t ask if it was possible. He didn’t care what it would take.

  “The other door, Sire,” said one of the guards who’d been watching the condo.

  With a whirlwind of movement, the four vampires rounded the building and flowed up the stairs to the second story. The door there was heavy, impassable for a human. It yielded easily to a vampire. The guard didn’t pause, simply pulled back his leg and kicked it in. The thick door flew from the frame, breaking into two pieces, shattering inward.

  The scent of blood billowed out from the dark interior, sweet and recognizable. Cyn. The vampires reacted without thought, fangs running out, low rumbles issuing from their throats. Raphael felt his own teeth elongate, felt an answering heaviness in his groin. He whirled with a snarl, forcing the others back, asserting dominance, claiming possession. As he crossed the threshold, Duncan dared to follow, his instincts to protect his Sire stronger than any fear. He stopped short with an agonized grimace.

  “My lord, I cannot enter.”

  “Then she is still alive,” Raphael growled and strode into the building.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  CYNTHIA LAY IN the darkened stairwell, too weak to climb any farther, fading in and out of consciousness. Some part of her knew if she didn’t move, if she didn’t get help, she would die here on the stairs, her kitchen and its telephone only steps away, steps that might as well be miles.

  The drive from the ranch house was a blur of remembered pain and confusion. She’d driven in the dark, afraid to turn on her headlights, afraid they would give her away on the pitch black canyon road. She remembered waking up several times to find herself sitting in the middle of the road, or spun off to one side, groggy and half-sick with pain, having passed out yet again. It was only dumb fortune that her truck never swerved to the steep canyon side, which would have sent her crashing down into the underbrush, not to be found until weeks or months had passed.

  It had seemed like hours, but she knew it couldn’t have been that long, before she reached Pacific Coast Highway. It was humming with traffic, cars racing by at freeway speeds, sweeping along its broad curves. Their lights blinded her, confusing her muddled brain. She finally ventured onto the highway, flicking her headlights on at the last moment. Cars swerved around her, honking their horns angrily, drivers eager to get to their own evening’s entertainment, irritated with what they assumed was a drunk weaving perilously in the right lane. Road signs encouraged drivers to report drunks to 911 in Malibu, and she knew it was only a matter of time before some responsible citizen did just that and she was pulled over. But her condo wasn’t very far, a couple of miles, maybe less.

  When the lights of her building came into view, tears of relief blurred her already cloudy eyes. Relief quickly dissipated when she saw the shadowy forms lurking outside the building, their heads turning her way at the sound of the Land Rover’s engine as it downshifted for the turn. A spike of fear made her heart race, giving her a clarity of thought that had been lacking on the tortuous drive from the ranch house. She fumbled for the garage opener, holding it in her bloodied hand, praying she could time the opening tightly enough to get inside before the vampires could reach her. The flimsy roll down door wouldn’t stop them for long, but all she needed was enough time to get inside her condo.

  Crushing the button from only feet away, she watched the door travel upward, hoping it was enough. Her hood passed under the metal door as it was still retracting and she heard a faint scrape as the roof of the truck cut it too close. She didn’t wait for the door to stop, but hit the button twice in rapid succession. The first hit froze the door in place, the second started its downward motion.

  Her ravaged neck shrieked in pain as she shoved out of the truck. She gave the pain voice with a scream of her own, almost falling to the garage floor as a wave of blackness threatened to overtake her. No, no. Not this close. She would not be caught when she’d come so far. Gripping the truck door for balance, she climbed back to her feet and started toward the door to her condo, using the wall, the shelves, anything she touched for balance. Halfway there, she remembered she didn’t have her card key. It was in her duffle, all the way back in the truck cargo space. Her eyes filled with angry tears.

  No time. The vampires would be on her soon enough. Too soon. She stumbled to the cabinet on the back wall near the door and yanked it open, tossing aside the nearly empty boxes and useless tools that were stored there. They were window dressing, nothing more, camouflage for the keypad concealed in the dim corner, where no one would think to look. She closed her eyes, resting her throbbing head on the shelf, her hand stroking the keypad.

  Almost there, Cyn. She entered the code, and the harsh buzz of the magnetic lock disengaging was the sweet
est sound she’d ever heard.

  She made a desperate lunge for the door, falling against it, sliding to the floor inside and shoving it closed even as the first massive fist sliced through the metal of her garage door.

  How long ago had that been? She huddled on the stairs, listening to her breaths turn to gasps for air, feeling her heart thud in her chest, each beat a little weaker than the last. A sudden crash startled her, sucking away her last breath, sending her heart into a staccato of fear. But no vampire could enter. Not without an invitation. The darkness folded her in its arms. She was safe, in the dark, in the cool dark.

  “Kiss me, Cyn,” a familiar honeyed voice murmured.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  RAPHAEL FOLLOWED her scent, the delicious enticement of her blood pounding against his senses, making his cock swell ruthlessly. She was little more than a blot of shadow on the dark stairs, no movement, no sound. But she lived. Raphael could hear the sluggish beat of her heart, the thin rush of her blood. He dropped to her side, his breath running out in a hiss when he saw what had been done to her. A vampire had done this. Someone had dared to mark what was his.

  Rage drew his lips back in a snarl of fury, but he forced himself to calm, to gather her in his arms and lend her the slight warmth of his body. He bent to the worst of her wounds, the ravaged muscles of her neck and shoulder, the skin stripped away, the blood flow weakening as the strength of her heart failed. Her taste on his tongue was overwhelming. He swallowed a groan of pleasure, fighting against instinct, knowing if he yielded now, he would lose her forever. He continued to lick the wound, the clotting factors in his saliva working to stop the bleeding, the euphoric chemicals of his enhanced system easing her pain, lulling her into passiveness. She moaned softly, a sob of loss rather than pain.

  His strong fingers brushed the hair away from her battered face, stroking it carefully from her bloodied forehead, tucking it gently behind one ear. Her breath was a bare touch against his mouth as he lowered his face to hers, whispering against her lips.

  “Kiss me, Cyn.”

  She sighed softly, opening her warm mouth. He bit his lower lip, letting the blood flow, then covered her mouth with his, twining his tongue around hers and feeling her begin to suck gently. His fingers massaged her throat carefully, forcing her to swallow. She cried out, no longer lost, but hungry and wanting. He couldn’t help himself; he clutched her to his chest, turning the kiss from gentle healing to heated passion. Cyn responded in kind as his blood warmed her skin, as her body healed enough to feel the ecstasy of his kiss, and her mouth began to demand more.

  She shuddered softly into orgasm, and her arms fell away to trail down his chest, her body going soft beneath his. “Raphael,” she whispered.

  Raphael felt her lips curve with pleasure beneath his. “Sleep, sweet Cyn.”

  In the open doorway, Duncan stood as his master carried Cynthia past, helpless to do anything but watch. Raphael paused before the final set of stairs. “She will live,” he said, his voice tight with simmering rage. “Twice they have touched what is mine, Duncan. I will know what happened here. And then we will hunt.”

  The vampires listening outside howled their approval, and Raphael returned a fearsome smile.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  RAPHAEL LAY CYN carefully on the bed, then stood and stripped off his suit coat and tie, loosening the collar of his shirt. As an afterthought, he stepped out of his boots and socks, padding barefoot to the big bed. He smiled as he tugged off her elaborate cowboy boots and tossed them aside. The smile was replaced by a snarl of fury as he removed the rest of her clothing—the heavy, leather jacket improbably shredded, unless one was familiar with the thick, sharp claws that could inflict that kind of damage on even the toughest fabric. He puzzled over her dress, finally realizing that the slinky knit was designed to pull over her head like a sweater. Instead, he tore the fabric open, rolling it off her shoulders and down her torso, sliding over her hips, revealing every inch of her taut, sleek body, her full, heavy breasts.

  “Ah, sweet Cyn,” he whispered hoarsely when he saw the silky skin of her mound, waxed bare and smooth. His cock ached with wanting her, and he slid the dress over her feet quickly, pulling up the comforter and covering her nakedness. He was not an animal to take advantage of a helpless woman, not even one that drove him to such heights of desire.

  Stretching out next to her, he gathered her gently into his arms, keeping the bulky comforter between them, allowing himself a single hand beneath the cover, splayed against the satiny warmth of her hip. She murmured softly in her sleep, sounds of contentment, of safety. He began kissing her face, wincing at the bruises and licking the small cuts, freeing the bits of glass that still clung to the wounds. His thick fingers were remarkably delicate as he picked out the small slivers, wondering at how they came to be there. His mouth continued its exploration, tugging the comforter down enough to expose the ugly wound on her neck, rage filling him once again at the viciousness of the attack.

  “Who did this to you, my Cyn?” he murmured softly, not expecting an answer. There would be time enough for answers after she was healed. And then there would be revenge.

  When he’d cleaned her as best he could, he lifted his own wrist to his mouth and sliced it open. Lowering the bloody arm to her mouth, he whispered directly into her ear. “Drink, lubimaya.”

  She protested fretfully, until he smeared blood over her lips. Then her tongue came out automatically to lick it off and she hummed with pleasure, seeking more until her mouth latched onto his wrist and she began suckling like a newborn babe. Every pull of her mouth sent ripples of desire through his groin, as if she were sucking his engorged cock rather than his wrist. He closed his eyes against the sensation.

  “Will I become Vampire?”

  His eyes opened at the sound of her damaged voice, her pain-clouded eyes staring up at him. “No,” he said gently. “It is not so simple a thing, nor one I would undertake without permission.”

  “Then, why?” Her words were slurred; she was already half asleep, groggy from the effects of ingesting his blood.

  “It will help you heal.”

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, giving his wrist a final lick before turning her face into his chest and curling into a natural sleep.

  He gazed down at her, nearly undone by the trust she gave him. “Would it be so terrible, sweet Cyn?” he whispered. “To spend eternity at my side?” But she was too far gone in sleep, and Raphael didn’t know if he wanted to hear her answer anyway.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  “RAPHAEL.” CYN’S dream-soaked whisper woke him from his own thoughts, reminding him of the passing time. With a final, reluctant caress, he pulled away from her, tugging the comforter up to her chin and tucking her beneath its warmth.

  He bent to kiss Cyn good-bye, a quick brush of lips on her forehead that became a sensuous exploration of her skin, her warm mouth. She purred hungrily in her sleep, full of desire for him. He stood, gazing at her with regret before forcing himself to leave.

  Downstairs in the garage, human guards had joined his vampires, and along with them a human doctor who was a trusted member of his staff.

  “I sent for Dr. Saephan,” Duncan murmured at his side. “The guards will remain outside, but I thought perhaps . . .”

  Raphael tensed, fighting the urge to keep her to himself, to let no one touch her but him. But the sun would rise. And he could not be there for her then. He closed his eyes, feeling the first blush of heat against his skin. “Yes. Thank you, Duncan.”

  “She will be protected, my lord.”

  “She will be avenged,” he said fiercely. Then, he gathered his vampires to him and disappeared into the fading darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  CYNTHIA WOKE TO a sharp pain in her arm, then a burning as a needle withdrew. Her eyes opened and she rolled from the bed, grabb
ing the Glock from her bedside drawer as she moved, crouching next to the table, the gun tracking . . . a nice-looking guy in a white coat? She scanned the room. She was where she expected to be, in her own condo, her own bed. Looking down, she saw a faint trickle of blood and some bruising around her inner left arm. She looked up at the man’s startled face.

  He held up an empty blood bag in one hand, plastic tubing trailing over to the needle in his other. “Blood transfusion,” he explained. “You lost a lot of blood.”

  “Who are you?” Her voice came out grittier than she expected and she coughed self-consciously.

  “Dr. Peter Saephan, at your service,” he said with a pleasant smile. “It’s a matter of quantity for us humans, not just quality.” He gestured with the blood bag.

  “You work for Raphael?” She relaxed marginally, realized she was naked and grabbed the sheet from the bed, wrapping it around her body.

  “I have that honor,” Saephan acknowledged. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starved, but . . .” Cyn sniffed herself, wrinkling her face in distaste. “I need a shower.”

  “Ah, you must be feeling better then. Good. Show me where you keep your sheets, and I’ll change this bed while you freshen up.”

  “Naked here,” she said in exasperation.

  “Oh, please, I’m a doctor. Besides—”

  “Yeah, well you’re not my doctor.” She waved her hand, ordering him out of the room and making a dash for the bathroom when he complied. “The sheets are in the hall closet!” she shouted, before closing the door.


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