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Curvy Obsession

Page 4

by Hope Stone

  I couldn’t believe it. I walked out of her office in a daze. Why would he do this after everything I had put him through? I was thinking of calling his phone since I still had the number, but I didn’t know what I would say if he even decided to call me back.

  But I didn’t have to worry about that. He was sitting in the waiting room outside where my dad was receiving treatment.

  “They told me you’d be coming in today and I thought I’d wait. I would have called, but I didn’t even get your number.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know how to tell you how much this means to me,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes again. “After everything I did to you. I’m so sorry.”

  “You did what you needed to do to help your father. That doesn’t make you a bad person. Just a really good person who did a bad thing for a good reason. And you know what? I can’t blame you. I tried. I tried to be angry with you, but I can’t. Because you’re amazing. And I haven’t stopped thinking about you these past few days. Um, I guess, what I should say… even though it might sound crazy… is that I am in love with you.”

  I fell into his arms and kissed him gently as he wiped away my tears.

  “I love you too, Finley Joseph,” I whispered and he smiled and held me tightly.



  I stayed by Ally’s side and made sure that I was there for her and her father while we they were dealing with the stresses of the cancer treatment together. I’ll never forget the day that the doctor told us that Ally’s father was in remission and given the all-clear.

  I didn’t waste any time in asking him for permission to ask Ally to marry me. I felt like the luckiest man in the world when he eagerly agreed. Now he will be able to walk his daughter down the aisle like he had always dreamed. That night, while drinking whisky and watching the sunset, I popped the question and she said yes.

  Since she no longer needed to take care of her father, Ally was able to become a fully-fledged journalist for The New York Times. Over the years, she won many awards for investigative reporting and breaking news. I couldn’t have been prouder of my wife…that is, until the day she gave birth to our first child.

  Now, 10 years later, we have three children together, two boys and a girl. With a family waiting for me at home, I learned how to balance my work life and family life and spent a lot less time at the office. I have always been there whenever the kids or Ally needs me. And to be honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  Dear reader,

  I can’t thank you enough for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. If it weren’t for passionate readers like yourself that give me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams as a full time author doing what I feel like I was born to do…being creative, writing books and sharing it with beautiful people like you.

  Do you want to more from my Insta Love Alpha Male series?

  You’re in luck because I decided to include a preview of Book 2 in this series, “His Obsession: Her Curves” where we have a single dad billionaire, Jack, who needs a favor from his beautiful and curvy nanny, Tessa. Jack’s business is hinging on closing a deal with a client at a retreat and he needs Tessa to play the part of his wife to keep up appearances. But will they be able to pull it off without their secret being exposed by Jack’s nemesis who tags along for the weekend?!

  Click Here To Find out for yourself! Happy reading!

  Preview: Book Two

  His Obsession, Her Curves

  Chapter 1


  “Good morning, Tessa.” Mr. McAllen greeted me as I let myself in through the front door. He was already dressed and on his way out, even though it was only 6:30 am. “The kids are still asleep. I didn’t have time to wake them. I need to be at the office early this morning. Please have them at school on time. I don’t need to have the principal on my case right now. It used to be that teachers listened to the parents. Now apparently we need to follow their orders and pay for the privilege to do so.”

  He seemed stressed. But then again, he was always on his way somewhere. But I guess that was why he’d hired me. I took care of the children so that he could focus on business. I wasn’t judging him; it’s just that during the two weeks I’d been working for him, he left early every morning and came home late every night. But that wasn’t my problem. My job was to make sure the children were looked after.

  He downed his coffee, grabbed his briefcase and nodded a goodbye as he fled the house. I watched him walk down the stairs to the garage. He was a good-looking man and the fact that he was extremely wealthy and looked pretty damn gorgeous in that fitted suit didn’t help.

  But there was something off about him. He wasn’t exactly cold, but rather just too busy to be warm. I felt for Spencer and Lissa, the two kids I was looking after. Their mother had died three years earlier and, from what I’d heard, they’d had nanny after nanny taking care of them.

  Apparently, most of them resigned because of the hours. And I could understand that. If I’d had a family of my own, I certainly wouldn’t be able to work these hours. But I was new to town, completely alone, and saving up for my post-grad... so I was happy for the overtime.

  I walked up the two flights of stairs to the children’s rooms. If this job stuck, at least I would be getting lots of exercise walking around the mansion. Spencer, the six-year-old, sprang to life as soon as I walked into the room. He always had an excessive amount of energy. It was cute but exhausting. His sister, on the other hand, was never a morning person. She was two years older than her brother but acted like she was a decade more mature.

  I promised that if they were up and dressed in 20 minutes, I’d make them pancakes for breakfast. That seemed to get Lissa excited enough to get out of bed, even if she was frowning. Even though I had only been with them for a short period, I really liked the kids.

  They were interesting characters and I found we could have quite a bit of fun together. I got the kids to school on time, as I had every single day since I’d started the job. I didn’t know what Mr. McAllen had been talking about that morning, but it annoyed me. I would never let the children be late. I wasn’t that kind of person. I was always on time. I was reliable. That was pretty much my best quality, according to my mother.

  “Oh, hi there. You must be the McAllen’s new nanny,” a young woman with a blond bob dropping off a set of adorable twins said as we handed over our respective kids.

  “Yes, I’m Tessa van Borne. And you are?” I smiled brightly, hoping I didn’t come on too strong. I hadn’t made any friends yet in this town and it didn’t help that I didn’t go anywhere where I could meet people.

  “I’m Alison Hulling and those are my two brats. They look cute, but they’re evil.” She laughed, clearly joking. “Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? I promise I’m not a bad person, just dying for some grown-up conversation. And, to be honest, most of these prep school mothers are a bit stuffy for me.”

  I agreed and we went to a coffee shop a short drive from the school. Alison was super chatty and it really did seem like she needed some adult company. So did I, to be honest. And she was right about the other moms and even the nannies. The few I’d tried to start conversations with had all treated me like I was from a different planet.

  “So, how is it working out with Jack McAllen? My husband works for him and apparently, he never leaves the office. Must be hard, though, after his wife passed away. Guy could use a date, if you ask me. And it’s not like it would be hard for him; he clearly still manages to make time for the gym… if you know what I mean?”

  I did know what she meant. The other night, he’d come home with his sleeves rolled up and those arms were something spectacular. And he had these piercing green eyes that made you want to stare into them. If he wasn’t my boss, he would definitely be daydream material.

  Chapter Two


  I was pleased to see the new nanny was on time. Not that I co
uld remember her ever being late. I needed to leave the house early, since we were going to meet with new investors later in the day and I needed time to prepare. I couldn’t think in that house. Usually, I didn’t feel guilty leaving at that hour. It’s not like the kids were counting on me to wake them up, anyway. But something about Tessa made me feel like I had to explain myself. Actually, no, that’s incorrect. Nobody made me feel like I have to do anything. She made me want to explain myself.

  I ended up mumbling something about getting the kids to school on time and the principal and then headed out. Maybe it was because she was far more attractive than the other nannies. I found myself thinking about her pretty face and gorgeous, curvaceous body as I drove to the office. I shook my head. I didn’t need any distractions.

  Click here to read how the story continues!

  About The Author

  Hope Stone

  Hope Stone writes hot and steamy short romances featuring heroes that can't help falling in insta love. She loves possessive and protective alpha men, instant love stories and always happily ever afters.

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