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Coincidences: #3 Diana & Anya

Page 12

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Only if you promise me you will not…” Diana straightened up, moving to stand between his knees as he sat perched on the edge of the desk. Her hands went to the open front of his shirt. “I am most…honored…that you want to defend me.”

  “Us cavemen are like that,” Gideon wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “If you’re going to ask me not to beat the living daylights out of your relatives…” He saw her head tip and brows arch expressively. “Alright, alright…”

  “Thank you.” Diana inhaled deeply, straightened her shoulders and applied her best smile. “I need a restroom and to circulate.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” Gideon watched her stride off, his attention caught on Jane calling his name. “She went to the bathroom.”

  Jane kissed him on the cheek and ran off, leaving him with Damian and another man.

  “Gideon Adams…Simon Oliver,” Damian snagged a glass of wine from a passing tray. The three drifted and talked, conversation turning to careers.

  “Your firm does residential work, too? Designs?” Gideon kept an eye on Diana as he talked to Simon.

  “We have a small division that handles that. What did you need?” Simon listened when Gideon presented a basic outline of what he wanted added to the property. “I’ll come out and take a look myself this week. It sounds like a fun thing to design with the ideas you’ve given me. I’ll work up an estimate for you,” Simon watched the redhead lift a large painting off the wall, staggering slightly. “Excuse me…the redhead belongs to me…Chloe! Let me help you…”

  Blue eyes popped wide when the painting was lifted from her hands. “I didn’t want anyone else to snag it. It’ll be perfect in that spot in the library!”

  Diana walked with him a long time later, hands swinging between them and her laughter bright and free.

  “I think we can consider things a nice success,” Gideon said with a nod, joining her in the SUV.

  “It was fun,” she breathed happily. “People enjoyed my flowers.”

  “Since all of them sold…I’d say so,” Gideon agreed with a chuckle.

  It was past midnight when Diana eased from the large bed and padded barefoot down the stairs to her drawing case. Wearing one of Gideon’s shirts, she sat cross-legged on the sofa, the drawing pad long ways and her pencil sketching the image that had been in her mind. At one-thirty she looked up to see him coming down the stairs.

  “Why are we awake, Diana?” Gideon saw the stars sparkling in her eyes and looked down at her drawing. His breath caught in his chest. Carefully, he took the drawing pad and pencil from her, setting them on the floor and stretching them out on the sofa, the blanket on the back tugged snugly over them. “This means I have it in writing…so to speak….you can’t go back now, city girl.”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone or anything more in my whole life, Gideon,” she whispered softly, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and body pressed against his full of love and promise.

  Ten harried days later, the drawing came to life in the small wildflower meadow. Bright sunshine, excellent company and vows exchanged.

  Diana wore the gypsy dress she had bought, gold coins jangling and brilliant colors swirling as she walked toward Gideon, wearing a simple white shirt and slacks. She felt hot moisture filling her eyes, rapidly blinking it away when he kissed her, turning them to face the justice. The same justice who had saved her sanity all those years ago now presided over a wedding meant to be.

  The Girl Inside

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chloe stood outside the little shop Diana had told her was where she found the gypsy dress. The workmanship was amazing and Chloe wanted to talk to the person about a proposition.

  The label sewn into the pieces Diana wore were all the same. Anya Originals.

  Chloe went through a lot of pieces in the little shop, but didn’t find that label a week later. Finally she went to the counter, offering her best smile to the older woman. The large store was well lit and showed the age of the woman looking at her expectantly.

  “Hello…I’m looking for Anya? Is she here?” Chloe thought she’d try the simple path first.

  “She doesn’t work here, we only sell her designs,” the woman spoke with a thick accent that Chloe knew was Croatian. She reached beneath the counter and slid a small white card over the glass surface. “We have none of her clothing at the moment, but this is how you can contact her. How do you know her?”

  “A friend of mine wore one of her blouses, skirt and vest at her wedding a week ago and I wanted to talk to Anya about her designs,” Chloe thanked the woman. “Do you know where I can find her today?”

  “I know she is dancing at the festival…Sea Fair?” The woman glanced at the small watch on her wrist. “They will be dancing sometime this evening.”

  “Sea Fair? Excellent…what kind of dancing?” Chloe just followed the woman’s finger when she pointed to a large photo of six women dressed in very colorful belly dancing outfits. “Thank you,” Chloe said with a smile and left the shop, absently fingering the card.

  Noon on a Friday, Chloe leaned against the fence and pulled her phone free. She wasn’t sure what was on the schedule and sent a message to Simon, striding along the street and peering into the variety of shops. She was sitting outside a coffee shop sipping a smoothie when the sports car pulled into the lot. She sent a quick note to the waitress she had prepaid and sat back, watching the handsome male stride toward her. He had left his jacket in the car and pulled his tie free, his shirt open at the throat. Accepting his greeting kiss always sent a thrill through her.

  “So we’re beginning our weekend early?” Simon sat back in the chair, his grin crooked when a tall cup of coffee and a fresh sandwich appeared in front of him. “You are a brilliant woman,” he lifted the sandwich with a healthy bite.

  “We are attending the Sea Fair festival. It might be better if we took the car home and got dropped off,” Chloe went on to explain at the interest in his eyes. “The woman I’m looking for, the one who made Diana’s wedding outfit, will be there, dancing. I want to talk to her. So…” she stood up and held out her hand as the small sandwich disappeared.

  “Good idea. I can change into some shorts and a lighter shirt. Summer evenings…” Simon pulled her against him, striding with her to the car.

  It was almost five when Chloe spotted Jane and Diana sitting a few feet from the main stage area. According to the list, a local belly dancing club would be performing first.

  The breeze was pleasant as it swept in from the Sound and mixed well with the laughter and chatter surrounding the excitement that the pirate festival generated. People wearing all types of clothing milled with frosty cool drinks of all types in their hands. Kids jumped and played in the huge squared off sandbox while the adults began an evening of socializing.

  Diana was listening to Chloe as she let her gaze sweep the crowd, her mind already working on a painting of her excursion. She told Gideon she’d be back in a bit and wandered toward a tall man leaning against a stone wall, hands in the pockets of his slacks and glasses dusty from the sand.

  “Ian?” Diana peered the few inches up. He was as tall as Gideon, a few inches over six foot but slightly thinner.

  “Diana?” Ian Sheffield stood up slowly, his gaze sweeping the golden blonde before reaching out to hug her.

  “I thought I recognized you,” She saw him smile and accept her warm hug.

  “It’s been a long time,” he acknowledged, noticing the rings on her hand. “I like the haircut. You look even younger and more beautiful than ever.”

  “Thank you…you’re looking a little worn, Ian. Just back from someplace less than pleasant?” She asked carefully, knowing some of the places he had volunteered over the years and the nightmares from being there.

  “No…no…I’ve been here in Seattle now for about three years,” Ian saw a man approaching them. “I’m guessing you have a protector these days?”

  “A…” Diana only looked puzzled for a se
cond before her smile brightened at the hands on her waist. “Oh, Gideon…Ian, this is my husband, Gideon Adams. Gideon this is an old friend of mine, Ian Sheffield.”

  The men exchanged the polite handshake. “Old friend?” Gideon repeated casually.

  “Grade school old, Gideon,” Diana laughed. “Ian was much too brilliant to be stuck in normal schools for very long. And much too smart to let family traditions bind him in place,” she added softly. “Where are you working, Ian?”

  “St. Michaels,” he answered with a chuckle and a wink. “Did you doubt? Pembrook has been after me for ages to join her.”

  “Good. It’s a good place for you,” Diana replied firmly. “I’m on the board now, along with Jane…why don’t you join us? We’re over here…”

  “I’ve heard a little chatter about you lately,” Ian mentioned casually, accepting her offer with a slight nod. “You know mother…always up on the latest stories floating around.”

  “I’m sure they’re working real hard to keep it all secret. I believe I’m quite the scandal these days,” Diana said with a chuckle. “No matter. I’ve a new life and it’s fun,” she went through introductions, frowning when the seat beside Simon was empty. “Chloe?”

  “Off to the staging area…to find this woman she’s been searching for since your wedding,” Simon told her easily.

  “Anya…Chloe said she was dancing here today,” Diana didn’t miss the interest sparked in Ian’s eyes. “Do you know her, Ian?”

  “That’s a complicated answer,” he finally replied after a few seconds.

  “Hmm…” Jane looked at him for a long minute. She’d seen that expression recently. In Damian as well as Gideon. She stood up and walked to the side area, slipping easily behind the make shift curtain.

  Massive amounts of color filled the small area the women were using as a dressing room. Jane stood to the side to avoid being in their way, the flurry of activity including adjusting, straightening, and nodding approval. Female bodies in all sizes filled and flowed from costumes of brilliant colored scarves, skirts and loose fitting harem pants. Bells and cymbals tinkled all around them, tambourines sat waiting with streaming ribbons of all colors on the edges.

  Jane watched Chloe and another woman adjust Chloe’s costume for a better fit. The other woman was tall, easily their height with very dark chestnut hair feathered in long bangs over a high forehead with wisps teasing the sides of her face. Her lips were full and added an innocent sensuality to the slender, willowy form. Jane took a guess that she was Anya by the animated conversation between her and Chloe. She was going to ask why Chloe was being pinned into the costume but decided better. She had come to know Chloe over the last few months and nothing was surprising. She listened instead and learned all she needed to know.

  Jane wore a crooked grin when she left the small dressing area, winking at Damian and perching on his knee with a soft kiss. Being an opportunist by nature, Damian just went with it. He could see something in her eyes, but wasn’t sure how to label it.

  “Did you find Chloe?” Simon lifted one of the crispy fries, his demeanor casual until he looked into Jane’s eyes. “What?”

  “You are suspicious by nature,” Jane teased.

  “I…am married to Chloe,” he tossed back instantly. “I used to be considered conservative.”

  Laughter went out happily from the table. “Hmm…wonder what would happen if I suggested a game of – where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?” Jane was almost dumped on the ground, the other two males choked on either a drink or mouthful of food, while the females laughed brightly.

  “Ohhh…I think I might…” Diana began until a palm came up and clamped tightly over her mouth.

  “Well, that is certainly telling,” Jane chuckled. “It always amazes me how guys want it constantly, but get embarrassed when it comes to talking about it. Anyway,” she waved a palm dismissingly through the air. “You, Simon, are in for an exotic interlude.”

  Simon groaned, looking toward the stage. “She can never not be involved.”

  “Oh…and you’re suffering so greatly…” Jane teased.

  “It isn’t that…it’s the not knowing what’s coming next. I’m a be prepared kind of guy,” he explained simply, stopping when the soft strains of music began filling the large outdoor area. Simon swore softly when the curtain was pulled aside, two very feminine forms were in the center, back to back, arms raised, each with one knee bent and toes visible. One his redhead, the other a dark haired woman.

  The music was sultry. The bells and cymbals playing to the sounds as their bodies moved and swayed expertly to the beat. They ended with a slow return to their opening position a few minutes later to rousing applause.

  “Wow,” Simon drained the tall glass of frosted ale.

  “I remember those moves,” Jane said with a low chuckle.

  “You know how…” Damian cast a look over at her.

  “Remind me to show you later,” Jane suggested with a wink.

  “Sounds like an early evening to me,” Diana said with a laugh.

  “Simon is right…it’s the damned throwing us off guard all the time,” Damian grumbled good-naturedly.

  “But you’re such fast thinkers,” Diana patted the silent Gideon on the cheek. “Gideon always recovers really nicely.”

  “Do you know why my wife was on the stage?” Simon asked, one brow arched and aimed at Jane.

  “From what I heard, they’re short a person…due to traffic. Chloe volunteered to help with the opening number instead of making the audience wait,” Jane explained easily, nodding to the redressed Chloe and her new friend.

  “Wow! That was grand fun!” Chloe took the chair next to her husband, her palm up with a wave. “Guys, this is Anya Miller…Right to left…Gideon, Diana, Damian and Jane…this is Simon…and I don’t know that one,” she said with a slight frown at the man staring at them.

  “Ian Sheffield,” he said quietly. “We’ve met before.”

  “I am pleased to meet you all,” Anya’s accent was soft and notably from the middle of Europe. “I am afraid you are mistaken,” but her eyes were lowered and he could see her hands shaking. “I must get back to the girls. Thank you for your help, Chloe, and we will speak again, I promise you.”

  Purple and red fabric shimmered as she turned and walked on bare feet to the curtained off area.

  “Are you mistaken, Ian Sheffield?” Chloe asked quietly, watching him closely.

  “No.” He answered immediately.

  “Care to share with the class?” Jane asked quietly. She already knew that Chloe was bringing Anya into their cluster of friends, she felt it inside.

  “Ian was in Croatia for over a year,” Diana said carefully, filling in a little of the missing pieces. “He worked with Doctors without Borders. I’m hazarding a guess that Anya Miller is from Croatia.”

  “She is….and she is a very skilled surgeon. Amazing hands….her specialty was children,” Ian explained quietly.

  “Miller isn’t a Croatian name,” Chloe commented.

  “She had married a young soldier there…I met her in the surgery and worked with her for about half a year. The last time I saw her was the day her husband died in her arms,” Ian’s face hardened, his gaze leaving the table to stare out over the water. “He’d been in the middle of a mine field with some others, trying to get the kids and animals out…there wasn’t anything we could do for him…too much…too much of him simply wasn’t there. That was five years ago,” his voice caught in his throat, lashes down for a long minute as he searched for composure. The gasps and silence around the table making his head shake. He pushed himself to his feet. “It was nice meeting you all and I’m glad you’re happy, Diana…take care of her, Gideon. Later, all.”

  “Oh my…” Diana sighed heavily.

  “Yeah,” Jane drained the tall smoothie and stood up. “I need a refill…anyone?”

  Chloe wandered off with her, buying some crunchy elephant ears and a large smo
othie. “Why would she deny knowing him?”

  “Come on, Chloe…there’s stuff in all our lives we want to pretend wasn’t there,” Jane shrugged as they walked back to the table, food spread across the top when the others returned from various vendors. “I can’t say as I’d blame her for wanting that time in her life as far from her memory as possible. It must hurt terribly.”

  “I’m talking to her about us opening a little costume shop…and she’s a surgeon…” Chloe pulled off a large piece of sweetness, chewing thoughtfully. “She never said a thing about being a doctor.”

  “She might not be practicing any longer,” Diana suggested simply.

  “The marriage would grant her USA access, but I don’t know how she’d handle getting her doctor license and all that transferred,” Damian offered, vaguely looking toward the stage as eight women moved to the beat heavy music. Having been in the kind of places they had worked, he could feel the weight on them both.

  “Hmm…” Chloe turned her attention to her friends and her husband, taking the lead and bringing laughter back into the evening. Her appointment was set to chat with Anya and something told her that Ian Sheffield wasn’t the kind of guy to give up that easily.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chloe had invited Jane and Diana to join them for lunch. The sun was out and sparkling off the water so she had selected a large outdoor table at the restaurant, sipping water and waiting for Anya to join them the next Monday.

  “You’re looking all glowy,” Chloe commented when Diana sunk into her chair, breathless.

  “I was shopping…and browsing,” she said easily. “And just enjoying the day. It’s glorious.”

  “A week till the official start of summer,” Jane remarked, sipping the strawberry lemonade. “Awww…crap…” She straightened up in the chair when the man casually walked up to them and took the fourth chair, dark eyes narrowed coldly. “Get out of here.”


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