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Nightshift Bundle with Wolf Tales & Embrace The Night

Page 21

by Kate Douglas

  Keisha awoke, blinking against the bright morning sun. She’d slept all night! The horrible nightmares that had troubled her sleep since her assault hadn’t appeared. She’d slept soundly, her mind free of fear. The terror was gone.

  She’d dreamed of Anton.

  She blinked, focused on Stefan sitting beside her on the bed, a steaming cup of coffee held in his hands. He smiled and held the cup out for her to take a sip. It was wonderful, hot and strong, with enough caffeine to wake the dead. She smiled and handed the cup back to Stefan. “Thank you.”

  “You are an amazing woman, Keisha Rialto. Absolutely amazing.”

  She shook her head. “How can you say that? I killed three men. I lost control. They didn’t die cleanly, Stefan.”

  He took a swallow of the coffee and grinned at her. “You were true to your nature. You were brave and fearless, and I’m so proud of you, I can hardly stand it.”

  “What?” Startled, she stared at him. “What do you mean? I’m a murderer.”

  “Beats being a victim. You were being systematically, brutally tortured by three vicious thugs. They let you see them, so we know they intended to kill you. You were able to save yourself because you had the courage to take action. You did what comes naturally to the wolf. You had something shoved down your throat, so you bit it off. You had two other men restraining you, so you retaliated in the only way a wolf can—with your teeth and your claws. You’re amazing.” He kissed her.

  She didn’t kiss him back. She felt too stunned to react. “All this time I’ve known I did something awful, but I had no idea what. Last night, when you tried to…”

  She sighed. “Well, it all came back to me. Everything, all at once.” She took another sip of his coffee. “Dr. Aragat’s magic potion?”

  “Hey, if it works…” He brushed her hair back from her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  She looked at him, sighed deeply and smiled. “Yeah. Actually, I feel really good. It’s either the coffee or your therapy session.”

  “The true test will be whether or not you can take a man from behind without freaking out. I hope you realize you scared the crap out of me.”

  “I scared Anton too. But when it happened with him, I had no idea why I lost it. I knew it had something to do with the assault, but not exactly what.”

  “Now that you know, how do you feel about it? What if I were to take you like that? Would you be able to handle it?”

  “Probably, but you’re not going to find out. At least not yet.” She grinned at him, fully awake now.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m saving myself for Anton. We may have a very open relationship, but I know it hurt him that I couldn’t enjoy everything with him, that I still had this huge block in my mind. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah.” He leaned over and kissed her nose, then moved lower to feast on her full lips. Finally he came up for air. “It’s okay. I’ll get it out of your hide in a lot of other ways.”

  She lay back and spread her legs, then crooked her finger, inviting him in.

  Never one to turn down an invitation, Stefan accepted.

  “They’re late.”

  “I know.” Stefan turned away from the window. Snow fell steadily, glistening multicolored in the glow from the twinkling Christmas lights. Anton had called hours ago. They should have been here by now.

  The meal was cold and forgotten. Oliver had long ago returned to his cottage. The main highway was closed due to the storm, but Anton and Xandi should have been on the private road hours ago.

  “Do you sense them?” Keisha wrapped her arms around her middle and looked close to tears.

  Stefan stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “No. I’ve tried, but they’re still too far away.”

  “Or dead.” Her voice shook.

  “No. They’re okay.” They had to be okay. He tried to imagine life without Xandi, without Anton, and knew he never wanted to be so alone again. Knew Keisha felt the same way. Together, they were family. Together, they could conquer anything.

  Just look at what Keisha had conquered this week. They’d talked again, later, about the details of her attack. She’d screamed, she’d cried, she’d even struck out, angry at Stefan for making her face things she would rather have kept hidden in the back of her heart.

  He’d finally convinced her those memories were merely festering, stored away as they’d been. Made her see the good that had come from her horrible attack, the fact that it had forced her to find the wolf inside herself, something she might never have discovered.

  It had not been an easy week. They’d spoken to Anton and Xandi nightly by phone, but neither Keisha nor Stefan had mentioned the impromptu therapy sessions.

  Now they worried.

  The blizzard worsened. Snow blew sideways, obscuring even the railing around the deck. Keisha stared at the phone. Stefan paced. Finally he headed for the door.

  “Wait here. I’m going down the road, see if I can pick up anything. My Chanku senses are stronger there.”

  Keisha reached for her top buttons as if preparing to shift.

  “No. Stay by the phone in case they call. I won’t go farther than I can link with you. If I find anything, I’ll let you know. Keep in touch with me. Shift if you think it will increase your senses, but don’t leave the house.”

  She nodded, accepting his decision, though he knew she hated the thought of being here alone.

  Before she could change her mind, Stefan undressed, opened the door and shifted.

  Be careful.

  He felt the biting cold even through the thick winter coat of the wolf. His broad paws sank into the drifted snow, and he found it was almost impossible to locate the road, much less make any headway, but he forced his way forward, eventually taking to the trees beside the road, where the snow wasn’t as thick.

  Something was wrong, horribly wrong. He’d sensed it the moment he shifted—the fear, the pain. He tried to judge time and distance, but it was impossible. Drawing him on was the sense of Anton and Xandi. He shared his feelings with Keisha, drew on her for strength as he covered the long miles leading to the highway. The temperature continued to fall as he raced forward, as the sense of wrongness grew stronger.

  He might have missed the truck altogether, so deeply buried was it in the drifts, but the motor still ran, and the thick cloud coming from the exhaust caught his attention.

  They’d gone off the road. How long ago he could only guess, but he shifted, ending up naked in the biting cold, but it was the only way he could wrench open the door on the passenger side of the truck.

  The fumes from the exhaust were overpowering, seeping into the cab, poisoning the unconscious figures within. Keisha! I need you. Bring the four-wheeler with blankets. Lots of blankets.

  He dragged Xandi out onto the snow, then grabbed Anton. Both were unconscious, barely breathing. Fighting panic, Stefan checked Xandi’s pulse, then blew air into her lungs. She coughed, gasped, struggled against him. He moved quickly to Anton, giving him the breath of life, begging him to awaken.

  The four-wheeler sounded muffled in the storm, but he called out to Keisha, using the mental link they’d strengthened over this long week to reach her, to bring her directly to them.

  She pulled up close in the small vehicle. She’d attached the garden trailer Oliver used around the grounds.

  Are they alive?


  She threw a bundle of warm clothing to Stefan. While he dressed, she spread blankets in the bed of the trailer, fashioned a warm cocoon for Xandi and Anton, then helped Stefan load the two into the back.

  Stefan reached for Xandi’s mind. Found nothing. He tried Anton’s and was met with the same unusual lack of consciousness. He looked at Keisha and knew she’d tried to reach them as well. Were they too late? How long had they been exposed to the deadly fumes?

  Breathing around a huge lump of fear in his throat, Stefan helped Keisha cover Xandi and Anton with the blankets. Then, with their precious
cargo well-protected, they headed back to the house.

  Chapter 26

  Day broke slowly, a watery gray dawning, nothing like the picture-perfect Christmas mornings featured on cards, but Keisha couldn’t remember a better Christmas in her entire life. Stefan, as wolf, lay curled up next to Xandi, who slept peacefully beside Anton.

  Keisha sat in the rocker next to the bed. She’d wrapped herself in the multicolored afghan against the morning chill. Now she sipped her cup of coffee and grinned like a complete idiot while tears streamed down her face.

  They’re okay, Stefan. I sense their thoughts. Their dreams are normal, their thoughts clear and coherent. I’d almost given up.

  Stefan raised his shaggy head and blinked. Keisha saw his eyes narrow, knew he reached for Xandi. Slowly, as if waking from a long dream, Alexandria opened her eyes and sat up.

  “Stefan?” She touched the wolf beside her. “Keisha? What happened? There was a horrible storm. We lost the brakes on that last hill and…Anton?”

  “I’m here.” Shoving himself upright, Anton shook his head and groaned. “My god, what a headache! We’re home? How?”

  Throwing her blanket aside, Keisha launched herself into his arms. Anton grunted, but hung onto her as she sobbed and hugged him with her arms around his neck, her legs wrapped just as tightly around his waist.

  Stefan jumped down off the bed, shifted, leaned over and kissed Xandi, then picked her up. “Ya know, sweetheart, I’m getting a bit tired of rescuing your lovely butt from car wrecks in snowstorms.” He kissed her again. “You and I need time alone together, mate. Just as they do. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  He looked back at Keisha and winked. “Merry Christmas, kiddo. Looks like you got what you wanted…which means you get to give him what he wants. Glad to see you back among the living, Anton. You two scared the crap out of us.” He kissed Xandi hard on the mouth, then carried her out of the room.

  Anton swept Keisha’s tousled hair back from her face. “What was that all about?”

  “Link with me, Anton. Completely.”

  He frowned, but did as she asked. The look of wonder that crossed his face brought on an entirely new rush of tears.

  “No barriers. No blocks of any kind. What happened?” He brushed her hair back from her eyes once more, the unabashed love in his almost her undoing.

  “Stefan helped me through some of the trauma, some of the stuff I haven’t been able to deal with. It was pretty awful. Stuff I didn’t even know myself, probably could never have shown you because I love you too much.”

  Anton kissed her. She could drown in those kisses. Could never get enough of his taste, his scent. His love. Then he pulled away, held her face in his hands, looked at her with so much love, so much feeling, it took her breath away.

  “Stefan’s given you a very special gift, my love. He’s returned your spirit, that part you’ve been hiding from me since I’ve known you. But what did he mean by your gift for me? You’re all the gift I’ll ever need.”

  She tried to bite back her grin, but failed. “Not until you’re feeling better. I want you strong and healthy.”

  The reality of the past hours suddenly caught her. “Do you know how close you came to dying in that truck? The fumes were horrible!” She tried to look indignant, but the thought of their comatose bodies brought a fresh round of tears. “I was so afraid, Anton.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “We must have been knocked unconscious when the truck slid off the road. Then the exhaust fumes leaking into the cab kept us out. If Stefan hadn’t come along when he did…”

  “Maybe we should call him Santa, not Stefan.” Keisha giggled when she felt Anton’s hand creeping inside the waistband of her sweats. She wriggled, settled herself closer against him and felt the hard ridge of his cock, swelling in the valley between her legs.

  “I’m feeling much better, by the way.”

  “I noticed.” She pressed harder, her muscles clenching against his growing erection.

  His fingers crept lower.

  “I thought you had a headache.” She wiggled her bottom once more when his fingers found the crease between her cheeks, slipped lower, discovered the heat between her legs.

  “What headache? I’m getting ideas.”

  “So am I.” Then she opened her thoughts, let him see what Stefan had done, how he’d helped her accept the violence, the true nature of Chanku.

  Then she showed him very explicitly what she wanted…what she now fantasized and no longer feared.

  Eyes alight with desire, he kissed her. Feasted on her mouth as if her breath alone would keep him alive. Still he managed to strip her clothing off her body. His right hand found her breast, his left trailing along the line of her hip, cupping her buttocks and pulling her close against him.

  She rolled her hips, rubbing the wet folds of her pussy against his cock, waiting for him to fill her. Instead Anton slipped out of her grasp. Stacking pillows in the middle of the bed, he bent Keisha over them.

  Her mouth went dry. Too soon, too sudden! A thick coil of fear clutched her heart. But instead of entering her the way she feared, the thick head of his cock slipped easily into her waiting pussy. He moved slowly in and out, teasing her with the controlled rhythm, with the soft touch that wasn’t nearly enough.

  His fingers found her clit, and he rubbed and tugged much too gently. She bit back a moan and shuddered as the tension built, as her body cried out for more. His soft laughter filled her mind just as he withdrew his cock and rested it between her buttocks. Slowly, still so very slowly, he rubbed his solid cock up and down against her ass, stroking lightly at first, pressing so close she felt the hot weight of his balls against her pussy.

  He didn’t change his cadence at all…didn’t touch her except with his cock. His hands grasped her hips, held her close. Her pussy cried out for contact. He dipped his fingers deep inside her, then quickly withdrew, but when his wet finger lightly brushed the tightly puckered ring of muscle at her ass, Keisha knew another erogenous zone had suddenly been added to her body.

  Instead of fear, she trembled with anticipation. Instead of pain, she felt only pleasure as Anton pressed and rubbed with his moistened fingertip, pressed and rubbed again, and finally breached the tightly puckered opening. He slipped his finger in and out. Keisha wriggled against him, wanting more, wanting relief from the building pressure of pending climax.

  He added another finger to her behind, slowly stretching her, making her ready. She shivered, tilted her hips just so, giving him greater access. His fingers moved inside her, and she raised her hips to meet each gentle thrust.

  His cock rested against her back, his balls rubbed over her buttocks, his fingers slowly fucked her from behind. She shivered in pleasure, not in fear, in anticipation, not in pain.

  She arched her back and moaned. Are you trying to drive me insane?

  He laughed out loud. I want you ready for me. I want you so desperate, you’ll take me deep inside without pain, without fear.

  I’m ready, dammit! Any more ready, and I’ll explode! She pressed her face into the mattress, raised her hips in the most blatant invitation she could manage. She felt Anton slowly withdraw his fingers, felt the solid head of his cock as he rubbed it around her ass. Frantic, she pressed back against him as he entered her, only to have him pull back.

  She relaxed, her body shivering with need, with anticipation. A sigh escaped her lips when she felt him once more pressing against her, easing his way inside. At the same time, his fingers found her aching clit, rubbed light, wet circles around and around, finding a rhythm that pulled her higher, farther, deeper, into pure sensation.

  He was big, much larger than the man who’d raped her, but the thought was merely a shadow that flitted through her mind, not nearly enough to dim the pleasure of taking Anton deep inside her body.

  She felt herself stretch, accept. Felt the smooth slide of his hot penis filling her.

  Are you okay? He pressed tiny kisses alon
g her spine, a kiss for each word.

  Oh, yeah. And I’ll be better when you’re finally all the way inside of me.

  Are you sure?

  Slowly Keisha pressed back against him, taking control, forcing his solid length deeper. The muscles in her pussy clenched. Anton groaned, and she knew he’d felt the contraction.

  His mind opened to hers. Keisha almost collapsed under the powerful rush of pure, blind sensuality, the heat he felt inside her passage, the ripple of muscles as he continued his slow, steady entrance. Finally his thighs pressed solidly against the backs of hers. His testicles, tethered tightly beneath his cock, rode in the damp crease of her pussy, and his fingers continued their steady assault on her clit.

  He withdrew just as slowly as he’d entered, then filled her once more. Keisha arched her back, forced her hips against his and cried out. The first orgasm left her writhing beneath him. When he filled her pussy with his long fingers, she came again, and when he found a faster rhythm, thrusting into her hard and deep, she cried out a third time and collapsed beneath him.

  Only then did Anton find his own release. She felt him strain against her, felt the hot rush of seed filling her, his teeth sharp against her shoulder as he bit down, marking her as his own.

  Then she turned her head, found his mouth and kissed him. His face was wet with tears, his lips hard, possessive. She felt his love, his strength, his pure nature, in the beauty of his kiss, in the touch of his body to hers.

  Taking her gently, he’d turned her nightmare into something wonderful. She’d thought herself shattered, broken beyond repair, but she was once again whole. She’d feared for Anton through the long night, but he was here, safe, alive, wanting her in every way.

  Thank you, my love.

  His soft, mental touch brought a smile to her lips. You need to thank Stefan. It was not an easy week for him.

  Truly a gift beyond measure, Stefan. Thank you.


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