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Nightshift Bundle with Wolf Tales & Embrace The Night

Page 64

by Kate Douglas

  “We got lucky,” Mac said. He hadn’t told Dink about Zianne’s part in the fight. Another secret, but he really had no choice.

  Dink shoved away from the counter. “As much as I’d like to stay with you guys tonight, I’ve got an early ride into the city tomorrow. I think I’ve used up all my adrenaline, because I’m really tired. I’m going to head home.”

  Mac quickly glanced at Zianne and bit his lips to keep from laughing at her innocent expression. Adrenaline was the least of what Dink had used tonight. If he were a cat, he’d be working on his ninth life. Mac pushed himself to his feet. “I’m beat, too. Hell of a way to celebrate your new job. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” Dink swaggered over to Mac. “We got rid of the bad guys, right? Just think of what might have happened if I hadn’t been here tonight. Who’d have saved your ugly butt?” Laughing, he added, “I just wish I could remember the fight. Thanks. Whatever you did, thank you.”

  “You got in a couple of punches before you went down.” Mac felt his throat tighten. Damn but he was going to miss this guy.

  “Well ...” Dink glanced from Mac to Zianne. “At least I’m not going to be that far away.” He sighed and wrapped his arms around Mac. “Damn, I’m going to miss the hell out of you guys.”

  Mac hugged him back. “I’ll miss you, too, Dink. We’ve never been apart, not since we were, what? Seven?”

  “Yep. Second grade, when my parents got busted and social services stuck me in the same foster care with you. We’ve been through a lot together. These last few weeks ... they’ve been the best. I love you, Mac. Good luck.” His eyes shimmered as he turned and pulled Zianne into a warm hug. “Take care of him for me, okay? He loves you. Don’t hurt him.”

  Zianne kissed Dink and rested her arms loosely on his shoulders. “I will take care of him. You have my promise. Don’t forget to come back here. I’ve learned there is nothing I love more than two gorgeous men in bed with me.”

  “That works for me, too.” He took a deep, shuddering breath. His eyes glistened. “I need to get moving.”

  “Good luck.” Zianne kissed his cheek one more time. “Let us know what time to watch for you on the television.”

  Dink paused at the open door and tipped a salute. “If you figure out a way to raise the ratings, a little help wouldn’t be remiss.”

  “Gotcha.” Mac laughed. “I’ll have Zianne get right on that.”

  “You do that.”

  Then Dink closed the door behind him and was gone.

  Mac turned and leaned against it. Sighing, he locked gazes with Zianne. “I’m really going to miss him, but this is the right thing for Dink. It’s time for him to make his break. As for us? Whatever you have to say ...” He studied her closely. Noted the tension around her lips, the slump to her shoulders, as if she’d already given up. “I want you to know that I love you. Just promise me something, okay?”

  She stood alone in the center of the room and faced him as if she were staring at a firing squad. “I will promise you anything, Mac.”

  “No lies. No head tricks. You will tell me everything. You know everything there is to know about me. I want the truth about you, Zianne. You can’t build a relationship on a foundation of lies. Without a strong foundation, we have nothing. So that’s the deal. If you want us to last ...” He shrugged. “All of it. Understood?”

  “Yes. I promise, Mac.”

  She looked so guilt-stricken that it took everything Mac had not to pull her into his arms and tell her it was all okay. It wasn’t okay. He realized he didn’t care who or what she was, but he had to have honesty. He had to know the truth.

  Tears glistened on her cheeks. He held out his hand. She took a step toward him. He stepped closer to her. When their fingers met, he tugged and she came to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face against his chest and sobbing as if her world had ended.

  Maybe it had. He hoped not. He wanted to see this as a beginning, as a new start for the two of them. He lusted after Zianne. That was a given. He loved her sense of humor, her quick smile, and the brilliant mind that was constantly miles ahead of his. He honestly loved her as much as he liked her, but Mac knew he needed more.

  He needed to know the real woman behind the one he loved, the one who made him laugh and challenged his mind. The image of that flash of pure energy, a deadly lightning bolt dragging their assailant to his death, slipped boldly into Mac’s thoughts. He pushed it aside. He had no doubt that was a part of Zianne, but there was more. Much more.

  He peeled her arms from around his waist and led her to the couch. Sat down beside her and took both of her hands in his. Looked into those violet eyes still swimming in tears, and gave her an ultimatum. “Only the truth, Zianne. Nothing else.”

  She sighed. Bit her lips and closed her eyes. Then she looked at him, pulled her hands free of his, and folded them in her lap. “First of all,” she said. “I’m not really human.”

  Mac burst out laughing. “No shit, Sherlock. Now tell me the stuff I don’t know.”

  “But how?” Zianne felt as if her heart, that strange organ that constantly rumbled in her chest, thundered now, as if it had leapt into overtime. “How did you know?”

  “Sweetheart, I may be a bit of a geek, but I’m not entirely stupid about women.”

  Mac cupped her face in his big, warm hands and looked at her with such loving acceptance, Zianne felt sick. “I didn’t come here to lie to you,” she said. “That was not my intent, but I couldn’t tell you the truth because you would have refused to help me.” She swallowed back the horrible lump in her throat. That was the main drawback with this human form—there were so many physical reactions connected to the emotions that seemed to be connected to every thought, every action. Some of them were good, others just created more misery.

  “You don’t know that.” He kissed her and slowly pulled his hands away from her face. “Now tell me. Everything.”

  “I hardly know where to begin, but I have an idea that will help. I must ask your permission. Will you open your mind to me? I can read your thoughts, but I want you to see mine. It should help you understand, if you can see what I’m thinking.”

  “Show me how.”

  His eyes were so blue. So trusting. She linked with him, going into his mind as gently as she knew how. His eyes went wide. A perfect smile of surprise spread across his beloved face.

  “I feel you.”

  Good. Do you hear me?

  Holy shit! I do.

  Can you see what I’m showing you? Do you have a visual?

  Oh. My. God. He raised his head and stared at her with a look of absolute wonder in his eyes.

  Excellent. You must see everything I show you, if you are to understand. This is the world I came from. A world that no longer exists. And that, my beloved MacArthur, is why I need you so terribly.

  He’d loved science fiction as a kid. Grew up on Star Wars and Star Trek. He’d even been hooked on Lost in Space. He loved to play video games and he’d always hoped he’d never outgrow his sense of wonder, but what Zianne was showing him with the power of her mind went entirely beyond anything Mac had ever imagined.

  This was not some Hollywood set or a screen with amazing graphics. This was Zianne’s home.

  A home she’d just said no longer existed. He grabbed both her hands, surprised by how icy they felt. He squeezed them and looked into those gorgeous violet eyes. “My mind’s as open as I know how to make it. Now tell me everything. Show me.”

  She nodded. Then she changed everything Mac had imagined another world would look like. The image in his mind grew sharper, an unbelievable landscape of sparkling stone, of flowing rivers that were streams of multicolored liquid. Lights flickered everywhere. On the ground, in the air, clinging to the sides of strange structures that might be plant life of some sort. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he recognized the flashes of light as Zianne’s kind. These were her people.

  “We are called Nyrians. We are creatures of
pure energy. We originated on the world you see, many, many light-years from your Earth, long before your world existed. Much of our history has been lost. Our legends say we are children of the sun, fathered by the star our planet revolved about, though we may have had corporeal bodies at one time. Now all that is solid about us is a physical soul of pure carbon, a substance you call diamond. By the time I came into existence, we were nothing more than pure, sentient energy with a diamond at our center. What you saw when I went into Dink’s body? That’s me when I’m not in a body like this.”

  She glanced down at her long legs and shrugged, almost as if she were embarrassed. “Our planet was alive and her name was Nyria. We, her people, were proud of our heritage as the offspring of a sentient planet and a star, but that pride may have been our downfall. Eons ago, we were visited by another race. At first we welcomed the Gar—strange, bipedal creatures we were able to communicate with telepathically. They showed interest in learning about us and knowing about our world. What we didn’t realize is that they used our fascination with them to seduce us, so that when they invited us, we willingly chose to enter their star cruiser.”

  There was a long silence until, in a soft whisper, Zianne said, “Once they had as many of us aboard as they needed, the Gar destroyed our planet. Our world was lost; millions of her souls—our family, our friends, our Nyria—disappeared.”

  Mac jerked, blinking at the image that filled his mind. He’d not expected the horrible sight of her planet and her people exploding into a fiery ball—he was seeing Zianne’s last view of her world—a view she’d had from a portal within the alien ship.

  She tugged her left hand free of Mac’s grasp to wipe at the tears streaming from her eyes. He’d been so caught up in the violent destruction, in Zianne’s emotional reaction at the thought of so many deaths, he hadn’t noticed she was crying. Tugging a clean handkerchief from his pocket, Mac pressed it into her hand.

  “Thank you.” She sighed, wiped her streaming eyes, and twisted the fabric in both fists. After a moment, she seemed to gather her composure. “We had not realized that our visit, fueled by curiosity, would leave us stranded as slaves aboard the Gar’s ship. We no longer had a home to return to. The Gar wanted our energy. Their scientists had figured out how it could be tapped to run their ships. Now we power their engines, all life support, the intricate ecosystem that keeps the Gar alive.” She shrugged once again. “Their home world is gone as well, polluted beyond recovery. It can no longer support life.”

  “But where do you get your energy?” Mac’s mind was spinning as he remembered how Zianne had looked, streaking inside Dink. And before, when she’d dragged the guy out of his apartment and tossed him over the railing. “You can’t constantly produce without feeding on something.”

  “Originally, we drew our energy from our sun, but once the Gar enslaved us, we learned to pull it from distant stars, from the inhabitants of the sentient worlds we passed during our travels. Human energy is an amazing source of power.”

  Images filled his mind and he saw what had to be the inside of the alien star cruiser. It was too bizarre for words. “You’re able to come here. Why haven’t all of you escaped?”

  She was wringing the handkerchief between her hands now. He felt her tension, the frustration she and her people must live with all the time. “The Gar have taken our souls. If we go too long without the diamond, we will die. At the beginning of each shift, they remove that crucial bit of carbon that links us together as a people, and they store it until we have used up our available energy. When we go back to our cells, when our shifts end, the diamond is returned. Half of our people are always providing energy, but they do it without their souls.”

  She took a deep breath and he saw the huge engine rooms deep within the bowels of the alien ship, the arcs of pure energy that kept everything running. Zianne’s brethren.

  “How is it you can be here with me?”

  She shrugged again. Such a human gesture. How did she know to act human? How did she have this form, this body, this very human set of values and fears?

  “Your mind called me. I felt you far, far from your world.” She smiled, reached up, and ran her fingers across his lips. He kissed her fingertips and inhaled the sweet scent of honey and vanilla—a scent, he’d quickly discovered, that was also her most intimate flavor.

  “I recognized your unique strength and followed the signal of your mind. Once we found an orbit around your sun and we began to drink from that powerful star, I was able to strengthen the link I’d forged with you. The more I studied you, the more I learned. You humans create an amazing form of energy tied directly to your reproductive abilities, an energy so powerful I can take this form merely from the power of your thoughts.”

  Her image blossomed in his mind, but it was a visual from the very first night he saw her. Naked, on her knees in the shower, taking his cock in her mouth. Mac burst out laughing. “You’re saying my sexual fantasy is what brought you here? I imagined the perfect woman sucking my cock, and you popped into my shower?”

  She raised her eyes and nodded with an almost sheepish expression on her face. “I was actually in your apartment a bit earlier. Your fantasizing with Dink gave me form.”

  “Oh, Zianne. Dear God, but I love you.” He grabbed both her hands in his again. He wanted her with an ache that went beyond anything he’d ever known. An ache that was centered in his heart and soul. He leaned close and kissed her. Tasted the sweet honey and vanilla of her lips. “What do you need from me? How can I help? That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? Because somehow you think I can help?”

  Her beautiful violet eyes, no longer awash in tears, sparkled. She nodded. “You already are. The programs we’re developing are the beginning. Not only have you called me through space with your amazing mind, you have brought me through time. The ship circles your sun both many miles and many years from us. When I leave you each morning, I return through the time slip that links me to the ship, fully recharged after being with you and able to cover my shift of work. The nights I don’t come to you are the nights I must connect with my soul, or I will die.”

  “But the risk ... what if you’re found out?”

  She leaned close and kissed him, but she pulled away before he could deepen it. Probably a good idea. It was so easy to get off track with Zianne.

  “I am very careful, and my abilities appear to be growing the longer I am connected to you. Because I had such a powerful link to you, my people chose me as their emissary, as the one to help you create the programs that would aid in our escape. You and I are working on them now, but much will depend on your world’s technology growing more sophisticated, and that is something our software is already speeding up. I know, from the future I’ve seen, that you will succeed. It’s going to take many years.” She laughed. “It’s also going to take much of your currency, but money will never again be a worry for you.”

  Mac’s mind spun on overload; Zianne’s images spilled into his head, illustrating the unbelievable story she’d spun. How she found the information about the dean and when she’d added to Mac’s scribbled notes. Impossible, and yet he had to believe her. With the visual proof burning itself into his mind, with the unexplainably complex work they’d completed over the past weeks and the answers to questions he hadn’t known to ask suddenly falling into place, it was all beginning to make sense.

  And Zianne was right. Money was not an issue. The interest in their work was already coming with promises of more money than he’d ever dreamed. None of their ideas were close to marketable at this point, but Mac’s reputation as a talented and innovative software developer was growing.

  “How far in the future are we talking, Zianne? When will this rescue take place?”

  “Almost twenty of your years from now.”

  “Twenty years! Shit, Zianne. I’m twenty-six now. I’ll be in my forties by then. Isn’t there any way to make it happen sooner?”

  She shook her head and looked at him as if sh
e were trying to explain things to a child. “It’s difficult to explain. When I leave you, I am there, in that time. It’s a new century in your world. There will be many changes between now and then, but we did not arrive in your orbit until that new century had begun. In 2012, to be exact. And it will take that long for your world’s technology to mature to the point where we can expect a rescue to succeed.”

  She leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around her slim body. She felt warm and alive, and so damned real. How could he think of her as something fabricated out of fantasy?

  “I am real, Mac. I’m flesh and blood. I have a mind and a conscience. I have felt so much guilt over my lies to you, the things I didn’t think I could tell you, but I was afraid you would send me away, that you’d just think I was a freak. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  How could he not forgive her? Not if he believed her amazing story. Mac realized there wasn’t a shred of doubt—not after what she’d shared—but he still needed answers. “Why didn’t I question your existence? I’m not stupid, but you appeared in my shower, wrapped those gorgeous lips of yours around my cock, and I just accepted you. Were you controlling my mind? That bothers me. What did you do?”

  She shook her head against his chest and he held her closer. “I’m not strong enough to completely control your mind. I used your desire not to know the truth about me. You doubted my existence from the beginning, but you didn’t really want to know the details. I used that desire and strengthened it with just the slightest push. You wondered, but your need not to know something you couldn’t accept was stronger than your desire for the truth.”

  He thought about that a moment. She was right. He’d been terrified he might learn something about her he couldn’t deal with. “You nailed it. I hope you’re happy.”

  When she frowned, he kissed her nose. “I’m teasing you. You’re right. I didn’t want to learn anything that would make you leave me. You’re not going to leave, are you?” He leaned away and forced her to meet his gaze. “Does this mean I’ve got you for the next twenty years?”


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