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Nightshift Bundle with Wolf Tales & Embrace The Night

Page 77

by Kate Douglas

  Jay chuckled. He could already tell life would never be dull with his mate.

  He picked up her wrap and his jacket and hung both in the coat closet to the right of the front door. When he turned around to face her again, he caught her straightening her dress.

  “Do I look all right?”

  He pressed his hand over his erection. “Does this answer your question?”

  Desire flared in her eyes. Before he said “to hell with my father” and dragged her to his bedroom, he took her hand and led her to the family room.

  The moment she’d touched his hand, any doubt that Mac had put into Roni’s head about Jay not being her mate completely vanished. And if his touch hadn’t convinced her, his kiss would have. She’d never felt such a sharp flare of desire. Her body had immediately prepared itself for his possession. She’d been ready to tear off Jay’s clothes and beg him to take her.

  The mention of Jay’s father squashed that idea.

  Roni never expected to meet any of Jay’s family so soon, and especially not when she was trying to get her head to stop spinning from Jay’s kisses. She hoped she didn’t make a fool of herself in front of the older gentleman.

  He faced the large plate windows, looking out at the choppy waters of the bay. He stood straight and tall, his hands clasped behind his back. His hair didn’t brush his collar as Jay’s did, but he possessed the same dark brown hair as his son, although she could see a few strands of gray peeking through. The wolves’ aging process slowed dramatically once they hit thirty. They could reproduce for decades longer than humans. Jay’s father could be fifty or four times that age and she wouldn’t be able to tell.


  He turned when Jay spoke, a smile on his lips. As she suspected, she would guess him to be in his mid fifties. He was just as handsome as his son. No one could look at the two of them and not guess they were related.

  He picked up a cane that leaned against the glass before he started toward them. Roni inhaled sharply as he drew closer. That scent. She’d only encountered it twice in her life, that hint of exotic spices along with the essence of wolf.

  My God, he’s Alpha.

  She immediately lowered her head, placed her fist over her heart, and dropped into a deep curtsy. “Sire.”

  He touched the top of her head. “Thank you for honoring me.”

  She looked up into dark brown eyes exactly like Jay’s. He laid his cane on the large coffee table and offered his hands to her. Roni took them, letting him pull her back to her feet.

  “She’s lovely, Jay,” he said, smiling at Roni.

  “I think so, too.”

  He shifted his attention to his son. “Perhaps proper introductions are in order?”

  “Dad, this is Veronica St. James. Roni, my father, Jamieson Millington.”

  “It’s a privilege to meet you, sire.”

  “Please call me Jamieson. There’s no need for formalities here.”

  Something tickled the back of Roni’s mind. Jamieson Millington. She should know that name, yet wasn’t sure why.

  “I know Jay has made dinner reservations for you two,” Jamieson said. “We will speak more tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure you won’t come with us, Dad?”

  “Yes, please, come with us.”

  Jamieson smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but this is your night. Enjoy yourselves. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Late in the morning,” Jay said with a grin.

  Heat seeped into Roni’s cheeks again when Jamieson chuckled. “Let’s say eleven for brunch.”

  “That should be about right.”

  “I’ll let Flora know that’s when we wish to eat.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Jay slipped his arm around Roni’s waist. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Jay led her through the dining room and back to the foyer. Pale icy colors mixed with deep jewel tones and splashes of gray in the furnishings. Whoever had decorated Jay’s house had leaned toward the masculine side. Different paintings and wall hangings, perhaps some candleholders, and fluffy throw pillows would add a touch of feminine to the beautiful home.

  She’d been in Jay’s house half an hour and she was already redecorating in her mind. That kind of thinking had to stop. Yes, they were mates and would spend the rest of their lives together, but they still had a lot to talk about before there would be any redecorating of any kind.

  “Who’s Flora?” she asked when they stopped at the coat closet.

  “My housekeeper.” Jay held up her wrap to help her with it. “She has her own living area and bedroom off the kitchen.” He squeezed her shoulders after draping the wrap over them. “Jealous?” he whispered in her ear.


  “I like that.” Nuzzling her neck, he slipped both arms around her waist and pulled her into his body. His arms pushed up her breasts and deepened her cleavage. “Maybe I should’ve had her prepare a romantic meal that we could eat in my bedroom.”

  Little fingers of desire crawled up her spine. “Is it too late for her to do that?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. I gave her the night off. She’s visiting her sister in Palo Alto.” He turned her to face him. “Besides, I want to show you off. One of my best friends owns the restaurant where we’re going for dinner. I want him to meet you.”

  She waited while Jay removed his jacket from the closet. “I’m meeting a lot of people my first time here.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Don’t you think we should figure out ... us ... before you introduce me to everyone?”

  Jay took her hands and held them tightly in his. “We never talked about our heritage on the phone.” He ran his thumbs over the back of her hands. “The fact that you honored my father in the pack way told me you’re a wolf, the same as I am.”

  “Yes, I am,” she whispered.

  “Then you know we mate for life. We take lovers—usually a lot of them—but there’s only one true mate until death. I knew, the first time I heard your voice, that you’re my mate. Seeing you, touching you, has proven that to me. I believe you feel the same way.”

  “I do.”my

  “We’ll make love tonight, Roni.” A grin tilted up one corner of his mouth. “We’ll fuck a lot, too.”

  Roni returned his grin. “I hope so.”

  Squeezing her hands, he turned serious again. “But the first time we’re together, it’ll be lovemaking ... as romantic as I can possibly make it. I want to start the evening at my friend’s restaurant with a special dinner he’s preparing for us. I didn’t know for sure what time you’d be here, so he promised to save my favorite table by the fireplace for us, no matter what time we arrived.”

  He walked past her and picked up her small purse from the floor by the front door. Roni had forgotten she’d brought it in with her. She must have dropped it when Jay kissed her. Smiling, he held it out to her. “Ready?”

  She took her purse, then his arm. “Yes.” She was definitely ready for whatever the night would bring.


  The wine made Roni a little tipsy. She giggled a lot when she was tipsy, and worried that Jay would think her silly. Instead, he smiled and laughed at her jokes and continued to add wine to her glass, as if he liked her giggling.

  Jay’s friend Thomas had outdone himself on their meal. He’d started them with Caesar salads and French onion soup. Their main course of rare prime rib served with whipped potatoes that contained chives and bacon, fresh broccoli with cheese sauce, and hot rolls slathered with butter had been one of the most delicious meals she’d ever eaten. Roni had been sure she couldn’t eat another bite, until Thomas served a decadent chocolate soufflé. She couldn’t possibly say no to chocolate.

  Now, completely sated on the excellent food and wine, Roni sat back in her chair and sipped on her cup of coffee. She stared into Jay’s warm gaze, content to simply be with him.

  “You look sleepy,” Jay said, his lips curving in a slight smile.

Not sleepy, but satisfied. Everything was so delicious.”

  “I agree. Thomas is an excellent chef. He always caters my company’s Christmas party.”

  This was the first she’d heard of Jay owning his own business. “Your company? You told me you work with computers and software.”

  “I do. Have you heard of JEMATAR?”

  “Of course I’ve heard of JEMATAR. I have two of their computers. I love them. But you ...” Roni stopped. That little tickling in the back of her mind when she’d met Jay’s father made sense now. “What’s your middle name?”


  “Jay Edward Millington. The J-E-M in JEMATAR. You own the company?”

  “My cousin Troy and I do. He’s the T-A-R part. And actually, my first name is Jamieson, too. My father is the senior, I’m the junior.”

  She thought of Jay’s house on the water. As half owner of JEMATAR, money would never be an issue for him.

  Jay’s smile faded. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “You have no reason to be sorry. I never asked you where you worked. If I had, would you have told me?”

  “Yes, I would have. I don’t want any secrets between us, Roni.”

  “Neither do I.”

  She studied him as she sipped her coffee. The firelight from the fireplace highlighted one side of his face, leaving the other side in shadow. His dark brown eyes seemed almost black in the dim light. He’d removed his jacket before their main course. The white pullover stretched across his broad shoulders and wide chest. The scoop neck was low enough to give her a hint of dark chest hair. To use the words handsome and sexy as descriptions didn’t do him justice.

  Roni swallowed. She grew warm, and it had nothing to do with her coffee and the fire. Desire gripped her body again, the need to be with Jay in every way a woman could be with a man.

  He leaned forward and rested his folded arms on the table. “You’re devouring me with your eyes.”

  “Am I?”

  “Big-time. I think we should go back to my house.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  He draped her wrap around her shoulders before donning his jacket. With his hand on the small of her back, he guided her toward the front of the restaurant.

  “Don’t we need to wait for the check?” Roni asked.

  “I have an account here.”

  Of course he did. Jay probably had accounts all over the area. While Roni’s income allowed her to live very comfortably, she wouldn’t call herself wealthy. Not like Jay.

  Jay didn’t speak again until he sat behind the steering wheel of his car. “Does my financial situation bother you? Having money doesn’t make me any different, Roni. I’m fortunate that the dream Troy and I had for a new type of computer operating system has been such a success. I shop at discount stores, just like most people do. I draw enough of a wage to support myself, but rarely take any extra. I’d rather turn JEMATAR’s profits into improving our computers or back to the employees in higher wages and better benefits.”

  A man of principle. Roni hadn’t met many of those in her life. She reached over and cradled his cheek in her palm. “You’re a special man, Jay.”

  “I’m pleased you think so.” He kissed her palm, then placed her hand on his thigh.

  She left her hand where he placed it, enjoying the feel of his firm, warm flesh beneath her palm. He had powerful thighs from his wolf’s running.

  She waited until he’d pulled out of the restaurant’s parking lot before shifting closer to the console so she could slide her hand higher up his leg. He glanced at her, but said nothing. She slid her hand almost to his knee, back up again. “Your suit is very nice.”

  “You’re just feeling the fabric, right?”

  “Of course,” she said, trying not to smile.

  She ventured a little higher. His breathing grew deeper, faster. Continuing her exploration, she slid her hand down to his knee and back up the inside of his thigh.


  Ignoring his warning tone, Roni traveled all the way up his thigh to the crease where his leg met his groin. Before she could venture any farther, he laid his hand over hers to stop its movement. “That’s enough.”

  His voice came out low and rough. It thrilled her to know how strongly her touch affected him. “Why?”

  “Because we’re in the middle of traffic and I don’t want to cause an accident.”

  “You told me on the phone you dreamed of me touching you.”

  “I did, but wait until we get home.”

  Waiting didn’t sound any fun at all. The moment Jay’s grip relaxed, she slid her hand between his legs.

  Jay bucked his hips. His cock was already hard at her first touch, but it thickened and lengthened beneath her palm. She let her fingertips dance over him, wishing nothing separated her hand from his flesh.

  He pulled her hand away from him and kissed her palm. “I love your touch, but I want to be able to focus all my attention on you and not traffic.”

  She appreciated his thoughtfulness for the other drivers. Yet now that she had touched that hard shaft, her wolf demanded more. A lot more. She leaned over the console and nipped his earlobe. “I want your cock in my mouth.”

  The growl she heard came from deep in his throat. “We’ll be home in ten minutes.”

  “I can’t wait that long.”

  She laid her other hand over his fly and squeezed. When he didn’t attempt to move her hand, Roni unfastened his belt and pants. She dipped her hand inside his fly and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She silently damned the console that kept her from snuggling up to Jay’s side.

  “You’re determined to make me have a wreck, aren’t you?”

  Roni noticed he complained, but he didn’t pull her hand away from him. In fact, he bucked his hips again and hissed when she pulled his cock from his briefs. Long and thick and so hard, it felt like velvet-covered steel. She slid her hand all the way to the base, squeezed, returned to the head. A circle of her thumb over the slit spread the slick pre-cum.

  Her mouth watered with the desire to taste him.

  Unable to wait any longer, Roni leaned over and swiped her tongue across the head. He tasted delicious and smelled even better ... that intoxicating mixture of musk and man and wolf. She licked the head again, ran her tongue down the heavy veins.

  Jay groaned. “God, that’s so good.”

  No arguing there. Roni took him in her mouth, as far as she could. Relaxing her throat, she let her lips slide all the way to his balls.

  Jay took a corner a little too fast. Roni released his cock and peered up at him. His obvious rush helped to cool her ardor enough so she could tease him. “In a hurry?”

  “Hell, yes. I want us naked.”

  Roni sat up as Jay took the turn into his driveway. He pressed the button on his rearview mirror to open the door to his wide, three-car garage. A light came on, letting her see an SUV and a small compact car also occupied the space. The SUV had been there when they left, the compact car had not.

  “Flora’s home.” Jay quickly tucked his still-hard cock inside his briefs, fastened his pants and belt. “We’ll take the main stairs in the foyer. The back stairs by the kitchen are right by her rooms. If she hears us, she’ll come out to see if we need anything. And her hearing is excellent.”

  “I don’t get to meet Flora?” she asked, pretending innocence.

  Jay frowned at her while Roni drew her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from grinning. “You don’t get to meet Flora when I have a hard-on.”

  Roni met him at the hood of the car. He took enough time to thoroughly kiss her until her desire came roaring back, then took her hand and led her inside the house.

  Night-lights illuminated their way. Jay turned left at the top of the stairs and through open double doors into a large bedroom. Roni stepped into the room, her gaze immediately falling on the huge bed. Soft light flowed from the lamps on either side of the bed. The covers had been turned bac
k to expose pale blue sheets. A red rose rested on each pillow. A silver bucket sat on the dresser, holding ice and a bottle. Two tall wineglasses sat next to the bucket.

  The snick of the doors closing drew Roni’s attention back to Jay. “I think Flora has been here.”

  He looked at the dresser, the bed, back at Roni. “She was so excited when I told her you were coming. Looks like she let her romantic side run free.”

  He remained standing at the doors, his hands behind him as if he held the door handles. “What is it?”

  “You look so perfect standing there. I can’t believe you’re finally here.”

  Roni smiled. “I’m finally here. So why are you way over there?”

  Jay was afraid to approach Roni, afraid the growling wolf inside him would take over. He’d promised her a romantic night. If he touched her now, after she’d had her mouth on his dick in the car, he didn’t think he’d be able to stop until he fucked her, long and hard and rough.

  Ordering his wolf to behave, Jay crossed to the dresser. He lifted the bottle out of the ice. “Would you like a glass of champagne?”


  She moved to stand next to him. He picked up the hand towel next to the bucket and wrapped it around the wet bottle. The cork worked free with a gentle pop. Roni held the glasses while Jay poured the sparkling liquid. After he replaced the bottle in the bucket, he held his glass up to her.

  “To our first night together.”

  She tapped her glass against his. “To our first night together.”

  He held her gaze as they sipped the cold wine. A drop clung to her bottom lip. A swipe of her tongue whisked it away.

  Jay somehow managed not to groan.

  Roni took another sip. “It’s very good.”

  “I think Flora just earned a raise.”

  “I can hardly wait to meet her. Is she wolf, too?”

  “No, but she knows my family is.”

  She took one more sip, then set her glass on the dresser. “I believe you said something in the car about wanting us naked.”

  Not yet, not until he had his wolf under control. “I’ve cooled down some since then.”


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