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The Dragon’s Mage dm-1

Page 6

by Kelly Lucille

Morgan would have said more but something was happening on the mountain that distracted all of them. Outside the sun was setting, bathing the mist that surrounded the mountain in golds and reds as if the sky itself was on fire. All around them, the walls started to glow with it. When it was over Clare said what they were all afraid of.

  “What if they won’t let us stay?”

  Morgan was still forming an answer when Eben spoke from the doorway. “You are family to my mate. That makes you mine as well, I guard my treasures well.” He said his voice a harsh growl that reassured even as it warned. “And hatchling.” He said directing his words to Rhune of the wide eyes. “No one ever takes a dragons treasure.”

  Come Morgan, the Council awaits.

  Will they be safe here?

  I will set the guard spells. No one will be able to enter or exit the castle until our return. They will be fine.

  Morgan sighed in relief trusting Eben knew what he was doing and said her goodbyes. She was worried about how quiet and tired Melly appeared but hoped that a decent nights rest would help.

  Meanwhile she was not looking forward to meeting the council. From what she had seen, dragons did not have a high opinion of humans. What would their reaction be to a human mate? Would her family be forced to leave the only place of safety they had ever found?

  You will remove this worry from your mind. A mate is a sacred thing. The council is old and set in their ways, as am I, but they know what it is to find a mate.

  And my family? If they make them leave, I will not desert them to the world.

  As I told the hatchling. I protect what is mine.

  Against your own people? I know you work for the council. What if it’s an order?

  You need not ask, only look into my heart and you will know the answer.

  So Morgan opened her senses fully and felt the conviction and absolute surety that Eben could and would protect her family against all comers. She'd been afraid to look, she realized, afraid of what she would see. The tension went out of her shoulders as Eben pulled her into his embrace, and off her feet, his words spoken directly into her ear. “There is nothing that could take you from me. To my last breath of fire I will keep you and your family safe."

  Her doubt had hurt him. She hugged him close sending him her love and faith. "I should have more courage."

  He laughed, and she felt it in her bones. "More courage? I have not felt fear for 6000 years, but you bring me to my knees with worry over the courage you display hourly. Have pity on the mates that wish for nothing more than your safety and happiness. I beg you, no more courage. No more flying on bed sheets or trying to storm blood mage castles."

  He placed her back on her feet smiling down at her while she rolled her eyes at the impossible idea of Eben Kinkaid "brought to his knees".

  "You old dragons seem prone to drama. As if anything would bring you to your knees." She teased, rubbing her hand down his fierce face. "You forget I've seen inside your stubborn proud head. There is not one thing on this earth that could bring you low."

  He took her hand from his face and kissed the back of her fingers. "There is one thing." Then his grip tightened and he used his other arm to sweep around her waist and pull her bone crushingly close. "I will not lose you. Shameaa." His eyes of old gold bore into hers. "Not your smile, not your scent,” He breathed in; his eyes closing in appreciation. "Not the way you feel in my arms and not the way you feel in my heart. Not any part of you. I would take on the world to keep your family safe and you by my side."

  The intensity of his deep need was as awful as it was awe-inspiring. It buffeted her from all sides like a great tide that would drown her. How could she, as young and insignificant as she was give this powerful being what he yearned for? How could she be enough? Morgan shivered out a breath and opened her heart as far as she could flooding him with her fears and insecurities, but also her wish to be all that he needed. She felt his full body shudder and then he relaxed his grip incrementally.

  And, in his love that flowed over her, she found the words to speak. "I don't have great wisdom, or courage. My powers may seem truly insignificant in your world where magic can be breathed like air, but I know you, Eben Kinkaid, I see you, not the nightmare of dragon kind. I see the heart that you think has been long lost to blood and time. I doubt myself and my good fortune to find you when life has always been so hard. But I do not doubt you, or your strength, or your valiant heart. It's precious to me," she said once again brushing her free hand down his cheek, “as is your smile."

  His grip released further and he leaned down placing his forehead against hers. She wound her arms around his neck and held him as he breathed her in. "Would that you always see me thus."

  "I believe I am jealous." Ladon said, causing Eben and Morgan to look up. He stood leaning against the wall, his well-muscled arms crossed. He was dressed in brown leather breeches and a sleeveless tunic held almost closed over his massive chest by a wide leather belt. There was gold threaded through the tunic marking him house of fire and his shiny black boots stopped above the knee. He was mouthwateringly gorgeous from his leather shod feet to his incandescent gold hair. Morgan felt her mouth fall open further and again had to wonder at her good fortune. He was entirely too beautiful to be hers.

  Ladon pushed off from the wall with a sudden broad smile. "Never mind."

  Morgan continued to gawk as he came closer and lifted her chin pulling her eyes off his amazing chest and closing her mouth. "If you keep looking at me like that we'll never make the council meeting."

  That was bad right?

  "Now I believe I am jealous." Eben said darkly, making Ladon laugh. Eben grabbed Morgan around the waist until her back met his front. She couldn't hide her all over body shiver when he bit the arch of her neck in warning.

  "Come Shameaa. We must make ourselves as presentable as the young princeling." Morgan couldn't help a disbelieving sniff. Maybe Eben would look that good but her?

  Ladon stepped forward until they were nose to chest with Eben at her back. She looked up into his suddenly serious face her head falling back to hit Ebens chest. "You will look stunning dressed in my fire, little falcon. Never doubt it. There will not be a dragon who sees you that will not wish to steal such a treasure."

  She felt Ebens growls resonate everywhere they touched. "And there is not another dragon alive who could handle you." Ladon said smiling wickedly.

  Morgan rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

  He leaned forward and rubbed noses with her playfully. "Who jokes?" He said then, stealing a kiss, his lips soft on hers. "Clearly the great father knew you couldn't be tamed by one measly dragon mate."

  "Tamed?" She grumbled tilting her head in clear invitation for another kiss. "You are taking that falcon nickname too much to heart. I'm not a bird to be trussed and hooded."

  He kissed her again this time he did such a thorough job of it she had completely lost track of what he was saying. Or that the council still had to be faced. Or her name. "I would have you always flying free and at my side."

  "Come." Eben said kissing the top of her head before stepping back and pulling Morgan along by her arm. "Time grows near and there is much to do."

  "Wait till you see what I made for you to wear." Ladon laughed again at her chagrined face and grabbed her hand to follow, or keep her from escaping. One or the other.

  Why does that statement make me want to run away? Very fast?

  "You just haven't seen it yet. My family is known throughout the dragon reaches for their impeccable style. Just wait, you’ll see."

  She looked at Eben for help.

  "The house of fire is known for its flair with artifice." He said.

  "Hey, just because you never wear anything but black, black, and more black doesn't mean all dragons are so inclined." Ladon harrumphed, rather snootily too. "Some of us have an imagination."

  That statement wasn't at all reassuring. She was going to look ridiculous she just knew it.

  It was worse than
she thought. The dress was beautiful, full to the floor in burnished gold nearly identical to Ladons hair; it came off the shoulders and hinted at her cleavage. The sleeves were long and narrow, the waist cinched in to the top of the hips. Her hair had been magically twirled up in a deceptively simple upsweep and shimmered. The problem was in no way that it was an ugly dress. The problem was the sparkling lady looking back at her was not one she recognized.

  She felt like she was playing dress up. Every dragon there was going to know she was an imposter. Even her brown hair seemed to have an added shimmer, almost like dragon scales.

  The shoes were high healed and butter soft, the same color as the dress with tiny gems embedded so that they shimmered a rainbow when the light hit them. She kept catching herself watching them when she moved her foot. She was forced to admit she liked the shoes.

  Of course you do. And you look amazing in them, Ladon said, the exasperation with her thoughts clear. "But now we have to be off. The council is convening as we speak."

  "Fine, but when I trip and fall on my face I'm going to tell you 'I told you so'."

  As if either Eben or I would allow you to fall.

  Morgan laughed at the dragon arrogance that assumed he could stop her from tripping on her own gown.

  "Come, your other mate grows restless. We must be off."

  Why do I feel like a herd beast being led to slaughter?

  "Because you're a teeny tiny little human and you are going into a room with a dozen of the oldest and most dangerous dragons in existence?"

  "Right. That's probably it."

  "Don't worry puny human,” Ladon said, exaggerating his deep voice and patting her on the head. "I'll have the healer revive you if you faint from fear."

  She slapped his hand away, the spark returning to her eyes. "And pigs will fly." She thrust out her chin and threw back her shoulders bringing majesty to the outfit that would rival any dragons. "Let's just get this farce done so we can get back to the children."

  Ladon waited until she swept out of the room before he smiled.

  Well done. Eben said via mind speech. Now who is going to protect the dragon council from our fiery tempered mage?

  I will leave that to the council’s executioner.

  Sigh. Somehow, I do not doubt that.

  Chapter 10

  If Morgan had not already seen Ebens home in the Forsaken Mountain, the council chambers might have been overwhelming. But she had seen it so she knew to expect the priceless gems embedded in the walls and the magic that swirled through the air, coloring everything in shimmering waves. At least that's what it looked like to her. Maybe a normal human would just see the raw gems in stonewalls. Even if that were all they could see, not having magic in their blood, they would have still wanted to gawk here. But they would have forgotten about all the rest the second they saw the dragons.

  They glowed with beauty. Seeing so many and all together like this was almost overwhelming. That was the only word for it. They glowed, shimmered, and sparkled as if the jewels themselves had come alive.

  There were four council members, one for each house, competing for the most ostentatious display. The rest of the dragons were warriors, obviously there as security, or possibly just tradition because the council members breathed magic. Morgan couldn’t imagine anyone challenging them. Besides Eben and one or two of the warriors, they were the oldest dragons, not in physical appearance but definitely in the press of their power.

  Suddenly I don't feel so overdone.

  Told you. Ladon laughed in her thoughts.

  I believe they are becoming more ostentatious with age. Eben said blandly from close behind Morgan.

  Ladon laughed again and then pulled Morgans hand up to kiss the inside of her wrist. Used to be dragons slept on their treasure, now they just wear it.

  Eben sniffed his agreement and then pulled Morgans other hand to his lips to kiss the back of it. Come Shameaa, let’s show them what true treasure looks like.

  He kept hold of her hand as he led her inside the main chamber. Ladon followed close behind them. As soon as they cleared the door, every eye in the place rested on them.

  Why do they all look familiar to me?

  You have seen our memories. I’m not sure how much of them you will retain but many things may seem familiar.

  The council chamber itself was cavernous, especially considering how few dragons occupied it. They were not always going to be in human form. Morgan thought. She recognized Ryall from earlier, when he had come with his mate to heal Milly. He was guard here and stood lining the wall with a dozen others dressed in simple pants and tunics. Those dragons were armed with swords and knives.

  Why do dragons need weapons?

  Some foes must be fought as men rather than dragon. It is tradition to know all manner of battle. What you see here are the elite. Dragon Knights sworn into service to the Light. They carry out the laws of the council now, but in times of war, it is General Solan who leads the dragon army. Eben nodded to a man behind the council members. All dragons were big imposing men but he was something all together different.

  Like Eben, he favored black from head to toe. If the council members were jewels come to life he was obsidian, all sharp edges and hard planes. His black hair seemed to swallow the light that touched it so that it felt like you could get lost in the dark cloud. He held it back from his face in a severe style that accented his sharp cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes. Eyes that were quicksilver and saw everything. Even for a dragon, he was scary. The only part of him that seemed remotely soft was his lips, which looked surprisingly lush. Like all the guards, he wore no amulet of his house.

  He is of the warrior house now. They give up their house when they take vows. He was born into my house originally.

  House of water then. Morgan thought. Vows? Like priests?

  Ladon snorted beside her. But it was Eben who continued to answer her.

  Nothing so severe as all that. They are warriors of the Light.

  That fuck everything that moves. Ladon added blandly. Then pulled Morgan into his side when he noticed she had started to draw a great deal of attention herself. Try to worry less about General Solan’s lips and more on our business here.

  I can do both. She assured him, but turned to study the council members themselves. There were four dragons sitting in throne like seats behind a slab of gold veined marble. Each wore garments so covered in precious gems that they must clank when they walk. They were dressed to emphasize their house so it was easy to tell which was represented and by who.

  Lord Bochus is the great beast in red. Ladons thoughts were filled with distaste. But it was a good description as he was dripping in red gems and was as wide as he was tall. Not fat exactly but stocky and with his gold hair and blue eyes he was still lovely, but there was an arrogant pinched look on his face that distracted from that beauty. She didn’t like him, and she wasn’t sure if that was her own quick decision or the influence of Ladons emotions. He really didn’t like him. Then she caught something else.

  You think he was the one who betrayed you?

  The thought crossed my mind. Everyone knows Bochus hates me and the fact that I will one day take his place on the council.

  A preemptive strike? To keep his seat?

  It’s one possibility. Eben said noncommittal even in his thoughts. There are others.


  Lord Bochus sat at the end of the table. Beside him was a dragon dressed in sapphire. He sat tallest of them, though he lacked the girth of Bochus he made up for it in sheer perfection of feature. He was almost too pretty actually. Too perfect, like you couldn’t really touch him. He had brown eyes the color of a good wet earth. Though his house was water.

  Fahlion. A distant relation of mine.

  He sleeps through most of the council meetings. Ladon added drily. I always wondered why you never took the seat.

  Because then I would have to come to the meetings.

  Air was dressed in diamond,
his hair white; his eyes were a silver fog. He looked older that the rest, though not in years. More serious somehow, as if he knew the answers and they weighed heavy on his mind.

  The man next to him was obviously earth with its abundance of gold. Besides the others, he was almost nondescript, at least for a dragon. Brown hair with veins of red running through it and green eyes. He was beautiful and powerful and seemed to disappear among his flashier council cronies.

  Is he trying to do that?

  I have often wondered that myself, Ladon stated. He is always looking so harmless. It makes me wonder what he’s up to.

  Very wise. Eben said the surprise obvious in his thoughts. I believe it is Lord Graedon that plays the deepest game. He has fooled many into thinking him harmless but I see him as the most dangerous.

  Dangerous to whom? Morgan wondered.

  Before either could form an answer, Lord Bochus spoke.

  “Prince Ladon. We had given you up for dead until Shehar gave us the happy news.” He didn’t sound happy. “Perhaps you could explain why you have caused all this fuss by running off to begin with and now this mate business. You've always been quite the young prankster but this is taking things too far."

  Eben answered mildly. "Since you've heard the news from Shehar, you must have also heard that we share this 'mate business'. Are you suggesting that I am prone to pranks as well?"

  Lord Bochus looked from Ladon to Eben and paled visibly.” My Lord? You do not usually grace us with your presence." He looked confused for a minute. "Then, if it’s true, where is your mate?"

  "Perhaps it would be best to have this discussion without a human present?" Lord Graedon suggested mildly.

  "Might I present our mate Morgan, mage and newest member of houses fire and water." He looked directly at Graedon. "And she stays as this discussion involves her as well.” Then he went on. "Prince Ladon was abducted from his house after someone drugged him, he did not run off. He was taken and bled then left to die among the humans. If Morgan had not found Ladon and saved him, he would even now be dead. This same someone gave dragon blood from the house of fire to the blood mages for use in their spells. Blood mages that destroy the earth we have vowed to protect. I have been past the gate and seen the destruction. They kill the earth to fuel their greed for power and destroy potential mates with their drive to drink mage blood. I have called you together because this cannot stand."


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