Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred)

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Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred) Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  He twitched the black loincloth to one side and Kayla saw that the trousers he had on were crotchless. His thick shaft and heavy balls were completely on display the moment the cloth was moved.

  “And I’m wearing the same thing,” Sorin assured her as Bron smoothed the loincloth back into place. “Will you hold still, Bron? How am I supposed to get the khol on your eyes without smearing if you keep moving?”

  Kayla bit back a laugh.

  “I take it back—none of us is decent. I look like She-rah, queen of the sex kittens and you guys look like two of the Village People.”

  “The who?” Bron growled. He was obviously having a hard time holding still while Sorin worked on him.

  “A group of musicians from the 1970s, I believe,” the Blood Kindred said, as he made another attempt to line Bron’s right eye. “They all dressed flamboyantly and, uh…sang about the joys of having sexual relations with other males.”

  “What?” Bron demanded irritably. “Ouch! You poked me in the fucking eye, Sorin!”

  “Here, let me help.” Kayla came over and took the liner pencil from the Blood Kindred. “Now sit down,” she told Bron, pushing him down to the side of the bed. “I can’t reach you otherwise. And Sorin, touch me while I do this so I don’t get shocked.”

  Grumbling, Bron submitted to her ministrations as Sorin obligingly sat on the floor behind her and looped one hand casually around her calf.

  “At least I have a good view from here,” the Beast Kindred remarked, eyeing the metal contraption around her breasts and her clearly displayed nipples. “Damn, Kayla—you’re going to turn this stupid cloth I’m wearing into a fucking tent.”

  “Bron!” Kayla protested as she carefully lined both his golden eyes.

  “Sorry, baby. It’s just, you look so damn gorgeous in that get-up. Makes me fucking hard.” Bron shifted on the bed, adjusting his thick shaft beneath the black loincloth.

  Kayla had to admit that her guys looked pretty amazing in their outfits too. Their broad, muscular chests were mouth-watering to look at and the black liner around their eyes made them look wild and fierce.

  She made Sorin sit down while Bron kept one big hand on her hip and touched up his liner as well.

  “Do I have to put some on too?” she asked as she finished.

  “No—only males wear the khol,” Sorin answered, blinking rapidly, as though he was trying to get used to the makeup around his eyes. “It’s supposed to give them sharper vision to find a female to mate with.” He frowned. “I don’t say bond with because there is no bonding in the Carnal culture. They are a poly-amorous society with fluidly shifting groups of sexual partners called ‘pods’. Individuals drift in and out of these pods as the mood suits them.”

  Bron made a face. “Sounds fucking awful,” he declared, frowning. “One male and one female—that’s the way the Goddess intended it. Except for Twin Kindred, of course.”

  “Still, we should fit right in,” Kayla remarked. “If they have uh, groups of partners there. Since there are three of us, I mean.”

  “True.” Sorin nodded. “There can be as few as three sexual partners in a pod or as many as twenty and from what I’ve read, the number is always changing.”

  “How do you get into a pod in the first place?” Kayla asked curiously. “I mean, do you just walk up and decide to join? Or do the other pod-members have to vote to let someone in or what?”

  Sorin cleared his throat. “I believe the person wishing to enter a pod has to have sexual relations with every other member of that pod—male and female—and after that, they form a consensus as to whether the applicant is acceptable to the group.”

  “What? Sex with twenty people just to get into a relationship that won’t even last?” Bron shook his head. “Sounds fucking crazy to me.”

  “Well, that’s Carnal culture.” Sorin shrugged his broad shoulders. “I suggest we stay together and tell others we are a pod of three.”

  “And that we’re not looking to let anyone else join,” Kayla added. She looked at her two guys possessively. “I’m not sharing you two with anyone.”

  “We feel the same about you, leelah,” Sorin said and Bron growled an assent.

  “All right then.” Sorin slapped his knees in a gesture of finality and stood up. “We need to get going. The Lust Blossom is supposedly outlawed because of its unpredictable effects so I’m afraid we’ll have to take a walk on the wild side of town to find someplace to buy it.”

  “The wild side is more interesting than the tame side, anyway,” Bron remarked. “Do you have a place picked out that seems likely to sell the Blossom?”

  “I do.” Sorin nodded. “A club called The Fallen Angel. I read several reviews that seemed to indicate less than legal drugs and experiences were available there.”

  “All right—let’s go.” Bron stood up too and the two Kindred started for the door. Kayla, however, hung back.

  “What’s wrong, leelah?” Sorin asked, looking back at her. “Don’t you want to go? You’re always so excited to see a new planet.”

  “I know but…” Kayla shuffled uncomfortably in her new sandals. “It’s just that usually when we got out I’m not so…so exposed.”

  Bron frowned. “Are you ashamed to let us see your beautiful breasts? We just spent half the afternoon sucking and tasting them, you know,” he pointed out. “It’s not like we’re strangers to each other bodies.”

  “Yes, I know…” Kayla’s cheeks were even hotter. “But I don’t like the idea of people I don’t even know seeing me like this. And what if I have another one of those awful needing attacks again? What if my breasts fill up with nectar and I start dripping all over the place? That’s so damn embarrassing.”

  “If you have a needing attack, the three of us will simply find a private place and Bron and I will help you,” Sorin said calmly. “Look here…”

  Stepping forward, he did something to the spiral of golden rings that covered her left breast and suddenly it swung open, as though on a hidden hinge, revealing the dark bud of her exposed nipple.

  “And here,” he murmured, opening the other side as well, so that both her nipples poked out like ripe berries.

  “Oh…” Kayla whispered, feeling more exposed than ever and yet extremely turned on as well. She had to admit she liked the way Bron and Sorin were looking at her—liked the hot intensity of their eyes as they traveled over her body. “I…I didn’t know it opened like that,” she said at last.

  “I made it that way in case of another attack,” Sorin murmured. “In case your breasts fill with nectar again.” He looked up at Bron. “Are you certain we got all of the nectar from her last attack out? It would be bad if there were any left—we wouldn’t want our lady to be in a messy situation.”

  Bron frowned. “Both of us drank from her and then I sucked her some more while you fingered her pussy. But I suppose there might be some left.”

  Sorin looked at Kayla, his blue eyes half-lidded with lust. “Perhaps we ought to make certain there is no nectar left. Would you like that, sweetheart?”

  Kayla bit her lip, her heart suddenly pounding triple time. She knew what Sorin was asking and she also knew she wanted it—badly.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, please—maybe…maybe you’d better make sure.”

  “With pleasure,” Bron growled. He stepped up beside Sorin and the two of them bent at the same time and placed hot, sucking kisses on her exposed nipples.

  “Oh,” Kayla moaned and couldn’t help thrusting out her breasts to give them better access. They sucked harder in response and she buried her hands in their hair—one hand in Sorin’s sleek blond locks and the other in Bron’s dark, tangled mane. Their mouths were hot and wet and sparks of pleasure flooded through her, straight from her tight nipples to her sensitive pussy, barely concealed beneath the thin golden panties. Their bonding scents surrounded her, making her feel complete.

  Part of her was whispering that this was wrong—that she couldn’t even blame
the Xi-46 this time because she wasn’t actually having an attack. She was just doing what felt good with her guys and she had no excuse for it. But somehow she couldn’t stop—didn’t want to stop even though she knew she probably should.

  There had always been casual touching between the three of them during their friendship but it had been just that—casual. Friendly and respectful. Neither Bron nor Sorin was the kind of male to try and cop a feel. Now, however, they seemed to have moved past that stage of their relationship and into an entirely different phase—a phase where both of the big warriors could touch her intimately and Kayla would let them without complaint.

  I can touch them too, if I want—as long as I touch them together, she reminded herself. I can stroke them and suck them and let them come in my mouth…we’re doing all the things I think we always wanted to do but didn’t dare to before that day in the lab.

  As if by mutual consent, both Kindred sucked harder and her thoughts got chaotic and blurry. God, it felt amazing, letting her guys suck her sensitive buds just because they wanted to and she wanted to let them! Instead of trying to pull away as she knew she ought to, she pressed forward, giving herself completely to the pleasure of their hot, wet mouths.

  At last, by some silent signal between them Kayla couldn’t see, the two Kindred drew back as one, letting her nipples slip from their mouths, though both kept a hand on her bare skin so the three of them were still in contact.

  “I think you’ll be all right.” Bron’s deep voice was thick with lust and beneath the black loincloth Kayla could see that he was most definitely erect and ready for action. “And if you feel the emptiness again, Sorin and I are more than happy to fill your sweet little cunt with our fingers.”

  “Or our tongues if you feel the need,” Sorin offered quietly. “Don’t hesitate to ask, Kayla. It would be our pleasure to lap your soft little pussy. The panties I synthesized to go with your outfit are very small and stretchy…”

  He demonstrated by reaching between her thighs and tugging at the stretchy top border of the gold panties, which just barely covered her shaved mound. Sorin tugged them down easily, revealing her bare pussy and Kayla was ashamed to see that she was wet again, her outer lips spreading to reveal the tight, aching bud of her clit.

  Bron made a wordless growl of lust and Kayla whispered,

  “Oh they…they are stretchy.”

  “I made them that way on purpose…in case one or both of us needs to slip our tongue or fingers into your pussy and ease your need,” Sorin told her softly. “You see how easy it would be? I could spread your pussy lips open…like this…” He demonstrated by placing two long fingers on her swollen outer lips and spreading them to reveal her wet inner folds completely. “And then Bron could reach down and slip his fingers deep in your pussy.”

  For a moment Kayla was certain the big Beast Kindred would do just that—would cup her open pussy in his big hand and slide his thick fingers deep inside and fingerfuck her, as he had earlier while the two of them were trying to ease the feeling of emptiness between her thighs.

  But he didn’t.

  “Or I could get on my knees before you and lap your sweet little cunt,” he rumbled instead. The Beast Kindred dropped to his knees, his hands on her thighs as he looked up at her. Kayla could feel his hot breath on her spread pussy and for a moment she was certain he would lick her, just as he had said.

  “We…we shouldn’t,” she stammered, hardly knowing what she was saying.

  “We’re just showing you what we’ll do to help ease you if you have another attack of needing,” Sorin promised softly. “Bron won’t actually lap your pussy right now—although he might want to give you a kiss for luck. Don’t we always do that before we go out on a mission?”

  Kayla bit her lip. It was true that before the three of them disembarked from their shuttle and stepped onto an alien world, both Bron and Sorin would each give her a kiss on the cheek—a kiss for luck—which Bron said was a tradition in his home tribe. But it was most definitely not her cheek that the big Kindred was prepared to kiss—it was her open pussy.

  She opened her mouth to say no but Bron spoke before she could.

  “You know we can’t go out without our luck kiss, baby,” he rumbled. “I swear I won’t lap your sweet pussy if you don’t want me to. But let me give you one kiss, like we always do.”

  God, shouldn’t do this…really shouldn’t do this…

  But somehow she found herself nodding her head.

  “All right. As long as it’s just a kiss,” she whispered. “And…and no licking. Just kissing.”

  “Very good, small one.” Bron looked up at Sorin. “Keep her spread wide for me, Brother. If I only get one kiss, I want to make it count.”

  “Of course,” Sorin murmured. He was half behind her now, reaching around to keep her panties low and her pussy spread wide for his friend.

  Kayla thought she had never felt so exposed…or so hot. She held her breath, her heart pounding in her ears, as Bron’s surprisingly soft lips made contact with her inner folds. The big Beast Kindred lingered for a long moment, laying a hot, sucking kiss right over her throbbing clit, his eyes turned up to hers so he could watch her as he kissed her.

  “Oh…” Kayla whispered as he pulled back and licked his lips.

  “Gods, you don’t know how hard it was to stop at just one kiss, baby,” he growled hoarsely. “Your pussy tastes so sweet and delicious—like a ripe berry.”

  “Did you like the way it felt to let Bron kiss you, sweetheart?” Sorin murmured in her ear. “Did it feel good to let me spread you open while he kissed your inner pussy?”

  “Yes,” Kayla whispered—she couldn’t deny it. Didn’t even want to try to deny it.

  “And you liked it best when he kissed you here?” One long finger slipped into her wet folds as Sorin traced her aching clit with light, teasing strokes, just as he had earlier while Bron had been filling her with his fingers.

  “Yes,” Kayla whispered again, melting back against him. “Oh God, yes.”

  “Good.” Sorin withdrew his finger and sucked it clean with obvious enjoyment. “Then we know what to do if your needing comes again—we know how to help you.”

  Kayla thought he might want a turn too—might want to kiss her pussy as Bron had. Instead he and the Beast Kindred stared hungrily at her slippery folds for a moment longer before the Blood Kindred withdrew his hand and pulled her panties back up to cover her mound.

  “If you need us, it will be just that easy,” he murmured. “So don’t worry, Kayla.” He placed a sweet kiss on her cheek. “For luck,” he murmured in her ear.

  “We have you covered, baby,” Bron rumbled in agreement. He stood up and reached down to adjust the loincloth over his thick shaft again as he spoke. As he had predicted, there was a very obvious tent in the black material.

  “Thank…thank you,” Kayla managed to say. Her whole body was throbbing with desire but she tried not to show it.

  “You’ll be fine,” Sorin promised. He, too, was sporting a long, hard bulge beneath his black loincloth and Kayla had the sudden urge to drop to her knees and suck them both off again, tasting their delicious chocolate/almond seed as they spurted in her mouth.

  Stop it, she scolded herself. We’ll never find the Lust Blossom if we stay in here together all day tasting and touching each other. We have to get out there and get what we need to find an antidote for the Mother Ship!

  “Come on,” she made herself say, as she snapped the golden wires back in place over her breasts. “Let’s go before I have another damn attack.”

  “If you do, Bron and I stand ready to help you,” Sorin told her as they filed out of the bedroom.

  “I know.” Kayla nodded. She took a deep breath, trying to get control of herself. “And I appreciate it but it would be better if it didn’t happen in public on an alien world.”

  “Public or private—alien or home, Sorin and I will always be there for you,” Bron growled.

il we get the antidote, Kayla thought sadly, but didn’t say.

  Some things didn’t bear speaking aloud.

  Chapter Ten

  There was definitely a party atmosphere in the street of Pazzz, the capital city of the L’dyw district where the Lust Blossom grew. Everywhere they went, the Carnalians were out in force, laughing and shouting, their arms around each other as they moved through the crowded streets in threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes.

  The people here were as colorful as their planet, Kayla decided. They had brightly colored hair—crimson red, indigo blue, lime green, sunshine yellow… Kayla couldn’t tell if it was dyed or natural but she was betting natural because their skins were all different colors too. Most were some shade of pink or purple but there were green people, orange people, and other colors as well. A lot of them clashed terribly with themselves but none of them seemed to care.

  Sorin had done a good job in synthesizing clothing that helped them fit in, Kayla thought. She had nothing to worry about—most of the women she saw had on even skimpier outfits than hers and all the men were bare-chested and had on loincloths like Bron and Sorin. Maybe the skimpy clothes were for practical purposes and not just fashion, she speculated. After all, if they were always leaving one pod and joining another where they had to have sex with every member before they could be accepted, easy-access clothes would be a must.

  The Carnalians were generally humanoid, which was nice. She and Sorin and Bron had been to plenty of planets where the prevailing life forms were bug-like or had long tentacles or similar fascinating but off-putting characteristics. But aside from their vivid skin and hair color and the fact that they seemed to have seven fingers on each hand instead of five, Kayla thought the natives of Carnal Four weren’t that different from her people back on Earth…well, except for the fact that they seemed a whole lot happier and more relaxed.

  The people in the crowded streets laughed and shouted and called to each other but no one seemed upset or unhappy at all. Maybe it was due to the pastel air currents that circulated through the crowd, which were presumably full of the mild aphrodisiac and anti-inhibitor agent Sorin had told them about. But for whatever reason, all the smiling faces and happy people made for a very pleasant sight.


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