Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred)

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Sharing a Mate: A Kindred Tales M/F/M Novel (Brides of the Kindred) Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  As she walked arm-in-arm with her guys, Bron on the right and Sorin on the left, Kayla felt a mild sense of euphoria herself. She knew that eventually they would either find or make an antidote and expect her to choose between them but for now, everything seemed perfect. The two of them were working together and caring for each other and her—intent on giving her pleasure and easing her pain. And all three of them were happy and loving each other and expressing that love in a way they hadn’t dared to before. It was wonderful.

  However, as they walked along the crowded road with shops and restaurants on either side of it, Kayla noticed that the street was growing narrower and the shops and businesses were growing shabbier and dirtier the further they went. The people still seemed happy, but their clothing wasn’t quite as nice.

  We must be getting to the wild side of town, she thought, looking around them. I wonder where the club is?

  “There it is,” Sorin said, just as she was wondering. “Look.”

  He pointed to a building that didn’t seem to fit in with the businesses around it at all. For one thing it was bigger and newer than the shabby, run-down places around it. For another, instead of being painted swirling pastel colors like most of the other stores and shops on the street, The Fallen Angel was pitch black. There was an ominous air about it, Kayla thought. Maybe because there were no windows at all and only a single door, guarded by a huge, menacing bouncer with bright purple hair and lavender skin to match.

  “Looks scary,” she remarked, eyeing it doubtfully. “Are you sure that’s the place, Sorin?”

  “According to the underground reviews I read, this is the absolute best place in Pazzz to score any kind of illegal substance,” the Blood Kindred said with certainty. “I just hope—”

  “Hey, the three of you aren’t from here, are you?”

  A group of six Carnalians—three males and three females—had come up to them and all of them were eyeing Kayla and her guys speculatively.

  It was the largest male who was speaking. He had pale pink skin and bright turquoise hair and was wearing a pair of blue trousers with a green loincloth. His male companions were similarly dressed and the girls had on what appeared to be silver mesh bikinis with plenty of pastel flesh showing.

  “No, we’re not, friend. We’re visitors here and we’d like to get by.” Bron spoke mildly enough but there was a warning in his golden eyes—a warning the Carnalians either didn’t see, or chose to ignore.

  “Just because you’re not from here doesn’t mean you can’t join our pod—at least temporarily,” one of the girls spoke up. She had baby blue skin and orange hair and her huge breasts were spilling out of her silver mesh top. She eyed Bron and Sorin hungrily, like a cat eyeing two plump and tasty mice, Kayla thought indignantly.

  “You’re asking us to join your pod?” Sorin asked blankly. “But we don’t even know you.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” The male with the turquoise hair shrugged. “You all three look hot. Which of us would you like to fuck first?” He nodded at his two male companions and the three girls, who giggled and whispered to each other.

  “That’s a kind offer but we’re a closed pod,” Sorin said smoothly.

  “Oh come on—I know how it is with you off-planet types,” one of the other males—a muscular guy with pale purple skin and orange hair said. “You’re all repressed and uptight on your own world so you want to come here to loosen up and have some fun. Come on, I’ll fuck you.” He gave Sorin a hot, intense look. “Or would you rather fuck me?”

  “Sorry but I don’t have sex with other males,” the Blood Kindred said blandly.

  “What about females then, honey? I’ll do you,” one of the girls said, winking at him.

  “Hell, I’d do either one of them or both at once,” said the girl with baby blue skin and huge breasts. “How do you like that offer?”

  “Not very much,” Kayla said, stepping forward with her arms crossed over her chest. “Look, you girls need to step off. These two men are mine and I do not share.”

  “Mmm, a saucy one!” the male with turquoise hair exclaimed, looking Kayla up and down. He turned to Bron. “Is she brown all over? I’ve done pink and blue and orange and even green but I’ve never had a brown girl before.”

  “That’s none of your fucking business.” The warning was back in the Beast Kindred’s voice and his eyes flashed dangerously but again, the other male chose to ignore it.

  “What do you say we do a trade? Your girl for one of the females in our pod?” He eyed Kayla appreciatively. “I’d really like to part her pretty thighs and see the color of her pussy.”

  “You what?” Bron’s golden eyes blazed red with Rage. In half a second he had the male with turquoise hair by the neck, lifting him off the ground as the Carnalian gasped and kicked and choked. “How fucking dare you talk that way about our lady?” he growled, shaking the other male. “You little fucker—I’ll kill you!”

  “Easy, Bron—easy!” Sorin and Kayla were on either side of him, trying to get him to put the Carnalian down.

  “It’s just their way here, Bron,” Sorin was trying to explain. “Remember I told you they leave and join pods all the time?”

  “It’s not worth it,” Kayla yelled, both she and Sorin now pulling on the Beast Kindred’s muscular bicep, which felt like iron under her fingers. “We don’t need any trouble here, Bron! Let him down before you kill him!”

  With a low growl, Bron finally dropped the Carnalian male who fell on his ass, grabbing for his throat, choking and wheezing.

  “You’re…crazy,” he gasped, looking up at Bron. “Nearly killed me!”

  “Be glad my lady wanted to spare your miserable life,” Bron growled back. “Come on Sorin, Kayla. Let’s go.”

  “You can’t just leave like this! You’ve insulted the leader of our pod!” the girl with enormous baby blue breasts exclaimed.

  “You want an apology?” Kayla put a hand on her hip. “Sorry, not sorry, honey. Sorin told you we were a closed pod.” Whatever the hell that meant.

  “I tried to warn you,” Sorin said blandly. “You shouldn’t have ignored my warning.”

  The three of them walked away with Bron still throwing angry looks over his broad shoulder at the pod of Carnalians.

  “Well, that was a little adventure,” Kayla remarked. “Not the kind we usually have.”

  “You’re going to have to tone it down if you don’t want to draw attention to us, Brother,” Sorin said to Bron. “I told you, these people are poly-amorous. If you try to kill everyone who asks us to join their pod, we’re going to have problems.”

  “I know. Forgive me. But did you hear the way that male talked about Kayla?” Bron’s eyes flashed molten gold. “She’s ours, damn it, Sorin! I’m not going to fucking stand there and listen to some fucker insult her!”

  “I feel the same,” Sorin said and for a moment his eyes gleamed red and Kayla saw his fangs. Then he took a deep breath and looked normal again. “But we can’t go into Rage every time someone admires our lady, Bron. Kayla is gorgeous—she’s bound to attract attention.”

  “You were attracting plenty of attention yourself from Mrs. Chesty McBigTits,” Kayla observed, throwing a glance over her shoulder at the girl with baby blue skin. “Looked to me like she wanted to take a bite out of your hide, Sorin.”

  “Chesty McBigTits?” Bron’s face lost its dark expression and broke into a grin. “Well, well—could it be that you’re jealous, small one?” he teased.

  “If I’m yours then the two of you are mine,” Kayla pointed out. “I’m not sharing my guys with some strange ho in the street.”

  “We feel the same way about you, leelah,” Sorin said, smiling. “But don’t worry—I had no interest in that female. Despite her massive blue mammaries,” he added dryly, which caused Bron to rumbled laughter and then Kayla joined in until by the time the three of them had crossed the street to the Fallen Angel, they were all laughing like crazy.

  “Halt. Where do y
ou think you’re going?” It was the bouncer with lavender skin and bright purple hair which was cut into a strange kind of double Mohawk-style.

  “We’d like to enter The Fallen Angel,” Sorin said politely. “Is there a fee for entry?”

  “You pay inside but you need to know what you’re getting into before you go,” the bouncer said, frowning. “I saw the trouble the three of you just got into—was that because you were asked to join a pod?”

  “Those fuckers insulted our lady,” Bron growled, suddenly serious again. “There wouldn’t have been any trouble if they hadn’t done that.”

  “We three are a closed pod,” Sorin explained. “We have no interest in joining another pod or letting anyone else into ours.”

  “Then The Fallen Angel most definitely isn’t the club for you,” the bouncer said grimly. “We are a pod-free club.”

  “Meaning what, exactly?” Kayla asked, frowning.

  “Meaning that when people walk into The Fallen Angel, they leave their loyalties and pod affiliations at the door,” the bouncer answered. “Anything goes inside—anyone is free to find love with anyone else, regardless of their relationship status. Everyone is single and podless in here.”

  “We’re really not here for the, uh, sexual scene,” Sorin explained. He leaned forward and spoke in a low voice. “We’re more interested in finding recreational substances, if you know what I mean. We can be in and out as soon as we find what we need.”

  The bouncer eyed the three of them knowingly.

  “Oh, I understand. Looking for some love-flower to open your female so you can both fit your shafts in her pussy at once, are you?”

  Bron started to growl again but Sorin held him back with one hand on his friend’s bicep.

  “Exactly,” he said smoothly. “And from the reviews I read, you have someone here who can, ah, supply that need.”

  “His name is Y’ax and he’s usually in the back in the restricted section,” the bouncer said, nodding. “But if I let you in, you’ll have to wear clear markings that you’re not available sexually. And your lady will need to wear a feather-tail to keep her protected.”

  A what? Kayla wanted to ask. But she could see that the bouncer was wavering about letting them in and since this was their best chance to find a source of the illegal Lust Blossoms, she couldn’t afford to be picky.

  “We’ll do it,” she said quickly. “Just let us in—please.”

  “All right. But no trouble!”

  “You should find out what you’re agreeing to before you say you’ll do it,” Bron admonished her, as the bouncer stood aside and let them into the ominously dark doorway.

  “How bad can it be?” Kayla hissed back. “You and Sorin are wearing feathers in your hair—so I’ll wear some too. So what?”

  “Hopefully you’re right,” Sorin remarked. “But I don’t know—this club has quite a reputation.”

  Before Kayla could ask him what he meant by that, the three of them were standing inside the dark club, in front of a thick, indigo-blue velvet curtain. At first, that seemed to be all there was and Kayla wondered if they should just push their way through. But then the curtain was swept aside and a Carnalian with the most extreme skin and hair combination she’d seen yet stepped through it.

  “Welcome, guests, I am Tork, your host,” he said, bowing low and making sweeping gestures with his seven-fingered hand. Instead of pastel skin and bright hair, his epidermis was pasty white and his hair and eyes were a deep, midnight black. Kayla thought it made him look a little like a mime.

  “Welcome,” he said again, “to The Fallen Angel where no debauchery is disallowed. Ah, here comes my assistant to help get you ready for entry.”

  He nodded at the curtain which swept to one side again as another Carnalian with dramatic coloration came out. It was a curvy female, this time, with pitch black skin and hair and eyes as white as snow. Kayla thought the white eyes gave the strange effect of making her look blind but she made her way nimbly enough to Tork’s side.

  “This is my sister, U’la,” their host proclaimed and proceeded to kiss her passionately on the mouth. U’la kissed him back with interest and for a moment it looked like their welcome might just devolve into a make-out session.

  “Um…what?” Kayla said blankly, when they finally pulled apart. “Did you say she was your sister?”

  “Yes, we are privileged to work together.” Tork put an arm around U’la’s slim waist and smiled happily.

  “But…” Kayla shook her head and turned to Sorin. “Does ‘sister’ mean something different here? The way you Kindred always call each other ‘Brother’ even when you’re not related?”

  “Most certainly not,” Tork exclaimed before Sorin could answer. “It means that U’la and I are brother and sister—we have the same parents. Who were also, brother and sister, by the way—it is a long family tradition. Hence, our distinctive coloration.” He nodded at himself and U’la who smiled at them with her white eyes.

  “Wow,” Kayla murmured unsteadily. “Well that’s…different.”

  “I told you no perversion is disallowed here,” Tork reminded them. “Speaking of which, let us get you outfitted for your visit to our club. Please come behind the privacy curtain and we can begin.”

  Shrugging at each other, the three of them stepped behind the indigo velvet curtain and found themselves in a small, dimly lit alcove which had a counter located in front of yet another curtain, this one red velvet.

  “Now, then…” Tork and U’la went to stand behind the counter. “What kind of sex are you interested in having?” he asked in a businesslike way.

  “No sex at all,” Sorin said quickly. “We are a closed pod. We’re only here to see Y’ax.”

  “Oh, I see…” Tork sized them up, just as the bouncer had done. “For some love-flower, no doubt.”

  “Yes, exactly,” Kayla said. “So can we just go back and get some from, uh, Y’ax really quick? We can be in and out in five minutes.”

  Tork’s midnight-black eyes widened.

  “By no means!” he exclaimed. “If you are a closed pod and do not wish to have carnal relations with anyone, you must be clearly marked as abstainers. Also you…” He pointed at Kayla. “Must wear a feather-tail. It’s the only way to protect your holes.”

  “Uh…what?” Kayla frowned but Tork was already turning to his sister.

  “U’la—be a darling and go find a feather-tail that matches our guest’s outfit,” he ordered.

  She kissed him on the mouth and ran off.

  Tork turned to them and smiled.

  “She is so affectionate, my sister-wife. Now, then—let us get you marked as abstainers.”

  He reached behind the counter and pulled out a large, round blue jar. Unscrewing the lid, he presented it to them with a flourish.

  “What’s that?” Bron asked flatly, staring at the sparkling white cream that filled the jar. To Kayla, it looked like cold cream someone had sprinkled liberally with tiny pieces of iridescent glitter.

  “Marking cream, of course.” Tork spoke as though everyone knew what marking cream was.

  “Okay, but what are we supposed to do with it? What’s it for?” Kayla asked.

  “Rub it on the areas of your body you do not wish to have touched by strangers, obviously, so they will show up as off-limits.” Tork raised an eyebrow. “Have none of you been to Carnal Four before? This is fairly standard procedure.”

  “This is our first trip,” Sorin said. “But how does rubbing cream on our bodies keep us from being, uh, molested by strangers?”

  “Maybe it is better to show you than to try and explain. Look.”

  Stepping out from behind the counter, Tork drew back the red velvet curtain and let them get a look at the room beyond.

  The curtain must have had sound muffling properties because the minute it was drawn back, loud, techno-type music could be heard blaring from hidden speakers. Kayla saw a dimly lit dance floor filled with all kinds of people, most of th
em wearing next to nothing. They were all moving and gyrating together in a mass only…She squinted. What were they doing out there?

  “That’s not dancing,” Sorin remarked.

  “No, of course not—they’re copulating,” Tork said cheerfully. “Fucking if you want to be crude. And anyone who steps onto the copulation floor without markings on is fair game. See, there?”

  He pointed to a girl with long hair and big breasts who was wearing nothing but a silver belly chain around her waist. She seemed to be coming from another area in the club but the moment she stepped foot on the dance floor—No, copulation floor, Kayla reminded herself—two men suddenly appeared and grabbed her.

  Without even asking if she was interested or bothering to introduce themselves, the two of them forced the girl to her hands and knees. One knelt behind her and spread her thighs before roughly shoving his cock inside her pussy. The other grabbed her long hair and forced her mouth open, pushing his thick shaft down her throat.

  “Oh my God—they’re raping her!” Kayla exclaimed angrily. “Do something about that!”

  “By no means!” Tork exclaimed. “She is not wearing any of the marking cream to show that she is an abstainer—which means that she is fair game to anyone the moment she steps on the copulation floor.”

  “And you’re saying we have to get through that in order to find this, uh—what was his name, Sorin?” Bron asked.

  “Y’ax,” the Blood Kindred supplied.

  “Thanks. We have to get through all that in order to find Y’ax?” Bron motioned to the writhing mass of flesh out on the darkened floor.

  Kayla shivered at the thought. It was absolutely jammed out there with everyone fucking everyone else in every possible combination and position. As she watched, seven or eight of the Carnalian men formed a daisy-chain, all thrusting into each other from behind. The male in the front, who was getting pumped hard, nevertheless managed to grab a passing woman and drag her down. Getting her flat on her back, he proceeded to bury his face between her thighs and began lapping her pussy. She, in turn, reached up and grabbed another passing male and pulled him down to suck his shaft. It was like the never-ending orgy from hell.


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