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The Search for Soaring Hawk

Page 16

by Terry O'Reilly

  “Well, I figured this here Indian boy of yours probably would be good with a rifle.” Gus smiled at Sam.

  Being referred to as an Indian pleased Sam. It made up for his hiding it back at the office. He was also pleased to be called Garrett’s boy.

  “Probably you’re right, Gus. But we’ll need more than one gun,” Garrett put in.

  “Dagnabit, I know that. I been across country more times ’n you, Taylor.”

  They all laughed at Gus’ indignation. Gus stopped grousing and smiled, too. “I signed up Cody and Walt Tucker.”

  Garrett nodded his approval. “They’re good ones. And they don’t mind takin’ turns on watch.”

  “What’re they gonna hunt?” Todd asked.

  “Food, boy!” Gus said loudly. “Honest to God, Garrett, this one’s cute as a button, but dumb as a stone!”

  Before Todd could take offense, Gus grabbed him in a headlock and affectionately rubbed his head.

  “Well, I better call a meeting of the folks that’re here,” Garrett said. “Make sure they know we’ll be waitin’ a week to leave. Make sure they know what to take and try to convince ’em not to bring stuff they don’t need.”

  “That won’t do no good,” said Gus. “You know that.”

  “You’re right, but I gotta try,” Garrett said. “We’ll meet again the night before we leave. Make sure they know the rules and all. If old Cletus signs more on, won’t do much good to do it ’fore that. Come on, let’s get somethin’ to eat and head back to the hotel. I need to drop by the office and have Cletus make up some meetin’ notices.”

  “Ain’t we gonna sleep in the wagon?” Todd asked eagerly.

  Garrett smiled. “You’ll have enough of that wagon before long, Todd. Might just as well sleep in a soft bed as long as we can.”

  “Like I said, cute as a button, but dumb as a stone.” Gus put his arm around Todd’s shoulders.

  The four men and Wolf made their way back to town.

  * * * Todd and Sam sat on the porch outside the hotel after they ate, with Wolf lying on the wooden floor between them. Garrett and Gus had gone back to the wagons with the Tuckers. They had met Cody and Walt at dinner. Although they were on watch duty at the wagons, Gus needed to check on some things before bed, and Garrett wanted to post notices of the meeting to be held the following night. Sam watched as people walked up and down the street.

  “They look like they’re having a good old time,” said Todd. “Like this is a party or a picnic or somethin’.”

  “Yes,” said Sam. He thought of the things Garrett and Gus had told them about the trip and wondered just how many of these folks realized what they were getting into. Maybe it was better if they didn’t know.

  “I been meanin’ to ask you somethin’,” Todd said quietly, looking down at his hands, which were nervously rubbing his thighs.

  Sam regarded Todd’s actions and then looked up at him. “What’s that?”

  “Well…” Todd paused. Well,” he said again.

  Sam inclined his head forward as if to urge him on.

  “Gus wants me to sleep with him tonight,” Todd said in such a rush that the sentence sounded more like one word. When he finished he did not look up at Sam; he just kept rubbing his legs.

  “Oh, I see,” Sam said, pursing his lips and nodding. His immediate reaction was, That means Garrett will sleep with me.

  “That okay with you, Sam?” Todd looked up, but his hands kept up their assault on his trousers.

  “Do you want to sleep with him?”

  Todd nodded.

  “Well, then, sure,” Sam said. “Why do you need to ask me for permission?”

  “I dunno. I just kinda felt cuz what you done for me and all…”

  “Todd, we all care about each other. And we enjoy each other.”

  Sam wasn’t completely sure he understood what he was saying—or why—but he continued. “So if we all want to be together—or if we want to pair off—it’s okay. You, me and Garrett have shared some, so if you want to include Gus? Well, I guess that’s your business.”

  “It’s okay, then?” Todd persisted.

  “Yeah, it’s okay.”

  Todd stopped wearing out the canvas of his pants and let out a deep sigh. Giving a relieved smile he said, “I’m glad that’s over with.”

  The men returned to watching the activity on the street, but Sam’s mind had switched to other things. He thought about the morning after he, Todd and Garrett had made love.

  He thought of the conversation he had had with Garrett by the pond. Was this what Garrett had meant? That they should be free to enjoy being with each other and loving as they felt the urge or need? He loved Todd. He loved Garrett. He realized he didn’t feel disturbed or jealous of Todd’s desire to be with Gus. It seemed to make sense to him, yet somewhere deep inside something was missing. Try as he may, however, he couldn’t flush it out. It was just beyond his grasp.

  * * * Sam lay on his side on the bed in the hotel room. He was naked and idly fondled his scrotum as he watched an equally naked Garrett at the washstand. Garrett’s back was to him, and Sam could admire the tapering musculature that ended in a well-rounded bottom. He felt his cock twitch.

  Sam looked up to see Garrett’s reflection in the mirror, smiling at him. He blushed at being caught. Garrett chuckled and turned around. His manhood, rising from its thick nest of black hair, stood away from his ponderous testes. He was not yet fully erect, but even so, the length and girth of his member was impressive, kindling Sam’s desires.

  Garrett laid the towel he was using on the washstand, turned slightly and blew out one of the two candles on the wall sconce. He began to walk toward Sam, who had swung his legs off the bed and was now sitting on the edge. Sam watched as Garrett came toward him, his manhood swaying to the rhythm, engorging to its full stature as he did so.

  When the man had stopped and stood in front of him, Sam ran his hands up the backs of Garrett’s legs and caressed the taut mounds. He pulled Garrett forward and laid his head against the older man’s rippled abdomen, the shaft of his organ against his cheek. Sam began to kiss and lave the hair-shrouded belly muscles and buried his face in the thick, coarse hair. He breathed in his manly scent. Garrett’s hands were on the back of Sam’s head, gently encouraging his actions.

  Sam turned his head and wrapped his lips around the base of Garrett’s penis, moving toward the tip, tracing the pulsating veins with his tongue as he did. Finally reaching the apex, he kissed the puckered foreskin before peeling it back, exposing the lustrous head. He teased the slit with his tongue. Garrett shuddered. Sam could feel the clear fluids discharging from his own member, sending miniscule tingling sensations through his body.

  He began to take Garrett into his mouth, just the glans at first, but with each stroke, more and more of the huge organ, until he buried his face once more in the tangle of thatch. He remained there for several seconds, feeling the man throbbing in his mouth and throat. Sam then withdrew, until only the very end of the cock was within him. He repeated these actions over and over, increasing the speed and pressure with each assault on Garett. Garrett began to thrust and groan. Finally, he grabbed Sam’s head and held him motionless, his phallus quivering in Sam’s pharynx. Sam could feel volleys of the man’s seed rushing into him. He swallowed as much as he could, letting the excess run down his chin and drip onto his own throbbing organ.

  Garrett pulled back. He pushed Sam down on the bed and lay on top of him, covering his face and mouth with kisses, seeking the recesses of the cavity with his tongue, grinding his still rigid tumescence against Sam’s stomach. Garrett rose, supporting his torso with his outstretched arms. He looked at Sam with tenderness, yet with such passion that Sam felt his heart would swell to bursting.

  Standing, Garrett placed Sam’s legs on his shoulders. He gathered the bodily fluids excreted between them, mixed them with saliva, and began to massage the entry to Sam’s body. Sam moaned and thrust his hips off the bed, eager for their un
ion to begin. Garrett was at his entry. Sam closed his eyes and felt the immense organ glide into the confines of his body. As he opened his eyes, Garrett lowered himself and affectionately kissed him. The two men lay motionless, staring into each other’s eyes for a time.

  Then Garrett stood once more and, holding Sam by the ankles, began a measured cadence, which increased in tempo and strength until Sam felt his testicles contract. Without touching himself, he let out a mighty roar and issued his seed onto his chest and belly. Garrett held his breath, stiffened and then gave several powerful thrusts, before falling on Sam. Garrett rolled to his side, pulling Sam with him into an embrace that communicated the depth of emotion both men were experiencing.

  After a time, they arranged themselves comfortably on the bed. Sam lay facing Garett. Entwined in each other’s arms, they smiled at each other. Garrett kissed Sam on the forehead, snuggled more deeply into Sam’s arms and drifted off to sleep.

  Sam lay awake for some time, re-living what had just transpired. Finally, he began to nod off himself. Just before he did, he wondered what Todd had experienced this night.

  * * * The next evening Sam and Todd stood at the back of the crowd that had gathered in the torchlight to listen to Garrett. Gus was passing out lists of supplies the settlers should take. Garrett was encouraging the folks to pack only what they needed, and not try to take unnecessary things that would weigh down the wagons. Wolf had found a couple of dogs to tussle with at the edge of the crowd.

  “Don’t know how much plainer he can make it,” Gus said rejoining Sam and Todd. “But they won’t listen and then, when they run outta food, or have to dump some family treasure along the trail, they’ll bellyache and say no one ever told ’em.”

  Sam looked toward the buckboard upon which Garrett stood, admonishing the travelers. He smiled with pride. Garrett was a strong, handsome man, fair-minded and compassionate. These people did not know how lucky they were to have a man like this to lead them.

  Garrett had just announced there would be a week’s delay in their departure. The Reverend Rayburn seemed to lead the ensuing jumble of mutterings. Sam felt a ripple of animosity. He wondered just how much trouble the man would bring to the trip. As Sam and the others watched and listened, Garrett masterfully took control of the discontent. The crowd quieted and began to disperse. Garrett jumped down off the wagon and walked toward Sam and the others.

  “I noticed Cletus wasn’t here when you let them know we weren’t leaving for another week,” Gus said.

  “He’s never around when there might be trouble,” Garrett said with a laugh. “He’ll be here next week to give his big send-off speech, though. You can count on that.”

  The four men stayed around for a time in case anyone had questions. When no one seemed to need to talk to Garrett, they made their way back to the hotel, Wolf trotting along behind.

  “I’m gonna go have a drink at the saloon before I turn in. Anyone want to join me?” Garrett asked.

  “I will,” said Gus.

  “Todd? Sam?” Garrett asked, looking from one to the other.

  Todd looked at Sam. “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” He ended the sentence in such a way that it seemed almost as if he were asking Sam a question.

  “I think I’ll turn in, too,” Sam said, returning Todd’s look.

  The men parted company. Todd and Sam went directly to their room. Once inside and the door closed, as if they had been apart for several weeks, Todd was in Sam’s arms, kissing him. Wolf, who had accompanied them upstairs, jumped on the bed and regarded them with his head cocked to one side.

  “Hey, slow down,” Sam said, laughing. “We have all night.”

  * * * Making sure everyone was prepared for the trip to come filled the following days. Cletus’ delay had produced some fruit. Two additional families had joined the train to make the trek to what they hoped would be greener pastures. It brought the total number of wagons to twenty-six. One was a widower with his son, looking to make a new life for himself after the death of his wife. Sam understood his need. The other was a young married couple. The wife was pregnant. “’Bout halfway along,” was Gus’ assessment. Garrett was not pleased Cletus had allowed them to join up.

  “The trip is hard enough without a woman carrying a child. That baby’ll come early if it gets to come at all,” Garrett said, shaking his head. “These wagons aren’t for ridin’ in…they’re for carryin’ goods.

  “Can’t they take a buggy or spring wagon for her to ride in?” Todd asked.

  Gus laughed derisively, “Them rigs won’t make it to the foothills, let alone through the mountains. Not built for it.”

  Sam looked over to where the young couple was happily loading supplies in their new covered wagon, blissfully unaware of the perils that lay before them.

  Two days before departure, the oxen were delivered to the train. The drovers trained those making the trip to handle the beasts. The animals seemed tractable enough, but Sam was glad he had a horse to ride and wouldn’t have to walk to California beside some lumbering behemoth. He thought again of the young woman who would have to endure the journey on the wooden seat of an unyielding prairie schooner.

  For most of the week, the Tucker brothers had stood guard at night over the wagons that the men would use. Now, with two nights left before departure, they asked for the night to blow off a little steam. Gus volunteered to guard instead. When time came to head for the hotel, Gus turned to Sam.

  “Why don’t you and that dog of yours keep me company? We could even get some shut-eye with him on board. Ain’t no one gonna mess with the wagons seein’ him around.”

  Sam hesitated. He wasn’t sure if the invitation was an innocent one, or if Gus had more in mind. He wasn’t sure what his reaction would be to any overtures the older man might make. While Sam was more open now to being with more than one man, he still held that affection had to play some role in the relationship. He had liked Gus ever since his first days at Mary and Martha’s guesthouse, even found the older man attractive, but he wasn’t sure his feelings for him included wanting to have sex with him. Finally, though, Sam agreed.

  The four men said goodnight, and Garrett and Todd left for the hotel. As they rounded the corner of the wagon that would carry their food supplies, Todd looked back at Sam and winked. Sam had an idea of what Todd meant, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge it.

  Gus and Sam sat for some time outside the wagon. Wolf lay next to them. They watched their fellow travelers as they readied themselves for bed. Most of what they heard was happy and carefree. Gus smiled. “Best they don’t understand what a trip like this is all about,” he mused.

  Sam thought about this. He had heard this before, had thought it himself. Music came to his ears.

  “Hmm,” Gus said. “Good to have someone that can play a fiddle on the trip. Makes for some good times in the evenings when we stop for the night. Makes the trip a mite easier.”

  Sam listened to the lively tune being played. “Tell me more about what it’s gonna be like, Gus,” he asked.

  The older man looked out toward the wagons. He rubbed his grizzly grey beard. Finally he said, “You’re gonna find out yourself soon enough, sonny boy.” With that, he stood and stretched. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Sam wondered if Gus meant to add, “Best if you don’t understand,” to his statement, but he didn’t press it. He got up and followed Gus to the wagon.

  * * * Sam stretched out on his side in the wagon bed. Gus lay with his back to him. They sent Wolf to guard under the food wagon. Sam knew he would let them know if anyone tried to steal anything. He had spent a good hour wondering what the future would hold, going over the things that he had been told, thinking about Todd and Garrett, wondering what they were doing back at the hotel. The thought caused him to feel tightness in his groin.

  Gus turned over and faced him. “Pull down your pants.” “What?” Sam said in surprise.

  “You deaf? I said pull down your pants. And take off your

  shirt.” Almost without thinking, Sam did as he was told. When he lay back down, Gus ran his hands over Sam’s chest, swirling the hair, teasing his nipples. “Nice,” he said. Then he wriggled down under the blanket that covered the pair of them. Reaching around, he began to massage Sam’s butt.

  “Nice,” he said again, his voice muffled by the cover. Sam felt himself responding. He took a deep breath. As he did, Gus took hold of his hardening penis, and Sam could feel his tongue on the tip, then probing under the foreskin. As he reached complete erection, the head slipped out and Gus took the ample organ into his mouth, burying his face at the base of Sam’s erection. Sam reached down and stroked Gus’ head.

  The older man was laving and sucking Sam with a gentle, persistent rhythm. Sam did not resist. He just let the good feelings of arousal wash over him. He felt himself coming close to his climax. Gus seemed to sense it, too, and released Sam. He sat up, took off his shirt and wriggled out of his pants, then he turned over on his side and scooted back, until his hair-covered bottom was against Sam’s erection. Gus reached behind him, took hold of Sam, and guided him into his body.

  “Ah, that’s nice,” Gus said with a deep sigh, using his favorite word again. “Nice to have a big, thick pecker inside you. Nice to have that hairy nest against your ass. Ah, yeah, that’s nice.”

  Sam smiled and slipped his hand through the dense tangle of Gus’ chest hair. He continued down to take the hard cock in his hand. He began to stroke Gus as he set up his rhythmic assault on his butt.

  “Oh, yeah, Sam, fuck me and make me give you my stuff.” It was the first time Sam had been with anyone who had talked this way while in the act. It amused and aroused him. The more Gus verbally ejaculated, the more excited Sam became.

  “Go deep…yes, yes, yes.” Gus moaned. “Fuck the old man, boy, fuck him good. Oh, yes, Sam, do it good.”

  Sam increased the length and strength of his strokes. He would pull almost out of Gus’ body and then slam himself to the hilt. Each time he did, Gus would cry out in ecstatic pleasure.


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