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Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge

Page 12

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  “Do you really want easy?’

  Mikel shook his head, chuckling. “No, I’ve never taken the easy path. You know that. So, what brings you here besides worrying about my well-being?”

  “I think it’s time that we head toward Drimada. My sister knows I’m not going to just give up, but Chrissie didn’t tell her that we know where she’s based her operations, though she and Myra did their best to torture the information out of her. If we hurry, we might be able to get the Chantrean and Manruvian fleets in position before she even becomes aware that we are there.”

  “Then what are we waiting for? Skalldari?”

  “Yes, Prince Logann?”

  “Transport the two of us to the command deck and plot our course to Drimada. Also, contact the rest of the Manruvian fleet, giving them the coordinates of Drimada. They should head there immediately, keeping their ships cloaked. Then, send a coded transmission to King Shi’Lan on Chantrea and ask for their assistance. Let him know where our ships will be and tell him to meet us there as soon as possible.” He turned to Hunter, his gaze intent now that he had something to focus on. “Anything else?”

  “Not that I can think of. I contacted my father while Amy was still unconscious. He’s had all our ships readied for battle and is just awaiting our target location.”


  “You have your orders, Skalldari.”


  In less than a second, Hunter and Mikel stood on the command deck. Already he could feel the slight tremble beneath his feet, as the ship made its course corrections, changing directions as it headed toward Drimada, toward the upcoming battle. He could only hope and pray that Amy’s family still lived. He didn’t want her hurt anymore. Losing her family might be more than she could handle.

  Knowing you’ll be by my side no matter the outcome of the upcoming battle, will be all the support I’ll need, though I too hope that my family still lives, that my father doesn’t turn away from my mother because of her pregnancy, that my brother can be saved from your sister and can live with the guilt of what he has done to helpless women because of the drugs they have fed him.”

  I don’t know about your brother and what he can live with when it comes to the acts he’s committed but as for your parents, the Manruvian mate bonds will bond your parents as we’ve bonded. He’ll know beyond a doubt that the child she carries is his.

  He felt her sigh of relief through their bond and was thankful he could offer her that small comfort. Is all well with the three of you?

  Yes, we’re still in the medical bay but Eve was just about to leave to be with Taliff and her children.

  And you? Will you be heading to our quarters soon?

  I’ll be leaving momentarily. I’m just waiting until I know that Chrissie has fallen into a healing sleep. Oh, and Maryann stopped by. She was agitated so I sent her to the Recreation Room. I thought spending some time on the beach might calm her.

  Good idea. We just need to keep them separated until after the battle is over. I’ll make sure Mikel stays away from Maryann’s quarters and the Recreation Room until all this is over.

  Thank you.

  Hunter felt Amy close their connection then focused once again on Mikel. His friend once again seemed to be staring out into space. Knowing that he’d prefer his privacy while he worried over his mate, Hunter said his goodbyes and headed back toward his and Amy’s quarters. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could before they reached Drimada. Once there, time alone would be impossible to come by as they battled the Black Rose’s forces in their attempt at rescuing as many hostages and victims as they could.

  Chapter Twelve

  Three days later… Above Drimada, aboard the cloaked Chantrean Warship Vengeance

  Amy stared down at the planet below, awed by the beauty of the ringed-planet despite the activities she knew took place there. Soon, they’d move the Chantrean fleet into position. Their ship, The Vengeance would move to Drimada’s moon, Vinusa, where they were set to raid the dark side. Mikel’s fleet had already positioned themselves to target the Black Rose’s camp on the light side of Vinusa. Taliff along with Taliff and Hunter’s father, Brantiff, would stay above Drimada and attack the Black Rose’s base of operations here.

  If all went as planned, within days, possibly hours, most of the Black Rose’s hostages would be free and the Black Rose and all her followers would find themselves locked inside the prison levels of the Manruvian and Chantrean ships. She could only pray to Hunter’s Goddess that all went as planned and that their injuries would be few.

  I am your Goddess as well, little one. Have faith in yourself and your man. You have a good plan. Just remember if you get into trouble use the mate bonds to call out to your mate and encourage him to do the same. Good Luck, my child.

  Amy swallowed past the thickness that seemed to lodge in her throat and sighed. Thank you, my Goddess for your well wishes. We’ll need them, I fear. Even now, Hunter was making last minute plans with his father and brother. Both Mikel’s father and Hunter’s insisted he have both Chantrean and Manruvian guards to protect him when he goes into battle, since neither man would be with him to protect him. Only when Amy agreed that it was the right decision did Hunter finally relent and give permission for bodyguards to accompany him when the time comes.

  As though her thoughts had conjured the man himself, she knew the moment he entered their quarters. She didn’t leave her post at the view port, taking these last few seconds to prepare herself for what lay ahead.

  Do not worry so, moya. We’ll protect each other in the coming battle, and no matter what happens in the coming hours you need to know that I won’t leave your side.

  Amy turned and faced Hunter as he quickly closed the distance between them. When he reached out to pull her into his arms, she didn’t resist, laying her head on his chest just over his steadily beating heart. “I know you won’t leave me, I just have this horrible sense of doom riding me. I don’t even know if it has to do with the mission itself or what we’ll find on the dark side of Drimada’s moon, on Vinusa.”

  Hunter ran his hands through her hair, gently stroking its silken length until she began to purr against his chest. His rumbling laughter didn’t even faze her. As far as she was concerned, this might be the last peaceful moments they’d have for the foreseeable future and she would enjoy them while she could.

  After a few more moments passed, she felt Hunter’s sigh. “It’s time to put on your fighting leathers, moya. I’ll have your back and all those guards you insisted on will have mine. The three-pronged attack is scheduled to commence in less than an hour.”

  Amy nodded and with one last gusty breath, pulled out of her mate’s arms. “Okay. Give me a few minutes to suit up and I’ll be ready to accompany you to the debarkation chamber.”

  Suiting actions to words in less than five minutes she was dressed for battle in the tan and brown fighting leathers Hunter had presented her with this morning. As she turned to tell Hunter she was ready, she found him holding a woman’s sword and not just any sword but one identical to his own, only smaller in size.

  Nothing Hunter could have done would have made her happier. He truly wasn’t going to keep her in a safe place as he fought her battles for her but was instead going to let her stand up to her rapists, her tormenters. Not only that, but he was giving her the means to truly fight by his side.

  She didn’t even have the words to thank him properly. Nothing she could say would be enough, would mean enough.

  Words are unnecessary, moya. I know you can wield this with as much skill as you showed when you held me off with my own sword. “Happy hunting, mate,” he said as he handed her the weapon he had crafted for her.

  Amy nodded, took the weapon from her mate then repeated the warrior’s phrase. “Happy hunting.”

  Together, Amy and Hunter left their quarters and headed toward the debarkation chamber. They had a battle to fight and to win. She’d allow no other thoughts or worries
to intrude. There would be time enough to worry later.

  * * * *

  Team One, check in, Hunter demanded. He was ready to kick some rebel ass. He just hoped he ran into his sister at this base. Sister or not, she’d die by his sword or by one of his compatriots. He’d not allow her to hunt women down and subjugate them to rape and torture ever again. Transporting her to Chantrea for trial would just give her another chance at escape. That he couldn’t allow.

  Team One, in place, Taliff answered, speaking telepathically using their blood-bond. Hunter sighed in relief, knowing that right now, Taliff and his father along with three squadrons of warriors were positioned to attack the Black Rose’s supposed main base of operations on the ringed-planet of Drimada.

  Pressing the mini-microphone button embedded in the sleeve of his leathers, Hunter spoke to Team Two. “Team Two, report.”

  The gruff voice of Mikel whispered through Hunter’s nearly invisible earpiece. “Team Two, in place. There is some movement. It looks like they are preparing to take off. I’ve seen several male prisoners dragged toward a transport ship, in chains, since our arrival an hour ago.”

  “Then we’re out of time. On my mark, all teams attack.”

  Amy, who sat crouched beside him behind one of the large black monoliths scattered throughout the dark side of Vinusa reached out and gripped his arm, nodded, a fierce expression on her face.

  After giving her cheek one last caress, Hunter returned her nod. It was time to take back what was theirs.




  “All teams converge on targets. Converge on targets.”

  As the sound of battle began to transmit through his headset, Hunter’s own adrenaline started to increase. He could even feel Amy’s impatience to begin. Using their night vision goggles, Hunter, Amy and their team, quickly but soundlessly approached the base camp the Black Rose had built inside of a mountain. First they crossed a murky lake then climbed a set of steps carved into the mountain itself. Only at the top of the steps did they finally find access to the hidden tunnels where the hostages and victims were stashed.

  This whole side of the moon felt spooky to Hunter. He could only imagine the hell his mate now faced knowing that she might run into her rapists and tormentors. He couldn’t forget about Chrissie who had lived here and had to tell him and the others about her time here while giving then the general layout of the tunnels within the mountain. Without reliving her painful memories, they wouldn’t have a plan to put into action. Even Maryann relived her captivity on the light side of the moon, so that Mikel’s team was armed with enough knowledge to rescue anyone still held there. The Earther women had more courage and strength of any race of people he’d seen to date. They continually impressed him and his comrades.

  With one last glance at his mate to reassure himself that she still remained by his side, Hunter led the squad into the belly of the mountain. He’d gone no more than three meters when he began to hear static through his communications unit. “Say again, Mikel. Say again.”

  “Shit. My woman transported down here when she recognized one of the men being dragged to the transport. She’s threatening to hijack one of our ships to follow it if I don’t let her go willingly.”

  “Why that ship? Who’s on it?” Hunter asked, fully aware everyone around him was listening in on their conversation.

  “She just spotted Amy’s brother and the Black Rose get on that ship, so she had Skalldari send her down her to plead her case.”

  Hunter didn’t need to think about it. He reached out and squeezed his mate’s hand in reassurance. “You and your mate go after that ship. Take your warship, Victory, with you. Leave the rest of your team to continue the raid. We’ll make sure they all have quarters.”

  “But, the hostages, the rebels, what if—“

  “You have your orders, Mikel. My sister must be stopped. And recovering my mate’s brother would be appreciated. I trust you to carry out those directives where I’d trust few others.”

  “Understood. Skalldari? Two to transport up to the command deck of Victory.” Hunter heard a little bit of a scuffle then nothing as Mikel and Maryann were transported to Mikel’s ship.

  Amy closed her eyes then sighed. “Be careful, my friends,” she whispered. “Be careful.”

  Before they could once again begin moving down the darkened tunnels, Hunter stopped as a telepathic message was coming through from Taliff.

  What is it, Tal?

  There’s nothing here. Nothing at all. This place looks completely abandoned. Eve’s parents aren’t here and neither are Amy’s. There is no one here at all, though it looks like this place was just abandoned, maybe only hours ago. I think she’s abandoning all three of these bases, so be on the lookout.

  Understood, get back aboard your ship, the Adventurer and await word. We may need you down here before this is through. And while you’re up there having a rest, see what kind of scans Shoshoni can perform on Drimada and Vinusa. Perhaps the rebels are gone but some of the hostages could be trapped somewhere we can’t see.


  Hunter raised his sword as he and his team continued down the tunnels, following the directions Chrissie had given him for the locations of the cells. He hoped to find some survivors at least, but if the rebels got in the way, he and Amy and the others would cut their way through them. They would not be stopped. Not by fear of the unknown. And not by the rebels.

  * * * *

  The deeper they moved into the tunnels, the more Amy’s stomach began to cramp up. Something was going to happen, something bad. Before she could even shove that thought away, a feline growl ripped through the tunnels.

  A shiver ran down her spine. She’d recognize that particular growl anywhere. Apparently, this is the hellhole Myra had chosen to heal in. Well, it would be the last mistake she ever made.

  The feline shriek sounded closer, eerie in the enclosed darkness. Back to back, she and Hunter searched the tunnels, while the others spread out, looking for the one tunnel in which she planned to attack them from.

  But Amy knew Myra, remembered her treachery. She wouldn’t fall for her tricks again. She’d go after the Alphas on this mission, meaning her and her mate, Hunter. For now, everyone else would be safe.

  Be on your toes, Hunter. It’s you or me she’ll go after, not the others. Eve bested her once, and I nearly killed her the last time we met. She’ll be after blood.

  I remember. I’ve got your back and you’ve got mine. The others can take care of themselves.

  Amy grinned, even knowing that in just a few moments she’d have to kill another being. She could give Myra no mercy.

  Amy didn’t have long to wait. Without any warning, the huge lioness jumped out of a corridor and straight for Hunter. Hunter! Duck!

  As Hunter rolled out of the way, Amy drew up her sword. The cat was just getting to her feet, made more difficult by only having three paws thanks to Eve’s taking one of them in the first challenge aboard Taliff’s ship.

  As Myra made to tackle Amy, she stood her ground, raised her sword. Just as the gaping jaws of the lion began to descend toward Amy’s neck, she twisted out of the way, making sure to swipe the blade across the lioness’ neck. In one smooth motion, she severed its head from its body.

  Hunter rushed to her side, grabbed the sword from her and handed it to one of the bodyguards he’d assigned. “Thank the Goddess Alana that you’re alright.” Hunter roughly pulled Amy into his arms but she wasn’t about to complain. Already her knees were beginning to quake.

  As she rested against Hunter, the ear bud in her own ear began to pick up static before Eve’s voice filtered through the noise. “Amy, good news. Shoshoni has been hard at work over here on the Adventurer. She managed to pick up scattered life signs on both Drimada and Vinusa. The life signs are weak, but she was able to transport all the weak and wounded hostages off both surfaces. Both your parents are on your ship, Vengeance, with a lovely
baby boy of perhaps six months, and your sisters were sent here to the Adventurer. They’ve also recovered nearly everyone from my own pride. Your brother is among the missing and there are still several women from your pride unaccounted for according to your parents.”

  “What about the two women they took from Skalldari the other day?”

  “They were found too, injured, but alive.”

  “That is very good news indeed. It could have been so much worse. And we’ll continue to search for the others. I’ll be spending a few days with my parents and siblings before Hunter and I head out to follow Mikel. He’s got a lead on the Black Rose and my brother.”

  “Eve,” Hunter interrupted. “Tell Taliff to assure Amy’s parents and her siblings that we’ll be together as we search for their son and any others that my sister may have taken with her from these stone prisons. We’ll spend the next couple of days with them to allow for the family to have some private healing time, but then we must follow Mikel who is following the Black Rose’s trail.”

  “Understood. Standby for transport to your ship. Amy’s family is already healing in the medical bay.”

  Amy laughed in pure joy. They may be scarred, but they were alive. That was all that mattered, and after she assured herself that they were truly going to be okay, she and her mate would search for her brother, Ryan. Deep in the pit of her belly, she knew—just knew—that when the time came, they’d find him alive as well.


  Five days later… Aboard the Chantrean Warship Vengeance, trailing the Manruvian Warship Victory by two days

  “Ready to give up yet?” Amy asked, rubbing herself sinuously over Hunter. If he didn’t give up soon, she would. This suit was driving her mad. She went for the big guns, literally. Reaching down, she grabbed his hard cock and squeezed.

  “You only need say the word,” he said with a grin, pressing her hand tighter against his cock. “Can you not stand the pressure anymore?”


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