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Forever Mine

Page 7

by April Zyon

“That is an excellent answer, and one that will have me bending you over the sofa to fuck this pretty pussy.” He gave her a small slap on her clit. Pulling back, he took her hands to help her sit up. “Easy, sweetheart,” he said when she wavered a little.

  “I want that as well. I also can’t wait for us to do our shopping so that we can use a butt plug and you can take me. So you can get me ready to have your cock inside of my ass, your fingers in my pussy. I want all of that.” God, she had never felt she was such a sexual being, but having him as hers, hell yes she was. She was it for him just as he was it for her. That’s how it should be.

  “Oh we’ll be getting more than just a butt plug. We’ll be getting a couple vibrators, maybe a few other toys, and definitely some ropes. I want to tie you up to have you completely at my mercy. At least once. And we’ll need to pick up a lot of lube, too, I think.”

  She shivered. “I want that as well. I would really like to have you binding me to the bed, having me spread for your pleasure. I would trust you and only you to give me all of the pleasure that I need and want. I know that you would always see to my pleasure before your own.” She knew that without even thinking about it.

  “Damn straight I will,” he said. Helping her off her desk, he pushed her skirt down on her legs and then gave her a hug. With a kiss to her lips, he loosened his hold on her waist. “Grab your purse and everything else you need. We have a pizza to go get, and then I remember something about you promising to ravage me when we got home.”

  “You bet your beautiful body that I’m going to ravage you. I’m thinking that the moment we walk into the house, I’m going to suck you until you come for me. Then, after our pizza, I will have you bending me over the sofa and fucking me raw. I really think that will be marvelous, don’t you?”

  “I like that idea. I also love the fact you are such a little planner. Let’s get a move on. Tomorrow, I’ll need to deal with some other things, but for now, we are going to enjoy ourselves.” He adjusted his cock slightly with a grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “Get your gorgeous ass in gear, woman. Quick like a bunny.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said. Winking at him, she grabbed her purse and then moved to his side. Slipping her hand into his, she gave it a squeeze. She was a planner. That was something that made her super happy, too. “Love you, Mr. Carver,” she told him with a happy grin.

  “Love you, Dr. Rhodes.” Pulling her in close, he looped his arm around her shoulders and led her out of her office. Giving her a squeeze, he pressed a kiss to her temple. He kept her close as they got down to the street and made their way to his truck.

  Chapter Eight

  When his phone rang, Martin scooped it up quickly. He’d been waiting on a call for two days to assure him that Athena’s father was safe. Unfortunately, the caller ID said it was Frank. Grimacing, he put it to his ear. “What’s up, big brother?”

  “Got word from overseas that the folks who were showing unexpected interest in your girl’s dad have been deterred. The point was made with them they should turn their attentions elsewhere for their own health.”

  Releasing a breath, Martin sat down heavily in a chair. “Thank God,” he muttered. “Any idea if they are going to look where we want them to?”

  “We’ve got a few folks keeping an eye on things. So far it looks like they are taking the advice to heart. Last I heard as of forty minutes ago, they were preparing for a trip.”

  Forty minutes? “And you’re only calling me now?”

  “I had another matter that cropped up to attend to. Oddly enough, it appears it’s connected to your coming troubles.”

  Martin only knew of one thing still ongoing that had his brothers, and a few others, on edge. “How is that even possible?”

  “Expansion. They apparently got into the business due to crackdowns in other areas. The best our people can tell is they decided to diversify a little, see where things fell, and then go with whatever was working. Since they already had routes in place for other illegal ventures, it wasn’t that hard for them to go a step further. We’re about ninety-nine percent sure the broker that’s still working here in the Southern States is on their payroll. Unfortunately, it’s the one percent that’s pissing off Brant’s bosses. They want this other issue handed over to the Feds.”

  He thought on that a moment. “Let me make a call. I’ll get back to you in five.” Not waiting for his brother to reply, Martin hung up and called his boss. A short discussion and a little negotiation later, he called Frank back.

  “Tell Brant to hand it over to Josiah Collings,” he told him.

  “You want him to hand the case over to the Director of the FBI?”

  Grinning at the stunned tone of voice, Martin chuckled. “Tell him to call right now, the man is expecting it. He’ll ensure Brant’s boss knows the case was handed over to the FBI as he was ordered to do. Trust me.”

  A long moment of silence before a huff of air. “You better know what you’re doing, little brother, or Brant’s going to kick your ass six ways from Sunday.”

  “I’ve got it covered. Do it. I need to go find Athena and update her. We’ll be out for dinner at the ranch tonight, and everything will become perfectly clear.”

  “It had better. Fucking hell, Brant’s going to freak on my ass. Can’t you give me a hint as to what you’re doing?”

  “Where the hell is the fun in that?” Laughing, he hung up on the muttering. After slipping his phone back into his pocket, Martin went to find Athena. She needed to hear the good news, preferably before she did yet another round of cleaning the house. He wasn’t sure if the woodwork would survive another scrub down and wax session.


  Athena looked at the spot on the wall once more and lifted the cloth again. Why couldn’t she get it out? Why in the hell couldn’t she get rid of that last dark spot on the wall? She scrubbed hard at the spot and when she pulled back to look at it, she let out a cry of frustration. “What in the hell is this?” She growled and tossed the cloth.

  She began to pace the room. She was frustrated. This whole waiting thing was killing her. She had never been an overly patient woman, but this was taking it to a whole new level. This was seriously not a good thing in her mind. Dammit.

  “Athena?” Martin’s worried voice had her spinning to look at him. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asked. Once he was in front of her, he took her hands in his, and with a little tug, pulled her into his arms. “Talk to me.”

  “I can’t get that freaking stain out of the wall,” she muttered, and all but melted against Martin. “I think that I’m starting to go stir crazy. Don’t get me wrong, I love my time here with you, but I’m not used to being shut in for so long. I’m sorry.” She was being whiny and it pissed her off. She hated feeling so at loose ends.

  “I know, sweetheart. But I have good news. I just got off the phone with Frank, and according to his sources overseas, the guys threatening your father won’t be any more trouble for him. They made a play and had their fingers smacked. Hard. The agents will remain with your dad until this is all over, but the majority of the threat is off him.”

  “Oh thank God.” She let out a visible shaky breath and hugged him back once more. “I’m so glad that’s all over.” She took his words for meaning that the whole farce was over. Not only was her dad being protected, but she was out of their sights as well.

  “Uh, not quite. They are off your dad, but they are coming our way from what we could figure out. The few agents that are close enough but not really close enough have let their handlers know that the guys are on the move. They can’t confirm for sure where yet. But we all know exactly where they are coming. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we still have a ways to go yet.”

  “Crap,” she muttered, and then felt herself go pale. “Wait. Does that mean that you and I will be in danger? I don’t like this, Martin.” She would need to get away from Martin so he would be safe. She needed to protect him somehow. She just didn’t know how, though.

You’re not getting rid of me,” he said. “I can see what you’re planning in your eyes, Athena. You’re not leaving, and I’m not going anywhere either. You were the one that wanted to stand and fight at my side. Well, now you have the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. ‘Cause they are coming, babe.”

  “I don’t want you hurt,” she said simply. “I love you too much to allow you to be harmed because of me. What do we do? You know that your brothers will stand at your side as well, and how do we keep them safe? And your mom? Goodness, that woman is a force of nature, so how do we keep her safe too?” She likely was overthinking it all, but her mind just wouldn’t still. She couldn’t calm herself.

  “We are going to all sit down and figure out our game plan. But whatever you do, so help me God, if you run, Athena Rhodes, I will find you, and you won’t like me in that mood. Do not run. We clear?” he asked her.

  “We are clear.” Athena took a deep breath and nodded. “I won’t run. Just don’t get hurt, Martin, or I might have to hunt you down and hurt you myself. I mean it. I love you, and if you even think of being harmed, we will be very much in an argument.”

  “I will be wearing Kevlar from head to toe, and everything in between I can wrap it around. No way in hell am I getting hurt. I have a very bright future with my girl to look forward to.” Smiling, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Come on, sweetheart. Go and get changed. We need to make a small pit stop before we head over to Mom’s for dinner.”

  That had her smiling. “Okay.” He could make her believe anything. He could assure her that life was good and there would be no trouble at all coming their way. He had that way of making her relax without even trying really. “I love you,” she said once more, and then walked away from him—and the stupid stain she couldn’t get off the wall—and into their bedroom to get changed.

  When she rejoined him, Martin was crouched down and poking at the stain on the wall. “What the hell is it?” he muttered, scraping a nail to the mess. Shaking his head, he looked her way, straightened up, and held out a hand. “Come on, sweetheart. We’re taking the long way to Mom’s. And we’ll even stop to get some of that wine you like while we’re at it.”

  “Oh good,” she said, and then cast a furious gaze at the wall. “I don’t know what the hell that stain is, but it’s seriously not coming off. Everything I’ve tried to get it off only seems to make it worse. It’s like it’s freaking spreading.”

  “We’ll cut it out, replace the board, and then repaint. It’s easier, and less likely to have your blood pressure spiking,” he said. “Besides, if the chemicals you’re using are making it worse, then cutting out that chunk really is the only way to go.”

  “Okay. We will deal with it later then. Right now, we just head off.” She sighed and then slipped her hand into his. Giving him a wink, she squeezed his hand and they walked out of their home together.


  Pulling up at the Carver Ranch, Athena’s hand slipped into Martin’s automatically. “And you are sure that there are agents that will be around us as well?” He had spent the drive telling her parts of his plans and the things that she needed to hear to calm down, somewhat.

  “Yes. And every single one of my family members, the ranch hands, and the occasional help all know how to use firearms. They also know when to duck. Except Joshua, but he’s always been a little special. I mostly blame Travis pushing him out of the tree onto his head when he was only eight. Pretty sure that caused some brain damage.” Sliding out of the truck, he tugged her with him and into his arms. “No one is going to get close to us. Not here. If they are planning an attack on us, they will wait until we are seemingly alone, cut off from everyone, and vulnerable. Coming here is straight up suicide.” He passed her the bottle of wine, and then collected the large file folder he’d picked up from some guy on the side of the highway. His pit stop, according to him, though he hadn’t yet told her what was inside the damn thing.

  She shifted the bottle of wine to her other hand and linked her arm with Martin’s. “When are you going to tell me what’s in that file folder that you were oh-so secretive about obtaining?” He had made her stay in the vehicle when they stopped. He had also watched her like a hawk while talking to the guy that he had picked the folder up from, an unknown man and obviously someone who wasn’t from Texas if his ghost-white complexion was anything to go by.

  “It’s a present for Brant,” he said. Then he shot her a smirk as the screen door was pushed open.

  “About damn time you two got here,” Travis Carver said. “Mama’s on the warpath, and you need to calm her down. Don’t even get me started on the big brothers. Hiya, Athena, welcome to the insanity.” Leaning in, he kissed her cheek, then took her hand to tug her into the house. “Mama! They’re here.”

  Athena looked at Martin and reached for him as she was pulled away. Crap, Travis had a serious hold on her and wasn’t letting her go. “Travis, you should let me go so that Martin doesn’t get away.” She was teasing, a little. “Seriously, I’m able to walk in on my own, you know,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh, he won’t run. Even if he did, he wouldn’t get far given how the big bros are currently all up in arms. Besides, Mama could pick him off with both her eyes closed. You, on the other hand, you look like you might bolt. Don’t let the din alarm you too much, they’re already a couple deep into their cups.”

  “Athena!” Theresa Carver came toward her, wiping her hands on her apron. Then she spread her arms wide and hugged her tight. “So happy to have you here, dear. And with Martin too. About damn time that boy got his head out of his ass and realized you were the one for him.”

  “Right here, Mama,” Martin muttered behind Athena.

  “Don’t go there, bro. She did the same thing to all of us. Roll with it, just roll with it,” Travis advised.

  Athena grinned. “Well, he gave me time to get my practice all up and running and where I needed it to be before he came back into my life. I think that he and I both needed time to grow up.” They had both needed to mature, and she had realized that now. They had both grown into the people that they needed to be. She did like that idea that Theresa had, though, that she was the one for Martin, just as he was it for her.

  “Of that I’m sure. Doesn’t mean he’s getting off for being away for so long. Enough on that for now, though. Let’s get you a glass of something so you can face the masses. Everyone’s out on the deck since the weather is holding. Pour a drink and get your butts out of my kitchen.”

  “Yes, Mama,” both of the men behind Athena said.

  “Come on, Athena. Let’s pop open that bottle and get you settled in for the interrogation,” Travis told her, gripping her arm once more to tug her over to where the other drinks were laid out.

  “Interrogation?” she asked with a frown. “Wait, I don’t like this idea. How about instead of that we all just have a party and a good time? No third degree?” She saw the looks on their faces and sighed. “Crapballs,” she grumbled. “Well, I get Levi.” Looking to Martin, she smiled. “Will you bring me a drink while I go and hunt down that too cute little boy?” The youngest male Carver, all of eight months old now, was already a heartbreaker. He had everyone wanting to be around him, holding him, and hugging him. That whole Carver Vortex thing that Theresa Carver had spoken of was a huge factor in things, that and his too sweet little smile.

  “Course I will,” Martin said. Leaning in, he kissed her gently. “Go and claim the baby. I’ll be out there in a minute. Don’t let them back you into a corner, stand strong, chin up, and don’t blink. They can smell fear.”

  That had her smiling. “Don’t worry. I know that you are close, so I don’t have fear. For now, I’m off to go and find that baby.” She t walked off to hunt down baby Levi for her cuddle time.

  “Athena, where the hell is Martin?” Brant asked. He was between her and Levi, and didn’t look like he intended to move any time soon.

  “Brant, leave her be,” Travis said. “Marti
n’s inside getting her a drink. He’ll be out in a minute. Besides, she’s got other priorities than keeping tabs on her man.”

  “Yep, like holding your baby boy,” Athena said with a grin, and winked at him. “Don’t worry, he’s here and he’s on his way out. I don’t know why your panties are in such a twist, but so are mine, so chillax if you wouldn’t mind, please. Now, I want to have some nuzzles with the youngest Carver boy, please.”

  He huffed out a breath, but stepped to the side so she could make her way over to Mercy and Levi.

  A few minutes later, Martin came out with the folder under his arm, and two glasses in hand. He managed to slip past Brant to hand her a glass, but that was as far as he got.

  “What the fuck, Martin?” Brant demanded.

  “Brant,” Frank said softly.

  “No, I want to know why the hell I handed over the case we’ve been sweating bullets on to the FBI. And the fact you talked me into it, Frank, don’t get me started on that.”

  She watched Martin roll his eyes. He took a sip of his drink, and then set it down near her glass. Turning, he held out the folder. “Here,” he said.

  “What’s this?” Brant took it.

  “The case.”

  She could see Brant’s face around Martin’s arm, and the man looked stunned. “What?”

  “Officially, it’s an FBI case now, per your director’s orders. Doesn’t mean I can’t farm the work out to anyone I choose. I have my own case to work currently, so with permission of my director, I’m requesting DEA assistance in putting this one to bed. Permanently.”

  Frank snickered and smacked Brant on his back. “Hot damn, I knew the kid had an ace up his sleeve. But this is even beyond anything I could have come up with. Smart little cookie, our Martin is.”

  “Close your mouth, Brant. It’s highly unattractive,” Theresa said when she stepped out onto the deck. “Joshua, is that grill hot yet, or do I need to come over there and take matters into my own hands, young man?”


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