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High Sticking (Puck Battle)

Page 7

by Kristen Echo

  “I like that you put her first. Not everyone treats their daughters like that.” Her own father rarely thought of her needs. It was country first and family second. Being the baby meant she was low on the priority list. “I went on three first dates last fall and they all ended badly. I gave up and focused on work. Connie kept me busy and I’ve been taking courses too. It’s hard to meet someone who wants the same things.”

  They lay there for a while, basking in the warmth. She mulled over his response. Something didn’t add up. “So, you haven’t slept with anyone since your mom left?” She placed her chin on her hands to gauge his reaction.

  “That’s what I said. Why is that hard to believe? I have little free time, and without someone watching April, it’s been even less. Shit, if you hadn’t landed on my lap, I would have zero prospects in my life right now. I’m clean if that’s what you’re beating around the bush about.”

  She sat up, tucking her legs under her. It made little sense. “I’m clean too. That’s not what… I’m not fishing for anything. I’m curious. Why have you been through so many nannies in the past few weeks?”

  He sat next to her, their thighs touching. His hand landed on her knee. “Why does it matter?”

  “Because I need to know.”

  He huffed a large breath and set the book beside him. “The woman I broke up with manages the largest domestic help agency in the city. That’s how we met. She set us up with a great lady and we got a chance to work together before my mom took off. We were building trust and things were progressing. Once I ended the relationship, she ended the contract, and I was back to square one. Since then it’s been a string of bad candidates and bullshit. Two quit after less than a week and the other two weren’t suitable for April.

  That was all five, and he hadn’t slept with any of them. Then why would Gail have told her lies? “To be clear, you didn’t sleep with any of them?”

  He seemed taken aback by her question. “No. Three of them were closer to my mother’s age. I don’t have sex with my employees. If you were my employee, we wouldn’t be sitting like this.” He squeezed her knee and leaned closer. “I would never have kissed you. A sexual harassment suit is the last thing I need. More lawyers and fucking court dates, no thanks.”

  His lips pressed against her neck, making her shiver. She angled her head to the side, granting him better access. Cameron licked behind her ear and sucked her earlobe into his mouth. The tiny nibble made her squirm.

  “I’m sorry I brought it up. Don’t stop.”

  “Why did you ask about my employees?” He moved his hand under her sweater and the heat from his hand covered her breast.

  “Gail mentioned you slept with everyone who worked for you. I didn’t want to be another woman in a long line of broken hearts.” Her breath hitched as he pushed down the cup of her bra and caressed her nipple.

  He rolled the tip between his finger and thumb. “Fuck. No wonder those people quit. I should have put two and two together before. Gail and Steph are friends. That woman was a mistake. She wanted more than I could give from the start. I should have ended things sooner. I can’t trust anyone in this city. Thank you for asking me and not quitting. Meagan, I am not a breast man, but I fucking adore your tits.” He pulled his hand away and yanked off her sweater.

  The pink flamingo stared back at her from across the room. Things were moving faster than she could process. He didn’t trust her, but he wanted to make love to her. His eyes were fixed on her chest and the exposed peak. She swallowed hard as he pulled her legs. One move later, and she was under him. His tongue licked across her nipple and she whimpered.

  “We should talk more and…” She trailed off, when he sucked the tip into his mouth. A direct line of communication opened between her nipples and her clit. Both throbbed for attention. “We need a room with a door. Oh, wow don’t stop.”

  His hand moved between her legs, rubbing her slit through her jeans. “Tell me to stop and I will, but I want to be inside you. I need to feel this heat on my skin. Fuck, say yes.” He latched onto her nipple again and she cried out.

  “Cameron… if I say yes, what does that mean?” She rubbed her mound against his hand and held his head against her breasts. “I want you inside me. Fingers, cock, I don’t care just touch me.”

  A heartbeat later, he unzipped her jeans. The tips of his fingers slid along her wet folds, teasing her. “You’re soaking for me. This is all mine.” He pushed one long finger inside and flicked his tongue over her sensitive peak.

  She moaned and her walls tightened around him as he toyed with her. Using his teeth, he exposed her other nipple to his ministrations. He licked his way from one breast to the other and back again. Her pelvis tilted, and he pushed another finger in. He pumped his fingers and rubbed her clit in a circular motion with his thumb. Her body clenched as she neared paradise.

  “That’s it; let go and come for me. Get extra slippery, so you can take my cock and come again when I’m inside you.” He looked into her eyes as his hands worked her over, pulling an orgasm from deep inside.

  Meagan bit her tongue to silence her screams. She didn’t want to wake up April, but it was close to impossible not to make a noise. Her body quivered as the climax spread through her. She arched her back and cupped Cameron’s face with her hands, letting him see what he’d done to her.

  “Sexy as hell,” he said before kissing her. His tongue wrapped around hers as he removed his hand from between her legs. The sound of a zipper lowering caught her attention.

  She pulled her mouth away and licked her dry lips. “I want you to make love to me, but I want more than a temporary fling. I like you. Duh. You know that already. Before we take this next step, I’d like to know where this will leave us.”

  He hesitated before answering. “I’m not certain where this will lead except to an orgasm we’ll both remember. I have nothing else to offer; take it or leave it.”

  “Do you trust me, Cameron?”

  “I want to. It’s hard for me. You shouldn’t sell yourself short. What you want matters. It just probably isn’t me.” He sat back and ran his fingers over his head.

  She adjusted her bra, covering what she could. “I guess a relationship is off the table. You wouldn’t even consider it?”

  “You’re so sweet and I like you, but I’m not looking for a relationship, at least nothing serious. What I had with Steph was just sex and fun. Nothing deep. I’m not ready for more. April is my priority and my responsibility. Everything else comes secondary. Hell, I should add that hockey takes a close second, which means relationships move into last place.”

  That wasn’t what she had hoped to hear. She looked down. His erection tented in his jeans, reaching straight for her. She should never have asked about where things were going because now she knew she couldn’t sleep with him.

  “No hard feelings, Meagan. If you change your mind, I’d love to keep this going, but I respect your wishes.” He stood up, adjusted his pants and stepped towards the hall. “For whatever it’s worth, I hope you decide to just have fun with me. It’s pretty much all I have to offer. Sorry that’s not enough.”

  “Me too,” she whispered as he walked away.

  Would it have been wrong to give into temptation? The fun part was an easy yes, but how could she make love with a man who didn’t trust her or anyone else? She couldn’t. She let him walk away.


  H e’d asked her to decide if fun was more important than a label. Visions of him and the humongous beast tenting his pants had kept her up long after they parted ways. Meagan had never considered sleeping with a man who wasn’t her boyfriend. Her experience was limited, but she wasn’t afraid of being intimate with Cameron. She had no doubt it would be fantastic. If the sample orgasm was any indication, he’d rock her world. That’s what bothered her. She didn’t care about a title. She doubted her ability to accept a purely physical relationship; not to mention the fallout if anyone found out.

  She flip
ped the veggie omelet and added a pinch of paprika. Waking before the others gave her a chance to breathe, relax and partake in her favorite hobby. She loved cooking for others. Setting the spice back in the rack, she noticed Cameron enter the room. “Good morning. I trust you slept well?”

  It was the first night since she’d arrived that April hadn’t woken up screaming. Either she was getting used to having Meagan around, or the swimming had knocked her out. She turned to face him and drank him in. He was dressed casually in track pants and a light t-shirt that clung to his broad chest and made his eyes seem darker. She grabbed a coffee cup from a hook on the wall and held it out for him.

  He went straight for the coffee. “Not particularly.” He held her wrist to steady the cup as he filled it. “Last night was fun. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. It took only a few strokes for me to cum all over my hand. I woke up with another raging hard on. Think about how explosive we’d be together, Meagan.” Cameron set the pot down and took the cup from her hand. His fingers caressed hers for a moment.

  “Yeah. I wanted to help you with that part last night,” she admitted. “But—”

  Cameron closed his eyes and growled as he pressed one finger against her lips. “I hoped you’d wake up feeling differently. The future is unpredictable. Like with hockey. We will make the playoffs but might lose in the first round. No one knows. Whatever is preventing this from happening, let’s fix it. You’re single. I am single. I felt how wet you are for me. My dick’s getting hard again thinking about it. Shit.” He stepped back and tugged at his short hair. “I don’t want to coerce or pressure you. Don’t decide now. Take more time and think about it.”

  Her heart beat so fast it could set records. All the reasons she had to stay away were forgotten. “I’ll think about it.”

  His cheeky smile followed. “Maybe my seduction skills aren’t as rusty as I thought.” He sipped his black coffee and leaned against the island.

  She laughed. “No. They’re bad. You should read some of my romance books if you want to learn the art of seduction, but I like blunt. It works to get your message across.” Meagan clenched her legs together. “What you see is what you get.”

  “Pick one and I’ll read it. I’m in the mood for a good laugh. If it’s on audio even better since I plan to go for a quick run and then I’ve got practice. Download it to my e-reader. There’s no fucking way I want to be seen holding one of those beefcake books.”

  They laughed as April meandered in, dragging her dinosaur stuffed animal behind her. “Smells yummy,” she said before hugging her dad’s leg.

  “I made breakfast. An omelet stuffed with veggies and extra cheese on yours, but if you’re still not feeling great, there’s plain toast.” She switched off the stove and plated the food.

  “How are you feeling, baby? Is your tummy better?” Cameron knelt and rubbed her belly.

  “A lot better. I like cheese.”

  Cameron helped April set the table. She walked around and added three napkins; one for each of them. They sat down and talked about their dreams. Cameron kept it PG and had both in stitches before the plates were cleared.

  “You’re a great cook. I hadn’t planned to eat, but I’m glad I did. I’ll have to cut my run short.” He checked his watch. “Or move it to after practice. We have to hurry and get dressed for daycare. I’ll drop you on my way.”

  “I’ll take her. This way you don’t have to rush. Have a great practice,” she said, taking April’s hand and leading her towards her bedroom. Meagan planned to earn his trust and prove that he could depend on someone other than his parents for help.

  The goodbyes at the house didn’t go as badly as it had at daycare. Meagan loaded Cameron’s e-reader with her favorite romances while the pair hugged and April cried. The tears lasted for only a few minutes and she was all smiles in the car. Once they arrived at daycare, instead of ripping off the Band-Aid, Meagan stuck around for an hour. The extra time allowed April to adjust and get comfortable before she left. No tears shed during her departure.

  The house was empty when she returned, and she had no interest in sticking around to see Gail again. The woman had lied to her for no other reason other than to be mean. She hoped Cameron fired her, but she forgot to ask. Firing her was one decision she wouldn’t have had a hard time making. Her email had several new messages. The two agencies she had contacted, followed through with her request and sent over a dozen resumes each. She made a note to ask Cameron which agency his ex ran.

  After a quick shower, she called her sister. They made plans to meet for lunch. Meagan looked forward to catching up with Hailey. They were only three years apart in age, but worlds apart in life experience.

  As usual, Hailey beat her to the restaurant. Her sister’s long hair was tied into a French twist. They had the same brown hair and eye color. The similarities ended there. Her sister was taller, leaner and while they were both well-endowed in the chest area, Hailey had a tiny waist and ass. Meagan envied her sister’s body.

  “Hey, baby girl.” Hailey stood as she approached and they shared an awkward hug. Their family wasn’t much for public displays of affection.

  “How are you doing? Living with Mom and Dad has got to be driving you insane.” They took their seats and Meagan perused the menu.

  Hailey laughed and scratched her chin. Something she did when she was about to lie. “It’s fine.”

  “Liar. I know you too well. If you need an escape, you can come visit me anytime. Cameron said I could have you over. I’m not giving Mom the address though. He’s unlisted, so don’t share it.”

  “They’ll get it from Spencer when they tire of waiting for you to hand it over. Don’t be so hard on them; they’re doing their best.” Hailey always defended them because she was their favorite. The perfect daughter. They didn’t meddle with her life in the same way.

  Meagan scoffed. “They want to make all my decisions like they did when I was a kid. I let them for a long time, but I’m an adult. What I want doesn’t match their vision. We are so different. They want me to enlist, but I’d fail boot camp. You are super fit, and you said it was rough.”

  A wistful look crossed her face before she schooled her features. “I survived. It’s meant to break you and mold you into a great soldier. You’re not supposed to like it.”

  “Yeah but you liked it because of Ryan.” Meagan slapped her forehead and wished she could have taken back the words. “Hailey, I’m sorry.”

  Her sister reached over and patted her hand. “You can mention his name and you’re right. I met Ryan there, and he changed my life. Which is why you might want to reconsider?”

  “Stop! Don’t try to recruit me. Not when you’re leaving the forces. Have you broken the news to the Colonel yet?”

  Hailey cast her eyes towards the table and Meagan knew she was thinking of her injury. “They know I can’t perform regular duties anymore. They think I’ll stay in for a desk job, but I’m not built for that. I can’t march, but I am not disabled. Fucking bullshit ruling.”

  “I think you’ll make an amazing police officer. There is life beyond the army. Life beyond the loss.”

  Hailey squeezed her hand. “Don’t give me those sad, puppy dog eyes, little sister. Ryan and Denis are dead and we’re still here. We owe it to them to live the life they can’t.”

  Hailey and Ryan had been the perfect couple. Both extremely beautiful, patriotic and had a commanding presence. They were engaged a year after they met. Their future was so bright, but Ryan was in the same unit as Denis. Only, he had survived. The PTSD was too much. He had returned a different man. Hailey had tried her best, but she couldn’t break through his depression. He took his own life a year later. Hailey lost her brother and her fiancé within a twelve-month period. She never took time off work to mourn. Then she suffered her own disaster. That she could sit there smiling, confirmed Meagan’s assessment that her sister was a total badass.

  “Speaking of moving on, did you get in touch with Sylvie again? Y
ou mentioned you had a meeting set up.” She reached into the bread basket and tore a chunk off a bun. The buttery biscuit melted in her mouth.

  “Yes. We had a videoconference with Caroline Northcote. The job is mine and I officially start next week. I’ve been looking over the media reports, the chat group and other forums to get acquainted with the case. I’ve only been back a month, so I’m bringing myself up to speed on the disappearances.”

  Meagan hadn’t followed all the facts, but it seemed like every other week another teen vanished without a trace. “Do you think they are connected? I chatted with Caroline and a few of her friends and they think it is. I’m sure you’ll meet them. Beth and Sylvie are convinced there’s more to it. Are you okay working on a case that deals with the ‘s’ word?”

  “Don’t be stupid, Meags. Mental health and depression impact more people than gun violence. There is a high likelihood the cops have it right. I am capable of disassociating my personal life from my work. Can you say the same? You have a glow to your cheeks, and a bounce in your step I’m not used to seeing. What’s up with you?” She sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Meagan wanted to tell her all about Cameron, his lips, his hands and his invitation for fun. Except, she wasn’t sure Hailey would be as supportive as Lindy. “I like my new assignment. The Smith’s are so much fun to be around. It hardly feels like work and I’m thinking this might be my calling.”

  “Being a nanny? Come on. You can be anything. If you want to work with kids, become a child psychologist or something that pays the bills.”

  “You don’t have to get it. It’s low paying but rewarding in other ways. I’m tossing around ideas. I still love cooking, but I’m not sure I could handle the pace of a restaurant kitchen. My job is very chill.” She finished the first bun and grabbed another, stuffing a large piece into her mouth.


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