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Who Am I?

Page 14

by Dooley, Lena Nelson

“I don’t want to pressure you two.” Herman wiped one hand across his eyes. “But I’m anxious to know if you’ve come to a decision.” He picked up his spoon and sampled the soup.

  How like Herman to get right to the point.


  Leiann let her hands drop to her lap. She took a deep breath and glanced from one of the men to the other. “I’ve thought of nothing else.” She slumped against the back of her chair. “It was a hard decision, because I’d be leaving a lot behind in Texas.” Lord, I hope I heard You right. Her chin dropped against her chest for a moment before she raised it and sat up straight. “But I believe God wants me to accept your offer. . . if you think I can do what you need.”

  A bright smile spread across her grandfather’s face. “You’ve made me very happy.”

  She glanced at Gerome. His magnificent smile shone like the Texas sun.

  “I contacted my superior and told him he would receive my resignation tomorrow.” Gerome’s words lifted her spirits even more.

  “Okay.” Her grandfather clapped his hands. “Let’s enjoy this wonderful meal Mrs. Shields prepared for us. We can discuss the particulars tomorrow.”

  Leiann took a sip of her iced tea and wondered what tomorrow would bring.


  The FBI hadn’t released the office Prudence had used, so Gerome helped Leiann set up a space in a study close to Herman’s. Since the computers Prudence had used were evidence, Leiann needed a new one. His training and experience with Ozbourne helped him remain on task, which was difficult in close proximity to Leiann.

  For the next two days, he helped her familiarize herself with the computer. Then they started looking at the overall structure of the companies Herman owned. Each of the organizations had competent people running them, but Herman oversaw much of the ongoing work.

  “I had no idea Grandfather’s companies were so diversified.” Leiann scanned down the document. “He has interests in computers and electronics, power companies, construction, banking, even retail. No wonder he’s so wealthy.”

  Gerome chuckled. “We haven’t even started on the financial part yet.”

  Later, he’d get a forensic accountant to help them follow the trail of the money Prudence had embezzled. Hopefully, since he had all of Prudence’s personal files on his flash drive, they might be able to retrieve some of the funds. Getting all of it back was highly improbable. But he’d leave no stone unturned to recover all he could.

  “Tomorrow’s Sunday.” Gerome glanced quickly at Leiann, who was studying the computer screen over his shoulder. “Would you like to go to church with me in the morning?”

  “I’d like that.” Leiann’s words were soft.

  Startled, he turned to look at her fully and noticed a light in her eyes. “I thought you’d turn me down.”

  “I know I haven’t gone since I came to Massachusetts, but I had things I needed to deal with.” She cleared her throat. “Do you think Grandfather will go with us?”

  “I’m sure he’ll want to if he feels up to it.” Gerome closed the file. “He has been better the last few days.”

  Gerome had been thinking about sitting down with Herman’s doctor and discussing his health. He knew the man was bound by privacy regulations, but maybe they could skirt the issues without being too specific.


  When Leiann walked into the sanctuary of the picturesque church with its hand-carved wooden columns and beams, a feeling of peace settled on her like a familiar cloak. She basked in the multicolored light streaming through stained-glass windows. The music lifted her heart toward heaven, reminding her of what she’d missed by staying away from fellowship with other believers. Father, I’m sorry I turned my back on You.

  After the congregation sat down, the middle-aged pastor in a long black robe and white stole stepped up to the pulpit. “Please turn to Jeremiah twenty-nine. We’ll start with verse eleven.”

  Leiann had always carried her Bible to church. But she hadn’t put it in her luggage when she came to visit Grandfather. When she went back to Texas to get the rest of her things, she’d make sure to pack it.

  Gerome opened his Bible and offered to share it with her. She glanced down at the words. While the preacher read them, tears filled her eyes, blurring the letters.

  “ ‘ “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.’ ”

  The preacher paused. “I’m going to stop reading right there, even though it’s not the end of verse fourteen.”

  “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” The words played over and over in her heart. God had plans for her from the very beginning. Why hadn’t she turned to Him in her hurt instead of turning away? She knew better.

  The pastor’s words penetrated her thoughts. “Many times things go on in our lives that we don’t understand. Things that at first seem to hurt us. But God. . . Remember those words: But God. He is always there, through every hurt, every mistake, every wrong turn. He’ll work all things out for our good if we let Him.”

  Leiann felt as if the preacher were speaking straight to her. She knew God had laid this message on the man’s heart because He knew she would be here to listen.

  Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much.


  On Monday afternoon, Gerome joined Leiann on the terrace for a midafternoon break. They sat in the shade, enjoying colas and a snack mix with nuts, dried fruit, and cereal squares.

  “Leiann, I’ve been wondering about something.”

  She turned an expectant expression toward him.

  “You haven’t gone to church since you came to the estate. Why did you go yesterday?”

  She took a sip of her drink, then clasped her hands on the table.

  By the distress in her eyes, he could tell this was hard for her. “You don’t have to tell me any more than you want to.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Oh, but I want to. Maybe after it’s all out in the open, I’ll feel better about it.”

  He leaned back and relaxed, hoping it would help her do the same.

  She told him the whole story about how her life had been turned upside down.

  Gerome pulled one foot across the other knee. Things were beginning to fall into place.

  She turned her gaze toward Gerome, and he saw anguish in her soul. “I blamed God for my life being out of control. For a while, I turned my back on Him.”

  Gerome placed his foot back on the floor and took her hands in his. “What changed that?”

  Her grip tightened. “When I was at the lodge, I cried out to Him. God sent you, your friends, and the FBI to rescue me.”

  Warmth spread from his heart. She thinks I’m a hero sent by God. Maybe she was right. God had led him every step of the way. “I’m glad you’ve found your way back to the Lord.”


  The next morning, Gerome walked into the doctor’s office. He’d spent a great deal of time there when he was younger. Not much about the office had changed.

  “Have a seat, young man.” Gerome guessed the older man would always call him that no matter how old he was. “My receptionist said you want to talk to me. What can I do for you?” The doctor leaned back in his wooden swivel chair, and it squeaked like it used to.

  “I want to ask some questions about Herman.” Gerome rested his forearms against his thighs. “I know you can’t tell me everything, but I have serious concerns.”

  The man steepled his fingers. “Such as?”

  “When did Herman’s health start this decline?” Gerome sat up straight. “He’s always been robust and sharp.”

  The doctor studied Gerome for a minute before answering. “I’ve had concerns, too, even before you came home. He started having spells of weakness a few months ago. He’d be b
etter for a while, but the weakness would return. This happened several times before he really got frail. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was being poisoned.”

  Gerome stood and held out his hand to the doctor. “I’ve been suspecting that, too. Thank you for the information.”

  As he drove his car back toward the estate, Gerome pulled out his cell phone and speed-dialed Greg.

  “Computer lab.” Greg sounded distracted. He must be busy.

  “I won’t take much of your time, but I need a favor.”

  Greg laughed. “I can do you a favor as a friend, but not as part of the company. You don’t work here anymore, remember?”

  Gerome didn’t have time for friendly banter. “Then as a friend, find out if the FBI found any kind of poison in Prudence Smith’s possessions.”

  “Poison?” Now he had Greg’s attention.

  “Yeah. I’m wondering if she was slowly poisoning Herman Johnson.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out.”

  As Gerome hung up the phone, he realized there was one good side to this theory. If what he suspected was true, Herman should make a complete recovery.


  When he arrived in the dining room for the evening meal, Gerome heard Leiann tell Herman, “My flight leaves in three days.”

  Not what Gerome wanted to hear right now. He wasn’t ready for her to be gone for even a short time.

  Herman’s brows furrowed. “So soon, my dear?”

  “There are several things I need to take care of. And I have to pack up the things I want to have shipped here. I haven’t even gone through Mother’s belongings yet. Everything happened so fast after she died.”

  Herman nodded. “I understand. I’ve been making arrangements to have several rooms turned into a private apartment for you.” Leiann’s eyes widened. “I’d like your input on the decorating. Maybe we could go over the details before you leave. That way, you’ll have a better idea about what to ship.”

  That should take several hours. Gerome planned to be with her as much as possible during the next three days.


  Her grandfather’s words stunned Leiann. Remodel part of the mansion for her? She’d never even considered such a thing.

  Grandfather glanced toward Gerome. “I also plan to expand your quarters into something larger.”

  Surprise painted Gerome’s expression as he pulled out his chair and sat opposite her.

  Leiann said, “I need to let the principal know I’m not coming back, and I want to do that face-to-face, not over the phone.” She picked up the linen napkin beside her plate and placed it in her lap. “I already have my ticket.”

  “Don’t worry about that, Leiann. I own a private jet.” Grandfather held out his hands. “Now, let’s bless the food and let Charity and Mary start serving it.”

  All the time she ate and carried on a three-way conversation, thoughts tumbled through Leiann’s head. It would take awhile to get used to this way of life.

  After he wiped his mouth on his napkin and placed it beside his plate, Grandfather patted her hand. “You’ve been distracted all through dinner. Anything I can help you with?”

  “Not right now.”

  Gerome stood. “I’ve been thinking. I’d like to accompany Leiann to Texas.”

  Her grandfather’s eyes lit up. “Good idea, Jerry.” He turned back toward her. “So, when did you want to go?”

  Leiann glanced toward Gerome, then back at Herman. “Would next Monday be too soon?”

  “Your wish is my command.” Gerome gave her an elegant bow.

  Grandfather laughed. “That boy always had a flair about him, even when he was getting into mischief.”

  Leiann could just imagine what kind of mischief Gerome had gotten into. She looked forward to hearing many stories of his childhood. But right now, she was glad he’d offered to accompany her home. The thought of being away from him had bothered her.


  Their luggage stowed in the belly of the jet, Leiann buckled her seat belt. She glanced around. Tables with leather seats around them were scattered across the cabin. “This looks more like a conference room than an airplane.”

  Gerome sat across a round table from her. “Herman used to travel all around the United States for business.”

  She leaned as far toward him as the seat belt would allow and whispered, “There’s even a flight attendant in the galley.”

  “Probably for your benefit. He’s pulling out all the stops.”

  After the plane leveled off in the air, the uniformed young woman came and asked them what they wanted, offering several kinds of beverages, fresh fruit, and cheeses. They told her what they’d like, and she quickly returned with their orders. “You may unbuckle your seat belts. The pilot will let you know if you need them during the flight.”


  After landing at DFW Airport’s terminal B, Leiann saw a uniformed man holding a sign with Gerome’s and her names on it. Gerome grabbed her hand, and they made their way toward the man.

  “Here we are.” Gerome’s warm baritone voice sounded like music to her ears.

  Grandfather had rented a limo to take them to her house. That should draw attention in her suburban neighborhood.

  They were soon ensconced in the backseat of a white Town Car headed toward her childhood home.

  Leiann gazed up at Gerome. In the close confines of the car, she could see the shadow of dusky hairs barely visible under the skin of his sculpted chin. Probably because of the inky blackness of his hair. For the first time she fully realized the impact of a five o’clock shadow.


  “Tell me about your hometown.” Gerome tried to make his tone light.

  Leiann chuckled. “There’s not much to tell. It’s just a typical small Texas town. High school football, church activities, shopping at the mall or Wal-Mart.”

  He looked out the window. “How soon do we leave this busy freeway behind?”

  “We don’t. Hurst is in the middle of the metroplex.” The melody of her laughter filled the car.

  He could get used to hearing that laugh.

  “Actually, we’re not far from my house.” Her gaze roamed over the passing scenery as if she were memorizing it.

  He guessed she would need to return to her roots fairly often. He’d make sure it happened for her.

  Gerome put his arm around her. “Will it be hard to return to an empty house?”

  Her startled gaze met his. “Oh, the house won’t be empty. My best friend will be waiting for us.”

  Gerome looked forward to meeting Leiann’s friend.

  When the car stopped against the curb, the door of the house flew open and a young woman sprinted down the sidewalk. She was taller and more athletic than Leiann, with a riot of red corkscrew curls. Gerome opened the door, stepped out, and reached back for Leiann’s hand.

  She grabbed hold and scrambled out. The two women shrieked and hugged, dancing around and talking at the same time. Gerome stood to the side, smiling.

  When they broke apart, the taller woman quickly assessed him. “So you’re Leiann’s hero.” She gave him a quick hug. “Thank you for saving her.”

  Gerome had never experienced such a welcome. So Leiann had called him a hero to her best friend. Interesting.


  Leiann felt a blush climb her cheeks. Why did Arlene have to blurt out those words? What in the world would Gerome think? “I want you to meet Arlene Jamison, my best friend since first grade. Arlene, this is Gerome Mays.”

  The handshake that followed seemed funny to her, since Arlene had already given him a hug.

  Gerome smiled at Arlene. “It’s nice to meet one of Leiann’s friends.”

  Arlene returned his smile. “I’ve been wanting to meet you, too.”

  Leiann gave Arlene a pointed glance. “Let’s go into the house.” She started up the walk, then turned back to the driver. “Thank you.”

  He tipped his hat. “My pleasure, ma’a

  Gerome helped the man get the bags out of the trunk of the car, then waved him off. Leiann watched, fascinated by the way Gerome always seemed to be in command of any situation.

  Arlene linked their arms and leaned close as they walked to the door. “You didn’t tell me how handsome he is.”

  Leiann hoped he couldn’t hear the loud whisper. “Yes, he is good looking.”

  “So, how long will y’all be here?” Arlene pulled open the storm door, and they entered the house.

  “Only long enough to do what we have to.” Leiann stepped into the foyer. Memories of the day the will was read assailed her. But now she knew who she really was. The person God created her to be, no matter what circumstances had occurred in her life.

  When they moved into the den, Gerome came through the front door. “So, where can I get a room close by?”

  “There are a couple of hotels a few blocks away.” Leiann sat on the edge of the hearth.

  “Don’t waste your money,” Arlene said. “I’ll be staying here, so you can, too.”

  His eyes sought out Leiann’s, and she nodded.

  “All right. Where do I put these bags?”

  Leiann glanced down the hallway. “My room is on this side of the house. Why don’t you take the master bedroom? It’s that way.”

  “Thanks.” Gerome headed across the den, pulling his bag behind him.

  After they unpacked, Leiann changed into cutoffs and a T-shirt. Might as well be comfortable while they went through things.


  Gerome liked the homey atmosphere of the bedroom, with windows spread across the rear wall of the house. He opened the drapes, letting in the light. Large trees shaded the backyard and kept the Texas sun from baking the room. After shrugging into jeans and a polo shirt, he started back toward the large room where he’d last seen the women.

  Arlene stood by the sink in the kitchen, arranging things on a tray. “I thought y’all might like a little something to eat. I made a pitcher of iced tea, too.” She glanced up at him. “Do you like iced tea?” Her southern drawl sounded more pronounced than Leiann’s.

  He nodded. “I always drink a lot of it in the summer when I’m in Texas.”


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