Switching Sides

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Switching Sides Page 2

by Beth Wylde

  I was so high strung that the lightest touch against my overheated pussy would surely send me over the edge, and I wasn’t sure it would even take that. If she kept talking dirty to me, I thought I might just be able to finish without any physical stimulation at all.

  Kara was all smiles as she pried my hands off her opened zipper and raised herself up off me enough to divest herself of her jeans. As she slithered out of them, along with her shoes and socks, I realized two things. First, I hadn’t seen her remove any underwear, and second, she was completely shaved. She caught sight of my stunned look and grinned even bigger. “I like to go commando sometimes, especially when the pants are really tight. The pressure of the inseam hits my clit just right when I sit down.” She smoothed her hand over her bald snatch in a blatantly seductive move. “And being totally waxed makes me extra sensitive.”

  “Oh, god!”

  She laughed at my obvious sexual frustration as she unbuttoned my Capri pants.

  “Do you want my hands on you? Is that what you need?” I raised my hips to help her as she pulled off my pants. My sandals had come off sometime earlier, but I wasn’t sure when, and I didn’t really care.

  I waited for her to remove my panties, but she just paused as she noticed my red thong.

  “Do you like them?”

  She snapped out of her trance and traced one finger down my abdomen, along the edge of the panties, until her hand rested just centimeters from where I needed it to be.

  She slid her finger under the skimpy material and pulled it just a hair’s breadth away from my skin, letting it go in a swift motion. “I like them very much. I’d love to see you bent over in front of me with them on while I pull them to the side and slide the biggest dildo I have inside of you. Do you think you would enjoy that?”

  My mouth went dry. I had to forcefully swallow several times before I could answer. “Yes. I’d let you do anything you wanted to do to me at this point if you’d make me cum.”

  She tugged my underwear down and parted my thighs until our completely naked bodies were finally touching together. “Oh, baby, we are just getting started.” She studied the little landing strip of hair I kept in a neatly trimmed patch and fondled it with reverence. “Since you obviously haven’t been getting the treatment you deserve lately, though, I’ll take it easy on you the first time. How do you want it?”

  “I…I don’t understand?”

  Her look was patient and sympathetic as she pulled away and sat up between my thighs. “Do you want my mouth?” She leaned down and circled my navel with her tongue before plunging inside the small hole and retreating. “Do you want my vibrator?”

  She reached inside her nightstand and pulled out a long, skinny silver vibrator. Kara flipped it on and ran it down my upper leg and up the inside of my thigh before turning it off and tossing it on the pillow next to my head. “Or, how about my finger?”

  I was sure she was going to tease me again, but this time she didn’t. She slid her hand right between my legs and cupped my mound in her palm. When she used her other hand to spread my lips apart and thrust her finger inside me, I let out a holler that could have shattered glass. I gyrated my hips, raising my body up and forcing her deeper.

  Another finger joined the first and that was all it took. The sensation shook my body all over until I thought I was having a convulsion. I gripped the sheets and screamed until my throat was hoarse but she never stopped. She just kept moving inside of me, building up the wave before it fully receded.

  I started to protest. “No, I…I can’t…I can’t take it again so soon.”

  “Oh yes you can, and you will. Several more times. All night long.”

  The pressure was building and I didn’t think my heart could take it. The orgasm had been mind bending, but Kara still had a few tricks up her sleeve. The two fingers inside me were joined by a third. The slight pain felt wonderful and I began to ache for another release. “Harder!”

  “Mmmm, you like it rough?”

  I nodded, totally incapable of speech at the time. She curled her fingers upwards until she was pressing towards the front wall of my cunt. I started to question the action when she brushed over a sensitive spot that nearly made me cry with pleasure. She repeated the motion over and over again until I thought for sure I’d faint. The sounds coming from my mouth weren’t even coherent. I was gasping and grunting like an animal in heat. Kara seemed to love every minute of it.

  She kept up the brutal pace as she moved her lower body over until she was straddling my thigh. As she continued her assault on my body, I felt her grinding her soaking wet pussy against my leg. I shifted to spread myself wider and Kara pressed down harder. I arched my back and groaned. I was going to burst any moment.

  I reached down and used my hand to find her clit. As she moved back and forth, I tapped the hard nub and rubbed it in a circular motion. She did the finger curl again and I bucked beneath her.

  “What are you doing?”

  It took her a moment to respond. “I found your g-spot.”

  It was hard to answer but I did it. “There’s no such thing.”

  Kara totally stopped all movement and stared at me in disbelief. “You are kidding, right?”

  “No one has ever touched me the way you just did. It feels strange. Good, but almost so good it borders on pain.”

  “Oh baby, no wonder you kept jumping from man to man.” She slowly lifted herself off me and settled her shoulders in between my spread legs. “It’s a wonder you didn’t go gay years ago.” As she spoke, her breath blew warmly over my swollen lips.

  She looked up from her position between my thighs and I had to giggle. It was an awfully delicate place for her to be staring at while we chatted.

  “What’s so funny?”

  It took me a minute to gain my composure. “It looks like you are talking to my pussy.”

  She thought the idea was humorous as well. “Will it talk back?”

  She demonstrated her question by leaning in and mumbling softly before running her tongue from the bottom of my opening up to my clit. The movement was slow and sensual and the joking made me feel more comfortable. “It says to do that again.”

  “My pleasure.” And it must have been, because she began licking me like an ice cream cone melting on a hot summer’s day. Her speed varied from fast to agonizingly slow. Sometimes she used just the tip of her tongue, and other times she flattened the muscle out until it touched nearly all of me at once.

  My arousal had lessened during our talk, but now it flared back full force. She slid her fingers back inside me as she continued her oral assault and probed for just the right spot. When she found it again, she curled her fingers and pressed tenderly. I felt the moisture ooze out and she lapped it up greedily.

  “That’s it. I want you to cum in my mouth. I’m going to eat you up.”

  My hands found their way down to her head and I twined them in her long, brown curls. “Don’t stop. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t stop!”

  I could feel her lips curl into a smile against my tender skin. “I won’t stop until you beg me to.”

  I pushed up on my elbows, watching her while she worked me towards the brink once again, but my eyes finally slid closed from the overwhelming sensation of what she was doing. “I’m close, so close. Good God!”

  I was moving now, pushing myself against her mouth and holding her head between my legs. Kara didn’t complain at all. “Open your eyes. I want you to watch me.

  I want you to know who you’re in bed with.”

  I forced my eyes open and they locked with hers as she stared at me over my belly.

  All of my muscles were tense, bracing me for an orgasm unlike any I’d ever had. I knew it was going to be different, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was so turned on, but curiosity and fear were still present in my mind. Kara talked encouragingly to me in between licks and kisses.

  “Don’t be scared. I’m here for you no matter what happens. Just let go. It�
�ll be so good, I promise.”

  I took her at her word and let down my guard, pushing all my inhibitions away and giving in to the totally amazing feelings that the beautiful woman between my legs was causing. Kara noticed my decision and nodded in agreement before she twisted her hand and sucked my clit into her mouth. The effect was instantaneous and earth shattering. I came up off the bed with a gasp and a shout of pure ecstasy. Liquid poured out from between my thighs as I came harder than I ever had in my life. If anyone was in the dorm, they knew exactly what was going on in room two-oh-four.

  Before I could question what Kara had just made me do, she stabbed her tongue deep inside of me, lapping furiously at the large amount of fluid I had produced, like a cat with an endless supply of cream. I felt the caress from my head to my toes as the powerful aftershocks I’d been experiencing immediately crested into strong contractions that seized up every muscle in my body. Tears were running down my cheeks from the sheer strength of the pleasure, and I was sure that if she forced me to another orgasm my heart would stop.

  It took nearly all my strength to reach down and gently push her away. “Stop. No More. I need a few minutes to catch my breath.”

  I heard her chuckle as she kept on exploring me. After what seemed like an eternity she lifted her face from between my thighs. Her cheeks and chin were shiny with my juices. She smiled broadly at me and licked her lips in a slow, sensuous movement that made my eyes widen because it was so erotic. Then she wiped her face and sucked each of her fingers into her mouth, one by one, as if she couldn’t bear the thought of wasting one drop of my cum.

  I was lightheaded, wrung out, and sexually sated in a way that left me feeling completely boneless and happy. I knew I was grinning drunkenly as Kara flopped down on the bed next to me. I wanted to question what had just happened, but I didn’t have the energy to do it. I had to compliment her on her remarkable skill though. I knew she had denied herself release while she’d concentrated on my needs, and I felt bad about that, but the feeling of near exhaustion made it impossible for me to return the favor at the moment. I vowed to love her thoroughly after a bit of rest.

  The feel of Kara’s hand softly stroking my cheek made me open my eyes, which I didn’t realize had slid shut. She pulled me into her arms, and it felt so right to be cuddled up next to her with our bodies pressed tightly together. I burrowed deeper into the embrace and laid my head on her chest, where I could hear the steady sound of her heartbeat. Kara started running her fingers though my hair, massaging my scalp in a hypnotic motion designed to relax. I fought off sleep for a moment to enjoy the rare sensation of some post sex snuggling. ¶

  Men never seemed willing to stick around in bed with me and just relax after the sex was over. I had some questions I desperately needed Kara to answer, and I was experiencing so many new emotions, too. At the moment I didn’t have the energy for deep conversation though, and after having the most amazing orgasm in the world, I wasn’t sure my brain cells were functioning enough to even try to talk.

  I could feel Kara’s head against mine as she shook it slowly and giggled. “Stop thinking so hard. I can see steam coming out of your ears.”

  My voice was quiet and drowsy. “You can not.”

  “Yes I can. I don’t know what you’re trying to work out, but I can tell you’re exhausted, especially if that really was your first ever g-spot orgasm. Go on and take a nap, and we’ll talk when you wake up.”

  My reply this time was even quieter. “Okay, but I feel bad about what just happened.”

  I felt her tense. “Why?”

  “Because I had all the fun and you didn’t.”

  She relaxed immediately. “Oh, I had plenty of fun.” She took my hand and placed it between her legs, where she pressed it against her pussy. I could feel the wetness slicking her inner thighs. “Watching you got me so hot. The way you responded to each and every touch was the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve enjoyed every minute of what we’ve shared together so far. Now go on and rest so I can finish with you when you wake up.”

  I gulped. “You mean you’re not done with me yet?”

  “Oh, baby no, not by a long shot. This was just a little taste of what it can be like between two women.”

  I wondered for a minute if I hadn’t bitten off more than I could chew with Kara, but then I fell asleep and didn’t have any more time to worry about it.

  I woke to the feeling of someone stroking a hand up and down my side, occasionally moving over to stroke my breasts or dip between my legs in an all too quick caress, before disappearing to cover more skin elsewhere. It took me a bit to remember where I was, and who I was in bed with. I must have made some sound because Kara stopped her investigation immediately. “I was wondering when you’d wake up. Did you sleep well?”

  “Y…ye…” My voice sounded ragged and I was pretty sure it would be completely gone by morning from all the screams she’d pulled out of me earlier. After her performance though, losing my voice would be a small price to pay for what I’d experienced. I cleared my throat and tried speaking again. “Yes, but I had a really weird dream.”

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t.”


  “Because it involved you and me, and what we were doing was very naughty.”

  She ran her hand back down my side and down between my legs, lingering long enough to feel the new moisture that had built up there from my wickedly hot dream.

  “Oh, it was that kind of dream. I love those, even though most of the time you wake up horny and alone afterwards. Guess it’s a good thing you’re in bed with someone.”

  I didn’t reply immediately because I was still thinking about what we’d done earlier, and wondering why I was so at ease with it.

  Kara noticed my silence and questioned me. “You’re really quiet. What are you thinking about?”

  “You, us, what happened earlier.”

  Her hand pulled away from between my thighs and came to rest on my stomach.

  “You didn’t like it?”

  I shook my head slightly, rubbing my face in her cleavage. “Oh, no, I loved every minute of it, but I’m confused about something and I’m trying to figure out how to ask you about it. Plus, I still feel bad because you didn’t get to enjoy it the way I did.”

  She giggled. “That tickles.”

  I laid my head back down and began toying with one nipple with my finger.

  “Mmmm, that’s nice. Now what were you confused about?”

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Nothing between lovers is ever stupid. Don’t ever feel like you have to be afraid with me.”

  I looked up at her with shock and awe on my face. “Is that what we are, lovers?”

  She nodded. “What would you call us?”

  My voice was quiet as I replied. “I don’t know.”

  “Think about it. The definition of a lover is one or both of the partners in a sexual relationship. I would definitely call what we just did sexual and I’m hoping for more than a one-night stand with you. I like you. I’m attracted to you, and I think you’re attracted to me as well, at least I hope so. I want you to feel comfortable around me. I want sex with you, but I want a friendship as well. A companion, a partner. A lover. Is that what you want?”

  I had to think about that for a moment. She was offering me something that no man had ever offered me. She had made me feel more amazing and cherished in the short time we’d been together than any one of my previous so-called boyfriends had. Was I attracted to Kara? I looked down at her nude body. The answer to that question was a pretty definite yes. As for the comfort factor, I was much calmer with her now than I had been in the beginning, but I was always nervous at the start of a new relationship.

  I realized something at that moment; Kara and I really were taking steps towards building something that could easily become serious. The thought didn’t scare me. I was willing to acknowledge the change and open my
self up to the possibility of Kara, and becoming an exclusive couple. In fact, I was actually looking forward to it. “I think I would like that. I don’t know what it means right now, but the idea is very pleasant.” My hand began to wander across her belly. “I’ve enjoyed being with you, and not just the sex, though so far that has been incredible. It’s nice to be able to talk to you instead of being shoved out the door.”

  “Does that happen to you a lot?”

  I was busy playing with the sparkling jewel in her tummy. “What?”

  “Do you get thrown out a lot after sex?”

  “Yeah, actually, I do. I never seem to attract the right type of guy. We meet, we have sex, and then he wants me gone so he can study, or meet his boys for a drink, or some other type of bullshit. Some sad excuse that always makes me feel like I’m nothing but a play toy for them. Just a way to pass the time until they find something better to do.”

  “Elizabeth, that is just disgusting. Men are mostly just a bunch of worthless jerks who wouldn’t recognize a good woman if she kicked him in the balls. Only a real woman knows how another woman wants and needs to be treated.” She reached down with her hand and covered mine where it rested against her dark skin, tangling our fingers together. “Although I’m glad that none of them decided to keep you. It means that I got a chance to show you how great we can be with each other.”

  “Oh, we’re more than great. What you just did to my body was electrifying. Even though I still don’t know why I came like I did.”

  She chuckled softly. “You mean the flood?”

  I nodded shyly. “Yeah.”

  “You’ve really never had a g-spot orgasm before?”

  “I’ve never had anything done to me that felt like that.”

  “You definitely were dating the wrong guys if none of them ever took the time to find your best erogenous zone.”

  “I though for a minute that I’d wet the bed.” I could feel the heat of a deep blush creeping over my cheeks.”

  “G-spot orgasms almost always make you squirt like that. It’s the female version of ejaculation, and it feels so damn good.”


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