Switching Sides

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Switching Sides Page 3

by Beth Wylde

  “Yeah, it did. Can I ask you another question?”


  I pushed myself up until I could look her right in the face. I’d had time to catch my breath, and now I wanted to give her the type of mind bending experience she’d treated me to earlier. “Do you mind if I go exploring for your g-spot?”

  Kara’s eyes dilated and I knew the answer before she even replied. “Yes, please.”

  The needy sound in her voice made me want to find and explore each and every erogenous zone on her body until she was as sexually sated as I had been earlier. My only concern was the fact that she was experienced in being with another woman, when I wasn’t.

  As I was contemplating my lack of skill, I felt sure Kara had noticed my sudden halt. I wanted to explain the reason for my delay.

  “I love your body.” I stroked my hand hesitantly over her pert and perky titties. “I want to show you how amazing I think you are.” I paused to place a suckling kiss on each erect tip. “I want to watch you moan and writhe and call my name when I push you over the edge. I want to worship every inch of your body the way it deserves to be worshiped, but I’m also afraid.”

  The look on her face was reassuring and kind. “What are you afraid of?”

  “I don’t want to disappoint you because of my inexperience. I want to please you, but I’m not sure how to do it.”

  She cupped my chin in the palm of her hand, moving my face slightly so I had to look her in the eyes. “Baby, don’t worry so much. Sex isn’t a battle. You don’t need to devise a plan of attack before you start. Just calm down and let yourself enjoy the moment. Everything will work itself out if you just relax and go with your instincts. We all have our own style of love making, and when you’re being intimate with someone you care about who also cares deeply for you, then you can’t make a mistake.”

  I looked over at the silver vibrator that was still lying next to the pillow where Kara had thrown it earlier and a wonderful idea suddenly formed in my head. I directed my gaze toward the table next to her bed. “Do you have any massage oil in your toy drawer?”

  She nodded, but looked a bit perplexed as well. “Yes, I have some. Can I be nosy and ask why you need it?”

  I reached over and opened the nightstand drawer. Inside were the normal sexual toys that most college girls kept hidden in their rooms for those off times when they didn’t have a boyfriend, or woke up needing release at odd hours during the night. One item though, was so shocking that I had to stifle a gasp and try to keep my face from betraying my emotion.

  I tried to look calm as I rifled around for the bottle of oil, but the sight of a gigantic blue rubber double-ended dildo had been quite a shocking find. I pushed it to the side, almost afraid to touch it because of the sheer size of the tool, and found the bottle of warming massage oil hidden underneath it. I pulled it out and shut the drawer immediately; hoping Kara hadn’t noticed me acting oddly.

  While I studied the bottle, I caught sight of her face out of the corner of my eye.

  She seemed curious, but didn’t look like she’d noticed anything unusual. I took a deep breath and moved on to the next stage in my plan of seduction. “Turn over.”

  She did as I asked without hesitation. It was another plus in my book. Most guys would have argued against the command, or flat out refused, but she just did as I asked without any fuss.

  I poured the cool oil across her shoulders and dribbled a bit down her spine. She squirmed and squeaked as the cold liquid came into contact with her hot skin. “Lord, that’s chilly.”

  I capped the bottle and laid it next to me on the bed near the vibrator. “It’ll warm up soon.”

  I began kneading her shoulders, working the oil across her skin and into the base of her neck. My mother had decided to open her own business once she found out I’d been accepted into college. She’d opened a spa and had invited me to come to a few massage classes with her. I was glad I had, because the lessons were definitely coming in handy at the moment.

  I worked my way down, paying special attention to each vertebra as I went lower and lower. Kara was moaning with pleasure, writhing against the bed in a move reminiscent of a kitten with an endless supply of catnip.

  I watched her body, marveling at how the oil seemed to make her dark skin glow in the dim light of her lamp. The scent of strawberries filled the room, combining with the already powerful aroma of sex, and I couldn’t resist a small taste. I continued the massage, now working my hands into the small of her back just above the delicious swell of her ass, and leaned down to lick a line up her spine, rolling the unique taste of strawberries and Kara around on my tongue as they mixed together in my mouth. I wanted to taste more of her.

  “Your hands are incredible. I may have to keep you around just for your amazing backrubs.”

  I took the comment as the compliment it was meant to be. “Now flip over and let me do your front.”

  She laughed. “Yes, please do my front.”

  I smacked her lightly on the ass before she managed to turn onto her back.

  “Someone has their mind in the gutter. This is just a standard massage, nothing kinky about it.” I tilted my head sideways and gave her the most innocent look I could muster.

  When she burst out laughing, I knew I had failed miserably.

  “Do you normally give massages to naked people while you’re naked as well?”

  I shrugged. “Um…maybe.”

  She was laughing full out now. Her smile was traffic stopping, and I couldn’t help but laugh and smile back, too. When I began the massage on her front side in earnest, the giggling stopped and the moaning took over.

  I poured more oil over her body, coating her chest and tummy thoroughly. As I rubbed and caressed the sweet liquid into her breasts, I bent to lick the oil out from where it had pooled in her belly button. I mimicked the motions Kara had used on me earlier during oral sex, thrusting my tongue in and out of the hole at varying rates of speed, then following the move up with slow licks around the rim before plunging back inside to lap up the strawberry taste.

  When I finally paused and looked up, Kara had her eyes squeezed shut and her hands fisted in the sheets, as if she was holding on for dear life. I loved the way she looked at that exact moment, totally wild and eager for my touch.

  I grabbed the bottle of oil one last time and drizzled the remainder slowly across her upper thighs, letting it run down between her legs to pool in a little stream beneath her on the sheets.

  “I hope you don’t mind me getting the bed dirty.”

  She shook her head, the strain to remain in control evident on her face. “I don’t care if you rip up the mattress and throw it in the trash, as long as you keep on doing what you’re doing.”

  The power I had over her at the moment was intoxicating. I rubbed my way up and down her legs, working the oil into every inch of her bare skin, right down to her toes. As I glided back up, she spread her legs farther apart in a silent invitation. I took her up on the offer.

  I slid my fingers across her swollen lips until I found her clit. I bent down to give it a thorough inspection, blowing lightly on the little nub and following the act with a long swipe of my tongue.

  Kara called out, arching her back and pressing her pelvis against my face in a demand for more. I gave her everything I had to offer.

  I nipped gently on her love button and thrust a finger down through the combination of her own wetness and the strawberry oil. When I slid it deep inside her pussy, her muscles clenched around me. I marveled at the feeling.

  “You’re wet, but so tight. How long has it been since you’ve been with someone?”

  “A while now.”

  With the state she was in I knew she would answer anything I asked her, and I’m a very inquisitive person. “Have you ever been with a guy?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’ve never been interested in men at all. I’ve been attracted to women as far back as I can remember.”

  My eyes wi
dened in shock. “So you’re still a virgin?”

  Kara nodded slowly and began gyrating against my still hand. “Technically, yes.”

  “What do you mean, technically?”

  She groaned. “I’ve used a vibrator before.”

  “You’ve used it yourself or had it used on you?”

  “Elizabeth! We can discuss this as much as you want to later, but right now I’m begging you. Less talk and more action, please!”

  “You mean like this?” I dived back between her thighs with a vengeance, working her clit with my lips, teeth, and tongue while I pushed a second finger inside her to join the first one.

  “Harder…faster. Oh…oh…ohhhh…I…I’m…I’m…”

  She bucked hard against my face as she cried out in completion. I kept myself planted firmly between her legs, bringing her down with light touches and kisses while continuing to taste her sweet nectar.

  Kara sighed deeply with satisfaction as her body shuddered slightly with gentle aftershocks. “I needed that so bad.”

  I laid my head against her hip, turning so I could stare up at her. I had to smile at the blissful expression on her face. “That didn’t take very long.”

  She looked down at me. “I didn’t think it would. I’ve been hanging on the edge for a while tonight.”

  I chuckled. “I can only imagine. Now that you’re calm, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” She waved her hand non-distinctly in the air and then let her arm drop as if she was too tired to complete the gesture. “Fire away.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, and then quickly closed it. Kara looked so peaceful. Her breathing was deep and even, and her eyes were totally shut. She obviously wasn’t expecting anything else, but I wasn’t finished yet. I was pretty sure she was napping, but she could have just as easily been fooling with me, so I had to be careful. I moved slowly and clicked off the light on the nightstand. Her body tensed under me for just a moment and then relaxed once again. I moved up next to her, trying to distract her from what I was really doing by pretending to find a comfy spot to cuddle and rest. I moved a bit to make some sound to help blot out the noise of me opening her nightstand drawer.

  Soft snores filtered through the air, alerting me to her whereabouts by sound and telling me that she truly was asleep. I reached inside the drawer for my prize. I didn’t need light to find what I was looking for because the size of the toy was enough for me to identify the fake penis by feel. I grasped the rubber monster and dropped down next to Kara.

  My plan gave me the perfect opportunity to wake her up the way she had woken me earlier. I paused momentarily to decide whether or not to let her sleep a bit before beginning. In the end, I decided not to wait. The night was nearly over, and since there were no classes on Saturday, we could catch up on what sleep we’d lost then; besides, any of my friends will tell you that patience is not one of my strong points. I was too keyed up to see how Kara would react to my use of the blue double dildo to allow her any more recovery time. I also didn’t want to delay because I was afraid that if I waited I’d lose my nerve, but just the thought of seeing her stretched wide around the massive dick was enough to make me proceed.

  I didn’t bother being quiet now. It was obvious that Kara was a rather deep sleeper. I moved the toy, now nicknamed Big Blue, down the bed with me where I laid it next to my leg so I could grab it easily when the time for its use came. As I was moving into position my hand came across the small silver vibrator that Kara had thrown onto the bed at the beginning of the evening. It wasn’t nearly as long or wide as the two headed cock, but it was a pretty decent size. Definitely as good as or better than what most of the guys on campus had lounging around in their pants.

  I knew the bottle of oil was empty and Kara was very tight, but I thought that if I used the vibrator first it might make the transition to Big Blue easier. I was also counting on the remnants from my sensual massage, coupled with the moisture from my mouth and her very recent orgasm, to help ease the toy inside her where it belonged. If things went accordingly, I was hoping to have the other end of the rubber penis planted deeply inside my own pussy. The thought of both of us being fucked by it at the same time made me think about getting myself off with a quickie before waking Kara up, but I decided against it. When I came again, I wanted it to be at the same time as my partner.

  I grabbed the cool plastic shaft of the vibrator in one hand while I used my other hand to trace Kara’s soft curves until I came into contact with the vee between her legs. I still couldn’t get over the erotic feeling of touching her completely hairless crotch. The skin was so soft and smooth I could have rubbed on it forever.

  Kara shifted suddenly, a quiet moan escaping her lips as she spread her legs just a bit. I wondered if it was my touch that pulled that sound out of her, or if she was having as good a dream as the one I’d recently had.

  I let my fingers drift lower until they parted her slick, pouty lips. When my thumb brushed over her clit, she made a soft little mewling sound from deep in her throat that reminded me of a contented feline. I wanted desperately to hear that noise again.

  I dipped one finger through her wet folds until I found her entrance. I wanted to be able to see Kara’s expression when she woke, but if my assumption was correct, she’d never used the dildo before or anything even remotely close to that size in sex toys, and I didn’t want her to see it and freak out when she realized what I planned to do with it. The thought of possibly popping Kara’s cherry had me feeling very dominant and excited.

  I moved my hand back and forth slowly, trying to wake her as gently as possible.

  When my single finger slid inside, I immediately added a second digit. It took a bit of work to get two inside of her comfortably, but I must have been doing something right because she began to move against my hand. She was moving up and down, riding my fingers in a way assured to get her off quickly. I couldn’t allow that, not when she was still asleep.

  I pulled back and she shivered with the loss. I replaced my fingers with the tip of the vibrator and turned the base on to the lowest setting. Kara woke instantly when the loud buzzing noise filled the dark room and the slow pulse of the machine filled her cunt.


  “Mmm hmm?”

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what are you doing and why are the lights turned off?”

  I felt her move to the side, as if reaching for the lamp, and turned off the toy. She halted mid motion and sobbed in irritation. When the room stayed dark I turned the vibrator back on.

  “I have a surprise for you, but you can’t turn on the light until I tell you to.”

  I turned the base up another notch and slid the plastic shaft farther inside her. She cried out with enthusiasm before falling back onto the bed. “Okay.”

  I moved the toy in and out of her slick channel, laughing at the ease with which she’d agreed to my request. “You’re quite agreeable, aren’t you?”

  She was panting now. “Hmmm? Oh, yes!”

  “If you like that, then you’re really going to enjoy this.”

  I pushed the vibrator in all the way and turned the base to its highest setting. Kara screamed and bucked, reaching out in the dark and grabbing a hold of my shoulders before pulling me flat against her. In this position I could feel the rapid jerk of her hips against me, as well as the quick fire vibration of the toy inside her. I didn’t have long before she was going to explode.

  I turned the toy back on low and sat up, grabbing Big Blue in the process. Kara was so focused on herself that she had no clue what I was up to, and by now I was completely soaked and horny too. It didn’t take much to ease the head of the toy inside me. When just a little more than the tip was securely inside, I pulled the vibrator completely out of Kara and spread her legs as wide as I could.

  “What are you doing? Don’t be so cruel! Put it back! I’ll do anything!”

  “Don’t worry; I’m not going to leave you like that. Just hold on a minute.�

  I tossed the silver bullet to the side and felt for the other end of the dildo. I held it tight as I fumbled in the dark to find my target. I didn’t have to search long. The minute my hand touched her leg she moved her body around until I was fondling her snatch.

  “Please, Elizabeth, I’m burning up.”

  I paused before placing the monstrous toy against her opening.

  “Do you trust me?”


  “I said, do you trust me?”

  “Elizabeth, this isn’t funny anymore.”

  “I’m not trying to be funny. I need to know if you trust me.”

  “What’s this about?” Her voice sounded apprehensive. “What are you going to do? I’m gonna turn on the light.”

  She moved again, and I knew that if she really wanted to turn on the light I couldn’t stop her; all I could do was ask her not to and hope she agreed.

  “Wait, Kara please! Just give me a few minutes. If you don’t like what I’m doing I’ll stop and you can turn on the light.”

  It took what seemed like forever for her to reach a decision but in the end, probably only a few minutes passed before she settled back down with the room still bathed in darkness. There’s nothing like fear to kill the mood, so I opted to work her back up to the brink again before trying to penetrate her. I had no idea where I had tossed the vibrator, so I used the next best thing I had—my mouth.

  I descended on her in a frenzy, sucking her clit into my mouth while steadily working my end of the dildo in and out of my pussy. When she begged me to fuck her, I rose up and started to do just that. I knew what she was expecting, but that wasn’t what I was about to give her.

  I had nearly half of Big Blue inside me when I began rubbing the other head of it over her already over sensitized sex. She groaned and tried to force it inside of her. She lunged upward and stopped suddenly when the head of the instrument popped inside her cunt.

  “Oh my God, what is that?”

  This time she didn’t stop as she reached over and turned on the lamp. I had to move quickly to hold the toy in place so it wouldn’t slip out, I didn’t want to lose what ground we’d gained. I had to close my eyes when she flipped on the light. When I opened them again, she was staring down between us in astonishment, frozen in shock.


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