Switching Sides

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Switching Sides Page 4

by Beth Wylde

  “Holy shit. You are not fucking me with that!”

  I moved forward just a fraction of an inch, and the toy slid inside her just a bit more. Her eyes widen as she realized she was actually able to accommodate the dildo.

  When I rose up slightly, she finally took notice that that other end of the toy was inside me as well.

  Her voice was deep and gravely. “Dear Lord. I thought you said you weren’t gay?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and moved the toy out of me a bit, and a tad father into her before reversing the motion. She shivered and I had to focus in order to reply. “Who knows? Maybe my inner lesbian was just waiting for the chance to come out and play.” I worked the two back and forth a little faster, letting it sink further inside her every time I moved. “I guess you could definitely say I’ve switched sides.”

  “Thank God for that.” She moved herself up into a sitting position and I mimicked the movement. She reached out and took hold of the middle of the dildo, resting her hand on top of mine. “Let’s ride this thing together.”

  I could only nod because I couldn’t have formed a coherent reply even if I had wanted to.

  Once we found our rhythm, it didn’t take us very long. We were both extremely aroused, and the sight of watching Kara work herself to a climax with the huge toy had me cumming almost immediately.

  “Now, Kara, I can’t wait any longer!”

  “Wait, wait…I…I…I’m…Ohhhhhh!!!”

  With her first shout of ecstasy I plunged the dildo back inside myself hard while pushing my pelvis towards Kara. We held each other tight as we worked ourselves down from the last and most spectacular orgasm of the night. When we collapsed together, we had barely enough energy to throw the toy out of the bed and pull up the covers. The sun was rising as we fell asleep.

  I woke several hours later toKara propped up on her elbow staring down at me.

  She looked extremely happy, and I felt proud that I was the one that had made her feel like that; I was pretty ecstatic myself. I was feeling a bit shy after my wild exhibition, but I’d been given a gift in the form of my new girlfriend, and I wasn’t about to question what I’d done to deserve her.

  She stroked my hair away from my face, lingering with her hand on my cheek.

  “Good morning.”

  I smiled shyly. “Morning. What time is it?”

  She chuckled. “A little after noon.”

  I sat up and every muscle in my body protested. She started rubbing my shoulders. “Are you sore?”

  “Yeah, you gave me a hell of a workout.

  She laughed hilariously. “I gave you a workout? Baby, you outdid me last night with that last stunt. I may never walk again.”

  Now I was the one worried. “You didn’t enjoy it?”

  She shook her head playfully. “I never said that. You are an animal in bed. The men who didn’t hang on to you must have been retarded, but then, their loss is my gain.

  Do you want to go get something to eat? My treat.”

  “You mean like a date?”

  She nodded.

  “So are we a couple now?”

  “If you want us to be.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  She grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.” She stood and stretched, but winced as she did it. “We’ll have to take it easier next time though. My body isn’t used to that kind of exertion.”

  I was thrilled to know she wanted a next time with me. “I think we can do slow and gentle, too.” I looked at us, both standing there disheveled and naked. “Maybe we ought to get a shower and get dressed before we go out; we might scare somebody.”

  “I’d offer to shower with you, but then we’d never get anything to eat and I doubt you want anyone to find us making out in the group shower stalls.”

  I realized she was offering to keep the whole relationship secret but I didn’t want that. I knew we could never truly be a couple if we had to hide from everyone all the time. “You don’t have to worry about us being seen together if that’s what you’re hinting at. I’m proud to be your lover, girlfriend, significant other, or whatever else people call it nowadays. Besides, my reputation isn’t exactly sparkly anyway.”

  She picked up my clothes from where she’d folded them and placed them on her desk and handed them to me. “I’m glad you feel that way.” She watched me dress before grabbing me for a soft, smooth kiss. “You want to meet me downstairs in a couple of hours? We can have a late lunch, because we’ve definitely missed breakfast. I’d like to show you off to some of my friends. They’ll all be insanely jealous when I tell them you’re mine.”

  I laughed and agreed, the playful tone of her voice breaking the morning after tension. “That sounds good.” I paused before continuing. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  I took her hand in mine and stroked it gently. I looked down at the floor, afraid to see her face in case she didn’t feel the same way. “For everything. For loving me the way I needed to be loved.”

  She tilted my chin up with her free hand and gave me a quick chaste peck. “It was my pleasure.”

  I was halfway out the door when she called softly. “Thank you, too.”

  I nodded, knowing she was watching me because I hadn’t heard the sound of her door shutting. I turned around and blew her a kiss before ducking inside my room.




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