by Phil Mason
Nuclear weapons accidents
Nuclear weapons, development of
Oaken Bucket, War of the
Odell, Jack (inventor)
Oliver, Ed, golfer
Olympic Games
Olympic Games, bidding for host
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Operation Sealion (German invasion of Britain)
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Outboard motor, invention of
Over the Rainbow (song)
Owens, Jesse (Olympic athlete)
Palmerston, Lord
Panama Canal
Pan-Arab Games
Park Tae-Hwan (Olympic swimmer)
Paululum, Eduard (Olympic boxer)
Pearl Harbor
Pearsall, Phyllis (inventor)
Peel, Sir Robert
Penicillin, discovery of
Perry, Jimmy
Persson, Gehnäll (Olympic equestrian)
Peter the Rabbit, The Tale of
PG-Tips, origin of name
Philby, Kim
Phonograph, invention of
Picasso, Pablo
Pickard, Tony
Pickford, Mary
Pilcher, Percy Sinclair (inventor)
PIN number, invention of
Pitt (the Elder)
Pitt, William
Plastic, invention of
Poisoning accident, Iraq
Polo, Marco
Postage Stamp War (Paraguay – Bolivia)
Postage stamp, influence of
Post-It notes, invention of
Potter, Beatrix
Power drill, invention of
Princip, Gavrilo
Pulo Run (Spice Islands)
Puma (sports shoe company)
Punctuation, influence of
Queen Mary (liner), origin of name
Rabbits, plague of (Australia)
Raft, George
Raglan, Lord
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Railways, development of
Ramsey, Alf
Rapp, Eduard (Olympic cyclist)
Ratner, Gerald
Rawlings, John (inventor)
Rawlplug, invention of
Ray, James Earl
Reagan, Ronald
Reard, Louis (inventor)
Red Cross
Red Rum
Redford, Robert
Reeve, Christopher
Referees, distracted
Reinelt, Robbie (footballer)
Reis, Philipp (inventor)
Relativity, Theory of
Reyn-Bart, Peter (murderer)
Rigg, Diana
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Rockefeller, John D.
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rowing, Olympic
Rubber, vulcanised
Rugby football
Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution
Rutherford, Ernest (nuclear physicist)
Safety pin, invention of
Saga Holidays
Saint, The
San Francisco
San Francisco Examiner
Sanjurjo, Gen. Jose
Satellite communications, inspiration for
Schabowski, Guenter
Scheifflin, Eugene
Schicklgruber, Alois
Schönbein, Christian (inventor)
Science Museum, London
Scooby Doo
Scott, Capt. Robert Falcon
Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert
Scottish football
Scrabble, invention of
Second World War
Seuss, Dr
Shakespeare, William
Shankly, Bill
Shaw, Percy (inventor)
Shearer, Norma
Sheraton hotel chain, origin of name
Shipping accidents
Shooting, Olympic
Shopping trolley, invention of
Silent Night
Silver, accidental discovery of (Canada)
Silver, Spencer (inventor)
Sinatra, Frank
Singapore, fall of (1942)
Skipsea (Yorks), possible site UK nuclear tests
Slipper, Det. Chief Supt. Jack
Smith, John
Smuts, Jan Christiaan
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Soane, Sir John
Soccer see Football
Soccer War (El Salvador – Honduras)
Société Générale, bank robbery
Solferino, Battle of
Soskice, Sir Frank
South Africa, gold discovery
South Sea Bubble
Space flight
Spencer, Emerson (athlete)
Spencer, John
Spencer, Percy (inventor)
Spielberg, Steven
Spinach, myth of
Spitfire, origin of name
Sporting injuries
St Paul’s Cathedral (London)
Stalin, Joseph
Stalingrad, Battle of
Stallone, Sylvester
Star Wars
Station M (British intelligence)
Steinbeck, John
Stephen (Pope)
Stephenson, George
Stepney, Alex (footballer)
Steptoe and Son
Stethoscope, invention of
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stonehouse, John
Strowger, Almon (inventor)
Superman (cartoon)
Superman (film)
Sutcliffe, Peter (Yorkshire Ripper)
Swimming, Olympic
Swimming, synchronized, Olympic
Swinburne, James (inventor)
Switzer, Bob (inventor)
Sylvester (Pope)
Szilárd, Leó (nuclear physicist)
Talmadge, Norma
Tanga, Battle of
Tarzan, origin of catchphrase
Tea, influence of
Telephone kiosk, origin of
Telephone, direct dial, invention of
Telephone, emergency services number (999) origin of
Telephone, invention of
Television, advertising
Television, development of (programming)
Temple, Shirley
Ten Commandments, The
Tennis, Davis Cup
Tennis, Olympic
Ten-pin bowling, origin of
Tenzing, Sherpa
Thames Tunnel
Thames, River
Thatcher, Margaret
Thermos flask, invention of
Thomas, Dylan
Times, The
Titanic, sinking of
Today (BBC Radio)
Toddlers truce, (UK television)
Tom and Jerry
Tonight (BBC TV)
Tour de France
Traffic lights,
Trainers (shoes)
Trigger (movie horse star)
Trotsky, Leon
Tsibulenko, Viktor (Olympic athlete)
Tunnel borer, invention of
Tupolev, Andrei,
Tweed, origin of name
Under Milk Wood
United Nations
United States Air Force
United States Navy
United States, invitation to be King of
Vacuum cleaner, invention of
van Gogh, Vincent
van Meegeren, Hans
Vareilles, Gaston (rugby player)
Velcro, invention of
Vespucci, Amerigo
Victoria, Queen
Vienna, siege of
von Bre
ssendorf, Ernst
von Gerstdorff, Col. Rudolph
von Papen, Franz
von Stauffenberg, Count
Waldseemuller, Martin
Walpole, Robert
Walsh, Raoul
Walton, Sir William
War of 1812
Ward, Burt
Warner, Jack
Washington DC
Washington, George
Watergate scandal
Waterloo, Battle of
Watership Down
Watkin Tower
Waugh, Evelyn
Wayne, John
Weissmuller, Johnny
Weizmann, Chaim
Wellington, Duke of
Wembley Stadium
Wheeldon, Alice (conspirator)
Whistler, James McNeill
White House
Whitney, Eli (inventor)
Whittle, Frank
Wichterle, Otto (inventor)
Wick, Scotland, possible site UK nuclear tests
Wild West, American, influence of on computers
Wilhelm, Kaiser
Willes, John (cricketer)
Williams, Marcia
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Kemmons (hotelier)
Wilson, Woodrow
Winchester cathedral
Winter of Discontent
Witwatersrand goldfield, discovery of
Wizard of Oz
Women’s suffrage
Worcestershire sauce, invention of
World Cup 1966 (football)
World War One see First World War
World War Two see Second World War
Wrestling, Olympic
Wright Brothers,
Wright, Alan (footballer)
X City (New York)
Yalta conference
Yellow lines (road marking), invention of
Yes, Minister
Yorkshire Ripper
Z Cars
Zanuck, Darryl
Zeckendorf, William