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Maid Service

Page 17

by Peter Birch

  “I see you have her well trained,” he remarked to Peter and lashed the whip out to catch Michelle across her outthrust cheeks, hard enough to leave her wide-eyed and gasping. Peter silently praised her for keeping her dress high, rather than pulling it down in defense of her wounded flesh.

  “Strip off, darling,” Peter advised. “It will make it easier for him.”

  Michelle hastened to obey, peeling her dress off over her head and kicking her shoes aside to leave her stark naked save for her collar. Master Jacobaeus waited until she was ready before handing her the ostrich feather Red had been using before.

  “This is how it works,” he began. “You tickle her. I whip you. When she wets herself, the whipping stops. If you must give up, you will go in her place. Got that?”

  “Yes, Master,” Michelle answered, and gave a sharp, pig-like squeal as the whip cracked across her thighs.

  “You belong to Master Peter. I am Master Jacobaeus. Do not forget that.”

  “No, Master Jacobaeus. Sorry, Master Jacobaeus.”

  Peter was smiling as he watched, amused and aroused both by Master Jacobaeus and the state of confusion he’d gotten Michelle into. He’d also been fondling Red’s breasts all the while, enjoying their sheer size as much as her low moans of appreciation. Both her nipples now stuck out proudly, as big and as firm as a pair of raspberries, also much the same shape. He took one between his teeth, biting gently as he watched the game that had begun at the wheel.

  Michelle had adopted a purposefully vulnerable pose, with her feet set wide apart and her bottom pushed out to the whip as she used the feather on Blue’s thighs and belly, midriff and breasts. Master Jacobaeus, meanwhile, deployed the whip with both skill and accuracy, flicking, cutting, stroking, to mark her pale flesh with neatly placed welts, both long and short. She couldn’t help but react, gasping and treading up and down on her feet as the pain rose. While her attempts to tickle Blue grew ever more desperate, until Peter was sure she would cry for mercy and end up strapped to the wheel herself.

  Blue had been squirming and giggling since the first touch of the ostrich feather to the sensitive skin between her thighs, but she didn’t seem to be getting any worse, while Michelle squeaks and pained little hops had been getting ever more urgent, until she’d begun to tremble and could barely use the feather. Peter had even started to feel sorry for her, until she suddenly sank to both knees, discarded the feather, and dug her wriggling fingers into the flesh of Blue’s torso to tickle far more forcefully, with instantaneous results. Blue screamed, jerked, and a great gush erupted from her cunt, high in the air, to splash down on her own body and all over Michelle just as the whip cracked one more time.

  Michelle’s mouth fell open as she cried out in pain, just in time to receive Blue’s gush, full force and then some, into her face and in her hair, over her breasts and down her belly, before she finally managed to jerk back. Peter was laughing so hard he could barely keep his seat, Red too, while Michelle was trying not to giggle even as she stood up, utterly drenched. Blue seemed too far gone to notice, gasping out her emotion as liquid continued to burble from her and run down her body, soiling her belly and breasts and neck, to drip from her hair and form a rapidly expanding puddle on the concrete floor. Master Jacobaeus had reacted fast, stepping away the instant Blue gave in. But he hadn’t quite reacted fast enough, leaving his immaculate black boots spotted with drops from the edge of the splash zone. Folding his arms across his chest, he pointed to his feet.

  “Clean them, Candy Doll.”

  Michelle made a face and glanced towards Peter, but she quickly got down on all fours in front of the big man. Extending her tongue, she began to lick the speckles of liquid from his boots, dabbing up each spot separately. He responded by trailing the whip over her already welted bottom and applying the occasional little flick, until finally she looked up, questioning but apparently not daring to speak.

  “That will do,” he said and nodded to Blue. “Get her down, clean her up, and yourself, then get back here.”

  “I’ll start, if I may?” Peter stated, already easing Red to the floor.

  “Be my guest,” Master Jacobaeus responded.

  “Are you going to do it up my bottom?” Red asked.

  “Not today,” Peter told her. “I have better uses for you. Or, to be more exact, you have better uses. Which isn’t to say you don’t have a beautiful bottom, but even I can’t resist the charms of your breasts.”

  She giggled and held them up, making an inviting furrow of her cleavage as Peter released his cock.

  “In your mouth first,” he instructed, “and no playing with your pussy until I’m done with you.”

  “Yes, Master Peter,” Red answered, and her mouth closed obediently around his penis.

  He sat back, watching her as she sucked, her huge eyes turned up to his as though watching for his approval, her breasts in her hands as she played with her nipples. She was in the same position Michelle favored after a spanking, with her knees apart and her ass pushed out to improve the view for him and for anybody else who happened to see, and—he also knew—to make herself feel more vulnerable. Her position was very pleasing, making him wish he’d spanked her first. His cock was already growing hard in her mouth and the urge to fuck her breasts was as strong as ever, but he couldn’t possibly deny himself the opportunity to abuse her succulent bottom.

  “Up,” he ordered. “Over my knee.”

  She made a face but quickly crawled into position, presenting her backside. He lost no time, peeling the little red panties off her ample cheeks and setting about them with sharp, stinging slaps. She’d soon began to kick and wriggle, rubbing herself on his erection, which kept him nicely stiff as he spanked her, stopping only when Michelle and Blue came back into the room. Both were still stark naked save for towels wrapped around their wet hair like turbans, creating a curious effect as they went down on their knees in front of Master Jacobaeus. Peter let a hand slip between Red’s thighs, absently fiddling with her cunt and asshole as he watched, wondering if Master Jacobaeus really warranted the nickname Karen had given him of Jake the Peg.

  Peter did not need to wonder for much longer, as the two girls reached into Master Jacobaeus’ leather trousers. The man’s cock was a monstrous, rubbery thing with a shaft as thick as a girl’s wrist and a fat, fleshy foreskin. Michelle swallowed as she saw what she was going to have to suck and perhaps take in her cunt or even in her ass. But she did not let her apprehension get the better of her, and she’d quickly taken him into her mouth, sucking gamely as Blue licked as his equally monstrous balls. He had been waiting for them, seated with his legs spread wide, the whip still in his hand. As they worked on him, he began to use the whip once more, flicking casually at their bottoms and backs.

  Peter turned back to Red, happy to let Master Jacobaeus enjoy his girlfriend as long as the favor was being returned. He’d now given her full cheeks a nice pink flush, while the gooey state of her cunt left no doubt that this act had aroused her as much as it had him. With his cock in urgent need of attention, he eased her to the floor once more, took her by the hair, and fucked her mouth for only a moment before settling his erection between her breasts. She crawled a little closer, holding up the plump pillows of flesh and squeezing them close around his shaft so that the bulb of his cock bobbed up and down between as he fucked her silken cleavage.

  Her flesh felt warm and soft, and the view of her huge breasts wrapped around his erection was pure delight, but he wasn’t getting the friction her needed to come. She seemed to sense his problem and reacted quickly, moving her head down with her lips pursed, so that every thrust pushed the tip of his cock into her tight little mouth, as if he was penetrating a small but well lubricated anus again and again.

  “That’s good,” he sighed. “So tight … tight like your little asshole … so good to fuck, and your tits … so big … so … fucking … big!”

>   The orgasm came suddenly, welling up inside him to explode in his head just as his jism exploded in her mouth, then into her face as she pulled suddenly back. Still he came, all over her breasts to make a hot, slippery tube of her cleavage as his pulses subsided, and again her mouth was on him, taking him deep to swallow as much as she could of his final flow. He sat back, leaving her face and chest smeared with cum as she rocked back on her heels, her cunt spread wide as she began to play with herself, deliberately showing off.

  Peter watched, enjoying the state she was in and her uninhibited excitement as she masturbated with one hand and used to other to rub his cum over her face and breasts, deliberately soiling herself. Keen to help, he reached out to take her by the hair, forcing her down and cramming his still stiff member back into her mouth. She sucked even more eagerly than before, her bottom trembling with the motion of her fingers as she rubbed at her clit, faster and faster still until at last she came with her mouth full of cock. He kept his fist twisted tight in her hair until she’d finished, before finally releasing her to clean up in the bathroom.

  Across the room, Michelle was being put through her paces with a vengeance. Mounted up on Master Jacobaeus’ lap, the mouth of her cunt was plainly visible, straining wide around his monstrous shaft, with her thighs and bottom spread wide in Blue’s face. He was fucking her slowly, allowing Blue to run her tongue all the way up his penis, right from his balls to Michelle’s anus, over and over again, pausing only to kiss at her Master’s great, bulbous sack or to probe her playmate’s asshole. She was masturbating as she licked and she came first, with her Master’s balls in her mouth and Michelle’s bottom slapping in her face as she hit one convulsive peak and then a second, only to return to licking as if nothing had happened.

  For a moment the scene continued as before, until Master Jacobaeus suddenly began to thrust hard into Michelle. She cried out, throwing her head back and locking her arms around his neck as she bounced on his monstrous cock. Cum exploded from her straining hole, splashing Blue’s face and running down over his balls as Michelle began a desperate squirming motion on his cock, rubbing herself on him without thought for anything but her own pleasure until she too joined them in orgasm.

  viiMember of Parliament. This is the British equivalent of a Member of Congress/congressman in the United States.

  Chapter Four

  “Not bad,” Peter said. “Not bad at all. What do you think?”

  “A bit over the top, maybe,” Michelle replied, looking at the flyer he’d given her.

  “Over the top is good,” Peter stated. “Over the top is what we need.”

  The flyer advertised Club S, but in place of the usual images of leather clad dominas or pretty girls in disheveled uniforms, there appeared to be a scene from hell. It focused on a giant pentagram with a naked girl strapped to it, and she was being whipped to ecstasy by capering devils with improbably large cocks. In the background was a burning cross rising amid the ruins of a cathedral, and various figures having sex. Above it all, looking down as if in approval of his creation, was the face of Master Jacobaeus, complete with horns and lit orange and demonic as if by the flames below.

  “Admittedly, we might lose a few of our regulars,” Peter went on. “But then we might equally well pick up some of the more Gothic crowd, the more militant sort of pagans, a few Satanists perhaps.”

  “You’re hoping we get raided, aren’t you?” Michelle asked.

  “Yes, and so is Jake,” Peter admitted. “But that’s only part of my little scheme. Right, I need to get to work. I have a lot to do, and I suppose I really ought to try and make some money.”

  He left the flat to start on what had become routine over the years, using his cab to visit the places he needed to go for the club and parties, while earning money at the same time. Having to take fares to the destination of their choosing was always a bit of a problem, but he’d long ago managed to work out routes between the stations, the major hotels and other popular spots in such a way that he could generally get everything done that was needed.

  Distributing the flyers was his first priority, with several calls in Soho and the more Bohemian parts of Camden and Westminster, before a lucky call to drive to Moorgate allowed him to cover the City. By mid-afternoon the job was done and he turned his light off in order to make his way to the long, gray student dormitories where Sophie had her room. He noted the name on the door “Sophie Fitzroy” before knocking. She was in, and he was soon sipping coffee in the single armchair provided by the college while she sat cross-legged on the bed. Peter talked of this and that for a while before coming to the point.

  “I have a one-to-one proposal for you, if you’d like to take it up?”

  “Maybe,” she replied cautiously. “What happens?”

  “It’s simple. You visit a gentleman of my acquaintance, somebody I know and trust. He spanks you, along with anything else that seems appropriate at the time, and I give you two hundred pounds.”

  “What’s he like?”

  “Small, dapper, very civilized, my age. He was at school with me, as it happens.”

  “He sounds like just the man to spank me. But, I mean … I’ve never done one-to-ones.”

  “There’s absolutely nothing to worry about. I’ll drive you over and pick you up if you like? His flat’s just off the Horseferry Road, in Westminster.”

  “That would be kind, thanks. When did you have in mind?”

  “No time like the present, really. He’s a civil servant, so we can probably predict his movements fairly accurately.”

  “Is he expecting me now?” she asked, surprised.

  “You’re a present, in return for a favor.”

  Sophie had begun to smile.

  “I rather like that idea,” she said after a pause. “Being given away as a present to a man who likes to spank. That way …”

  “It’s like it isn’t your choice,” he answered for her. “There’s nothing like letting go of your responsibility when it comes to sex, especially kinky sex. Still, perhaps you’d like a warm up?” Peter smiled and patted his lap.

  “In a moment,” Sophie agreed, before getting up and going to her wardrobe. “What would he like me to wear, do you think?”

  “Violet says you have a school uniform?” Peter answered. “That would be sure to appeal to him, especially if it includes a red tartan skirt. The girls at our neighboring convent used to wear red tartan and it left a lasting impression on me, so probably on Clive too. And that reminds me. When you arrive you’re to say you’re from Grove House Maids, got that?”

  “Grove House Maids, yes. How about a maid’s uniform then? I don’t have one, but …”

  She was clearly angling for a treat and Peter nodded, more than happy to make what he was sure would be a good investment.

  “I’ll buy you one, French style, perhaps, with a little pleated skirt and lots of petticoats underneath. I saw one in Soho this morning that would do very nicely—real satin, not the cheap nylon stuff. Okay, have a shower, or whatever you were going to do, then come over my knee for a bit, and we’ll go shopping before we visit Clive.”

  Sophie nodded and began to undress, ever so slightly shy as she stripped out of her jeans and shirt, underwear and bra, but clearly aware of Peter’s presence and that he was enjoying the view. She stayed fully nude as she dug a towel out from her chest of drawers, leaving her bent over for a moment so that he had a fine view of the split fig of her cunt and the crevice of her bottom. His cock had begun to stiffen in response, and stayed that way as she slipped on a robe and went to shower. He grew harder still when she re-emerged wearing only the towel, and he watched her dry off before applying moisturizer and scent.

  “How should I make-up?” she asked when she’d finally finished with her hair-dryer.

  “No more than a touch,” he advised. “You want to look like a naughty schoolgirl, or a
saucy maid as the case may be, but not an out and out hooker. Never use too much make-up unless you’re in fetish gear or something else really outrageous, otherwise it just makes you look cheap. First though, come on, over my knee. I’ve waited long enough.”

  Sophie’s mouth moved into the briefest of pouts before she responded, coming to him and laying herself down across his lap with her hands and feet braced on the floor and her bottom raised high. Peter was smiling as he turned up her towel to bare her ass, and he took the opportunity to explore her bottom for a while before laying on the smacks. She didn’t seem to mind, lying passive over his lap even as he lewdly parted her cheeks. The spanking made her wriggle and gasp a little, but she made no complaint. Indeed, she just seemed to accept it as something that happened … and it just so happened to leave her cunt wet and the air full of the scent of excited girl.

  Peter’s reaction had been much the same, a stiff cock and the need to come before doing anything else. Sophie seemed compliant rather than eager, perhaps enjoying the feeling of being obliged to accept the spanking rather than having to ask for it. So when he’d finished her off with a last few firm swats and helped her down from his lap, he simply unzipped his fly and pulled free his burgeoning erection as he spoke.

  “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind sucking me off?”

  Sophie made a face but got to her knees, accepting his cock in her mouth. Peter sat back, watching her suck. The sight of a pretty girl with a mouthful of cock was always appealing, but Sophie’s reaction was very different to Michelle’s. Shy, slightly unsure of herself, her expression suggested that it was something she was doing because she had to, and not really enjoying at all. That didn’t stop her doing her best, or milking him into her open mouth when he finally came. But there was no mistaking the disgust on her face as the cum splashed across her cheeks and nose as well as filling her mouth to leave a sticky white pool on her tongue.


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