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Sunscapes Trilogy Book 1: Last Chance

Page 35

by Michelle O'Leary

  "We're poking the hive to see what comes out to protect it,” she said with a hint of impatience. “It's been a very public attack, on all the news feeds, every step broadcast across the galaxy. Griffin's little FPA rats have to scramble pretty fast to cover his tracks, erase data, hide documents, pull strings. They'll make mistakes, and some will get caught."

  "Some already have,” Sin interrupted softly.

  Del's head jerked up, his eyes meeting hers for a brief, agonizing moment, before she turned her face away. Heart thudding in time with the headache growing between his temples, Del wondered at the darkness he'd seen in her eyes.

  "Three so far,” Kai continued, not bothering to turn away from the screens, his dark head swiveling slowly back and forth as he searched for new data. “One tried to free the Blue leader, which was stupid as all hell. I suspect Griffin will have him killed for sheer idiocy. He wouldn't want the detainees freed now—he'd want ‘em dead. I'm guessing that'll be the next catch of the day."

  "The other two were nearly as obvious,” Sin added, also not facing Del and Cassie. “One tried to destroy evidence, and the other tried to bribe one of our loyals."

  Her voice, distant and emotionless, dug at him like claws embedding in his flesh, goading him into lashing out. “So all this was just to help the FPA clean house? I would've expected more from the great and powerful Shays,” he sneered, aiming his attack at Sin's back, but she didn't turn, though he thought she might have stiffened.

  It was Kai who shifted around to grin lazily at him over his shoulder. “Your faith warms my heart, Giv,” he drawled, lifting an eyebrow in sardonic emphasis.

  Cassie was more direct. “Don't be stupid, Del!” she snapped. “We need the FPA free of Core, so that next time they can act."

  "Next time?” he asked, rather stupidly when he thought of it.

  She rolled her eyes. “Did you think this was the only thing we had planned? Suns preserve us, Del, you don't kill a hydra by cutting off its head, and you can't win at chess unless you think several moves in advance."

  Del stared at her for a second, before looking back up at Kai.

  Sin's brother had a lopsided grin warming his features. “Need a translation?"

  "Please,” Del responded dryly.

  Kai chuckled, and said, “This is just the beginning of what we've got in store for Griffin and Quasicore."

  "The beginning of the Endgame,” Sin murmured, and her brother glanced at her, his face sobering.

  "Ready to talk to Griff?” Kai asked her softly.

  She nodded without turning her head from the screens.

  Instead of a verbal command, Kai turned and touched something on the desk. A ghostly graphic flickered to life, floating above the desk's surface. It looked like a great tree, with many pale, dense branches and no main trunk. A touch from Kai and the thing seemed to grow, expanding out of sight until only one of the branches was visible. Another touch and the thing flickered out of existence.

  Kai turned back to the screens, leaning indolently against the desk and crossing his arms over his chest. When nothing happened immediately, the twins exchanged a knowing glance. “Think he's busy?” Kai asked with a touch of malice.

  She didn't get a chance to answer. Griffin's face appeared at the center of the screens, looking just as calm and collected as the last time Del had seen him.

  "Sinsudee, Manakai, what can I do for you?"

  It could have been Del's imagination, but he thought he heard an added note of briskness to the man's cultured tones.

  "You can die and go to hell,” Cassie mumbled at his side.

  Del glanced down in surprise to see her watching Griffin's image with murder in her eyes, hand yanking brutally at her braid. He gently reached over and unknotted her fingers, clasping them in his to keep her from mutilating herself. She sent him a quick, pained smile, before fixing her gaze back on Griffin as the twins greeted him.

  "Web, we've heard the distressing news,” Sin said, her voice smooth and warm with concern. “Is there anything we can do for you?"

  "You are sweet to offer, but it's just a matter of bringing the offending parties to justice. I'm naturally appalled to find that these people have been abusing my trust, but I'm grateful that the FPA has taken such swift action."

  Watching him, Del would never have guessed that he was lying through his teeth. He shook his dignified head with an aggrieved expression, as though saddened by the circumstances, but by no means worried about them. Del felt his stomach take a slow, nauseating roll.

  "I'm sure it was a shock, to find yourself so betrayed,” Sin replied in the same sympathetic tone, but Griffin's expression seemed to sharpen a little. “And a blow to your company as well. The market doesn't appear to be looking kindly on you today. If you need any help, financial or ... otherwise, please don't hesitate to call on us."

  "You are too kind,” Griffin said in a gentle voice that seemed to suggest that she was also naïve. There wasn't any indication that he was aware of her suggestive hesitation.

  "What are friends for?” Kai interjected carelessly. “And our relationship with you has been too lucrative to dismiss—we'll do what we can."

  Griffin paused for a brief second, pinning Kai with a silvery, razor-sharp gaze, before he smiled. “I'm gratified by your staunch support. I don't believe I'll need any assistance, but if it comes to that, I will be pleased to turn to you."

  "Good to hear it,” Kai responded, before his tone deepened to steely warning. “But in the future, Griff, you should be more careful."

  Griffin lost his smile, staring at Kai with his cold, hunter's eyes. “Careful?” he asked with silky menace.

  "About who you hire, of course,” Sin answered in a light, teasing voice.

  Griffin's expression eased, a faint smile reappearing on his thin lips. “Of course. Whatever would I do without your singularly brilliant advice?"

  Sin laughed, and Del closed his eyes, breathing carefully through the clenching pain in his chest. The last time she'd laughed like that, she'd been in his arms, saturating all his senses with pleasure.

  "We know you're busy, so we won't keep you. Thank you for taking our call,” Sin said, humor still warming her tone.

  "It was my pleasure,” Griffin responded, his smile widening in an imitation of affection. “You have been a bright light in an otherwise bleak day."

  "Until next time?"

  He tilted his head in acknowledgement, before his image blinked out of existence.

  Both twins sighed, as Sin sagged against the desk next to her brother. Del wondered if it was relief or weariness that prompted the sound. He didn't want to feel concern, but the dark circles he'd seen under Sin's eyes tugged at him.

  "Well,” Cassie announced, as she let go of Del's hand with a quick smile and directed her gaze at the twins, “that went okay, don't you think?"

  Kai grunted, watching his sister with a faint frown. “I can handle it myself from here. Go get some rest, Sissa,” he prompted in a low voice.

  Del saw her nod, but since her back was to him, he couldn't read her expression.

  "Has it been sent?” Sin asked.

  "Yes,” Cassie answered crisply. “It'll arrive later today."

  Del didn't bother asking what this new cryptic exchange was all about. His mind was bleary with apathy, killing any curiosity he had left, as he watched Sin straighten and head for the back door. Something twisted in his chest when she slipped from the room without a glance in his direction.

  "I've got to get back to work,” Cassie said in a distracted tone, as she worried at her braid again and shifted in place.

  Kai nodded, giving her a crooked smile. “I'll send you updates."

  "Thanks,” she murmured. Giving Del tight, sympathetic smile, she spun on her heel and marched through the clear partition to the offices beyond.

  Leaving sounded like the best damned idea he'd heard in an eternity. Del muttered, “Need to check my Shadow,” and headed for the exit.

>   "Hold it,” Kai commanded, his tone autocratic enough to make Del grind his teeth. “We have some business to clear up, you and I."

  Del turned with slow reluctance to meet the other man's gaze. Kai was still behind the desk, but now had both hands planted on the surface, his green eyes cool and direct. When Del didn't move, Kai gestured him closer with an imperious flick of one hand.

  He is your employer, Del reminded himself to keep from snarling at the man like a rabid dog. Taking a deep, fortifying breath, he strode forward until he was across from Kai. “What business?” he asked in less than patient tones.

  "Just a couple things,” Kai responded with cool briskness. “First, I'm delighted to tell you that because of the bonus and hazard pay you received from the Abantium run, plus hazard pay for this last mission to the factory, your debt to us is now paid."

  "What?” Del stared at the man, bewildered.

  "We wouldn't ordinarily garnish your wages, and would've accepted payments at your discretion, except there's been a change in circumstances."

  Del wasn't thinking straight, but that comment still made him tense warily. “What change in circumstances?"

  Kai straightened, folding his arms across his chest like a judge, his expression taking on an air of satisfaction that alarmed Del. “You're fired."


  "You disobeyed a direct order from me not to go to the factory. That's grounds for dismissal, per our contract. Since the conditions of your debt have also been met, our contract has therefore been terminated. You're fired, Givliani."

  "You ... can't—” Del ground out, shaking with barely checked fury and underlying panic.

  "I can. It's done."

  The faint, smug smile curling Kai's mouth almost made Del launch over the desk at him. They couldn't get rid of him like this. He refused to let them...

  "Did Sin put you up to this?” he snarled, his voice so thick with emotion, it was barely recognizable as his own.

  "Why don't you ask her yourself?” Kai responded, his tone silky smooth, humor still tugging at his lips. “I'm sure you remember where her suite is."

  "You bastard,” Del panted. “Why?"

  The humor receded from the other man's face, to be replaced by something even more humiliating—compassion. “As I said, you went against a direct order. For any other reason, you'll need to speak with my sister."

  "Fine,” he choked and spun on his heel, unable to look at the man any longer without giving in to violence.

  Stalking out of the office, he launched himself into the lift and drove his fingers into the keys. While the lift was in motion, he splayed his hands on the door's surface and watched his arms tremble, trying his damnedest to contain the rage rushing through him. It wasn't working.

  When the doors opened, he crossed the Gold Room with long, stiff strides, spinning down the short corridor to Sin's door like a cyclone. Ignoring the discreet door chime, he used his fist on the door in a satisfyingly violent way.

  "Mr. Givliani, how may I be of service?” Mina's smooth voice responded.

  "Open the Sun-damned door,” he snarled through his teeth.

  To his surprise, she did. Surprise didn't stop him from crossing the threshold, though. Marching into the cool welcome of Sin's quarters, he was physically struck by her scent, the fiery-sweetness taunting him with agonizing memories. But the sight of her nearly brought him to his knees.

  She came into the room with an expression of startled dismay, tightening the belt on her robe. It was full-length and covered her completely, but it was a thin, silvery material that clung to every supple curve. “Del, what are you—"

  Only his anger kept him moving. “You are not getting rid of me!” he shouted as he stalked towards her.

  Her brows pulled together in confusion. “Getting rid ... What are you talking about?"

  Her eyes pulled at him, the green depths clear and blameless, but he was too angry to be swayed this time. Furious as he was, though, prudence made him veer away to pace her living room before he came within touching distance.

  "You know what!” he snarled, sending her black looks, but doing his best not to hold her gaze. Those eyes. “You might be through with me, but I'm damned if I'm leaving! You wanna fire me, fine, but you'll have to drag my ass outta here yourself if you want—"

  "Fired?” she interrupted sharply.

  Something about her tone made him slow. Clenching his hands into fists, he growled, “That's right. Your brother just fired me."

  His heart plummeted when he saw the delighted smile curl her lips and light her face.

  "He did?” she asked softly.

  "Yeah,” he snarled, turning away from her before she could see the agony tearing at him. She was happy about it. She hadn't known her brother was going to fire him, but she was thrilled just the same. She was delighted to see him go.

  "But ... you're angry about it,” she said behind him in a hesitant voice.

  He didn't answer, baring his teeth at the emptiness in front of him and leaning his weight on the back of her couch, shoulders tensing with violence.

  "You wouldn't quit,” she murmured.

  He pushed off the couch hard enough to make it skid, rounding on her. “So you decided to force me out, one way or the other? Is that it?"

  "Why would we...” she started, then shook her head, hands coming up to cup her elbows. “Del, you're not making sense. We don't want you to leave."

  That rocked him. Blinking, he muttered, “What?"

  Lowering her eyes to his chest, she added softly, “I don't want you to leave."

  Feeling terribly dense, he stared at her. “Then why the hell am I fired?"

  She pressed her lips together and looked around the room for a moment while she shifted in place, before fixing her eyes on his chest again. “Why do you want to stay?"

  Staring at her downcast eyes in mute dismay, he realized that he should have anticipated that question before he came charging up here. But he hadn't exactly been thinking straight. Still wasn't. She'd said she didn't want him to leave, though...

  Lifting his hands palm up in a helpless gesture, he let them fall back to his sides as he sighed, “I can't leave."

  Her eyes shot up to his, their bright depths holding him hostage. “Because of your debt?"

  "No, it's paid,” he rasped. “Bonuses and hazard pay."

  "Your—your brother, then?"

  "You, Sin,” he surrendered quietly. “I can't leave you."

  One of her hands slowly rose to her mouth, as if she was shocked or distressed. “But you wouldn't quit,” she mumbled behind it.

  He ran a hand through his hair with a low, frustrated growl. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

  Blinking at him, she lowered her hand, uncovering the beginnings of a soft smile. “Del ... I thought that meant you didn't want me anymore. Me not being your employer was the only way we could be together. I couldn't fire you, but Kai found a way—"

  He closed the space between them in two long strides, hauling her up against his chest with more desperation than gentleness. Capturing her mouth with his own, he kissed her with all the anguished passion in his soul. After an eternity, he lifted his head and stared down into wild green eyes.

  "Not want you?” he ground out, giving her a little shake. “Suns curse it, Sin, I'm stupid in love with you."

  With a low sound in the back of her throat, she slipped her arms around his neck and pulled his head back down, molding her lips to his in hot demand as she pressed her luscious curves against him. His frustrated anger and anguish were burned away as fire roared through him, obliterating everything except the succulent mouth searing his own and the soft body arching into his with silent command.

  He pressed her closer, desperate hands running over the arch of her back and cupping her silk-covered bottom with an aching groan. She whimpered into his mouth, fingers spearing into his hair and nails scraping his skin. Crazy with need, he bore her to the floor, yanking on h
er robe urgently.

  "Oh, yes,” she whispered as the cloth slipped away from her skin and his weight pressed her into the floor. “Yes, Del..."

  He was driven wild by the fire in her eyes and the feel of her sleek limbs wrapping around his waist. Burying one hand in her hair and running the other over the silky skin he'd exposed, he tilted his pelvis in a slow press against her core, growling with primitive delight when she gasped and arched into him. Her eyes slid closed, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she quivered in his grasp. With a luscious sound in her throat, she pulled his shirt up and sank her nails into the small of his back, urging him closer.

  He was desperate to oblige and began tearing at his clothes. She assisted, though she didn't speed up the process when she paused to caress and kiss the heated flesh they uncovered. By the time he was naked, he was shaking and delirious with desire. Whispering her name over and over, he twisted his fingers in her hair and settled his weight between her sleek thighs. When he thrust inside her, burying himself completely, they both cried out.

  Del froze, muscles tensing rigidly as he fought the primitive urge to let go, to pound into her with savage passion, to possess her utterly. The awkward pilot's seat had not allowed him to be this deep inside her, to feel the heat of her surrounding him so completely and to feel every soft curve of her pressing into him.

  "Del,” she moaned in his ear, her hands sweeping his back in urgent demand as her hips shifted against him.

  "I can't—” he panted, but she growled and nipped his ear.

  "Yes,” she hissed, “you can."

  Her teeth sinking into his shoulder destroyed the last of his control. Tightening his fist in her hair, he drove into her as he brought his mouth to hers, his low, savage cry mingling with her own. There was no finesse to his movements, just desperate need which she matched, thrust for thrust, kiss for kiss. The pleasure was immense and uncontainable, rolling through his body in wild waves until it broke him apart, destroying him with a sensation too vast to comprehend or resist.

  "Suns,” Sin sighed in his ear a while later, as they lay quivering in each other's arms. “We missed the damned bed again."


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